
بواسطة Treacletoes

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Sang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Ma... المزيد

Sang's Discovery
To the shock of Mr Blackbourne
The Second Immaculate Conception...
Carry on as normal...
Completely innocent
Family Meeting
First lesson..
Pulling back
Nine guys?
Google would have been easier...
What's Oral Sex?
Making plans...
Tree Surfing
Shot to the heart...
We're human, not robots!
A North and Silas Sandwich...
Ye, of little faith.
Toe in tap.. but we do love you.
Murder in the dark...
Oh, believe me, it was us who won...
Trick or Treat
Perfect but not infallible
Pancakes with no sugar
Mr Blackbourne's House
Fire alarms and fights
Figuring it out...
Getting away with it
We never leave one of our own alone...
Meeting with Mr Hendricks
Dresses and dance lessons
"Well, how did you kiss him, Mr Griffin?"
Synchronized kissing
Graffiti and Pizza
More dance lessons and detention
We can be Yak Herders
Welcome home
You scrub up good
Talking it out
At the lodge
A short walk
Spiders and Showers
Mr Blackbourne
Dr Green
How did you know?
Caves, Condoms and Echoes
Bus trip
Ivory towers and showers
Kathy and Alice
Gabriel's Birthday
Shopping with Mr Blackbourne
The Olive Tree
Unknown Caller
Ghost Bird
Sword of Damocles
Korean Messages
Coffee and cake
We've lost her
Roller Skating
Food Prep
Bathing Mr Blackbourne style.
Group texting
Family Meeting
Decorating and Devastating
Kissing with hands - Gabriel
Clean up
Mr Hendricks
More Conversations
Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green
Mr Biggles
Emergency Family Meeting
Gift Giving
Spoils of war
Packing up
Mr Griffin
Too far away
Damage Control
"You are my fresh air"
Treadmill of Doom
Magazines and Eye Tests
"Nothing comes between us, ever."
Please read.
I'm not gay
Tony Taylor
Professor Dakota Jameson Lee
Called in
I can't.....
A Double, Secret Agent
Thomas Drew
Swimming pools and baths
Talking to Tom
The Sang Schedule
Mission accomplished
"You just made my year,"
Son of a Preacher
Show of Sass
No Regrets
Not a prank.
Not Guilty
Double Standards
You're not listening!
Stockholm Syndrome
Over at Nathan's...
Texting Blake
All it takes is seconds...
Neither required nor wanted...
Sunday Evening
"I really do love you, Owen Blackbourne"
An Idea
A different kind of blackmail....
Not going to plan
The calm before
The Storm
Three Ring Circus
Efharisto' poli', North.
Ghost of a smile
Thrown under the bus
She's a minor!
United We Stand
Dr Roberts
Not for him
Blood on fire
A bruise is a bruise
Karate Kid
Actions speak louder than words
Family Meeting
Rush of Sweet Fire
A brother's sins
This isn't a test
Family First, Family Always.

Ties are useful items.

13.1K 475 246
بواسطة Treacletoes

A/N: Thank you to everyone who continues to read, vote and comment on this story. I would probably have given up a long time ago if it weren't for you. :)

Also, we don't know where Sang comes from other than a small town in Illinois. I've used artistic license to place her somewhere near Chicago just because. :)

The other thing I wanted to mention is that other than his father killing his mother we know nothing about Mr B, so anything he tells Sang in this chapter is not canon and is just my rabid musings. Given their ages I have found it hard to get things to fit. There's not a lot of time lapse for certain things to have taken place, but I hope I've squeezed them in a semi believable way.

Oh, and it earns its mature rating again at the end.  And it's mahoosively long.

Hope you enjoy it.

Sang's POV

Friday was spent going over my textbooks ready for when I would go back to school on Monday. Owen and Sean were both working so it made sense for Kota to take the day off and stay with Nathan and me. Nathan had missed school all this week because of his ribs, but he was getting there and was able to move around a lot more easily.

I had missed a lot of school, but with their help I was able to get pretty much back on track with it. There were a few things that I was struggling with and I had missed quite a bit of lab work in biology, but it wasn't too bad and nothing that would affect my end of year result.

Gabriel had come here right after school with Victor and sent me for a bath. Owen was going to pick me up at six, we were going to have a meal somewhere first and then go to the eight performance. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I had been to Victor's concerts but this was different; I had never been to any sort of play before and I had no idea what to expect.

By the time I had finished my bath and got dressed into my underwear and a robe, Gabriel had laid out the grey cocktail dress that we had decided on. It was a beautiful dress and I felt quite different wearing it. Gabriel styled my hair into an elegant chignon and put a hint of makeup onto me. I wasn't used to seeing the person who reflected back at me in the mirror as Gabriel put the finishing touches to my hair.

"I feel like cinderella," I told him in a hushed voice, making him chuckle.

"Not cinderella." He shook his head. "The magic doesn't wear off after midnight and it's a bit of a stretch imagining Mr B as Prince Charming."

"You look fabulous," Victor spoke up from where he had been sitting on the edge of the bed watching Gabriel wave his magic wand over me.

"I feel it," I admitted. "I feel like I'm dressing up in someone else's clothes...."

"You always look beautiful," Gabriel swatted me on the butt as he stepped back. "Stop fishing for compliments and give us a twirl."

"She's not fishing for compliments, Gabe," Victor said quietly as I gave them a twirl still in stocking feet as I hadn't put my heels on yet.

"I'm not," I told him, feeling myself colour up slightly. "I just don't feel like me."

"I know, I know," Gabriel said and swatted my butt again, but this time it was more a caress than a swat. "You just break my heart when you get all down on yourself. Now, into those heels and let's present you to Mr B."

"He's here?" I asked him, moving to slip my feet into the grey suede kitten heeled shoes that matched the dress.

"Has been for the last half an hour," Victor said with a grin and got up. He came towards me and taking me into his arms he began to waltz me around the room. I loved it when he did this, they all seemed to have relaxed a little and the constant worry that Hendricks had over everyone was slowly disappearing.

"Save me a dance tomorrow, princess," he said as I giggled in his arms. I looked up at him, smiling happily.

"I shall save you more than one," I promised him and he kissed me gently.

"Oy! Keep your lips to yourself, I don't want to have to redo her lipstick."

I grinned up at Victor and bit my lip when I saw that he was now wearing a thin sheen of Cotton Candy pink on his lips.

"It suits him, leave it," Gabriel said, catching my fingers when I lifted my hand to wipe Victor's lips clean.

"Tastes good as well," Victor laughed as he smacked his lips together. "But I think the taste is all Sang."

"Yeah, probably," laughed Gabriel. "Do you want me to put some on you, Vic? It really does suit you." Gabriel smirked at him.

"I think I'll pass on that," Victor said and lead me towards the door as he wiped his mouth with his other hand.

"Sang baby," boomed North as I went out into the hallway, he was just closing the door. His eyebrows were drawn together. "You look fucking gorgeous and Marie has just gone out."

"Gone? With David?" I asked him, surprised by his last words.

"No, Stewart Johnston," he said with a frown. "She got a new boyfriend?"

"I don't know, who's Stuart Johnston?" I asked him.

"He's on the team, same year as Marie," Silas supplied from where he was leaning in the family room doorway. "You look beautiful, Aggele."

"Yeah you do," North said with a nod. "Stew is a good kid, better than David anyway."

"She hasn't said anything to me," I shrugged.

"Miss Sorenson, you are a vision of beauty," came a voice that sent shivers down my spine. I turned to see Owen coming out of the kitchen. He made my jaw drop and then snap shut. He was wearing a dark grey pair of slacks with a white shirt and a grey waistcoat but no jacket. His tie was the silver one I had bought him and he looked elegant without looking overdressed. Scratch elegant and insert gorgeous, he was really handsome and he made my stomach turn over to see him. I couldn't help but feel a little plain next to him, next to all of them. My insecurities were still there, just under the surface, no matter how many times I heard them tell me they loved me. I would always feel plain next to them, no matter how much Victor spent on me or how much makeup Gabriel put on me.

"Are you ready?" he asked me, coming towards me holding out his hand to me.

"Yes, I think so," I replied but instead of taking his hand I slipped my fingers around his elbow. My hands were sweaty with the nerves and excitement and I very much doubted he'd want to hold a sweaty palm.

"Hold up!" Gabriel shouted as he dashed into the bedroom and then came back out with my handbag and pink coat.

"Phone and lipstick in case you need to re-touch after eating," he said as he held it out to me. I took it, and then Owen took the coat from Gabriel and helped me into it.

I said goodbye to the rest of them as I felt Owen put his hand onto the small of my back to direct me to the door. He took a black double breasted jacket from the coat stand and slid into it.

"Be back by ten, and I expect you to treat her with respect," Gabriel called after Owen with a laugh.

Owen turned and although I couldn't see his face I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Don't wait up, Mr Coleman, Miss Sorenson is coming home with me tonight, where I shall treat her with the utmost respect. Gentlemen." He shut the door behind him but I could still hear the whoop of laughter coming from Gabriel.

My coat was warm but I was still glad when Owen held the car door open for me and helped me into the passenger side. He moved quickly and got into the driver's side.

"Are you comfortable, Sang? Would you like me to put the heating on?"

"Yes, please," I replied, my now sweaty palms were ice cold and were clasped together in my lap.

He started the engine and switched the heating on and I was hit with a blast of warm air that made me smile.

"Still think it's warmer than Illinois?" he asked me with his millimetre smile.

"It's still warmer than Illinois," I laughed. "If we were there we'd be making snowmen and building igloos. But I think your summer here was so warm I was spoilt."

He pulled out of the driveway and set off into the rapidly darkening night.

"Do you miss the snow?" he asked me quietly.

I didn't need to consider that one at all.

"I do, yes, but I don't as well. I miss the way it turns even the drabbest of places into a wonderland of white. I miss walking in the snow, but I don't miss the cold or being stuck in snowstorms."

"Silas has never seen snow," he mused. "Maybe one day, we can take a trip north to find snow."

"We could make snow angels and have a snowball fight," I agreed with a smile. I really like the idea of that.

"Did you get snow every year?"

"Yes, we come from a little place just outside of Chicago and sometimes the snow would be 3 feet deep. It wasn't always fun," I said, remembering how ill fitting clothes and shoes had made life uncomfortable and sometimes incredibly cold. Our house had always been warm downstairs and in our parents room, but I remembered my room as being cold in the winter. But it didn't matter, because it was in the past and I would never have to go through that again.

"It was a long time ago that I saw snow," he said with a smile. "Are you looking forward to the dance tomorrow?"

Truth be told I hadn't had much time to think about it. There was something else I wanted to talk to him about and I told him so.

"Of course, please, go on," he said quietly.

"I was wondering if someone would be able to take me shopping for the meal I want to make you all on Sunday."

"If Victor takes you he will want to pay for the..."

"No, I want to pay for this," I said, cutting him off. "It's my present to you all. I can't give you much, but I would like to do this."

"You give us more than you think," he said softly. "Sean is not working tomorrow, I know he would like to take you. I would offer my services but I have to get to school a bit earlier to supervise."

"Isn't it odd that it's being held on a Saturday?" I asked him.

"It is, Monday will be a non pupil day and Friday was out of the question. Saturday was the only option and was not received well by the teachers, but the new Principal is adamant to correct past mistakes and make student morale better and he thinks this is a good way to start."

"What time does it start?"

"2pm to 6pm," he said. "Sang, are you sure you're ok with going?"

"I am, I'm not sure the others are though," I admitted. "Kota had banned me from all school dances until the end of time."

He chuckled and pulled into what looked like an underground car park.

"Mr Lee, indeed all of us, are concerned with your safety," he said, pulling into a spot with precision.

"I know, and I don't mean to take that lightly," I said, "The danger is no longer there though, is it?"

"No, I believe it is not." He switched off the engine and turned to me, his face cast into shadow.

"The thing is, Sang, you've been through so much since we met you. I know you're strong, I know you're more than capable of looking after yourself. But that doesn't stop me or any of us wanting to protect you. North and Kota may be more vocal about it, but there isn't one of us that wants to see you get hurt, in any way."

He leant forwards and brushed his lips against mine, not deep enough to call a kiss, but enough for me to be able to feel him, smell his scent.

"I was more worried that it could possibly bring back bad memories for you," he said, still close enough to me that I felt his breath wash over my face. I leant forward and kissed him, unable not to. His hand slid onto my shoulder as the kiss deepened and then we were parting to breathe and he leant his forehead on my shoulder.

"My desire is to take you home," he whispered against my ear. "So we had better get out of this car before I act on that desire."

I wanted to tell him that I was perfectly happy with his desire to take me home, but he was already slipping smoothly from his seat, and coming around to my door before I was able to even catch my breath.

He helped me out of my seat and then he was locking the car. He took my hand and this time I didn't mind as they were cold enough not to be a sweaty mess.

An elevator, that reminded me of the time he took me shopping, took us up into the theatre and I realised he had booked a table in the restaurant here.

It was just as I imagined a theatre to be, red plush carpet beneath my feet, gold detailing and chandeliers, and that was just the restaurant that he lead me to. Owen held my chair for me as I sat down and I thanked him. A smartly dressed waiter was immediately presenting us both with a menu. I was starting to get very excited now, but I was also beginning to feel overwhelmed. I could tell that Gabriel once again had got it just right, as both myself and Owen fitted right in clothes wise. But at the same time I still couldn't help but feel as if I was gatecrashing into a world that I didn't really belong to. Owen, however, fitted right in, seemingly as if he'd been born into this world. And maybe he had, I knew nothing about his childhood other than his father had abused his mother and eventually it had lead to her death. Just because he had come from a life filled with domestic violence did not mean he had come from a lower financial standing. That kind of violence, indeed all violence, transcends class, race and financial standing. I should know, we had been regarded as middle income and my step mother had been abusive of me. I remember being told by Victor that Owen had made his money in the financial markets and stock exchange, but that didn't mean he had started with nothing either. He was a mystery really.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I blinked realising that I had been sat staring at him for the better part of five minutes instead of looking over the menu I had been given.

"Oh, I was just thinking I don't know you very well," I blurted. Both his eyebrows shot up and then lowered slightly before his face took on that enigmatic look I had first seen all those months ago.

"Oh, no!" I tried to back pedal my words. "Oh I don't mean I don't know you, because, well I do know you. I know who you are, but I don't really know you.. I mean I know "you", but not ...." I stammered to a halt, bright red, I was making a mess of this.

That millimetre smile made an appearance before he reached across the table to tap the top of my menu.

"How about we order and then you can get to know me," he said, I studied his face, trying to see if I had averted a disaster or made it worse.

"I know I love you, I know you're a kind, strong, incredible person, I know who you are now, but I don't know much else, other than what you told me."

He shrugged one shoulder, a very unlike Owen movement and I realised that I may have made him uncomfortable with my words. I was really messing this up.

"Ignore me, I'm being nosey," I rushed to say and buried my head behind the menu staring at the words printed that made no sense to me.

"Miss Sorenson, Sang," his words were low, quiet and held a command to look at him, to listen to him. I lowered the menu reluctantly and focused on the knot in his tie.

"We've come further than this, surely," he murmured and I lifted my gaze to his eyes. They were so grey tonight, no hint of the silver that I could see sometimes.

I had no words and choose to swallow instead.

"I will answer anything you ask of me, Sang, there should be no secrets between us. Especially considering what I have planned to do to you later on tonight."

My brain short circuited on his last words and then restarted at a million miles an hour. My treacherous and, it would seem insatiable, body also kick started to life and I shifted in my seat before I could even think of it. He must have detected the slight movement for what it was, because a smug smirk tilted his lips slightly. I was blushing enough now that I was pretty certain I could light the room with the glow coming from my cheeks alone.

"I think I'm correct in saying you've never tried caviar?" he questioned, his eyes going back to the menu.

"I... ah, no, I mean, er. no," I rolled my eyes at my own inability to string more than three coherent words together! I was acting as if this was our first date, as if I had never even kissed the man, let alone had sex with him on the kitchen table!

"Let's remedy that tonight," he said and I studied the menu properly.

I could see it was listed as one of the appetizers, but there was no prices listed. I had heard it was expensive though, the eggs of a female fish, it made me feel a little icky to think about it; and I didn't want him to waste money on something that I may not even like.

"Maybe another time, please?" I suggested. "I'd like camembert to start please."

"Do you really not fancy caviar or are you worried about the cost?" he inquired smoothly and I heard the hint of censor in his voice.

"I have to admit that the thought is a little.... off putting," I said under my breath as the waiter passed us to serve someone further behind me.

"Another time then," he said with a smile. "I think I'll have the camembert too."

I looked down at the mains and tried to decide between the handmade gnocchi or the baked duck breast. I started to feel hungry reading through the list of foods that this time a year ago I would never have dreamed of being able to taste.

"I think I'd like to try the duck, please," I said and closed my menu.

"Excellent choice," he said, closing his own menu. As if by magic a waiter appeared at our table.

"May I take your order?" he asked, with no emotion on his face whatsoever. He was immaculately dressed and looked to be in his early thirties.

"We'd both like the camembert to start, followed by the Duck and the sirloin steak, please."

"Certainly, sir," the waiter took our menus. "Would you like to see the wine list, sir?"

I blinked, I knew I didn't look over twenty-one, but I knew Owen did. I looked at him.

"No, thank you, water will be fine," Owen said casually and the waiter nodded and moved away smoothly.

"You look old enough to drink," I told him, he merely smiled at me and sat forward slightly.

"So now we've ordered, what would you like to know?" he asked me, his hand reached for where mine lay on the table and I enjoyed the feel of his fingers wrapping around mind.

"When is your birthday?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"August 21st," he said.

"And you'll be twenty," I said, already knowing. ""How will you feel that your girlfriend is only sixteen still?" I wasn't sure where that question came from, but it made him smile slightly wider.

"The same way I feel now. Age is just a number, Sang. In ten years time, three years will be nothing. In five years, three years will be nothing. Three years is nothing now really. Besides, a few weeks after my birthday, I'll be dating a seventeen year old. Unfortunately time is always moving forward and we don't remain the same age forever."

"Unfortunately?" I asked him in surprise.

"When we're fifty, we'll be wishing we were nineteen and sixteen again," he said with a smile. "Or so Dr Roberts keeps informing me when he tries to get me to call him Phil."

"Why don't you call him Phil?" I asked, letting myself take a tangent.

His grin was swift and slightly wicked before he was enigmatic again.

"Two reasons," he said. "He's older than me so respect calls for it. And secondly, because he keeps telling me to call him, Phil."

I realised that he enjoyed vexing Dr Roberts, his grin just solidified that.

"And Axel? I've only heard you call him Mr Toma? Is he above you in The Academy?"

"No, he's not above me. We're equals. Sean will tell you that I like to keep a distance from people," he said.

The waiter brought a carafe of water to our table. I thanked him and he looked at me briefly and a hint of a smile ghosted over his lips. I waited till he had left but Owen made no more comment and I decided to prompt him.

"And would you agree with Sean?"

"I never agree with Sean unless I have to," he said with a smile.

"You're very close," I murmured, thinking about the way they worked so well together.

"He's been my best friend for a long time," he said, lifting the carafe and filling both of our glasses. I thanked him and took a sip, glad to wet my mouth and throat.

"So..." I sat back, my other hand still entwined with his.

"I have a proposition for you," he said, before taking his own sip. He watched me over the rim of the glass before putting it down again. "A question for a question."

"Ok," I agreed instantly. I didn't think there was anything he didn't already know about me though.

"You first," he said and I grinned at him.

"I've already had several," I replied.

"Indeed, but, ladies first." He squeezed my fingers in encouragement. I couldn't think of a way of wording my next question without being crass, so I just jumped straight in.

"Have you always been rich?"

He snorted slightly and that millimetre smile grew slightly larger.

"I wouldn't say I'm rich now," he chuckled. "Not in Victor's league anyway. I'm comfortably off, I had some money that I invested and the investment worked. I enjoy working shares and property was a follow on that made sense."

I nodded, a million more questions on my tongue but we had made a deal.

"Your turn," I prompted him, but before he could speak the waiter had returned with our starters. We had the same, but he served me first and I thanked him again. His smile was wider this time and when Owen thanked him as well, he murmured "you're more than welcome." before moving away. Owen released my hand and I picked up the outside fork, I knew that much about the cutlery. Start at the outside and work your way in.

"Are you sure you want to finish up the school year?" he asked and it was not what I expected.

"I would like to," I said honestly. "I also want to be where you all are."

I cut into my camembert and compote and tasted it. I couldn't stop the moan that left me at the taste. It was delicious.

"It is, isn't it?" he said with a smile. "Usually it's paired with Cranberry, but the orange is just right."

I nodded, taking another bite with relish.

"I believe it is your turn, and can I add that you may ask anything you want, about any part of my life," he said and I looked up from my plate. He was watching me again, his silver eyes sharp behind the dark framed glasses.

"How did you meet Sean?"

"Through the Academy," he said. "I was picked up by the Academy shortly after my mother died. The attending detective had family in the Academy and he must have seen something in me that made him recommend me to them. Sean's parents are Academy and he was always knocking around, but he was rebellious for reasons of his own. He couldn't fit with any team, so they put us together for a job and it worked. Sean is extremely intelligent, but found it hard fitting in. He was so intelligent that he was always in classes with older children. He wanted to be a doctor even then, I had no idea what I wanted to do. We were eleven when we met, and sixteen when we got our apartment together. He needed to move out of home and I had nowhere to be. Neither of us has looked back. He graduated at seventeen with a doctorate and a MD and got his residency with Dr Roberts. I had made a bit of money on the stock market by then and I bought my first property, which I sold on for more than I bought it for. I bought my house and he bought his condo at the same time not that long ago."

"But he sold it and moved back with you," I said, fascinated by their history.

"It made sense, I missed him, he missed me. Adding on that when everyone is eighteen we will be looking for a house big enough for all of us, it made sense to sell his condo and move back with me."

"And you were thirteen when you met the others?"

"Yes," he nodded and finished his last bite. "My turn, Miss Sorenson," he said with a smile and I giggled.

"I can't help it if you're fascinating," I told him, placing my fork onto my own empty plate. "Besides I can't think what you'd want to know about me that you don't already know."

"I want to know if you're enjoying yourself," he replied, wiping his mouth on his napkin. The waiter was back clearing our plates and I looked up at him.

"That was delicious, thank you." I smiled at him.

"I shall inform the chef, thank you, miss," he said and took the plates away.

"I am enjoying myself a lot," I told Owen as the waiter moved off. "I always do when I'm with you."

"Regardless of what we do?"

"Regardless," I said. "I like it when you get all serious with your financial pages and I can just curl up on your lap and daydream."

"And what do you daydream about?" he asked, his millimetre smile firmly in place.

"Oh, all sorts of things," I giggled. "I daydream about living together properly. I daydream about what job I'll get."

"Do you have any ideas on that front?" he asked.

"No, not really, other than I don't think I want to do anything in the sciences."

"Not enjoying Biology?" he inquired, his lips tilted slightly.

"I enjoy it enough, but I was being pushed towards the sciences and I just don't want that."

"Sean thinks you'd well in languages," he said and I was unable to cover the very unladylike snort that left my nose.

"You disagree?" he asked and sat back slightly as our plates were cleared and our main was laid out before us. I waited till I had thanked the waiter and he had moved away again before I spoke up.

"I can barely speak Japanese and he thinks I'd do well?" I asked, picking up my knife and fork.

"I think you underestimate yourself. Gabriel speaks French, perhaps he could teach you some, see how you like it. Nathan is proficient in Spanish. Or Sign language," he added.

"I like the idea of sign language," I told him. "Luke has taught me a little, but not much."

"Sean, myself and Luke all know sign, we can all help," he said and I nodded enthusiastically.

"I'd like that," I told him, cutting into my duck breast and trying it. It was divine.

"I believe it is your turn to ask the question, I think I had a few that time," he said with a smile as I savoured the taste in my mouth.

I wanted to know so much about him, I wanted to know all of him, but there was time and place for anything and I don't think it was here.

"Are you enjoying your steak?" I asked him with a grin.

"I am," he said and smiled at me. "But that's not what you really want to know, is it?"

"Maybe we're not at the right time and place," I said with a shrug.

"No one can overhear us," he said. "Ask me, Sang."

"Where is your father now?" I asked him, my breathing slowed, my eyes on his face searching for any anger at the question, or refusal to answer. None showed, he swallowed the mouthful he was eating and wiped his mouth on the napkin.

"My father is dead. He was executed by Lethal Injection two years ago," he said and his voice was perfectly even, carefully smooth. I closed my eyes briefly, there were no words that could make that better. There was nothing that could erase it and any words of apology would be glib.

"I'm sorry you've gone through that," I told him quietly, my appetite had gone and I wished I had never asked. I just hoped that I hadn't caused him pain.

"So am I," he said seriously. "But I did and there's nothing that I, or you, can do to change it. We have to make the best of what hand we've been dealt and grow from it. I told you before that this family is broken, we're all broken, it was what they saw in you first."

"I don't think so," I shook my head and saw one eyebrow rise slightly in curiosity.

"You don't?"

"Oh, I think you're right about wanting to fix me. But I don't think you're broken anymore. Not completely. I think there are scars there that will always remain, but in each other you've built a family that far surpasses anything any of you had before. You have each other's back come what may. Gabriel's step mom, Pam, when she went berserk, you were all there to back him up, make it alright again. When Nathan was broken into, you were there, right behind him. When one of you falls the others are there instantly. You were broken, but your family has put you back together and nothing will break any of you while the others are right behind you."

"There is probably one thing that would break us, Sang," he said seriously. "If you left us voluntarily. You are part of this family now, you are our nucleus."

"I won't leave you," I told him with a smile. I had no doubt that I would ever willingly leave them. If there was any leaving, it would not be me.

"And we won't leave you, ever," he said and his millimetre smile grew into a full smile that warmed me right through to my heart.


I was entranced from the first moment. I had expected to sit in the main auditorium, so when he lead me to a box seat I was overwhelmed. He had bought a full colour programme that detailed the two Acts and the cast that were taking part. While the orchestra warmed up in the pit below the stage, he had gone through the two Acts with me, explaining some things, but giving nothing away about the actual play.

From the moment the curtain rose I was glued to the performance. By the time the first strains of "I dreamed a dream" played, a lump closed my throat in sadness, and by the time I watched Fantine die I was crying. A snow white handkerchief was handed to me and my other hand was taken in one of Owen's. I was heartbroken, and although it ended happily for Cosette and Marius, the death scene of Valjean and then all the ones who had fallen at the barricades brought the tears back.

As the final curtain fell I rose to my feet along with Owen and the rest of the audience, in a standing ovation for the cast. One by one the main cast came back on and clapping was revived until all the ensemble was back on stage, bowing and waving.

"See? No one actually died for tonight's performance," Owen whispered into my ear as the cast disappeared behind the curtains and everyone began taking their leave. I giggled, still clutching his now sopping wet handkerchief.

"I know," I said. "But it was so sad."

"I almost wish I hadn't brought you," he said, taking my chin in his fingers, stroking his finger down my cheek.

"I'm glad you did. I know I sobbed like a girl through it, but I did enjoy it. I have enjoyed the entire evening. Thank you for everything," I told him and pressed my lips to his quickly, mindful of the dreadful mess my face would be in.

His hand came up to clutch the back of my head and he brought his lips back to mine in a kiss that became deeper quickly.

"Firstly, there is no shame in having the ability to feel other's pain, and secondly, the evening is not over yet," he whispered it against my lips and I shivered in response. He drew back slightly and taking my coat he helped me into it, standing slightly behind me. He caught my shoulders before I could step forward and pressed his lips to my ear.

"You're not a girl, Sang, you're a beautiful young lady and I know that I shall take great delight in showing you just how beautiful you are tonight. Shall we go home now?"

I shuddered under his touch and words, unable to stop myself from breathing out my response.

"Yes, please."

He slid his hand into mine and lead me from the box, back down the red carpeted stairs and back to the car.

I was nervous for the entire drive back to his place. He spoke of a few things as we drove, but my nerves were such that I really didn't take it in. I knew that when we got to his place we were going to make love and that was where my nerves stemmed from. It was silly really, I had already made love with this man. I had made out with him, he had seen me naked a few times, had brought me to climax on a kitchen table, in the shower, bath and a sofa in his living room! But somehow this was different. The time he had made love to me on the table had really happened before I knew it was going to. This was premeditated, planned and I didn't want to mess this up. I didn't want to be an innocent, know nothing girl with him, I wanted to be a confident woman that could give him as good as he gave. He was more experienced that the other boys and I was pretty certain that I didn't know nearly enough to be able to match his sophisticated perfection. I had major doubts that I was anywhere near able to do that. Once again I felt exactly what I was, a girl playing at something I wasn't and most probably never would be. Sophisticated. I was going to disappoint him and that was something I never wanted to do.


I was a mess of jangled nerves by the time he pulled into his courtyard, leaving the remote gates open behind him. It gave me something to say after the silence that had descended in the last twenty minutes of the journey.

"Will Sean be home soon?"

"His shift finishes at five in the morning. He'll be back in time for breakfast," he said quietly, pulling his BMW into the garage and switching off the headlights.

"You have a lovely car," I blurted, and rolled my eyes at my own stupidity. So much for sophistication, I can't even manage it out of bed, I had no chance in bed!

"I like it," he said and I heard the humour in his voice easily.

"The same as Victor's." Oh, god, Sang, shut up!

"Almost, but not quite," his tone was light and I knew he was most definitely amused by me now.

I shook my head and opened my door to get out.

"Sang, wait," he said and I obeyed him instantly. He got out and came around to open the door for me. I coloured up, remembering how they all liked to open my door for me, for the most part I had accepted it as being how they were in the South, but under pressure, I still forgot. He held out his hand to me, but once again I had palms that were sweaty and gross. I touched the end of my fingers to his and drew myself out of the car, withdrawing my hand quickly.

He said nothing, just locked the car and then lead us into the house, disabling the alarm system. His heating was on and the house was much warmer than outside, I turned to face him and couldn't help giggling when I saw his glasses had fogged up.

"One of the banes of wearing glasses," he said with a sigh, sliding them off as I took my coat off. He reached forward to help me, taking it in his other hand and hanging it on the hat stand by the back door. He undid his jacket and put his hand into his pocket just to remove it empty handed.

"Ah, I have it, and I don't think it will do much good," I said, bringing his handkerchief from my purse.

He undid his waist coat and used the edge of it to clean his lenses and then he slid his glasses back on and looked at me.

"Did you find that amusing, Miss Sorenson?" he inquired. His use of my surname made my stomach clench and I licked my lips.

"I did indeed, Mr Blackbourne, the fogged up look suits you," I said with a smirk and turned to make my way into the main hallway.

"Is that right?" he murmured from right behind me and I knew he had followed me.

I had no idea where I was going to be honest, and I found myself walking into the living room. Nothing had changed on this level since I had first stepped into this house and I still didn't like it much. All remains of the Christmas tree were long gone, but I did have some lovely memories of being in this room. It was in here that I had spent my first real Christmas, giving and receiving presents. I looked down at where I was wearing the charm bracelet they had given me that evening. The charms lay against my skin, glinting in the overhead light he had switched on.

"Would you like a drink? Some Hot Chocolate perhaps?" he asked as he stepped around me. He was drawing his waistcoat down his arms as he walked. He laid it on the arm of the sofa and undid the cufflinks at his wrists before rolling his sleeves up.

"No, thank you," I replied, my eyes on where his forearms were coming into view. He loosened his tie and removed it, laying it over his waistcoat, then undid the top two buttons on his shirt. My eyes were on the patch of skin that was on show at the top of his shirt.

"A cold drink, perhaps?" he asked and I heard a tiny smirk in his voice that brought my eyes up to his. He was watching me, his lips tilted slightly and I knew that he had been fully aware I was watching him. I could feel a blush creep across my cheeks, but I was determined to at least try and behave as if I knew what I was doing.

"No, thank you," I whispered, taking a few steps until I was right in front of him. "Maybe some more skin though." I tried for daring, aware I was beet red now; so much for being sophisticated. I lifted my hands and started to undo the buttons on his shirt. My fingers were shaking and I fumbled slightly. It was just buttons, Sang! How hard was that? But I was making a hash even of that. He stayed completely still and I finally got the button through the hole. He was perfection, his skin was smooth, warm and gorgeous and ringing. His skin was ringing?

"Oh, fuck," he grunted and I blinked at his language. It sank in that it was his phone as he drew it out of his pocket.

"It's Academy. Please, Sang, just hold that idea for two seconds," he said and stepped away from me and then left the room.

I let go of my breath on a sigh and crossed to sit on the sofa. I could hear him talking, but I made no effort to listen. If he had wanted me to hear he would have stayed in the room. There was still so much about the Academy that I didn't know yet. I knew that I would be meeting more of them come the end of March when we were going to be attending this presentation. I was nervous about that, a lot rode on them not realising that my father was not around. Although I knew by that time my step mother would have been released and back home. Well, back to Tanner's Court. It might not seem so odd then if my father was missing a lot. I was just glad that I wouldn't need to live with her.

I heard him going up the stairs still talking into his phone. I think he was headed for his office and I wasn't sure how long he would be now. I crossed to where his tie was lying on his waistcoat. I ran my fingers over the silver violin that decorated the bottom edge. He always wore this tie when we went somewhere together. My fingers went to my throat where I was wearing the necklace that he had given me at Christmas. I picked up the tie and draped it around my neck before going back into the kitchen. I was drifting, not knowing what to do. I checked the clock on the wall and saw it was almost eleven at night. I made my way out of the room and towards the downstairs bathroom.

When I came out, he was leaning against the wall in the hallway, his hands in his pockets and his shirt still undone. I blinked as I shut the door behind me.

"I'm sorry about that," he said quietly.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him, stepping forwards to him, my fingers holding the ends of his tie that was still around my neck.

"An urgent job; Gabriel and Victor have taken it," he replied and stayed where he was, just watching me.

I wanted to know what the job was all about, but I knew that was a question he was not able to answer. I hesitated in front of him, wondering when I would find out the answers. It made me think of what Hendricks had said to me the first time I had tried to lead him to the lawyers.

"Is the Academy a school?" I asked him. He shook his head, one finger going to nudge his glasses up his face.

"They have classes, but it's not a school. It's not anything really and it's lots of things."

"The Hospital," I said and he nodded.

"Just that wing though, the other side isn't," he said. "They combine sometimes though, which is why Sean is often pulled into the E.R. when they have an emergency that they can't cope with."

"And the lawyers," I mused.

"Yes, the lawyers too," he said and reached out one hand to touch the edge of his tie. "It looks good on you."

"But better on you," I replied with a grin and sliding it off I stepped forward to loop it around his neck again.

"Ties are useful items," he said. I frowned, what an odd thing to say, what kind of uses did a tie have?

"Shall we?" he indicated the living room and I knew he wanted to carry on where we had been interrupted from.

"If you want," I said and he frowned slightly.

"No, if we both want," he said, tilting his head slightly. "I'm getting conflicting signals from you tonight, Sang."

"Conflicting?" I had no idea what he was on about.

"You're happy for me to hold your hand one moment and then refusing to hold it the next. You barely let me help you from the car, but then when we were inside you started to undo my shirt. Sang, I don't want you to feel obligated to do anything. I don't expect anything from you, I'm just happy you're with me."

I processed his words and I realised he had taken my actions the wrong way.

"Oh, no, it's not what you think," I said quickly. "I was nervous back at the house and then again in the car. My palms were sweaty, you won't want to hold my sweaty hands."

"So you withdrew because you're hands were sweaty and not because you were having second thoughts going out with me tonight," he said and I detected the merest hint of vulnerability in his eyes and it nearly broke my heart. Maybe it wasn't just me that had self doubts.

"I would never have second thoughts about you," I told him as clearly as I could. "I was worried, I don't ... I can't measure up to places like that. Gabriel dresses me up like this, he does my hair and my make-up and I feel like a kid dressing up in someone else's clothes. I'm not sophisticated, I'm just me and I get overwhelmed by how perfect you are. How easily you fit into places like that, how you seem at home, while I'm just trying to not to embarrass you."

"Seriously, Sang?" He pushed away from the wall and caught my face between his hands, his eyes holding mine. "You could never embarrass me, Sang. Never."

"Oh, I think I could," I said, my hands going to his waist automatically.

"No," he smirked at me. "You could get blinding drunk and start dancing on the table and you wouldn't embarrass me."

"I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon," I giggled.

"You fit more than you think," he said to me. "I know you may feel as if you're dressing up, but you don't look it. You carry yourself with a deportment that is a delight. It was one of the things I admired about you in our office the very first time I met you."

I grinned at him, sliding my hands onto his shoulders.

"You didn't admire me, you thought I was a pain in the neck for being there!" I laughed.

"Not you, Sean. Sean was an awful flirt, still is with you. I thought he was bowled over by your looks and was flirting with you. I was worried that I was going to have to spend most of the school year trying to reign in his flirting with the entire girls student body. It annoyed me because we had a job to do and I could see him blowing our cover. But I also saw why you had him bowled over, you were such a beautiful little thing, stood there nervously."

"I remember the first time you said I was pretty," I said quietly.

"You do?" he asked.

"We were at the lake," I told him.

"Yes, I remember. To tell you the truth it was my first thought when Sean brought you into the office that day."

"You were grumpy."

"I am never grumpy," he said with an arched eyebrow. "I was annoyed with Sean."

"Grumpy, annoyed," I shrugged, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Do you know what else I was trying to accomplish at the lake that day?" he asked me and I frowned, shaking my head.

"Only to go to North," I said and he chuckled.

"It was an excuse. No, not an excuse, it gave me an excuse. I was hoping that if I got right in your face you would kiss me."

I drew in a breath, remembering when he had taken his glasses off, his face so close to mine.

"You took your glasses off and all I could think about was your eyes. You have beautiful eyes," I whispered and reaching up I drew them off carefully.

"Perhaps I should have broken the rule and kissed you then," he said quietly. "Although I don't think you were ready."

"I had no idea you thought anything of me other than that I was this little girl that constantly needed saving."

"You didn't need saving, you just needed someone to have your back."

"I love you," I told him honestly.

"I love you, Sang Sorenson," he whispered. He turned slightly and put his glasses on the side table. He turned back to me and slid his hands up my arms.

"Sang, I know you're worried about sweaty palms, but believe me, I really don't care. I will always want to hold you hand, sweaty palms or not. In fact, I have plans where it's not just your palms that will be sweaty."

His last words made me gasp slightly as they processed. His smiled grew into a wicked grin and then he was pushing me backwards into the wall and his mouth was on mine.

The desire I felt for him kick started to life as I would my hands into his hair and kissed him back.

"I love you," he murmured, his lips moving from my mouth and along my jawline. I could feel the slight stubble from a day's worth of growth on his chin. I loved the feel of it rasping across my smooth skin and I shivered in delight. His hands slid down my arms to my wrists.

"I love.... oh!" He had brought my wrists up and above my head in one movement that brought me to my toes. His kisses became insistent on the skin under my ear, before he worked his way back to my mouth. His tongue demanded entrance to my mouth and I gave it willingly. I was pressed into the wall, every inch of him was flush against me and I could feel his arousal plainly. It served to intensify the sharp need I had for him.

Our mouths broke apart, the need to breath forcing us to part slightly. His eyes found mine as he rested his forehead against mine.

"Are you ok?" he asked me and I could clearly see the love mixed with desire in his eyes.

I bit my lip, I couldn't do sophisticated, but I was fluent in sass.

"I was until you stopped kissing me, Mr Blackbourne."

"Is that right?" Delight sparked in his eyes that made them gleam like polished steel. "Perhaps I should carry on kissing you."

"Perhaps you should," I said just before his lips landed on mine again. He was demanding, dominant and it just made me wild. I tried to wriggle my hands free from his wrists, wanting to touch him.

"Trust me," he spoke into my mouth and I tried to nod. He stepped back from me, letting me go completely and it made me stumble forwards. Confusion rippled through me, closely followed by disappointment that he had stopped. He caught me to him again and I was swung up into his arms, bridal style. I thought he was going to carry me upstairs to his room and that was why he was asking if I trusted him. I knew he wouldn't drop me, he had carried me before and I knew how strong he was.

So when he walked into the living room I was more than surprised, but it didn't stop me from nibbling on the side of his neck as he walked. I was stood on my feet and whirled around so that my back faced him. I had no time to think before my zip was being lowered and my dress was just a pool of material around my feet. He spun me back to him and I reached up to shove the shirt he was wearing down his arms. It left the tie around his neck and I lifted my fingers to pull it free, but he caught my hand in his.

"Do you trust me?" he repeated his words to my confusion.

"I trust you, Owen," I said, frowning at his words. His eyes were hooded with desire and his lips tilted in a smirk. He leant forwards until his mouth was beside my ear, his hands clutching mine.

"Miss Sorenson, what is my name?" he purred and pure lust coiled through my stomach and straight between my legs.

"Mr Blackbourne," I breathed and he shuddered against me. He stepped back, reached down and picked up his shirt from the floor and let it drop onto the sofa. I was confused again, until he turned and caught me around the waist, lifting me long enough to lay me out on the sofa, my butt on his shirt.

He caught my hands and lifted them above my head again, making me shimmy slightly.

Everything became clear when he held my wrists with one hand and drew his tie from his neck with the other. The silk was wound around my wrists and tied loosely enough that it didn't hurt, but tightly enough to let me know they were tied.

"Are you ok?" he repeated his earlier words and I nodded my head, my lip between my teeth. I was restrained. He had held my hands above my head before, so had North, and I had to admit that it had turned me on. But to be tied up? I was hesitant now, I was vulnerable, but at the same time it started an anticipation in me that made me want to squirm. So I did, and it brought his eyes to my hips. The smirk on his face grew and I watched him as he stood back from the sofa and undid his belt and zip slowly. His eyes were roving all over me, heat slid across my skin at his gaze, but I still felt slightly shy with him and I knew I was blushing.

There was no mistaking his desire for me as he stepped out of his trousers and boxers. My hips lifted of their own accord as heat pooled between my legs. He wasn't even touching me and I was aching.

"Miss Sorenson," he whispered as he crouched beside me. "You're wearing too many clothes still." His fingers traced over the top edge of my bra across my breasts and it made me suck in a breath, my already hard nipples tingling in anticipation.

"I seem to be a bit tied up at the moment, Mr Blackbourne," I said and was surprised at how husky my voice sounded.

"You do, don't you?" he purred and he sank down onto his knees, his finger tracing over the edge of my bra still, back and forth in a maddeningly slow glide.

"I think perhaps you made a tactical error," I managed to say, watching as his eyebrows rose and his eyes held mine.

"And how do you work that out?" he inquired.

"You're not going to be able to get my bra off with my hands tied together," I informed him, my breathing making my breasts lift and fall against his now still finger.

"You underestimate my desire, Miss Sorenson." He clicked his tongue in mock disappointment, he slid both hands under my back and I felt the catch give way and then he was pushing it upwards over my face until it was bunched around my wrists. He undid the tie, slid the bra free and throw it over his shoulder. He had me tied up again before I could even blink.

"Ah!" It was all I could manage as he looked down at me in triumph. He smirked and bending his head he sucked a nipple right into his mouth with no preamble. I arched upwards and he moved with me. I brought my tied hands down around the back of his neck, bent my elbows and slid my fingers into his hair. He suck and lathered at my pebbled nipple, his hands splayed out over my back and he held me up.

"Who said you could bring your arms down?" he whispered against my skin.

"You underestimated me," I threw his words back at him and gave a gasp when he nipped me with his teeth.

"Bad girl," he purred and lust coiled through me again as he drew me from the sofa and onto his lap. I sat straddling him, my arms still around his neck. I brought my lips to his and kissed him deeply. His hands roamed over my back and butt, I could feel him pressed into my stomach as I shifted on his lap, the ache growing more and more at his touch.

"Sit up on your knees," he commanded me and I obeyed him instantly. He placed his hands on my hips and lifted me as he turned slightly, bringing his legs out in front of him.

He drew me back down until he was once more pressed into my stomach and he was kissing me again. I ground against him, feeling the wetness from him spread across the skin of my belly.

"Miss Sorenson," he breathed into my mouth. "Keep still or I won't hold back."

"Who said I wanted you to hold back, Mr Blackbourne," I muttered, completely lost in him as I traced my fingers down his back and up again into his hair. I couldn't touch him very well, but I made no move to untie my wrists.

"You like to play dangerous?" he inquired.

"I like to play dangerous with you," I whispered into his ear and then licked the shell of his ear. I felt him shudder deeply, swearing under his breath, it made me feel incredibly powerful. That I could make him feel this way, make him want me like this. I nipped his ear gently and then licked it again delicately.

"You've asked for it," he grunted and I was lifted suddenly. I braced myself for him to push my panties aside and sink me down onto him, but he moved swiftly, turning me around until I was bent over the sofa, my tied hands in front of me.

"Don't move," he ground out and I could hear his desire clearly. I tried to catch my breath at his sudden movement, but his hands on my hips made thinking impossible and when he used his knee to push my legs widely apart I was unable to stop the moan escaping. His fingers slid over my butt and down the inside of my legs. He brought them back up very slowly, brushing the tips over his fingers over the crotch of my panties.

"Wet, you're incredibly wet," he purred into my ear. I shivered at his words, his hot breath making me squirm. His fingers slid into the edges of my panties and he drew them down my legs slowly until they could go no further. He moved backwards, brought my legs together and inched my panties down to my ankles. He lifted each foot, sliding the satin free and then it was joining my bra over his shoulder. He pushed my legs back open, wider this time and his mouth went to my most sensitive area and I was pretty sure I managed a scream. He licked me slowly from entrance to bud and then he licked up over my butt and up my spine until he was laying over me completely, his mouth by my ear again. I couldn't stop my body from pushing backwards, trying to get him where I needed him most. He brought one hand around my hip and then he was back leaning over my back, his mouth by my ear as his fingers slid straight into me.

"Oh my god," I ground out, stars danced behind my closed eyelids.

"No, not even close," he murmured into my ear.

"Mr Blackbourne." His name was dragged out in a shudder as his fingers delved and explored my heated folds. I was desperately trying to wriggle against his fingers, but his weight on my back kept me anchored firmly in place.

"Yes, Miss Sorenson," he husked against my ear. "Do you like this?" He slid one finger back into me and I nodded frantically as he started up a slow thrust.

"I can't hear you," he breathed and I groaned but remained silent, partly because I seemed to have lost the ability to vocalise and partly because he was turning me on with more than just his fingers. I was responding to the way he was talking to me and I wanted more.

"You don't like it," he whispered and removed his finger from me completely.

"No! Yes!" I groaned, my face turned against the cushions, his lips against my ear still. He was completely subduing me and I was loving every second of it.

"No or yes?" he inquired. "I need more than that, Miss Sorenson. How am I going to make you come if I don't know what you want."

"Oh god," I moaned and he tutted into my ear.

"Wrong again, Miss Sorenson. I really think that you're not enjoying this at all."

"I am, Mr Blackbourne, I really am," I moaned.

"Then I need to hear what you want," he husked and his tongue played over my ear.

"You, I want you, I need you," I babbled. "I want to feel you inside me."

"Are we forgetting something?" he inquired and I felt the slightest brush of his finger against my bud, but it was enough to make me buck violently under him.

"Mr Blackbourne, please," I begged and he purred.

"Good girl." He kissed my cheek, moving down to my mouth as he pushed his finger back inside me. I turned my head to kiss him back, his tongue mimicking what his finger was doing to me. I could feel his hard length pressed into my leg but I was unable to move my hands down to touch him.

"Tell me what you want," he breathed into my mouth.

"Please..." I had no way of wording what I wanted, no words that would leave my mouth, even though I knew exactly what I wanted from him.

He lifted away from me and stroked one hand down my spine making me arch upwards, even as his finger continued to make me ache badly.

"We accomplished getting you sweaty," he said with a smug grin. I tired to lift myself upwards, but he placed his hand on my lower back and held me in place.

He slid his finger free and then I felt him line himself up with my entrance and I sighed, shuddering as he slid right into me until he was pressed against me.

"Oh my... Mr Blackbourne," I just remembered even as fire licked through me at the feel of him seated deeply inside me, stretching me and filling me in a way that made me want to squirm. I tried to push back but his weight held me in place.

"Good girl," he ground out and I could hear the control he was exercising in holding still inside me.

I squeezed my internal muscles and gave a moan of satisfaction when it made him moan and shudder. His hands were holding my hips tightly, but still he held perfectly still. I wanted him to move, to take the ache away, to make me shattered into a million pieces as he came inside me.

I squeezed my muscles again and he swore fluently and bucked slightly, his hips pulling back and snapping back against me. It was better, but not enough.

"Mr Blackbourne," I muttered his name through my gritted teeth, aware of the sweat pouring off me now. "Please, would you move."

"Where would you like me to move, Miss Sorenson?" he breathed and I knew he was playing a game with me still. I bit my lip and wiggled my butt against his pelvis. He hissed in a breath and tightened his grip on me keeping still.

"I want you to move inside me," I managed.

"You want me to fuck you?" he inquired and it sent more heat spiraling through me.

"Yes!" I cried out as he moved backwards every so slightly, shifting against my skin was driving me insane but it still wasn't enough.

"Yes what?" he husked, his voice was shaking and I knew he was close to losing control.

"Yes, Mr Blackbourne, please, fuck me," I ground out, my own desperation making me use words I would never normally utter.

He groaned and began to thrust into me with a speed and need that blew me away. I was only vaguely aware of my cries as he drove into me, taking me so high that I was incapable of anything except the sensations that were overpowering me.

"Sang!" he roared my name as he pushed me over the edge, my orgasm hitting me like a ten ton truck it was so strong. I was blind, I was incoherent, I could feel myself squeezing him and it was all he needed to empty himself into me. It seemed to go on and on, aftershocks rolling through me as I sobbed into the cushions, my face muffled into the material completely.

He collapsed on to me, his head going into the side of my neck, his breathing heavy and his lips moving over my skin, mumbling words I couldn't hear through the rushing in my ears still. My need to breath had me lifting my head and he moved off me, pulling me upwards and then down onto his lap. I slid down his legs, my hands still tied as I curled into him, my head against his chest. I could hear the hammering of his heart and it matched my own.

"Are you ok, Sang?" he muttered, his arms around me, holding me tightly as his head lolled back onto the seatvcushions.

"Yes, are you?" I managed to breath out.

He snorted and lifted one hand to cover his eyes.

"You blow me away, Sang. I don't think I can walk just yet."

"I'm comfy if you are," I informed him and pressed my lips to his pulse point. "I do love you."

"I love you, I adore you," he mumbled and lowered his head to bury his lips into my hair. "I'm in awe of you and the sex is fantastic too," he chuckled and I giggled tiredly.

"We haven't quite got to a bed yet though, have we?" I asked him, my eyelids were closing in fatigue. That languid, cat got the cream satisfaction feeling sweeping over me, making me want to snuggle in and just sleep.

He laughed and I heard the edge of sleep in his voice too. He moved suddenly and staggered to his feet, still holding onto me. He dropped onto the sofa and curled me into him.

"But at least this time I got all your clothes off," he chuckled and yawned. "Five minutes and we'll go up to bed."

"I'm still wearing your tie though," I murmured, my eyes closing.

"Now do you see what I meant about they have their uses?" he mumbled and I snuggled into him, unable to keep my eyes open anymore.

"I liked this use a lot," I mumbled.

"So did I," he chuckled and I gave a satisfied sigh as I slid into sleep.


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