My Husbands Boyfriend -Zouiam...

By Ziams_Snapback

54.6K 2.7K 1.8K

See inside for details. :) More

My Husbands Boyfriend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Not an Update
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fourteen

1.9K 125 82
By Ziams_Snapback

Here's the daily update. I hope you all like this chapter. I have a big announce for you all tomorrow! So stay tuned!

WARNING THIS CHAPTER IS TRIGGERING. This whole book Just be warned, and if you need to talk my inbox and kik is always open. (:

They say love can make you oblivious to certain things. It can make you blind. You only see the good in the person you love, they can do no wrong. There comes a point though, when you have to say enough is enough. After so long you get tired. Tired of the lies, the empty promises and abuse.

As Liam sits on the edge of the bed with a black eye, crying because Zayn hit him again, he realizes he doesn't deserve this. He is worth so much more that what Zayn treats him like. Liam is tired, so tired of feeling worthless and dead inside. He may love Zayn, but he needs a break from all this.

Liam didn't do anything to deserve the punch to his left eye. He didn't deserve the kick to his groin. He didn't deserve the twisting of his wrist. He didn't deserve to be shoved down and kicked repeatedly. He didn't deserve the nasty insults and cuss words thrown at him.

All the abuse Zayn gave him, was because Liam asked him to break it off with Louis. He just wants to be a happy family and raise his child in a good environment. Liam has contemplated suicide numerous times before he got pregnant. He went as far as cutting himself.

Liam holds on to his eye, broken sobs escaping his lips. He could feel the blood pouring out of his lip, and the stabbing pain in his wrist, knowing it is broke. Surprisingly, this physical pain is nothing to Liam, what really hurts is hearing Zayn and Louis fucking each other in his bed, in his home. It's worse that a slap to the face, or a kick to the ribs. This is a pain in his heart, his pride , and self esteem.

Shakily, he stands up from the bed, cradling his stomach with his good arm. Liam waddles over to the door, turning the knob. He makes his way to Zayn and Louis room and turns opens the door, not caring that the two are going at it like fucking rabbits.

"Look who came to watch," he hears Louis snicker breathlessly. He winces as that, turning his head away and closing his eyes.

Liam bites his lip as Zayn says, "Probably going to give himself a hand job, no one wants to fucking touch him, I bet he can't get it up." Another stab at his pride.

"N-No.." Liam stutters shaking his head, "I ..I came t-to say I'm leaving. I can't take th-the abuse anymore..especially with my baby c-coming." He says, ignoring the grunts and moans coming from Louis and Zayn.

Zayn pulls out of Louis and turns over to Liam, raising his eyebrow, "Yeah as if, you're too much of a pussy to leave me," he slurs drunkenly, taking another swig of his vodka that was on the nightstand.

Liam swallows hard, "I-I'm not ..a pussy," he says staring at Zayn hard, "Un-Until you can sh-show me th-that you..won't hurt m-me a-anymore ..I'm l-leaving. N-Niall will let m-me live w-with him. I'm sick of you hu-hurting me, I'm pregnant..and I don't want my child b-being around , that's it.." Liam stutters out nervously. He hears Louis laughing at his attempt to speak calmly, which caused him to look at his feet shamefully.

Zayn balls his fists and walks his way over to Liam, completely bare. He grabs Liam's bad wrist and squeezes it hard, making the man yelp in pain. He laughs darkly and throws Liam to the floor, kneeling down beside him he whispers, "You don't know how long I've wanted you to leave."

Tears stream down Liam's face as he looks up at Zayn, "Fuck you. Fuck you and your slut! Fuck you and your abuse! Fuck you and your lies!" He shouts , trying to get up. Liam pushes himself off the floor so he can sit up , "I've done nothing but shower you with unconditional love! I do everything you ask! I let you fucking rape me in a bathroom stall! Well no more! I'm not your fucking door mat Zayn!"

Anger fills Zayn's body, he raises his hand and slaps Liam hard across the face. He grabs a fistful of his hair , pulling him up and slamming him against the wall, "Get the fuck out you big nosed fucking freak!" He screams in his face, shoving Liam out of the bed room, slamming the door in his face.

Part of Liam wishes Zayn would've begged him to stay, promising he would go to counseling and get the help he needs. The other part of Liam is happy, happy that he feels free. He stares at the door, contemplating to go back and apologize to Zayn, telling him it was his fault and beg him to let him stay. Instead, Liam turns on his heel and walks to the guest bed room and grabs two weeks worth of clothes and stuffs them into a suit case.

The pictures of him and Zayn catch his eye, he smiles sadly and grabs them all, putting them in the suitcase that was filled with clothes. Liam hopes Zayn gets help, and realizes how he's been acting is ridiculous, he hopes that one day he and Zayn can try again and be a family.

Liam digs his phone out of his pocket, wincing as sharp pains shoot up through his arm, he dials Niall's number and places the phone on the good side of his face. He bites his trembling lip as it rings, when Niall answers he lets out a sob, "Nini, please come g-get m-me ...I -I'm leav-leaving.."

"I'll be right there, I love you Liam."


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