Android Daughters - First dra...

Von RhiRhiRhernern

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This is the story of Caden Avian, and his precious, android daughters... Though it's the first draft. I'll be... Mehr

Android Daughters
Chapter 1 - Daily life
Chapter 2 - Nedroid
Chapter 3 - Yunath: Lady of the House
Chapter 4 - Meeting Again
Chapter 6 - Escaping and Infultrating
Chapter 7 - Mad, you say...?
Chapter 8 - If He Just Dropped The Gun...
Chapter 9 - Peace At Last - END

Chapter 5 - Spies, Cars and Boats

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Von RhiRhiRhernern

Their walk through the small village was quiet and calm. The villagers seemed more than happy to greet to likes of Argna and Yunath, still regarding the other three happily, nonetheless.Not even noticing the robot folded up as a pack sitting on Tammy's back. At the edge of this calm, very natural village was a port, with a surprising amount of boats.

Yunath went ahead of the group quickly, to talk to a shady looking man at the end of the port. “Hey,” she began casually. “Could I request my personal boat to the AtomiTech island?” she asked, looking at her nails while she did so, somewhat arrogantly.

The shady man simply shook his head. “No, Lady Yunath.”

“What?!” she seemed more angry than surprised, her boot stomped the ground. “Why not?!”

 Even in front of the rich woman’s anger, the man in the suit was unaffected and calm. “The island is currently out of bounds for the public. That includes you, Lady Yunath.”

 She found herself gritting her teeth and staring to the man fiercly, before turning around and heading back to the group, her anger replaced by annoyance, and a little bit of sass. “We need to find another way.” she sighed, arms crossed.

 “H-how else can we get there?” Ammy pouted unsurely, doubt filling her mind rapidally. She looked to her side, up at the boy that was Yunath’s nephew. He smiled down at her, somewhat warmly.

 “We’ll find a way.” he said quietly. He looked at his Aunt with a grin rather than a smile. “You know your routes, right?”

 She shrugged, finding her own grin. “Yeah, I guess so.” she chimed quietly, starting to walk ahead of them once again. “Come on, we gotta get a move on!” she walked on ahead, leading the others on behind her.

They ended up on another train, however, it was private, for Yunath’s family alone. It was a fast train, and a very nice looking, black one. Ammy sat on her seat nervously, her sister at her side sitting in awkward positions to try get comfortable, struggling to do so with Nedroid on her back. Ammy laughed to herself, and looked to her other side, at Yunath, Rohna and Argna. They all seemed to be staring out of the window. Almost like it was normal, they were talking too. Argna more than anyone.

 Ammy reached to her side to poke her sister for her attention. “Do you think Father is okay?” she asked softly. Tammy finally stopped fidgeting, and looked at the black haired girl with a soft smile.

“Yeah, he’s a tough cookie.” she laughed a little. “Why?”

Ammy looked slightly to the others, then back at the red headed android. “Just... Asking.” she smiled slightly sadly, hands on her knees, looking back at Tammy.

It took a while, but the train eventually came to a stop, and the small group of five got off, heading along through a bustling city, next to a set of mountains, and a lot of water. “Stay close together, everyone.” Yunath warned, a little tedious on moving on through the crowds.

The group started following Yunath through the crowds, they did stick close together. Very close. Almost too close. But they still managed to stay together, that was all that mattered. Eventhough Nedroid was poking right into Rohna’s stomach, since he walked behind Tammy and in front of Argna.

“Wait.” Ammy stopped, Rohna accidently walked into her, leading Argna to walk into him. But they did all stop.

“What’s the matter, Mistress Ammy?” Nedroid asked, speaking more quietly than normal. The whole group had stopped, in the middle of these ditry streets, to watch Ammy stare to her side.

 “I heard some men... Talking about... Us.” she whispered, nervously. “What does that mean?”

 “Spies?” Nedroid questioned instantly. “Miss Yunath, would-”

 “Of course!” the purple haired woman cut off the robot, sitting on Tammy’s back. She looked around at the people seated, idle and walking around them. “Lucian knew that if he couldn’t...” she stopped and groaned loudly. “We better hurry!”

“Well what if they uh, find us?” Argna asked, with a small shrug. He peered down at the redheaded android, the hair just a little bit lighter than his own red hair. She was grinning, a little mischievously. “...What?”

 She  delicately tapped her nose with one finger. “I got a plan.” she whispered softly. “But first, let’s get outta here before someone knows who we are.” the group followed the small androids advice, swiftly making their way outside of the town, closer to the large mountains, and the forest beside it.

Tammy stared up at the mountains, keeping her grin, then turning to the others. “So. My plan.”

They all blinked at her blankly, even Nedroid let off a beep. “Wh-what is this plan?” Rohna asked nervously, a little unnerved by the way Tammy was grinning. His thin fingers fiddled, his blue eyes stayed locked on her carefully. He didn’t even go through his black hair to check for the clip.

 “Well,” Tammy began. “There’s two routes to Yunath’s other boat. Right?” she looked to the purple haired woman herself when she said it.

Yunath looked up at the mountain, then at the forest beside it, and the small cave beside the mountain, then back at the red headed android. “Yeah.” she blinked.

“One group of us goes up that way,” Tammy pointed at the mountains behind her, generally thinking of the roads on them. “And the other group goes that way,” she pointed at the cave. “That way, we can distract them.”

“That’s a nice idea and all...” Argna laughed nervously. “But they’ll have cars, won’t they?”

Tammy chuckled warmly. “So will we!” she cheered. “We can “borrow” one, no one will mind.” she looked to her side, at her black haired sister. “What?”

“...Father wouldn’t be happy to know that-”  

“This is to save him, I wouldn’t mind if I were in his position.” she looked back to the rest of the group, and clapped her hands together once, but loudly. “Right! Let’s sort out two teams.”

 It was a long debate, seemingly. Argna wanted the action, but Yunath simply would not let him take the more dangerous route of plan. The red head was eventually talked into going with both Ammy and Rohna, through the cave. He decided it could have been fun after all.

 And this left Tammy with Nedroid and Yunath. They found an idle car, and got into it quite quickly. Tammy took the wheel, and honked the horn. “Anyone here working with AtomiTech?!” she yelled, starting off the car and driving off quickly. This side of the mountain’s road went up. So the other side must have went down. Tammy already had her plan, and wasn’t going to let anything stop her.

“You’re one crazy little girl.” Yunath frowned, doing up her seatbelt, and preparing for the worst. She looked at the back seat, to see Nedroid already there, off Tammy’s back, ready with gun-hands. She felt like saying something about it. But decided not to question it.

It never took long for a small squad of cars to start driving after them, just as Tammy anticipated. She grinned, turning each corner wildly, driving every straight with her foot mashed onto the pedal. The cars chased them, turning the corners violently, guns even started firing.

Yunath glanced behind herself before ducking down, and looking at the small girl driving the car. “You really are nuts, kid!” she yelped, trying to overpower the sound of guns, from Nedroid, and the opposing cars.

“It’s better than us all going through the cave,” Tammy replied loudly, she stopped speaking to turn an aggressive corner, then got back onto straight road. “They’d probably find us, that would not be good!

“Gunfire...?” Rohna gasped to himself, inside the timidly dark cave, staring out, as if trying to see the others. He turned back to the others, looking quite worried. Afraid.

Though Ammy felt exactly the same, she took hold of his hand and smiled up at him. “Don’t worry Rohna.” she began softly. “Tammy knows what she’s doing.” she smiled, keeping her soft tone, and her gentle hold on Rohna’s hand.

The servant smiled at her softly. Then turned his attention to Argna, to be sure he wasn’t doing anything to get himself hurt. The red headed man walked slowly, turning to them slightly. “C’mon!” he grinned. “We gotta beat them there!”

Rohna sighed a little, walking on to catch up with him, still gently holding Ammy’s hand. “This isn’t a race, Argna.” he sighed, with a small smile.

“Just trying to make it more fun,” Argna shrugged, turning to them and starting his walk by going backwards now. “You holding up okay, Ammy?” he asked, with a warm, assuring grin.

The small android girl simply nodded, her free hand holding the bottom of her skirt, it was a nervous habit of hers. She still smiled though. “I just hope we don’t take long getting to that island...” she sighed a little, losing her smile. “I want Father back.” she pouted.

 “That’s what we’re doin’!” Argna smiled, though he was a little damaged by how upset she seemed, he kept his smile, hoping it would help her get her own smile back. “We’ll be there soon.” he said, finally turning back round to walk forwards again. It was a wonder he didn’t walk into anything while he was walking backwards.

 Their walk was very relaxed, the cave was actually quite nice. Quiet. But very lonely. Their walk took them to the other side, Argna stopped in his tracks, seemingly silenced by something that lay ahead of him.

“A-Argna?” Ammy stuttered a little, trying to snap him out of his mini trance.

He continued to stare out. He turned to the other two. “Guys...” he gasped silently, one eye slightly winced, as if he’d seen something terrifying.

“What is it?” Rohna asked, starting to feel concern.

Argna pointed outwards. To seemingly nothing. “This entire plain is mud!” he yelped, his arms began flailing around a little. “It’s, so... Gross! How are we meant to walk over all of it?! We’ll get all muddy and...” he continued to panic about all the mud that lay outside the cave.

Rohna and Ammy were silenced by the outburst, and simply turned their heads to one another with raised eyebrows. “It won’t kill you.” Ammy sighed, a little nervous about how he’d react.

The red head sighed, took a deep breath, and pulled himself together. “Yeah. You’re right.” he agreed, though he looked at the mud with disdain. He was not going to like this. Not. One. Bit.

 The walk across the mud seemed to take forever. Not only was it very thick, and very capable of slowing them down, but Argna felt the need to complain. All the way through. Luckily, he never fell over. That would have caused more drama than necesarry.

The car made another of it’s violent turns, this time heading straight for a bridge... A broken one. “Tammy!” Yunath yelped, still ducked down, fearing the worst from the gunfire. “Don’t you dare!”

“It was my plan all along.” she grinned, shifting the gear stick around and charging full throttle for the gap. Just before they took this leap of faith, Nedroid jumped into the backseat properly, and held on firmly so that he wouldn’t fall.

All the cars that chased them stopped. The people in the cars all starting taking gunfire at the car that flew across the gap, not getting many accurate shots.

There was a loud pop.

“Was that a wheel?!” Yunath yelped helplessly.

“I think so!” Tammy replied loudly. The car crashed down onto the other side of the bridge, she ignored the popped tire and kept driving. The road did go down, they very soon exited the sight of the spies.

Nedroid beeped a few times, seated more casually now. “Well driven, Mistress Tammy.” it beeped, somewhat happily. In her now casual drive, she turned to the robot with a small grin, then turned back to driving. They eventually reached the bottom of the mountain.

No hesitation, Yunath pushed the car door open and stumbled out, panting for a little, then standing upright, dusting off her purple uniform. “This way.” she pointed, the android and robot left the car and followed her on the pathway, surrounded by trees. It lead to a smaller port then the one at the village, with one boat on it. It was a fairly big boat, probably capable of carrying a large amount of people. But knowing Yunath, it would probably be able to travel at quite the speed, as well.
