female robbery • malum

By mangolai

35.4K 2.6K 971

in which michael falls in love with a robber, who was also his kindergarten best friend? story idea credit:... More

twenty-eight - the end
twenty-nine - epilogue
thirty - bonus chapter
new story
only book that's made sense


789 73 96
By mangolai

if there was anything i hated more from coming back from break it had to be exams. 

i sat down in my seat, staring over at mr. irwin as he got up and started to pass out the psat packets but my eyes widened as he never put one on my desk. "seniors this year are not premitted to take the test, juniors, sorry you're out of luck." he chuckled. 

"however, you are stuck in this class and the rules apply to you." he said sternly and i shrugged, i can go years without talking. 

i glanced over across the room to see michael groaning as he started going through the test despite him not supposed to be. after the answer sheets were passed out i started zoneing out as he explained.

last night was terrible, having to explain where the fuck mali was but i said she never told me. i didn't understand why, but i just wanted her to be in my life only. sure someone else's, but she didn't need to be in my parent's life anymore. she's been gone for most of it anyways. 

having missed them going through their fourties and nearly fifties is a lot. 

"you have fourty-five minutes to complete this section of the test, calculators are not premitted."

"why would we need calculators for the reading portion?" 

"i don't fu.cking know dylan, take the test." 

i looked up at mr. irwin, our eyes locking before his widened and he sat down at his desk. i glanced at his arms, noticing a few tattoos that had been covered with make up and my own eyes widened.


everyone turned their heads to me.

i fu.cking said it aloud. 

ash- no, mr. irwin's head shot up at me. "what did you just say?"

"he said daddy!" dylan, the previous kid who annoyed everyone shouted much to my joy. everyone started to chuckle and mr. iriwn got up. 

"everyone be quiet, dylan you talk again and i'll kindly shred your vocal chords. jeff, since you're not taking the test and i know you're honest you watch the class for me while i spead to calum outside."

i got out of my chair and walked over to the door, hearing the snickers as i left and waited in the hall. he came out a few seconds later.

"would you like to explain what you were doing in my house over break?"

"would you like to explain to the class you have a daddy kink?" i smirked, liking how i was going to win the argument but froze when realizing what i had done.

"excuse you?" ashton's jaw locked and he folded his arms over his chest. "my person life has nothing to do with yours."

"it does."

"it doesn't."

"it does, daddy."

ashton tensed. 

"hah!" i did a little dance. "so it does turn you on!"

"keep your fu.cking voice down." he slapped me upside the head and i've been getting that a lot. though a teacher can't hit a student, i had to admit i deserved that one. 

"what do you want from me?" he rolled his eyes.

"who's the blonde?"

"i don't have to tell you his name."

"you asked me what i wanted from you, and i want information." he smiled cheekily.

ashton peeked over through the window to see everyone was calm and no one was talking before turning to me. "his name is luke."

"how old is he?"


"how old are you?"


"do you guys do age play?"

ashton face palmed, groaning quietly. "why would you want to know that? wouldn't that like, ruin your life?"

"actually it'd improve my life." he pushed him a little.

"push me again and i'll ruin you." 

"then what? daddy."

ashton tensed again and i grinned.

"yes, we do age play."



"what kinks do you have?"

"you're now my least favorite student."

"that's not an answer."

"daddy kink and -" he mumbled the rest of it but pain and pet play was heard so it was good enough for me. "and you know what? i shouldn't have to tell you anything else. you broke into my house."

oh yeah


"i said sorry?" i blushed and he shook his head. "you're lucky i didn't call the cops. what are kids even doing this day?" 

"believe me, you wouldn't understand."

a knock at the door broke the conversation and i opened it and took my seat again. ashton came into the room and thanked jeff for watching everyone. michael seemed to be finished with his, leaning  back into his chair and stretching.

"you all have twenty minutes to complete this section of the test."

i could have sworned someone had whispered "fu.ck the wolves" under there breath as they turned the next page. 

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