Prison Chic #1st book of the...

Από RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Death.. and Love
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)
BONUS Ending

Chapter 34

7.6K 165 16
Από RedNos

Hi all, I had to didicate this chapter to Meira11 my cutest reader ever . she made me laugh so match the past week.

love you sweets, hope you like this one <3

Julian caught the site of the ten men who looked suspicious and was surrounding Sara’s truck. He cursed under his breath as he looked at the road Isaac said he’d meat him in.

He was about to ignore his friend and run to the truck when he heard a loud screech from his friend’s mustang as it stopped right beside him.

Isaac lowered his window with a huge proud smile in his face at the power of his car. “She’s a babe, isn’t she?” Isaac beamed referring to his car and Julian all but rolled his eyes.

He went to the driver side door and opened it.

“Scoot over!” Julian ordered and Isaac’s eyes widened in surprise, but he immediately complied.

“What’s wrong?” Isaac quirked up a brow.

“Since you are too much of a pussy to try this move on real people…” Julian said and Isaac’s eyes widened as Julian started moving the car with full speed toward Sara’s truck.

“Julian?” Isaac said with a panicked tone as he grabbed the handle above his head to stabilize himself.

“The mafia are attacking Anna right now!” Julian bellowed at him.

“Fuck!” Isaac hissed as he saw the black leather circle of men surrounding the truck.

“Joanna! Stop jumping in front of me every time someone comes at me. I can take care of it!” Sara snapped at Joanna who just jumped and back kicked the man who was approaching Sara with a large knife in his hand.

“I know you can.” Joanna said as she punched the man in his nose, receiving a very loud cry. “But it’s me they want. And they are not going to kill me.” Joanna said finally, remembering when Julian told her their purpose.

“How the hell did they find us?” Sara snapped as she hit the man in his head when the wooden stick she grabbed from her truck before they got out.

Joanna was too busy to answer when she was face to face with Dominic.

“Hello, Dominic.” Joanna said with a smirk. “Did you come back so I can finish you once and for all?” she prompted mockingly and saw as fire crossed his eyes.

“Oh, you bitch!” he snapped and swung his metal rail at her but she backed away quickly. It was a good thing they’d just eaten, or she wouldn’t have that much power to sustain her speed.

She looked around and saw most of gangsters were closely surrounding them so she stepped in front of Sara in protection, ignoring her protest; the truck back was behind them, as she thought of the next strategy.

Where the hell was Julian?

Just as the thought crossed her mind, a screeching sound of tires being scrapped on the street came from their right as Isaac’s care appeared behind the men, hitting two of them in the process while the others backed away a few paces.

“Get it!” Julian ordered fiercely and Joanna was about to grab Sara and Jump right in the car when she thought of something.

In a matter of spilt second she turned around and kicked Sara with full strength in her stomach, sending her flying back and into the back of the truck. Joanna immediately pulled the truck back door and slid down while she yelled, “I’m so sorry!”

Once the door was locked, she through the key away and turned to jump through the opened door of the midnight blue mustang, landing on Isaac’s lap.

Julian immediately turned the car around and kicked in the gear to full speed.

“Good move.” Julian told Joanna who were unconsciously grabbing Isaac’s thighs for stabilization.

“mmhmm.” She said quickly, trying not to focus on the speed Julian was going with.

“Go that way!” Isaac bellowed and Joanna flinched as Julian turned the car viciously to the right.

Sara cursed loudly at the stunt Joanna just threw. How could she do this to her?

She stood up and tried to open the truck’s back door.

Locked, damn it.

She noticed the sound of the men outside disappearing and found a small pore in the truck’s metal wall that allowed small trickle of light in. she went there and looked through the port and her eyes widened.

She saw Dominic getting inside a gold GMC jeep and remembered seeing it somewhere.

Right! That was when the cop in the last inspection point whom Isaac had to distract from searching her truck. She noticed this car right behind Isaac’s on the que. They must’ve suspected her truck then.

Damn it, she was too careless.

She searched her pockets for her cellphone to call Kevin, but she remembered giving it to Julian.


“Hey, Lian, hand me Sara’s phone!” Joanna said quickly as Julian took yet another crazy turn when the gangs started following them with their large cars.

Lian?” Isaac mused at Joanna’s use of Julian’s special nickname.

“What for?” Julian ignored his friend and asked Joanna.

“I have to tell Kevin about Sara!” she said.

Julian grabbed the phone swiftly out of his jeans and threw it at her. Joanna started searching for Kevin’s number in the phone.

“So you are in neck-names phase right now?” Isaac said mockingly to Julian, wiggling his brows stupidly.

“Do you think we have time for this now, Zaac?” Julian asked angrily before he avoided a car that was coming right at them.

“Hello? Kevin?” Joanna shouted at the phone.

“I’m sorry dude. It’s just I never thought you could care for someone like that again!” Isaac was still perusing the subject.

“JOANNNA! WHAT HAPPENED!” Kevin’s bellowed from the other side of the line.

“Sara is trapped in her truck in front of the burger place she like in Canon city!” Joanna blurted out quickly.

“What? Who trapped her?” Kevin asked quickly.

“I did!” Joanna said boldly. “I had to, the mafia are behind us.” She announced.

“Shut the phone!” Julian ordered.

“I’m so sorry Kevin!” Joanna said finally, hearing as Kevin threw strings of curses and finished the call.

“So, how did he take it?” Julian said as he looked at the rear view mirror.

“Quite well, actually.” Joanna said.

Julian chuckled as he imagined the large guard exploding with anger. Sara could take care of herself. It was a good thing Joanna got her out of their problems before she was involved too deeply.

Now he had to do the same… for Isaac.

“Joanna!” Julian said, “Get ready.”

“For what?” Isaac asked in confusion as he looked from one to the other.

Joanna seemed to pick up on his thoughts and said, “ok.”

“Zaac, I think we lost track of them.” Julian said, checking again on his rear-view mirror just to make sure.

“Ok, and…?” Isaac prompted, knowing his friend was preparing for something reckless.

“I’ll stop behind that building and me and Joanna will get off. You drive away as fast as you can!” Julian told him.

“No way man. I’m not going to leave you here.” Isaac told him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll still need you.” Julian told him as he parked swiftly behind one of the building. “We’ll need to reach Denver.” Julian announced and Isaac’s eyes widened.

Carson city?” Isaac asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes.” Julian said without looking at him.

Isaac looked at the girl who was sitting on his lap who was looking at them with confused eyes.

Julian looked at Isaac with threatening eyes before he saw Joanna’s jumbled one, and decided to tell her.

“My mom lives there.” He said.

Joanna looked at Isaac then at him, “Your mom? You mean the one…..”

“Yeah, the one that fucked both our lives!” Isaac said shooting his friend a glare.

“Oh.” Joanna said and looked at Julian.

“I think if we were to leave as far as we could, then we have a better chance of not getting caught.” Julian said, looking at the steering wheel instead of their faces.

“Are you seriously going to take the risk just to go see that bitch?” Isaac snapped at him.

“Isaac, stop!” Joanna said to him before she looked at Julian again. “If that what you need to do, then I’m going with you.”

Julian looked at Joanna with a surprised look before his eyes softened at her understanding. He pulled her away from Isaac and into his lap.

“I promise you,” he said as he kissed her hand, “that I will not let anything come in the way of our escape.”

“I believe you.” Joanna said, smiling down at him.

Isaac looked at them and something inside him felt relieved. Even if his friend was still hung up on his mother, now he had someone who was more important to him. To Julian that was a first, Isaac thought.

“Alright,” Isaac said as he sat up. “I’m not going to stop you, but I will not stay and do nothing.”

“No please, Isaac.” Joanna looked at him, “I don’t want you to get into troubles because of us.”

“Believe me sweetheart, I’m already in trouble.” Isaac said, flashing her his large charming smile.

“You know that my father has his own investments, cars, houses, apartments. I’ll prepare a car for you in a matter of an hour or less. You need to hide out through that time.” He explained.

“I’ll see if I can find a place in Carson that you can hide in until everything calms down.”

“Great!” Joanna said with an appreciated smile, leaning down and kissing Isaac softly in his cheek before she turned and opened the door, she jumped out of Julian’s lap and out of the car and said, “I’ll give you two a minute.” She beamed at both of them and closed the car door.

Julian felt the awkward air thickening inside the car. “Look, Zaac.” He started to say but Isaac cut him quickly.

“It’s alright, Julian.” He said, “I know how much you pathologically love your mom. But I know now how much you love Joan too, and if I was right, even more than you care for your mom.” He looked at Julian then, “That’s why I’m sure that you wouldn’t do anything stupid because you have someone like her now. Am I right?”

“More than you have ever been in your life!” Julian smiled brazenly and Isaac punched his shoulder playfully.

“I do care about her so much.” Julian said and looked at Joanna with a soft expression.

That expression turned quickly into worry when Julian saw Joanna staring at something faraway with wide terrified eyes.

“Shit!” Isaac exclaimed when he looked behind and saw a large GMC heading their way in full speed.

“WATCH OUT!” Julian shouted at her as he opened the car door quickly trying to reach to her but jumped back when the gold GMC almost ran him as it stopped right next to the mustang.

“Isaac, GO NOW!” he ordered his friend and shut the door, running around the large GMC to see four men jumping out of it and approaching Joanna.

His Anna.

Joanna was terrified as she watched four people coming at her. She was torn between running away and staying when she saw Julian coming behind him and yelling, “ANNA, RUN!”

The four gangsters immediately turned around at him. He swiftly punched one in the face and kicked one right in the gut, but the other two came behind him and sized him by his arms.

Joanna was about to jump right in and trey to help him but froze in her place when she saw Dominic getting out of the car with a wicked grin that promised horror.

“Get out of here, DAMN IT!” Julian bellowed angrily at her, all the while struggling to get away from the four men’s hold.

Joanna watched as one of them gave Julian one solid blow to the stomach and heard as he grunted with pain. He opened one eye and looked painfully at her.

“Please, go!” he said excruciatingly before he received another blow to the face.

Joanna saw Dominic approaching her quickly and she decided to run. She’d have to call Kevin or Isaac for help, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to help anyone right now.

“STOP RIGHT THERE, BLAKE!” she heard Dominic’s harsh shout behind her and ran faster. She didn’t know this place. She didn’t know where to go.

Panic started creeping down her spine as she struggled in the red flats Sara had brought for her.

She tried to kick them off and fallen in the process. She grunted in pain when her bare knees hit the rough ground.

“Gotch ya!” Dominic bellowed in triumph when he jumped on top of her and grabbed her by the short strands of her hair.

“Aaaagh, get the fuck of me!” Joanna snarled at him and punched his gut, not strong enough to let him release her.

He sized her arms and straddled her legs to keep her still. “You are one little fire-cracker, aren’t you?” Dominic said with his disguising voice.

He held both her wrists in one big hand and grabbed the back of her head with the other.

“Look at you.” He smiled darkly as he examined her face. “So different than the first time I saw you.”

Joanna moved her head to jerk from his grip but that only made him grip on it tighter making her flinch with pain.

“You think your life is all love and rainbows, don’t you?” he said as he chuckled sickly, struggling to keep her still under him.

“Well, you’ll be shocked if you knew who was the one who ratted your whereabouts to us!” he said and Joanna stilled under him.

She couldn’t believe herself when she said, “Who?” curiosity overpowering her pride.

Just when Dominic opened his mouth to tell her, someone came behind him and grabbed him too easily like he weighed nothing.

“Anna, is that the one you got in prison for almost killing?” Julian asked as he threw Dominic’s body to the ground and stepped slowly toward him.

“Lian!” Joanna exclaimed with surprise and gasped when she saw blood trickling out of his forehead.

“Dominic, was it?” Julian said and Joanna couldn’t miss the maniac tone in his voice. He looks scary as shit right then.

“Julian, let’s go.” She said to his back when she got up on her feet.

“In a sec, sweets. Just need to finish the job for you.” He said without turning to look at her terrified eyes as he towered over the other man who was scrambling back in the ground.

“Ray! Weyden? CLAUDE!” Dominic bellowed as he called his friends, but no one answered.

“Oh, don’t waste your breath, Nick, they won’t be coming.” Julian spat down at him and grabbed him viciously by the collar.

“Stop, Julian!” Joanna said, surprised at the scared tone in her voice.

Dominic and Julian were almost the same built, but somehow, Julian looked so much larger right now, and a fuck load scarier.

“I can’t believe you let him walk alive that night, Anna. How thoughtful of you.” Julian said sarcastically and tilted his head to the side, his face only one inch away from a very terrified Dominic as he smiled devilishly at the man.

“No, STOP!” Dominic begged a moment before Julian’s fist landed at the center of his face.


Joanna flinched when she saw Julian beating the man senseless. She was too scared when she heard Julian laugh at the other man’s cry.

She was scared, both for and from him.

“JULIAN! ENOUGH!” Joanna bellowed behind him and grabbed his steel of an arm to her chest, pulling as hard as she could. Julian stopped and turned slowly at her.

She gasped and released his arm involuntary to clasp her hands over her mouth in a terrified gesture when she saw blood splashed all over his face and the top of his white shirt, both his and the other man’s. But that wasn’t what scared her; it was the blank murderous ice look in his eyes, which turned fire into stone that made her heart jump.

It looked like he noticed her frightened look because he instantly left Dominic, who fell lifelessly to the ground. He tried to approach her but she stepped back.


“We need to leave right now.” She managed to say, looking away from his face.

Julian was about to say something else when he heard police cars approaching.

“Alright, come on.” He said softly and bent down to gather her slippers before the two of them started running.

Joanna tried to keep her dark thoughts away. She thought she was the only one who had the ability to blackout and turn into a monster.

Apparently not!



P.S. to readers:

Hi my awesome people! Please don’t let me apologies for the short Chap again T..T

I’m trying my best, alright?

So that was intense, right? Joanna was definitely shocked by Julian’s latest actions! And Dominic was about to tell her everything, Whoa!

I’m excited?>> I know!

So what did you think about Julian maniac side? Please don’t judge him, he did it out of love

Anyway. Hope you liked it, please comment and tell me what are your thought! One word would mean a lot.

And vote if you did like it *kisses*


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