Chapter 6 - Escaping and Infultrating

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The cell room was almost silent. Only the faint buzzing of machines was around the room. Caden slept peacefully in his cell, although he was still shivering. Jane watched him with agony in her eyes, she ruffled at her blonde hair, and folded her arms. The room’s dull blues were somewhat calming, much better than duller colour, like grey.

Somewhat quietly, Jane’s phone rang in his blazer’s pocket. She reached into it and checked who was calling, glanced at Caden to see he still slept, then took the phone to her ear. “Commander Saul.” she greeted quietly. “Status?”

“The boat’s set off. Now’s the time.”

“Got it.” she responded with confidence, putting the phone away. She went just outside, to check no one was lurking around the halls, before going over to Caden’s cell and knocking on it lightly. “Caden?” she called.

He opened his eyes slowly, yawning softly to himself. He looked up at Jane, even smiling a little. For some reason, she was the person here that made him happy. “Yes? What is it?”

“...Now’s the time.” she whispered, with a small smile. “I’ll tell you everything soon, but I’m getting you out of here.”


She held a finger to her lips to shush him. “Your daughters are coming, Caden. I’m helping them get you out.” she explained quite blunty, opening up his cell very quietly, with a code on the side of it. She helped him out, and supported his injured stand. “You seem... In pain.” she frowned.

“Just what that brute did to me.” he sighed. “Let’s just hurry.” he requested, Jane didn’t hesitate to follow his request. She held him for support, they began walking through the halls. Being wary not to make too much noise. Not to be seen. Jane still wanted to take the change to explain everything. “I have a lot of explaining to do.” she began, still walking steadily with him.

“No kidding.” he sighed, though with a small smile. “Where will you begin?”

 “Who I really am.” she decided, making sure to speak quietly. “I’m not an employee of AtomiTech.” she listened to his silent reaction, he clearly wanted to hear more instead of commenting on the fact. “I’m actually an agent of the F.B.I... As soon as we knew Lucian wanted to capture one of your daughters... We had to get involved.”

“You must have some sneaky technology and such to get under his nose.” he raised an eyebrow while he spoke. "In many ways which you have."

Jane simply chuckled to herself, and tapped her nose twice. “We need to be sneaky to get past people like him.” she smiled, looking right ahead into the clean white hallways. “I can’t tell you how though.”

“Yes yes, it’s classified.” he rolled his eyes, though found a small chuckle nonetheless. “How do you know we won’t be spotted?”

“If we are, I have a plan.” she said quickly, with a quick wink and a small grin.

The boat finally arrived, the group climbed off. They approached the large building across the bridge, the only building on the whole island. It towered over everything in the area. Yunath lead the group, incase the worst happened. They thought they were home free...

“Hey,” a guard to their side immediatly scowled.

Yunath jumped at the sound of the gritty voice, a hand on her chest and shaking her head at the guard. “You scared the living hoots out of me!” she yelled, more angrilly than anything.

The guard retained an expression of blank disdain. “Lady Yunath, you’re not permitted to be here.”

The four behind her grew nervous at hearing the words, they thought that the only way in was brute force now.

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