Leo's Return and the Seven's...

By BelsaZ

46.1K 1K 226

This is a short story of how the different heroes reacted to Leo's return. This is my first Percy Jackson fan... More

Hazel and Frank
Cabin 9
Not Over


4K 82 8
By BelsaZ

'Well', Leo thought as he walked to the Big House with Piper, 'looks like I'm home.' They had just received an Iris message telling them to go talk to Chiron. He guessed that having a demigod that defied death would constitute a conference.
        Piper stopped before they reached the door of the Big House. "Leo, are you going to be be alright? I know ho-"
        "Relax, Beauty Queen. Don't get all worried and mess up your makeup." Leo said with a grin. It wasn't every day that he came back from the dead, and he was going to make the most of it.
        Piper frowned. "I know, Leo. It's just-"
        Leo wrapped her in a hug and nodded. "I know Pipes. Thank you."
        "You're welcome. As long as you're alright."
"I am, Piper. Don't worry. I just need to stop by my cabin before heading to revival ceremony."
After helping Piper down from the roof, he took off towards Cabin 9. Throwing open the door, he ran over to his chest. Leo needed something to wear that didn't smell as if he and Festus had been cuddling. Finally, after many trial-and-error outfits, he settled on his least ripped blue jeans and his favorite "Hot Stuff" t-shirt. He was ready.
Only moments later he stood infinite of the Big House doors. 'Am I ready for this?' Leo thought to himself. 'Well, it's a little late for second thought.'
        He took a deep breath and threw open the doors. "Who missed the mega Mc-Schizzle!" Leo called in a sing-song voice. The entire room froze. He stood still with an open mouth, then slowly closed it. He stood there awkwardly for a moment before sitting down in his ratty, thread-bare chair. Oh, how he missed that chair.
"Ummm, Leo?" Connor Stoll said. They had hung out a bit before the battle and had bonded over messing with the Ares cabin. Jokers had to stick together, after all. Someone has to sneak in shaving cream and feathers.
"In the flesh."
Suddenly, the entire room burst into chaos. "Leo!" "Where have you been?" "How are you alive?" "Why are you here now?" "Wha-"
"Silence!" Chiron's voice rang out above the din of chaos. Everyone quieted their previous shouts into a forced silence, but Leo could see their questions hanging on the tip of their tongues. He turned, trying to look both like a joker and a mature something-or-other. "Leo, we are very happy to see that you are still alive. But you must understand our want for answers to our various questions. For starters, how are you alive?"
        Leo looked down the table, at all of the expectant faces waiting for explanations. "Well, you all saw me go out in a bang, and that's when it got a bit tricky. . ." He recalled it for what seemed the fifth time that day. The whole story took about 15 minutes to tell, the main reason being that people continued to interrupt him at every chance they got. "And then I crash landed in the woods near the lake, found Annabeth, and then walked into camp." He was met with silence.
        Chiron, who had been nodding throughout the story, stood up. The tension in the room was thick, everyone waiting to ask questions. But they all sat still. "Well Leo, this one definitely qualifies for the record book. I am sorry, Leo, but I feel as if these campers won't sit still much longer if they don't get answers. If it's alright, I believe they want to ask you some questions."
Leo prepared himself. He knew that this would come, he just had to hold himself together well enough that nobody would notice. Maybe Piper would let him back up onto her roof, or maybe he would just hide in the woods for a bit. "Sure thing, sir. What do you guys wanna know?"
After a glance was shared around the table, the questions began to flow. Varying between different modifications of the basic who, what, where, etc., seemingly never ending. Leo tried his best to answer them, but began getting nervous, hiding his shaking hands under the table, and biting his lip. He couldn't wait to leave and escape to the comfort of his friends. Luckily, Chiron seemed to notice his discomfort and quieted the others down.
"Alright campers, I believe that's enough for today. I understand that most of your questions probably haven't been answered yet, but we may continue tomorrow. It may be time for our hero to get some rest."
The campers grudgingly agreed and left the table, patting Leo on the back on their way out. He knew that their questions wouldn't seize for a long time, but at least he could have a peaceful afternoon. Leo rose to leave, but Chiron appeared next to him in a clatter of hooves.
"Leo," he said in the caring voice, "I understand that these past couple months haven't been easy for you. They have probably been the longest and hardest of your life, and I'm afraid to tell you that you will probably be reminded of it for the next few months. But you are not the only one that has been through hardships. There are others that understand, some of your friends even, that could help you if you open up to them. Percy Jackson is one that I would recommend. And if you don't feel completely comfortable opening up to your friends, you can always talk to me. You aren't the first demigod that has needed to talk to someone."
Leo nodded, pushing back in his chair. "I'll keep it in mind, sir. Thank you." He meant it. It had been a long time since an adult had given a rat's behind about him. It was a nice refresher.
Chiron nodded and backed away from Leo enough for him to escape from behind his chair. "But Leo, do talk to someone. Especially about a certain someone on Olympus right now."
        Leo blanched. 'The only person on Olympus was his father, why would he be the one he should ta-' Leo stopped as if a bolt of lightning had hit him. He sat back down with a thud. 'Ooooohh, that makes more sense. But how? Why? How did they do it?' he thought as he wiped a hand across his face. "Chiron, are you serious?"
Chiron seemed taken aback by the accusation. "Serious about what?"
"By Calypso being on Olympus, what else would I be asking about?" Leo said, raising his voice as he spoke.
Chiron looked startled, then reached forward and placed his hands on the boys shoulders. He smiled, knowing what the next words out of the boys mouth would be before even saying his own words. "Yes, I was being serious about that. Should you want to g-"
Leo stood up as fast as he could, knocking his chair backwards into the floor. "Of course I want to go! Why wouldn't I?"
Chiron laughed, a large booming one that made some of the birds in the surrounding trees take flight. "Easy, m'boy. As I was saying, should you want to go I will allow you to take two of your friends with you. Also, Percy and Annabeth will be accompanying you. They have recently been declared the spokesperson for the camp on Olympus, and have been there many times. Now, go get packed. I expect you gone by tomorrow and back by noon the day after."
Leo was already bolting out the door. "Thank you Chiron!" He shouted behind him. He ran back to his cabin and grabbed his duffel bag from his bunk. His fellow campers had been nice enough to wash his clothes for him, which was nice. He couldn't go walking onto Olympus in a dirty t-shirt.
With his bag over his shoulder, he raced towards his beloved.

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