Without You ( Under Editing )

By PrinceCrissy5210

99.9K 1.8K 635

"...Don't you get it? I don't want to be your friend, I want be your one and only..." While one seeks to reb... More

🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️
🌕•••Without You•••☀️

🌕•••Without You•••☀️

4.1K 159 21
By PrinceCrissy5210

Without You (SasuxNaru)
Chapter 05: Untold Secret.

The following morning at Minato's restaurant; the memory, Minato was sitting behind his desk in his office going through a few work related papers that required his immediate attention when there was a knock on the door, he looked up to the clock hanging high above by the door and saw the time and knew that nobody should be coming in around this time, but instead of wondering who it might be he left his desk to open the door and standing outside the door was Shikamaru who was all dressed for work. "Shikamaru! I thought I told you didn't have to come in so early in the morning during the week when you have school." Minato stepped to the side to let him in before closing the door behind him. Shikamaru let out a sigh as flopped on to the couch looking to Minato with a frown. "And leave all the prep work to you? That's just unacceptable! Plus I wanted talk about what happened yesterday morning. Who was that? And why does he look so much like Naruto?" Shikamaru questioned folding his arms over his chest looking to Minato for answers. Minato knew that he'd come around for some answers since he did ask him to keep it a secret and to also lie so he owed him the truth. "First of all; I need you to promise not to tell anyone about Naruko, at least not yet anyways...just until I can properly talk to Naruto about him and figure out why Naruko is here and how he's even alive..."

"So what you're saying is that this "Naruko" person is related to Naruto...? Who am I kidding? He clearly looks like Naruto so there could be only one possible explanation; He's Naruto identical twin, right?" Shikamaru looked to Minato who let out a soft sigh as he nodded his head. "...Now the real question is why haven't any of us known about him until now? Especially Naruto of all people who's his brother!" Shikamaru bombarded the man in front of him for answers, Minato raised his hand causing Shikamaru to pause and wait for the man to collect his thoughts. Minato rubbed the bridge of his nose briefly before he looked to Shikamaru debating if he really should tell him everything. "You can trust me! Naruto's like a brother to me, the little brother I never had so please tell me everything." Shikamaru pleaded. Minato looked to Shikamaru who held a determined look in his eyes and smiled at the other, he took a deep breath as he sat down in the open seat in front of Shikamaru. "Well just like you said Naruko is Naruto's identical twin brother. When the two of them were born Naruto was born lively and happy but Naruko wasn't as lucky. He wasn't breathing and the doctors feared that he might have a heart condition so they rushed to tend to him, but the doctors told us that there wasn't much they could have done and that he passed away. We held a small reserved ceremony where only a select few who knew about the incident could come. We were devastated but Kushina always felt like something was off and could feel that Naruko wasn't truly dead, so that summer when Naruto was four we left him with you and your family and left to properly investigate with what little connection we had." Minato paused momentarily as he looked to Shikamaru who looked bewilder as he listens attentively to Minato's story. "We hunted down the former director of the hospital where Kushina gave birth and learned that someone had invested a large sum of money to have the hospital take one of the babies away. Naruko was alive, he was somewhere out in the world alone and probably scared believing that we had abandoned him but the director had no idea who the mysterious individual who had wanted our baby was, they couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. We searched high and low but we could never find a trace of him. We didn't want to give up on our search but we had Naruto to think about so we stopped searching but we didn't give up hope that he would one day find his way to us and no matter how he'd come to us we'd take him in with open arms if he allowed us." Minato wiped away a single tear that had escaped his eye, Shikamaru placed hand on to the man's knee in a form of comfort, then he didn't know what came over him as he stood up from his seat and wrapped his arms around Minato holding him close to him. Shikamaru saw Minato like an older brother and he respected and admired him, and to see him like this it honestly hurt him. After Minato had calmed down a bit Shikamaru had poured him a cup of water before he sat back down on to the sofa, Minato took a sip from his cup before he placed it down on the coffee table in front of him. "Is there anything I can do to help? You know there's no way I'm going to let you tackle all of this on your own." Shikamaru stated looking to Minato who kept his eyes glue to his lap. Minato sighed looking up to meet Shikamaru's determined eyes. "I couldn't possibly ask you to do anymore for me Shikamaru. You're already dealing with a lot and adding on to it would feel as though I'm taking advantage of you." Minato said looking over to the family photo that neatly rested on top of his desk. "Naruto, student council and your also in your final year of high school I couldn't possibly add more to your plate." Minato softly spoke.

"I take care of Naruto because I want to, I don't mind adding another Uzumaki on to my plate sir. You're busy with a lot currently so why don't I take care of his meals for now on just until things get settled. I can drop off food before and after school for him, it's the least I can do." Shikamaru offered.

"Obviously there's no fighting you on this so; thank you, I really appreciate all that you do for me and wish I could do something to repay you." Minato beamed rubbing a hand on to the back of his nape.

"You could always increase my pay, keeping my girlfriend and Naruto happy doesn't come cheap you know." Shikamaru joked, a small laugh escaping from between his lips which cause Minato to let out a laugh as well. "That can be arranged." Minato chuckled. After they've calmed down a bit Shikamaru looked to Minato with a serious expression. "Do you already know how you're going to handle all of this without Kushina?" Shikamaru questioned. Minato looked to a single photo frame that had a picture of Kushina in it and smiled. "No, but I'm pretty sure I know how Kushina would do things so I'll put my trust in her." He replied, his smile growing wider.

Minato went back to work after their talk and Shikamaru left the restaurant as instructed by Minato who begged him to and decided to check up on Naruto back at the penthouse. Naruto turns into a completely different person when he goes into his heat; not only are his pheromones incredible strong that they effect everyday Beta's but he turns into a sexual predator who could trap anyone if they aren't strong enough to withstand him. After he took his medication he was able to calm down a bit and sleep, so Shikamaru's hoping that he'll be okay for the day. When Shikamaru got off the elevator he was immediately welcomed by a naked Naruto who was drenched in sweat, he fell to his knee panting heavily and uncontrollably, his body shuttered at the smallest of touch and he was leaking from both his front and back. Shikamaru immediately threw a hand over his nose as the pheromones Naruto was releasing invaded his nose causing Shikamaru to tumble back a bit due to the intensity of it all. "Na—Naruto! What happened?" He questioned swatting his hand in front of him trying to fan away the scent but that was impossible to do. Naruto look to Shikamaru through blurry vision. "I don't know! M—My body feels like it's on fire Shikamaru, no matter what I do i can't cool off..." Naruto stuttered as he crawled his way over to Shikamaru who stepped back as Naruto move towards him, he continued to pull away until his back was pressed against the front door and with nowhere to go Shikamaru froze as he felt Naruto's face buried into his crotch area. "but this...if I can have this big, juice and cool cock inside me then maybe I can cool off. You can dump all of your babies in my Shika-chi and I'll gladly have them all!" Naruto moaned rubbing his face against Shikamaru's crotch. Shikamaru pulled Naruto's face away yanking him back by his hair forcing Naruto to meet his gaze. Naruto's pheromones were getting violently crazy and Shikamaru was having a hard time dealing with Naruto as his strength slowly left his body and his mind was trading down a dangerous path. "Please Shikamaru I ne—I need help...I can't calm myself down and the medication isn't working! I need it inside me otherwise I feel I might just die without it!" Naruto pleaded with him his hold on Shikamaru's leg tightening even more than before.

Seeing no other choice Shikamaru finally decided to take action and give in to Naruto pleases, he scooped him up into his arms and took him to his bedroom where he laid him down on the bed, he took off the pillow casing off of the pillows on Naruto's bed and used one as a restrain to tie Naruto up and the other was used as a blindfold. Shikamaru took a bit of lubrication on to his fingers before pushing them deep within Naruto's warm inside that immediately sucked him in. Naruto let out a gasp as he arches his back in absolute pleasure; it wasn't what he wanted but it was something and he had been craving something other than his own fingers. Shikamaru continued to work his fingers inside Naruto bruising and abusing the others prostate causing Naruto unimaginable pleasure, Naruto had came multiple times without much efforts from Shikamaru who seem to know all the right ways to get Naruto feeling absolutely good. After a couple of hours of Finger play Naruto had finally seemed to calm down as he was passed out on to his bed after dry cumming for the fourth time since half an hour ago. After he took his fingers out from within Naruto Shikamaru made sure to clean him up and properly tuck him into bed after getting him dressed, he quietly left the room to get started on preparing Naruto's breakfast, lunch and dinner for him and of course he took the liberty of preparing Naruko's portion while he was at it as well.

An hour later after he had finished preparing both portions of meal for the two Uzumaki siblings, and as Shikamaru started cleaning the kitchen Naruto came out of his room looking for something to eat, when he saw Shikamaru still there he felt incredible embarrassed to face him and decided to comeback out when he left but Shikamaru had caught him before he could do so and order him to sit down and have breakfast, as he ate his meal Naruto grew curious to know why Shikamaru had made so much and why he was packing it all up. "Is there like a really long student council meeting that I don't know about or something?" He questioned the other who looked back at him with a raised brow. Naruto let out a small chuckle as he pointed to the boxes of meals that Shikamaru had been packing up. "You've got a lot of food there Shikamaru. I doubt that you and the members of the student council will be able to finish all of that." He joked looking to Shikamaru with a smile on his while he pushes his food around with his chopsticks.

"No, this isn't for the student council, I mean we do have a meeting today but this food is for someone else, someone who needs it so I'm going to drop it off at their place before going to school..." Shikamaru paused briefly as he turned to the clock that hung above the kitchen entryway. "I'm going to go now so I don't end up showing up late for school. Don't forget to eat and don't forget to drink your medicine, and if your two dogs ask you if they can come over you say "no" and don't forget that I'm a call away if you need anything." Shikamaru said while he gathered his things up making sure he didn't forget anything and left for the elevator after hugging Naruto. Shikamaru walked to the nearest bus stop to take a bus out of the city towards the outskirts, he got off at a bus stop before school and made his way towards his neighborhood and towards the house that the Uzumaki's used to live in. He double checked and made extra sure nobody was watching or around before he made his way into the yard and up the flight of steps towards the front door, he glanced around one last time before he reached down into a pot of planet taking out a spare key and stepping into the house after unlocking it. You could hear that the television was on and that someone was taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom, Shikamaru hurried his way towards the kitchen to put away the food he brought, and as he was putting them away in the fridge someone had cleared there throat drawing his attention to them, standing in the entryway to the Kitchen was none other than Sasuke who was dressed for school and looking to Shikamaru for answers as to why he was there. Shikamaru stood up facing Sasuke ready to give him an "explanation" hoping he buy it when the shower had shut off and stepping into the picture was a dripping wet and naked Naruko who wore a mischievous smile but quickly hide it behind a surprised looked.

"Sa—Sasuke!" Naruko stuttered sounding surprised. "Wha—What are you doing here...?" He questioned him looking to Shikamaru who was looking back at him with a stern look on his face praying that Naruko wouldn't give away that he wasn't Naruto, before either of the two boys could speak Sasuke reached for Naruko grabbing him with one hand and slamming him against the nearest wall he could find, and the words that came out of his mouth next had both Naruko and Shikamaru frozen in fear.

"...Who the hell are you and why the fuck do you look like Naruto?" 

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