Another Uchiha (ItaSaku Akasa...

By Day2780

54.3K 1.7K 201

"You're a diamond dear, they can't break you" Sakura Haruno's life is a series amazing events, chances take... More

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3.3K 120 17
By Day2780

Every thing is changing nothing remains the same. I walk off into the florist thinking to myself" might as well get used to being lonely" ind off I went into the pitch black darkness of the night.

-5 years latter-
"hey did you hear about the girl named Sakura no Akatsuki "? Said a passer by " oh yes the bloody murder that is invisible to the naked eye seems no one can track her" said another one

I speed past them. Yes it was true, I Sakura Haruno am now Sakura no Akatsuki. One of the generation of miracles, group of assassins I'm number six the phantom. we never meet up it's only you and the leader every five months. I'm not loyal I'm only doing this so my legend can live on .

-Akatsuki bace-
Itachi pov-
It's been 5 years since I went silent. I didn't talk to anyone not even later I just can't find the words to speak. I just can't. Though I do talk on missions for the sake of it but I have heard many rumors about Sakura No Akatsuki. Some aren't as good as a seem. Seems like she is one of the generation of miracles I hope she's not loyal or pain will kick her out of the Akatsuki. I hope she comes home soon.

Sakura POV-
It's finally time to go back to the Akatsuki. He for a while though because I have unfinished business at Konoha.

Time skip-
Pein pov-
It's been so lonely without Sakura. She did tell me that later today to get everyone into my office. For something special in 10 minutes. " EVERY ONE IN MY OFFICE NOW"! Within two seconds everyone was lined up in my office clock, rings and all. " why are we here leader un? " asked Deidei, pain sent him a glare. " as you all now my sister Sakura no Akatsuki left five years ago well she sent me a squirrel saying everyone should be in my office in 3 2 1 " BAM" the door slammed open.

I see figure in a black cloak, The figure pulled down the hood and you see my sister all grown up in a ninja wardrobe that consists of only black and blood red. Her eyes changed, is blood red and another one is bright emerald green. She's also very curvy in no longer flat chested. She really change.

She walked in like a boss and stopped in front of me and kneeled down saying "I am back leader-sama" she spoke no very emotionless voice. "Welcome back sister" i walked up to her and embraced her in a tight hug, she looked really shocked as if she hasn't but hug and a long time. You slowly hugged back and soon broke it for a group hug.

"I told you that I was going to make myself known" " I know I know" soon as he left it there I am only me and my sis. "I can only stay for so long" she said sadly to my surprise. " I know before you leave can you take itachi you" I could tell she was shocked. "why"? "He is changed since you left"
She thought about it for minute."okay I will take him with me but I leave in the morning". She said "One more hug"I say. "Ok" and we shared one last embracing hug I gave him a kiss on the fore head" I will come back"

Sakura pov-

With that I walked out of his office. what are my going to say to itachi? I haven't seen him in 5 years since the kiss.

Do I love him? Yes
Does he love me?no.... Maybe

My Brain hurts!
Whatever, I turn the Corner to see his door now or never.
" hey can I come in"
" Hn"
I look at his room hasn't changed a bit I look at him he is sitting on the bed so I sit next to him.

"I wanted you to know while I was gone I thought about you and the k-kiss" I look him in his Beautiful black guys, " I really l-like you" I swallow my pride. Deep red in the face. His face went to emotionless to deep red yet so happy.
" Hn you like me"?
She Shook her head no.
" no I love yo-"
Before I could finish he was pressing his lips against mine. To say the least I was shocked but in the end it became more of a heated out session. Before I realized it I was pressed down on his bed. Before I could go on I had to hear him say that he felt the same way. " Do you-u feel the same" I say panting with his saliva dripping from my mouth same with him." I l-love you so much I'm going insane I'm going crazy you are my world without you i'm going to die of loneliness" he started to cry. I was so shocked but with that I grabbed his neck and pulled him into a kiss " it's okay you're not alone, do you want to travel with me in the morning around the world?" " yes" and like that We feel asleep in each others arms.

Time skip-Next day

I woke up The next day was an extra 10 pounds on my chest.I open my eyes to see and itachi's Head on my chest I slowly combed my fingers through his hair he slowly woke up. "you're gonna have to get up and get packed we're leaving in three hours" he nodded got up and changed in that bathroom. Well we are about to start a new future together.

Get ready Konoha were coming for you,

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