The Stalker


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Marceline Vega was just a girl living on her own in the state of New York. With her edgy style and hardcore p... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13


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Louis POV

After making sure Marceline was completely out I handcuffed her back to bed. I trust her to not leave but if Zayn saw he would have me in a body bag before midnight.

Hopefully all of this will be over soon. But then again I don't want it to be over so soon. The sooner with finish the job the closer Marceline will be to dying. I still don't understand why Zayn took this job. Or why she has to die. I can't really explain the whole job because its so complicated. Even though I'm the head leader only Zayn knows the plan fully. The others know very little of the plan. Zayn and I have been slowly letting them know more of it as we go along.

Back when Zayn first took the job it was all about the money. Now its about something different. Ever since he first saw her photo he wanted to take her and keep her for himself. But the job is to kill her off. He doesn't want to kill her, but we have to go through with the job or we'll all be dead. But at some point no matter what Marceline will end up dead. Whether from us doing our job, or her upsetting Zayn.

I wish we'd never accepted this job...


Third Person POV

"Guys we need to grocery shopping we're out of food." Niall informed them. All the boys were sitting in the living room watching the news.

Ever since they took Marceline they had to make sure no one would call her in as missing. Even though they planted a note at her apartment letting everyone know she would be out of town, they knew someone would find it a bit suspicious. Especially since Niall was gone too. But even he left a note.

"We'll go once the news is over." Zayn said to him.

"Who's going to stay with Marcie? She's gonna wakeup soon and she'll be hungry again." Liam asked.

"I could st-" Niall started to say before being interrupted.

"No Niall, you're coming with me. Harry will stay behind and watch her." Louis said as he stood from his seat.

He looked over at Harry and nodded. Harry nodded back and got up to go to Marcies room.

"Its over now. Lets go before it gets too late." Zayn said to the boys.

He grabbed his keys from a small hidden box by the door and unlocked all the security locks they had installed for safety.

All the boys except for Harry, followed Zayn outside and into their van.


Harry's POV

Once I saw that everyone was gone I unhandcuffed Marcie from the bed. I'm sure was uncomfortable sleeping in that awkward position.

As I was taking off the cuffs I noticed scaring and cuts on her wrists. She must have been trying to take off the cuffs. At least I assume thats what the scars are from. I hadn't ever noticed her self harm in any of the video records we have from the cameras in her apartment. And Niall has never mentioned it either. Hopefully these are just from the cuffs.

After taking the last cuff off of her feet she started to stir in her sleep. I quickly got up and sat in the corner of the room. I didn't want her to wake up cause then I would have to talk to her or entertain her or something. I'm not so good with talking to people when I'm alone.

But just my luck she started to move around in the bed. She turned her head facing me and thats when she opened her eyes.

"Hey..." She softly said as she rubbed her eyes. Once she done she looked surprised.

"Did you take them off?" She asked as she sat up and examined her wrists and feet.

"yeah, you looked uncomfortable." I said to her.

"Thanks... but wouldn't Zayn get upset?" She asked.

"Oh he's not here right now. Him and the others left to go grocery shopping." I explained.

"Oh... so um is it okay if I use the bathroom?" She shyly asked.

"Of course. I wont go in with you like Liam had to. Just don't try and run." I said to her.

"Okay." She smiled as she tried to get up. She stood up on her feet and wobbled a bit as she walked. I saw her start to sway to the side so I went up to help her walk.

"Thanks." She said to me as I walked her to the bathroom.

"No problem." I smiled.

After a couple of minutes she was out of the bathroom.

"D-do you think I could shower? I'm feeling pretty gross." She asked.

"Uh, sure I think that would be fine. I'll get you some towels and a change of clothes." I said to her.

Marcie's POV

"Thanks Harry." I smiled. After Harry walked away down the hall I made sure he wasn't looking. I quickly ran to the nearest room and looked for some kinda phone or anything I could use to escape. But just my luck the room I went into was a big mess with clothes thrown everywhere.

I heard footsteps coming so I panicked and ran out almost falling over my own feet. I made it back to the bathroom just before Harry showed up.

"I wasn't sure what to get you to wear so I just grabbed you some pajamas." He said to me as he handed me the towels and clothes. I smiled and thanked him before closing the bathroom door.

Once I had the door shut I sighed and fell to the floor. I leaned my body onto the door blocking it. It didn't have locks so I couldn't lock the door. There was a window in the bathroom but it was quite small and I knew I would never fit through it. Even if I could I'd have to break the glass to open it up. And Harry would surely hear the glass break.

I decided I would just use my time in the bathroom to actually shower and not think of escape plans. I knew very little of where I was. I didn't know if it was an actual house. It could be an apartment on the third floor. A trailer in some random town miles from where I lived. It could even just be some random house in the middle of no where.

I got curious so when I was done showering I looked out the window. It was tinted with a weird textured design so you couldn't really see through it. Obviously for privacy reasons. But from what I could make out I saw nothing but green. So I was either somewhere in the woods or in a field.

*knock, knock*

I jumped at the sound at the door.

"You almost done?" I heard Harry ask.

"Y-yes..." I stuttered.

"The boys will be back soon. Please hurry." I heard him say.

"Okay..." I said back.

I quickly grabbed the clothes he brought me and slid them on. They were pretty baggy sweats with a big tshirt that went down to my knees. I'm not sure if they bought this for me since it was a girls pajama outfit or if it belonged to one of them since it was huge. But maybe they just over estimated my size.

Just as I was slipping on the socks Harry knocked again. I went to the door and opened it.

"Done?" He asked.

"yeah..." I smiled.

"Okay, now back in your room you go. The boys are just a couple minutes away." he explained.

I quickly walked back to my room and sat on the bed. Harry walked over with the cuffs and sat next to me for a bit.

"I'm sorry I have to put them back on." he sighed. "I'll have Louis bandage up your wrists when he gets back. I'm not so good with the first aid kit." He laughed.

I nodded and held out my wrists. He cuffed me up quickly and then he left the room.

I laid there in silence for a bit until I heard a door slam open.

"Dammit Harry why haven't you been watching the news!!" I heard Zayn yell.

"Well it ended when you guys left. I thought I didn't need to watch it!" Harry shouted back.

"Well you should have kept the tele on at least... Marceline is all over the news!" Louis shouted.

I'm on the news?? Someone must have reported me missing... I wonder who?

"Why is she on the news??" I heard Harry ask.

"Some guy named Taylor. He called the police the night we took her. He must have seen us leave with her. And then the guy Ashton that keeps texting her damn phone. He called her friends and they even said they hadn't been able to reach her. Now everyone that knows her is trying to track her down! The damn note we left didn't work." Liam explained.

I tried my best to listen to what they were saying next but they were all yelling and talking at once.

The only voice I didn't hear was Niall's.

After a while the shouting stopped. Then I only heard Louis speak.

"We need to get outta here. We need a new place. Somewhere away from New York."

So we're still in New York. Wow I'm so close to home yet so far. I should listen in on their conversations more often to try and find hints to where I am and how to leave.

I know it'll be hard, and scary but I know I'll get out some day some how. 

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