Without You ( Under Editing )

De PrinceCrissy5210

99.8K 1.8K 635

"...Don't you get it? I don't want to be your friend, I want be your one and only..." While one seeks to reb... Mais

🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️

🌕•••Without You•••☀️

3.9K 126 55
De PrinceCrissy5210

Without You (SasuxNaru)
Chapter 07: Reconnecting; Father & Son.

Minato stepped aside allowing Naruko to come inside the restaurant, he guided the boy over to his office and went back into the kitchen to prepare a nice, warm and simple meal for the boy who he imagined probably didn't have anything to eat yet. Minato placed the food down in front of Naruko and handed him utensils to use. Minato sat down in the seat opposite to his and watched as the other ate his food until he was finished. Naruko leaned back into his seat bringing a cup of warm coffee to his lips taking a sip from it before placing it back down on to the coffee table, Minato looked to Naruko who was looking back at him, the atmosphere was heavily awkward. Naruko was finally sitting down face to face with his father but he didn't know how to even start the conversation. He knew that what had happened to him as a baby wasn't their fault but still he wanted to blame them for not protecting him, for giving up on him when he was out there in the world all alone and scared while his brother was the apple of their parent's affection. Suddenly Minato pulled out a picture from within his wallet, it was a picture of Kushina, and this brought Naruko out of his thoughts as he took the picture from Minato's hands with a soft yet sad expression his face. "...I've never really been good at these sorts of things, if she was here instead of me then she'd knew right away exactly what to do. We didn't want to give up searching for you, when we learned what had really happened we searched high and low, day and night but couldn't find a trace of you or the person who took you. Although we had people we trusted looking after Naruto we couldn't abandoned him at such a crucial time, Kushina of course kept going despite her sickness. She grew weaker as the days gone by and eventually we decided to move so that she could spend the time she had left with us while also receiving the medical care she needed." Minato explained, looking to Naruko with a remorseful look on his face. "I know it's not what you want hear, and it sounds a lot like excuses but we missed you every day, you were in our thoughts and every prayer, we celebrated every birthday and holidays with you in mind. I understand if you hate or resent me but please don't hate your mother or your brother. I asked her to not tell Naruto about you, I stopped searching for you even after she passed away and I promised her I'd keep searching. You went through and probably endured a lot of things that a kids shouldn't, all because I was too much of coward to continue looking." Minato elaborated, casting his gaze towards the wooden coffee table.

Naruko looked between the man in front of him and the picture of Kushina and sighed, he placed the picture down on to the coffee table before pulling out a crumbled and old picture from the back of his pocket placing it down on the coffee table and pushing it towards Minato's field of vision. It was a picture of Kushina, Minato and Naruto from when they left the country to live abroad celebrating Naruto's birthday. Minato looked at the old pictured stunned; he was curious to know how Naruko had obtained this picture. "The person who took me gave me this picture the day he threw me away, he told me about you, Naruto and my mother. I don't know why I kept this picture for so long when I resented every single one of you, I wished terrible things would happen to you and everyone you cared about, I was hurting and I wanted you all to feel the pain I was going through. I was an Omega trying to survive on the streets, getting by as best I could, laying and changing beds just to make ends meet. I endured a lot, I've seen a lot and I blamed all of you for it...yet whenever I was scared I'd turned to this picture for reassurance, for comfort." Naruko said, a shaky breath escaping his lips followed by a single tear escaping his eye, streaming down the side of his face. Minato stood up from where he sat his knee hitting the coffee table hard knocking it and everything above it over, his body trembled with emotions as he looked to his son with a grief-stricken look on his face. "I would look at the picture imagining a world where I wasn't taken and I had a family, a world where she wasn't dead..."Naruko buried his face into the palm of his hands with tears escaping his eyes along with uncontrollable sobbing. Minato lunged forward embracing Naruko into his arms holding on to the other tightly. The action was unexpected and so were the feelings stirring up inside him, he always wanted to be held by his parents. Naruko began to cry louder and harder due this, and Minato held on the boy even tighter hoping to bring the boy comfort and assurance.

After awhile Naruko finally calmed down as he lay on to the coach inside Minato's office as Minato cleaned up the mess he had made, Naruko had an arm over his face as he felt too embarrassed to show his face. "...I'm sorry; I know I just cried in your arms and all but there's still a part of me that's not completely on board with forgiving you yet. I'm glad we got to talk though, I've been wanting to for awhile now and now that I have...I feel a lot better now. I hope you'll continue to let me stay over at that house until you're ready for me to meet Naruto, I know It might take bit but I'm willing to wait, In the meantime please don't neglect me, I want you to come to the house to see me." Naruko remarked, his face still covered by his arm. Minato smiled as he moved over to the couch placing a warm hand on top of the boy head, ruffling it slightly before taking his hand away. "I was waiting for Naruto's heat to end before we all sat down together, I don't know if you know this but we'll be moving soon back over into that house, and since you're here now I want you to meet your brother as soon as possible so we could all move into that house together, like a family." Minato elaborated, looking down at the boy laying on the couch with a pleased look on his face. Naruko peeked up at the man standing before him and nodded his head.

Minato and Naruko left the restaurant after locking up and made their way towards the nearest bus stop, Naruko looked to his father who sat beside him waiting for a bus with him and moved in closure resting his head on top of his shoulder. "...It's only cause it's cold! This means nothing." He barked, his cheek tainted by a light shade of pink. Minato chuckled wrapping his arms around the other bringing him closure to him. "I've been meaning to ask; how did you find us? I mean I doubt you just stumbled across the restaurant by accident." Minato questioned, curious to know how Naruko managed to track him and Naruto down. Naruko sighed looking up at the night sky above, a cold cloud escaping from between his lips. "The guy I was shacking up with before this is a member of a serious Yakuza gang and I ask for his help. Don't worry though he promised me that he wouldn't come looking for me nor that he'd come causing trouble for you or Naruto." Naruko explained, looking to his father with insecure and hesitant look on his face. Minato casted his gaze down towards the pavement glaring at nothing in particular before he looked to his son beside him with a solemn expression. "...How old was he? Did he...did he make you do things you were uncomfortable with as payment?" Minato questioned, looking into Naruko's eyes to find the answer. Naruko bumped his forehead against Minato's and grinned at him. "It wasn't anything like that, he was a kind and honest man, he was the son of the leader...and the first boy I actually...sort of...kind of liked." He replied.

Minato had so many questions he wanted to ask but before he could the bus Naruko needed to take had slowly came to a stop at the bus stop, Naruko stood up from his seat and made his way towards the bus door placing on leg on to the steps before he turning towards Minato. "I bet you have a lot of questions, some I'll be willing to answer but there are once that I'll tell you in due time. Will talk more tomorrow when you come to visit." Naruko grin at Minato, Minato smiled at the boy as he stood behind him at the door. "...Then I'll see you tomorrow." Minato said, watching Naruko climbing into the bus and take his seat at the far back. Minato watched the bus drive off until it was no longer insight before he made his way back towards the restaurant where he had been staying at for the week with a look of content on his face. It didn't take long for Naruko to walk the rest of the way home once he had been dropped off at the Bus stop nearest to the house, he walked up the flight of steps leading to the porch completely unaware of his surrounds, as he stepped inside the house jogging towards the front gate was Kiba and he couldn't believe his eyes. He had just spoken to Naruto on the phone a little while ago since he couldn't sleep, had he known that Naruto was in the area he would've stopped by but since it was late in the evening he couldn't possibly drop by unannounced, so he turned around and made his way back home but as he was jogging back his mind would wonder why Naruto was out so late and how he got over his heat so quickly.

Meanwhile back in the city in an alleyway near the restaurant stood a group of rough and scary looking man, and at the center of the group was a pale skin boy with jet black hair scrolling through his phone, another man soon came jogging into the alleyway forcing the important looking teen to meet there gaze. "It's Naruko boss, no doubt about it!" the man reported, the pale skin teen smiled as he pulled up a picture of him and Naruko which made his smile widen even more. "Call the manor; tell them that we'll be down here a little while longer and to hold down the forte." He ordered, looking towards Minato's restaurant with a sly smile on his face.

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