How I Love You (Zac Efron & A...

By mithravinda1

26.9K 513 111

Zac is an actor and Grace is a normal girl. Fate steps in and brings them together. They fall in love with ea... More

Author's Note...
Author's Note.
Chapter 3
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Author's Note
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
C-10-For Her
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Readers' voice
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24-The Date
Chapter 25-The Date
Chapter 25-The Date
Author's Note
Chapter 26-The Fight
Chapter -27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter- 35
Chapter 37
Chapter -38
Author's Note
Author's Note!!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Ch-46:The Lie.
Author's Note
Our book-A video!
C-48: The Change
Ch-50: Pain
chapter 52
Chapter 54
Author's Note
The unexpected
Chapter -62
Chapter -61
Author's Note
Summer-time Madness!
Author's Note:
Author's Note

Chapter 18

271 9 0
By mithravinda1

Grace couldn't imagine someone hurting Zac like that. She was left horrified.
"Grace what happened? " asks Zac concerned looking at Grace as she was almost frozen in the thought.
"Uh... Nothing, man.She's just a little tired " says Mark trying not to tell him what actually happened. Zac nods and sits beside Grace. He holds her hand under the table looking at her.
"What happened, babe? " asked Zac.
"Nothing... " says Grace.
"when it's a nothing, there's something! " says Zac playfully. Grace smiles at his words.
"Oh,really? " says Grace looking at Zac with a smirk.
"you look lovely today... " compliments Zac smiling at Grace.
"Thank you, Handsome! " she responds.
"Aww... You guys look so cute together " said Meg softly.
Zac and Grace smile at each other.
Mark and Meg excuse themselves for a moment and decide to give Zac and Grace some time together.
Grace holds Zac's hand and kisses the skin of wrist. She then rubs its gently and kisses his palm. She holds on to his hand quietly.
Zac looked at her smiling, calmly. he was brushing her hair with his other hand.
"Grace, what happened? You don't look okay... " says Zac knowing that she's gonna cry any moment now.
She swallowed a big lump in her throat, it ached her insides. She hugs him.she snuggles her head info his chest almost crying.
"I'll never let anything happen to you.I'll always love you, Zac. No matter what. I promise you that " says Grace. They thought of someone trying to hurt him intensified in her head and creeped her.
Zac holds her closely with warmth.
"Okay, baby. I'm yours. You can do whatever you want with me. I'll take everything you wanna give me. "
Says Zac.
Grace's heart was just blown away by what Zac just Said. I'm yours he said . those words really gave her comfort. She loved him more than anything. Knowing that the feeling is mutual makes the relationship flourish even more.
"I'll give you anything and everything you want and need. I'm here for you, Grace. I'm not going anywhere " says Zac.
" I'll always love you , forever. No matter what. I'm in love with you, sweetheart! "
Says Zac expressing what he felt.
Zac never opened up to anyone like that before. He never truly lost himself like that and yet felt safe about it. He was stoked to be a part of her life and be able to share a true and pure relationship with Grace.

"What do you mean, you don't wanna tell Zac? His life is in risk. He needs to be aware of it." asks Meg furiously.
"He's been through enough trauma and drama till now.he doesn't need to be afraid to live too. " responds Mark.
"But... "says Meg
"Look, Meg. I'll make sure that the culprit's shadow wouldn't even touch Zac.that's my promise. Just explain that to Grace. " says Mark
"fine..."says Meg unconvincingly.
"He's my bestfriend too, Meg. I won't let anything happen to this guy,alright? I'll take care of everything. Okay? " says Mark truly meaning what he said.
"Okay. Fine... " says Meg, convinced that she can trust Mark's words.
They then walk to Zac and Grace.
Everyone orders their coffee and snacks.

"Guys... We're gonna go. Grace and I need to go home. We have things to do" says Zac looking at Mark and Meg.
Meg smiles and hints at Mark. Mark smiles andthey calmly bid bye to Grace and Zac.

Zac gets into Grace's car. Grace sits in the driver's seat. "So,where are we going? " asks Grace.
"To my place... " says Zac.
"Um...okay. " responds Grace.
She starts driving and Zac relaxes. Zac holds her hand and kisses her palm.
Grace loses grip on the steering because of the kiss and steers in the wrong lane and steers back into the right one.
"Jesus,Zac!!!" exclaims Grace
"I just kissed you. Sue me" says Zac.
"Well..." says Grace looking at Zac for a moment.
"I forgot what I was gonna say" says Grace smiling but her eyes on the road.
"I love you... You know that? " says Zac. Staring at Grace with a warm smile on his face. He just felt safe with her. He doesn't have to worry about yesterday nor has to be overly calculated about tomorrow. He can just be in the moment when he's with Grace.
" I know. I love you too, Zac... Even if you don't love me back...I'll keep loving you" says Grace sweetly meaning her words.
"me not loving you back? That's never gonna happen baby! " says Zac looking at the road for a few brief seconds.
"I love you more... " says Zac holding her hand. Closing his eyes. He fell asleep like that. More like a nap.

~~~~~30 minutes later... ~~~~~~
"Baby,wake up!" says Grace sweetly waking up Zac as she parked her car in his drive way.
Zac wakes up and notices that they're at his drive way.
"How did you know where I live? " asked Zac surprised.
"There's this thing called as uh..."Stalking "" says Grace playfully.
"Yeah,right. " chuckles Zac.
"I called Mark and he told me" says Grace.
"Oh! " says Zac.
They both get off the car and walk through the drive way to his house.
Zac's house has a mansion like look. His drive way is calm and peaceful with green bushes assembled on the either side of the road.As they walked hand in hand, Grace saw that There was an amazing fountain in front of the house. Zac's parents were having a little chat with each other in the garden. The garden was right beside the house taking the shade of the building. The garden was beautiful and classy.
"Yeah... You're gonna meet my parents" says Zac.
"I already have met them. In the hospital. " says Grace. She didn't see that his parents were there.
She also didn't know that he was officially introducing her to his parents.
"Well,they're waiting for you... In the Garden, there " shows where his parents were sitting.
"Why didn't you tell me about this meet? I would have dressed better,I guess" says Grace.
"you look perfect, Grace " says Zac.
"will they like me? Um..." Grace mumbles.
"Are you nervous? " asks Zac smiling at Grace. She looked so cute while asking that question.
"Don't worry..." says Zac. Trying to comfort her....

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