Oasis (Larry Stylinson)

By TheManagement

38.5K 1K 216

How much can one kiss change a relationship? And how long can that relationship last? More

Oasis (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Three

1.9K 62 11
By TheManagement

Wow this chapter is two pages. Y'ALL BETTER LUFF ME. <3 Happy Reading!




“And the biggest dick award goes to…” I whisper to myself in the darkness of the bedroom, “Harry Styles, for telling the man he loves to fuck off!” I silently fake cheer. I guess I love Louis. I know I love Louis; I’m just not sure I was ready to kiss him when I did. But I kissed him anyway, and I sure felt those “sparks” people are always talking about. I’ve felt them with girls before but these ones were much stronger. I can’t just tell him that though; things would get even more uncomfortable. And besides, even if he feels the same way, it’s not like we could have a real relationship, is it?

I am lying in bed on my back, trying to get to sleep, yet I can’t. My mind is going haywire. I know the only way I can get to sleep is if Louis were here, yet going into his room now to beg for forgiveness and some cuddles would only be humiliating. I bet he hates me. I wondered if he really did like the kiss.

Best case scenario right now: He comes into my room and kisses me to prove that he did like the kiss. I apologize. We cuddle.

Worst case scenario: We never speak again and the band breaks up and Louis hates me.

These thoughts only cause me to cry for about the hundredth time tonight, and I guess eventually I cry myself to sleep.


I awake and the sun is shining through the curtains and onto my face. I roll over to look at my phone.

11:28 am.

Pretty late, but whatever. I shove the blankets off of myself and get out of bed. I peek my head out the door to check for Louis. The coast is clear. I tiptoe into the kitchen only to find Louis staring directly at me over a cup of tea.

“You’d make an incredible secret agent,” he says sarcastically. “Soooooo sneaky.”

“Shut up,” I mumble, grabbing a mug and pouring myself some tea as well. I take a sip and then put it down on the counter. My back is facing Louis, but I know he is staring at me.

“Do you still hate me?” he asks quietly and seriously.

“I never did.”

After that, I hear Louis leave the room with his tea. Does this mean things are better? I have a feeling it doesn’t though.

I decide that I should invite the guys over. Maybe then Louis and I could hang out without the pressure of being alone. Because right now, being alone with Louis is getting really hard to do.

I grab my mobile from my room and find Liam’s number. After about three rings, he picks up.

“What’s up?” he asks nonchalantly.

“You and the lads wanna come over? Nothing’s going on today, so I thought we could just, you know, hang out,” I say.

Liam hesitates before going into serious mode and saying, “Are you and Louis doing better then?”

“Yeah, course. There was never a problem, Li.” That is bullshit and Liam knows it but he just says ok and that they will be there in an hour before hanging up.


As soon as the guys get to the flat, Louis comes out of his room. He is fully dressed and putting his phone in his pocket.

“I’m going to meet Eleanor at Starbucks,” he says emotionlessly and pushes past us without another word. I stare at the spot in the door where he left in shock. For some reason, that really stung. I think the guys can sense it because they give me sympathetic looks before heading to the couch.

Louis and Eleanor have an interesting relationship. Management hired her to be Louis’ “girlfriend” because apparently the whole “Larry Stylinson” thing was getting out of hand. Despite being forced together, they are actually really good friends and do not mind spending time together. Even though I know that there is nothing romantic going on between them, I can’t help but get jealous when he chooses (or is required to) hang out with her instead of me.

“Let’s get some eats,” says Niall. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?”


I arrive at Starbucks and grab myself a drink. I go to sit in the corner so no one will notice me. After Eleanor gets there and orders for herself, I wave from my corner to attract her attention. Her face brightens when she sees me and she makes her way through the crowd of coffee-drinkers to reach me.

“What’s up?” she says, taking the seat across from me. “I didn’t think we were supposed to hang out today. Or did I get the wrong message?” She looks genuinely confused.

“No,” I say, “I just wanted to see you,” I lean forward in my seat and look into her eyes. She mimics me so we look more couple-y.

“Are there paparazzi around?” she inquires.


“Why are we here, Louis?”

“I need to tell you something.” At this point she looks even more confused, and possibly a little scared.

“What do you need to tell me?”

“Can I trust you to keep a secret?” she looks a bit startled that I would come to her for secrets instead of one of the boys, but eventually says that she can.

“I-I’m gay,” I stutter. Her eyes are like two moons bulging out of her head in shock.

“Are you sure?” she questions.

“Yeah, I’ve been a little confused about it lately, but now I’m sure.” I feel like I can finally breathe because that is off my chest.

“Well,” she begins. “I’ve kind of suspected for a long time. You act really gay. No offense.” I chuckled.

“None taken.”

“I’m happy for you Louis,” she continues. “It’s really brave of you to come out to me like that. Have you told the boys, or your family?”

“I can’t,” I sigh.

“Why not?”

“Because. They’ll see me differently. I’m not so much worried about my family as I am worried about the lads. What if I ruin the band?”

“You won’t. Besides, I think it would make someone veeeery happy,” she jokes.

“For the last time, Eleanor, Harry is not gay! Or in love with me. That’s just unrealistic!” I argue.

She takes a long sip from her Frappuccino before saying, “I’m still not convinced.”

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