
By solomon_murray721

638 0 2

How do you handle life when things from your past affect your present and have a firm grasp on your future? *... More

1. Ready? Set?
2. Stop
3. Where To?
4. Love and Pain
5. Adaptation
6. School
7. Burn
8. Overdose
9. Death through Life
11. Queen
12. Trapped
13. Sapphire
14. R.E.D.
15. Dreams V Reality
16. Flashback To The Future
17. Down
18. The Past
19. Kole
20. Jakob
21. Open It
22. Movies
23. Dad?
24. Failure Hits Hard
25. Beginning of The End
1. Celestials

10. Dark Families

13 0 0
By solomon_murray721

      Since when did you consider him your dad? Last time you saw him you disowned him," Lukas replied.
"People change, I'm sure you know that. Come on, get in," Mikael unlocked the doors. We got into the car and Mikael drove off. He was a pretty reckless driver.
"What did you mean by people change?" Lukas asked.
"I'm sure you know what I mean," Mikael replied.
"Stop giving me half answers!" Lukas shouted.
"Stop asking half questions."
"Did mom call you?"
"I'm sure you know the answer to that."
"You disappeared when I was 7! Stop pretending you know me!" Lukas yelled. The rest of the ride was silent. I didn't have anything to say, Lukas was angry and Rebekah had fallen asleep. We got back to the house but Aunt Linda wasn't home. I used my key to let us in and I went upstairs and closed my door. I was very tired and didn't feel like hearing Mikael give stupid answers to Lukas' questions.
I began reading and ended up falling asleep. I woke up at 5. I checked my phone to see that Alexis had called multiple times. She was having dinner with some of her family members so she decided it'd be better to hang tomorrow. Tomorrow was Saturday as well so that made sense. I explored the house and saw that Mason was home, Rebekah was in her room dancing to music with Brittany, Lukas was in the basement, Aunt Linda was in my parents room and Mikael had gone somewhere.
Everyone was doing something to let time slide by. I had to find my pass by. I ended up going down to the basement and playing video games with Lukas. In doing that, 4 more hours passed by. I just wanted him to have a somewhat nicer end to today. We all ate dinner and then cut the cake. Aunty hadn't forgotten about the fact that it was me and Rebekah's birthday despite this morning and she tried her best to have a really good demeanor during the time we were all together. I could tell she was screaming on the inside though.
It was very fun but with Uncle Krystian missing it wasn't complete. He had gotten into a severe car accident this morning while grocery shopping. Aunt Linda said she wanted to have a talk with us later. Everything was weird to me though. Uncle k dies the day after he says we all need to all stick together. The day right after he says that and he's gone. Something was off about that.
Lukas sat outside on the ledge of the balcony. Brittany and I both walked out to give him some company. "Hey," Brittany smiled.
"Hey guys," Lukas smiled.
"How you holding up bud?" I asked.
"I'm alright. Don't worry, I don't plan on doing anything irrational. Kaleb you're still here and you lost your mom and your dad. I just lost my dad. If you're still making it, I obviously have to. You're really strong you know that?" Lukas smiled.
"You're strong too," I patted him on the back.
"Lukas what is your power?" Brittany asked.
"Don't you know?" He asked.
"Yeah but I've never seen you use it in person. I'm really interested," Brittany smiled. Lukas hopped off the ledge and grabbed both of our hands.
"Close your eyes," he exclaimed. Brittany and I both did so and I felt the air become cold.
"Open them," Lukas said. We opened our eyes and I felt immediate shock.
"WE'RE ON URANUS!" Brittany screamed.
"Actually Pluto but yeah," Lukas said.
"You can teleport?!" I asked.
"Not just that, it's kinda like I can control almost all aspects of space you know?" The stars and planets shrunk and we were back on the balcony outside my house.
"That was wicked!" Brittany exclaimed.
"That's not all I can do but that's all I know how to do. Oh wait, here Brittany," Lukas held his hands together tightly. A light shined from inside his hands. When he opened his hands up a ball of light floated in them. "Name it."
"What?!" Brittany was astonished.
"Name your star!" Lukas smirked.
"Oh um um, Lydia," Brittany exclaimed. Lukas closed his eyes and threw the star into the sky. I rocketed into space settling itself next to the moon. Well that's how it looked from our perspective. I then realized the moon was full and I had somewhere to be.
"I have to go guys. I'll be back," I ran inside, grabbed my jacket and then made my way to the cemetery. It was almost 11. I walked to the best spot of visibility over the cemetery. I would see whoever was trying to meet me. I was also ready to attack if needed. I felt a brisk of air and turned around. A person stood their in a cloak, facing the other way. "Who are you?" I asked loudly.
I didn't receive a response. "Who are you?" I asked again but still no response. "You brought me out here for nothing. I'm done," I turned to leave.
"Happy birthday," the voice was female. I stopped in my tracks. The voice was also familiar.
"What did you just say to me?" I turned back around.
"Happy birthday," the lady turned around and took off her hood. My eyes immediately filled with water. I was so shocked. It was as if I was unable to breathe.
"M-mom," I muttered.
"Hello Kaleb," she smiled.
"I thought...I thought you were dead," I began crying.
"No," she shook her head.
"How is this possible? Wait were you there at the cemetery? Maybe we just didn't wait long enough for you! That's awful I'm so sorry!"
"Kaleb," she interrupted me, "I wasn't there."
"What do you mean you weren't there?" I was confused.
"I never died."
"But...you were at the camp too? I, I don't understand," my smile went away.
"The meteor shower was supposed to happen sometime during our spring break visit."
"Wait...you knew we were going to die?"
"You didn't die. You went through a transformation. In order to change, you have to die during a celestial event. Yours being a meteor strike during a meteor shower. You should be glad! Most of us don't make it through the transformation!"
"So you're saying I could've died foreal? You were willing to risk my death?! The death of my friends?!"
"They were collateral damage, I'm sorry," she reached out for me but I backed away.
"Sorry doesn't fix this. Mom I thought you were dead! I thought you were gone but you were alive?! You knew about all of this! You knew we were alive but you didn't come back! It was you that took us to South Carolina wasn't it?! Oh my ugh! Where's dad?! Where is he?! Tell me!" I screamed.
"I had to make some tough choices okay," a tear rolled down her face.
"So he was just collateral damage too?"
"Save it. I don't wanna hear another excuse. What are we? What am I?"
"An Unnatural. We are an advanced form of humans. Our species dates back hundreds to thousands of years,"
"There's more of us?"
"There's way more. I thought you knew that from when I came to the house," she caught herself in a sentence.
"That was you? You actually came home and ATTACKED ME!" I began bawling.
"Kaleb its not like that," she grabbed my arm.
"Get off of me," her hand began to freeze. I felt my eyes become warm and bright.
"I'm so sorry," she exclaimed.
"We are so past that point," I turned to leave.
"Please, tell Rebekah I love her."
I laughed a little. "No, you tell her. You wanna hide from us. You wanna pretend you don't exist? You wanna pretend you're dead? Well to her you are. You know what? I don't even know you. My mom, the woman that raised me, would've never done anything like this. As far as I know...my mom is still dead," I turned and left.
"Hannah, your son is quite...intriguing," Victor walked up to mom.
"He hates me," she muttered.
"Then phase one...is complete," he smiled and disappeared.
I walked through the forest and to my calm place. I didn't wanna be around anyone. My mother was alive but she had so many alternate agendas. She attacked me in my own home. I sat down next to the lake and started crying. I was so tired of crying. I cried so much and it was beginning to annoy me.
"Kaleb?" I turned around and saw Alexis walking up.
"What...what are you doing out here this late at night?" I asked.
"Well this is a great spot to sit and think...it looks like that's something you need right now," she sat down next to me and wiped my face off. "What's wrong?"
"Some stuff went down at home today. Today's just been kinda hectic," I exclaimed.
"Tell me about it. What happened?"
"You wouldn't believe me even if you knew."
"Go for it."
"Are you sure?"
"When am I ever not sure? Don't answer that," we laughed.
"It's gonna sound crazy. In fact it is pretty crazy," I started. I wanted to tell her about me because I didn't have anyone else to talk to about it. "Rebekah, Brittany, Mason, Lukas and I...we didn't just disappear. We died. My mom went and buried our bodies in South Carolina and we woke up and then we traveled back here but we had powers and Rebekah can heal people, Lukas can control basically space, Mason has fire powers, Brittany I don't even know what she can do honestly and I can control weather. There's this guy who's after us and his name is Victor and my mom faked her death and there's so much going on!" I spit out quickly. Alexis looked at me with big eyes.
She then got up and started walking away. "Alexis!" I shouted.
"You're crazy! You need mental help!" She screamed. I ran up to her and grabbed her arm.
"If you don't let go of me, you're gonna be missing an arm," she clenched her fists.
"Let me show you. Please," I exclaimed. She snatched her arm away and then stood still, waiting for me to do what I needed to do. "Hold my hands." I held my hands out. She was hesitant but put her hands in mine. I pulled her closer to me and I looked up. My feet lifted off of the ground and so did Alexis'. She began panicking slightly and we rose higher and higher. Clouds began forming around us. As soon as we were above the visibility of those on the ground we started flying faster. Alexis was holding onto me tightly. She was scared to even open her eyes.
"Do you believe me now?" I asked.
"Shut up!" She punched me in my chest. I started laughing. We came to a stop and then floated in the air.
"How is this possible?" Alexis asked.
"I don't know yet but, I think I like it a little more now. The view is great," I smiled.
"Are you flirting?" She laughed.
"Depends, is flirting okay?" I asked.
"Depends, can I get a ride home?" She smiled.
"Sure," I laughed. I took off down towards her house. She started screaming and then laughing. I landed in the cul-de-sac a few houses down from hers. I didn't want any attention to be drawn especially to her.
"Thank you. I'm um, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was just, you know, it was weird," Alexis exclaimed.
"It's okay honestly. Hanging with you helped my mood tonight. Nice end to a day full of ups and downs," I smiled.
"Well good. Hey wanna hang out tomorrow? I'll text you the time and place."
"Okay, that'd be nice," I smiled.
"Go home!" She laughed and pushed me playfully.
"That's such a long walk," I whined.
"We didn't even walk here," she laughed.
"Night," I laughed and flew back home. I walked into the dark house. It was oddly quiet. I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. The floorboards gave away anyone's position in the house. There was no way to move around quietly. The cake was half eaten. I couldn't get any of it without waking up the entire neighborhood though. Everyone would've heard it. I continued my mission in getting something to drink. I opened the fridge and pulled some orange juice out. I closed the fridge door and Victor was standing there. I dropped the orange juice and ran to the other way out the kitchen. I turned the corner and he was there. I felt more fear than ever.

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