Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

41.3K 1.4K 383

It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



3K 79 32
By dokyeomdotcom





As Sirius and I followed my parents through the house to the living room, countless thoughts ran through my head. 

Were they about to rat me out to my best friend? I sure hope not, because Sirius will literally kill me. I thought. 

"Sit." My dad told us and we sat on the couch.

I was absolutely terrified, but also so very pissed off. None of this was anyone's business but mine and Regulas. I looked at my mom to have her stop my father, but she shook her head at me. My anger began to rise. 

"Sirius," my father began. "Are you aware of the relationship between Kelsey and your brother Regulas?" He asked.

Sirius just got way more confused. 

So attractive, yet so stupid. I almost laughed. 

"I mean, I know they're like best friends... I don't talk to him much since we hate one another, but we're civil for Kelsey's sake." He said to my dad.

James had come into the living room now and leaned against the door frame to the kitchen. Neither of my parents told him to leave, so I knew both of them were about to hate me. 

"Do you know, Kelsey and Regulas kissed at the end of last year?" My dad asked Sirius, and bot his and James' jaws dropped.

My eyes widened in horror, and even my mom raised her eyebrows at my dads question. Clearly she didn't think he would just blurt that out. 

"I'm sorry, they what?" Sirius asked slowly. 

He looked at me with an 'oh really now," type look and then slapped a fake ass smile on his face to look back at my parents.

"Kelsey got a letter this morning from him, containing a photo of them kissing." My dad finished.

I saw James slowly back out of the room, eyes widen and mouth pressed into a thin line. I knew he didn't want to be here in case Sirius blew up. But he didn't which shocked me more.

"Right, I'm going to kill him. Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Clearwater." Sirius said, then he got up and went out the back door, slamming it behind him.

I watched him leave, wincing as he slammed the door. Looking at my watch I saw it was now about ten-fifteen. We needed to leave, but not before I said this to my father.

"What's wrong with you!" I all but shouted, "Yes, Regular and his parents are absolutely awful to Sirius, okay." I started.

"But he cares about me, he and Sirius are civil, for me. I like him a lot and I'm not going to allow you to interfere with that. I am fifteen years old and will be sixteen this November. Stop treating me like a First Year!" I said, getting off the couch and grabbing the bookbag I almost forgot.

I walked straight to the back door, opening it and slamming it behind me. Not even bothering to say goodbye to my parents. They'll be lucky if they get a letter from me at all this semester. 

Sirius and James were seated in the way back of the Potter's car that they had just to drive to and from King's Cross Station. I went and placed my bag by my trunk then I got in the car, making sure my sister had all of her stuff beforehand.

I climbed in the back and sat between Sirius and James. James smiled at me, but he looked like he was trying not to laugh. Sirius full on ignored me and I sighed sadly, great, one of my best friends was mad at me. 

Thanks, dad. 

"How was your summer, James?" I asked him, trying to not be bored this entire car ride to King's Cross Station.

His parents were muttering quietly in the front seat, and his mother kept glancing at me out of the side of her eyes, so I knew either James or Sirius told them what just happened. 

"It was okay, a bit boring, even with Padfoot over here, but we managed," he said grinning. "Sirius moved in over the summer and will be living with us until graduation so."

He smiled wider, which was good because I knew he wasn't mad at me and I could tell his best friend living with them was a great thing.

Then my mood shifted to sadness. Sirius must have moved in with them because of his family. I looked over at Sirius to see him twirling his wand in his fingers, deep in thought. 

"Sirius?" I asked timidly, "are you okay? I know if you're mad about the kiss, I should've told you but-."

"I'm not mad," he interrupted me and continued, "just confused, why didn't you tell me you liked, let alone kissed Regulas?" 

I looked down at my hands.

"I didn't know how you'd take it, I honestly didn't even tell anyone about it, well, Narcissa happened to walk by when we kissed and started to make a huge deal about it," I rolled my eyes, remembering the drama queen.

Narcissa was our age and a cousin of Sirius and Regulas. Her two sisters were Bellatrix and Andromeda, of which I only liked Andromeda. Bellatrix was a psychopathic bitch. 

"Regulas threatened to hexed her and her boyfriend Lucius when she threatened to tell you. He knew you would be mad and make sure he and I would never see each other again. I wanted to tell you and the others. You, James, Peter, Remus, Lily, and Andromeda. But, I promised I wouldn't and so did he." I explained and he nodded.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. I suppose he knew your family hates mine, as much as I do, and didn't want you in the crossfire. But please, next time tell me?" He asked and I nodded.

He pulled me into a side hug and I was glad he didn't hate me and we were still friends.

"Promise me one thing though," he said.

"Sure, what?" I asked.

"If you guys have sex, don't tell me about that." He grimaced and I laughed, so did James.

"Kelsey better not have sex, otherwise I'll be telling mom and dad." Jamie spoke up and I glared at her while she smirked.

"You do that, then they find out about Nick," I smirked back and I saw her face drop. She turned away from me again and stared out the window.

"Ooooh, who's Nick." James teased my sister, who sat next to him the entire way to London, while Sirius and I talked about this year's classes.

"We're almost there dears, are you excited?" Mrs. Potter turned in her seat to ask us and we all said our share of yes'.

At last, the time came for us to get on the Hogwarts Express. We were running a bit late this morning due to the 'chat' I had with my parents and Sirius, so we had to rush to get our things and get to Platform 9 3/4.

"See you at Christmas dears!" James' mom said to us, giving both Sirius and James larges kisses on their cheeks.

They rubbed their faces, saying something about being men, causing both me and Mrs. Potter to rolled our eyes. She gave me a hug and so did his dad and then we hurried onto the train before it left without us.

"Alright, so I'm going to meet Reg, I'll see you guys later." I hugged them both, telling them to tell Remus, Peter, Andromeda, and Lily I said 'hi', then I headed toward mine and Regulas's spot.

On the ride back to London, after my Second Year and his First, we found this empty compartment and made it ours. Anyone who knew and saw us in there knew not to bother us because it was ours and only ours. 

I walked in and threw my trunk up on the luggage rack when I heard the compartment door open behind me.

"I was wondering when I would see you." I heard a voice behind me and I was met with my four-year-long crush, Regulas Black. I smiled and tackled him into a hug.

"I've missed you Reg," I whispered into his ear,

"I've missed you too," he whispered back and we pulled away. "Shall we sit?" 

We talked about summer and how much we missed Hogwarts and how I only had two years left while he had three. After, I told him what happened this morning with his letter and the photo. I had long since taken it out of my bra and placed it in a book I'm reading. 

"So, that's not exactly the impression I wanted to leave on your parents, but okay." He rubbed the back of his neck, something he always did when he was nervous, 

"I've been wanting to ask you something since that happened, but I didn't know how and I was hoping I could ask you now?" He looked up at me and my eyebrows raised.

He never asks, to ask me something unless it's something very important.

"Of course, you can ask me anything Reg," I told him. 

He got up from his seat across from me and sat next to me taking one of my hands in his. His floppy black hair, shorter than Sirius', fell in his eyes.

"So, it's been four years since we met... My first year and your second year. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, even though I still thought girls were gross." I laughed a little while he smiled. 

"You make me feel really happy, something I don't usually feel because of my family. But even since we kissed last spring, that happiness kept me going through the Summer, knowing I would see you again." He continued, and I felt myself smiling at how cute he was being. 

"What I'm trying to say, is I really, really like you. And I hope you like me too..."

Regulas liked me back... Regulas Black likes me back.

"Kelsey?" I heard him ask me and I also heard slight sadness in his voice, "oh god you don't like me, I'm sorry I shouldn't have, Jesus, I sound like a Hufflepuff right-" I shut him up by kissing him full on the lips.

I pulled away and smiling at him.

"Of course I like you back," I told him and he smiled.

"In that case, will you be my girlfriend, Kelsey?" He asked smiling super wide.

"Yes, I will!" I smiled at him, we went in to kiss again when the compartment door opened.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here Prongs." A voice spoke.

Regulas and I's heads immediately shot toward the door where I saw several of my best friends and my little sister.

Sirius and James were smirking, so were Lily and Andromeda. Remus looked closed off, but that's usually how he looked and Peter just looked plain confused. 

"I'm telling mum and dad," Jamie said before running off.

And it was at this moment... I knew I was fucked. 

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