Countdown (on hold)

By talentlyungifted

2.5K 225 9

In the future, falling in and out of love has become an everyday thing. People getting married because they t... More

Three years, five months, six days, two hours, thirty minutes before
Three years, five months, six days, one hour, fifty minutes before
Three years, five months, five days, twenty two hours, fifty minutes before
Three years, five months, five days, nineteen hours, fifty minutes before
Three years, five months, five days, seventeen hours, twenty five minutes before
Three years, three months, two weeks, one day, five hours before
Three years, two months, five days, two hours before
Three years, two months, five days, one hour, thirty minutes before
*Author's Note*
Three years, two months, five days, thirty minutes before
Three years, one month, one week, three hours, twenty five minutes before
Three years, one month, one day, four hours, twenty minutes before
Getting to know the story
Three years, one month, one day, three hours, forty minutes before
Three years, one month, one day, one hour, forty minutes before
Three years, two weeks, four days, forty seven minutes before
Three years, two weeks, three days, twenty two hours, fifteen minutes before
Three years, three days, seven hours, fifteen minutes before
Two years, twelve months, seven hours, fifteen minutes before
Two years, twelve months, three weeks, five days, fourteen hours before
Two years, twelve months, three weeks, three days, four hours before
Two years, twelve months, three weeks, one day, fourteen hours before
Two years, twelve months, three weeks, fourteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, four weeks, three days, fifteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, four weeks, two days, thirteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, three weeks, five days, fourteen hours before
Two weeks, eleven months, three weeks, five days, six hours before
Two years, eleven months, two weeks, fourteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, two weeks, thirteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, two weeks, twelve hours, fifty minutes before
Two years, eleven months, six days, twenty hours before
Two years, eleven months, six days, twenty hours, thirty minutes before
Two years, eleven months, six days, nineteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, six days, eighteen hours before
Two years, eleven months, six days, sixteen hours, fifty eight minutes before
Two years, eleven months, six days, sixteen hours, thirty minutes before
Two years, eleven months, five days, twenty four hours, thirty minutes before
Two years eleven months five days twenty three hours fifty-seven minutes before
Two years ten months four weeks three days five hours twenty-nine minutes before
Two years ten months four weeks three days four hours fifty-four minutes before
Two years,ten months,four weeks,two days,20 three hours,30 minutes before
Two years ten months three weeks six days fifteen hours fortynine minutes before
Two years, ten months, two weeks, seven days, five hours, nine minutes before
Two years ten months two weeks seven days three hours forty three minutes before
Two years nine months three weeks four days thirteen hours twenty minutes before
Two years nine months three weeks four days twelve hours fifteen minutes before
Two years,nine months,three weeks,four days,ten hours,fortytwo minutes before

Two years, eleven months, six days, three hours, forty minutes before

20 3 0
By talentlyungifted

I hurried up the staircase last night and went straight up to my bedroom, so I was half shocked to wake up and see Celeste in the spare bed across the room. "Cel, are you awake yet?"

"Yeah." She sounded like she had just woken up.

I walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge. "I thought you said that you and Theo were going to share a room."

She rolled over so that she was facing me now. "Your parents wanted to talk that over with mine. They said that they would call today and talk to them about it." Celeste paused for a moment, "Why did you rush up here last night? Did something happen with Caleb?"

I debated on wether or not to tell Celeste that I kissed Caleb. "He told me what he and Theo talked about and I kissed him." I whispered the last part, but she still understood what I said.

"You kissed Caleb!" Celeste practically screamed.

"Be quiet!" I pounced on her, making her laugh.

"What was it like? Did he kiss you first or did you kiss him first? He was your first kiss, right?" Even though Caleb wasn't my soulmate, first kisses were important and a big deal to everyone.

"It was short, so I don't have much to talk about, but it felt good I guess."

"It'll feel better when you kiss your soulmate, trust me." I didn't want to tell her that Caleb was my soulmate in my mind. "Did he kiss you first?" Celeste asked me again.

"No, I kissed him first. He said we shouldn't hang out as much and he got up to leave, and I got up and kissed him. It was very spontaneous." I thought that Celeste was done with questions, but she continued to ask me about the kids. Was it romantic? Is Caleb a messy kisser? Was the setting nice? I was done answering questions about the kiss, so I answered Celeste with either a simple yes or no.

"Are you done with asking me about the kiss yet?" I asked when Celeste stopped to take a breath. "Let's go down and go get breakfast and see what everyone is doing today." I got up before she could say something and gathered clothes to change into. "You can change here and I'll go into the bathroom."

"You can get dressed here, I'll just go into Theo's room and wake him up." I wanted to tell Celeste that I didn't think that was a good idea, but she was already walking down the hall with her suitcase.

I chose a simple dress and quickly got dressed. While I was brushing my hair, I took the time to study my face. I used to think that everyone looked alike in someway, but I now know that isn't true. Everyone is different, including myself. I had grey eyes, which was different. My hair was a light auburn, which wasn't as common as everyone else's. I was just thinking about people in general when Celeste's girly giggle floated down the hall.

She had changed her clothes, and Theo was trailing behind her like a lost puppy. "Shay!" Theo called, "Come with us! We're going down for breakfast!"

I followed them down to the kitchen, listening to their hushed whispers and watching their small kisses on each other. I started making breakfast and causally listened to their conversation.

"We need to talk to your parents about the sleeping situation. I didn't like sleeping without you last night." Celeste pouted.

Theo wrapped his arm around the back of Celeste's chair. "I know, I didn't like it either, but we just need to wait for them to talk about it with your parents. But in the meantime, I can do this." He leaned over Celeste and kissed her. He pulled away and she smiled for a second before he pulled her onto his lap. She was sitting towards him and leaned in to kiss him. It wasn't just a short, small kiss; it was a long, drawn out heavy kiss. I couldn't help but watch them. They pulled apart from each other and I quickly turned around, hoping that they wouldn't see me, but I wasn't fast enough and Theo saw me looking at them.

Theo noticed me first. "Damn Shay! Why were you looking at us?" I tried to explain why I was there because he seemed to forget that he told me to go down with them, but he didn't let me talk. "Just get out of here." I hurried out of the kitchen before one of them could get up to do anything.

I walked out the back door and sat down on a rusty chair that faced the barn. Carrot and Turnip were walking in the open pasture and I suddenly had an urge to go riding. I went back inside and wrote a note to tell Mom and Dad where I was going to be. Theo and Celeste weren't in the kitchen anymore and I didn't feel like trying to find them and to tell them where I was going to be.

*Author's Note*                                                                                                                                                                            Hey everyone! I hope you like this update! It isn't very long, but it's actually one of my favorite parts that I've written recently. Thank you all for reading Countdown; it means the world to me. Thanks + I love you all <3

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