Broken Vows

By AbbyCraig

344K 6.7K 579

Love, Betrayal. . . . and a chance at Redemption. But is the cost of forgiveness too high for Erin to pay? Wh... More

Broken Vows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19


21.6K 417 60
By AbbyCraig

  Here it is folks . . .the final installment of Broken Vows.  I edited the ending three times before I was finally satisfied enough to post it, so hopefully you all like it.  I'm not quite sure that I do, even now.
Thanks for sticking with me for the entire story. . .especially during the LONG hiatus of my pregnancy.  It feels good to finally complete it and accomplish something.



                                          6 Months Later

Erin emerged onto the massive deck surrounding the pool, pausing a moment to take in the scene, still in awe of the grand scale of the beach house as a whole.  They had chosen it expressly because it was devoted to large parties, especially weddings.  However, seeing it in pictures didn’t even begin to do justice to what it was like to actually stay here. It boasted twenty-three bedrooms, twenty bathrooms, both indoor and outdoor bars, and a baby grand piano. Plus it had banquet space both inside and outside allowing the wedding reception and dance floor to be just another part of the house.

The best part, at least for Erin and Brody, was the oversized Adirondack chair that sat by the front entrance.  They planned to have their picture taken on it together in full wedding attire, much as they had last year at the shopping center. 

There was so much space Erin was surprised she hadn’t gotten lost.  But when she and Brody had decided to celebrate their marriage they had wanted to do it in comfort and style with space for everyone to share it with them.  So, here they were, in the mansion of all beach houses.

Night had fallen and the grandparents had graciously volunteered to take over for Lizzie, Alyssa, and the newest addition to their group, baby Logan.  Alyssa and Lizzie were in heaven here with so much space to run and roam.  Plus, they got to share a room with bunk beds.  In their minds, life couldn’t get much better.  It left Erin and Brody a night to enjoy with their friends before all the festivities and craziness began in the morning.

Erin looked back up at the house, lights blazing through the large windows against the night sky.  The pool lights were turned on as well and someone had plugged in the lanterns they had hung in preparation for tomorrow’s wedding.

The ocean could be heard crashing on the other side of the dune, just a short walk out their own private boardwalk.  A salty breeze blew loose strands of her hair around her face and Erin grinned, glad to be back here again.  She couldn’t believe it had been only a year ago that she’d spent two weeks here, falling in love with Brody and changing her life completely.

With a happy sigh she looked back over at the small group of people gathered by the pool.  Kelly and Bates were both stretched out on deck chairs, listening to Tobey, Brody and Derek talk animatedly about something.  Brad and Jamie sat at the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water, but they were turned to hear the conversation as well.

Brody’s back was turned to Erin and she grinned devilishly as she remembered the rather abrupt entrance into the pool he’d given her the year before.  It was time for some payback.  She slipped out of her sandals and dropped her towel on top of them, then quietly padded across the deck, hoping Brody wouldn’t hear her as she approached.

Kelly and Bates saw her, as did Brad and Jamie, but she held a finger up to her mouth to shush them.  No one flinched or cracked a smile and Brody never heard her coming.

She stepped up behind him, snaking one arm around his rib cage, laying her palm flat against his chest.  He flinched but then relaxed, realizing it was her.

Conversation paused as she nestled her chin in the crook of Brody’s neck, saying quietly, “I’m giving you a choice.”

Tobey and Derek looked at her quizzically and she could only imagine the look on Brody’s face.

“A choice about what?”

“On or off?”

Brody paused and he must have given the other two a confused look because they just grinned and shrugged.

“Um, off?” he answered, obviously having no clue what she was talking about.

“Good choice.” She complimented him. 

Then she reached up and pulled his ball cap off, tossing it to Kelly and Bates.  Then she wrapped her other arm around his waist and lunged, pulling him into the pool with her just as he’d done that first day on vacation.

Erin surfaced first and watched as Brody came up, wiping at his face and shaking water out of his hair.

“What was that for?”  he cried, turning in the pool to find her.

She grinned, leaning casually against the far side of the pool.  “Feeling a little deja vu?” she taunted.  “At least I didn’t insist you wear a speedo.”

Brody’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her, obviously remembering the way he’d pulled her into the pool the year before, right after he had insisted she buy a bikini. 

Kelly laughed from her spot on the sidelines, amused by the thought of Brody in a speedo.  “Now that would be a sight I’d pay money to see.” She called.

Tobey raised an eyebrow.  “Oh, really?” he drawled.

“Sure.  You too honey.  Maybe the two of you could even dance on the bar while you’re at it.” Kelly teased.

Erin laughed and then turned her attention back to Brody.  He was shaking his head at her but grinning.  Then he ducked back under water, surfacing again right in front of her.

“That wasn’t very nice of you Mrs. Morgan.” He declared.

“Hey, at least I took your hat off first.”

Brody snorted.  “If I’d answered wrong, would you have left it on?”

Erin cocked her head as if thinking.  “Yeah.  It could probably use a bath anyway.”

“You calling me dirty?”

“I’m calling your hat dirty.  You, well, it depends on the day.”

“Wow.” Brody drawled.  “I’m feeling the love tonight.”

“You’ve had five months to feel the love.  Now you’ll have to wait until we get married.” Erin teased.

“We’re already married.” Brody reminded her.  “And technically it’s been five months, three days and some odd hours.  But who’s counting?”

“Apparently, you are.” She pointed out, impressed that he had it measured out so precisely.  “Is there a reason that you’re keeping track so rigorously?”

Brody gave her a cheesy grin.  “Because I’m just counting all the days I feel so lucky to be married to you.”

Erin snorted.  “You’re losing your touch there, Morgan.  No more one liners for you.”

Brody shrugged.  “Like I’ve said before – who needs one liners when I’ve got girls knocking down my door in their skivvies and dragging me to the courthouse hours after I propose?  You did all the work for me.”

“You make me sound desperate.  And it was a church, not a courthouse.  And it was days, not hours.”

Brody laughed.  “Whatever.  I’d just rather think it means you love me, not that you’re desperate.  But I’ll take desperate too.”

Erin grinned and rolled her eyes.  “Well, whatever I am and however I got here, you have me.”

Brody stood then, water rolling off his shoulders and down his chest as he took a step closer to her, effectively cutting off any escape.  He reached for her left hand with his own, adjusting the band so her gems were straight.  Then he laced his fingers through hers.  They both still wore their wedding bands, though they would take them off and exchange them again tomorrow for the ceremony.  He looked at her with a soft smile and gave her hand a squeeze.

“So, are we even now?” he finally asked.

“You mean, because I pulled you into the water?”

Brody nodded.

Erin shook her head.  “Not even close.”

“How did I know you were going to say that?” Brody mused.  Then he gave her a mischievous grin.  “In that case. . .”

And then he wrapped his arms around her with a laugh, dunking her under with him.

* * * * * * * * * *

Erin gave the trash can one more glance and then stepped from the bathroom, pausing just outside the door.  She had gathered her girls together in the bridal suite to get dressed and prepared for pictures.  Alyssa sat on the bed, fully dressed in her flower girl gown, watching the flat screen TV mounted atop the fireplace.  Kelly, Jamie and Bates were scattered around the room, all in various states of undress as they prepped for the wedding.  The drone of the TV mingled with their chatter, helping to calm Erin’s dancing nerves.

Kelly looked up and caught her eye, giving her a questioning glance, but Erin just shook her head.  They would talk later.  Kelly looked at her a moment longer and then turned back to her reflection in the mirror to finish her makeup.

Bates and Jamie both stood in their skivvies, Bates adjusting Jamie’s hair before they slipped into their dresses.

Erin loved these girls like sisters and technically, Bates was her sister.  Despite the fact that she was already married, for five months and four days now to be exact, she was still excited to be sharing this day with them.  It was crazy to think that only a year had passed since she had first fallen for Brody and so much had changed in that short time.  Her life and her soul were so much more at peace.  She was truly happy in a way that she could never remember before.  Her relationship with Tyler was still rocky but Erin did her best to communicate openly and extend patience and kindness.   Thankfully, his relationship with Alyssa still seemed to be stable.

Bates finished pinning Jamie’s hair and they both looked up, realizing Erin was standing and staring at the room.

“You okay Erin?” Jamie asked.

Erin smiled.  “Yeah, I’m fine.  Just taking a moment to be thankful for where I’m at after where I’ve been.  Thankful for being here and sharing it with you guys.”

Bates reached for her dress, unzipping it and stepping into it.  “I’m thankful to be here too.  I’m glad you guys decided to still do this even though you’re already married.  I needed an excuse to take a vacation.”

Erin chuckled and moved to help her re-zip the dress.

“It seemed a little weird at first, this whole ceremony after the marriage thing.  But it’s grown on me.” Kelly admitted.

“What do you think Alyssa?  Are you glad your Mom and Brody are getting married at the beach?” Jamie asked.

Alyssa tore her eyes away from the TV to look at Jamie.  “Yep.  Now I can look for more seashells all by myself!”

Erin laughed.  “And just where are you planning to put more seashells?”

Alyssa shrugged.  “Daddy’s house?”

This time Kelly laughed.  “Good thinking Alyssa.”

“Well, I think we’re all good to go.  It’s about time we got you into your dress Erin.” Jamie announced.  She moved to the garment bag hanging on the open French doors of the balcony, unzipping it and pulling out Erin’s dress.

Since it was her second wedding and at the beach, Erin had gone a bit more non-traditional with her dress choice.  It was more ivory than white and resembled the style a Greek goddess might wear.  It was a one shouldered, flowing chiffon gown with some stunning jewels and beading accenting her waist.  It still looked like a wedding gown but felt much more casual.  To top it off, her feet would be in sandals, not heels.  She loved the idea, though Brody was disappointed.

He hadn’t been allowed to see the dress or her in it, so she hoped once she walked down the aisle, he’d forget all about the shoes she was wearing.

The girls helped her into it and then fussed to make sure her hair was pinned up perfectly and her make-up wasn’t smudged.  They finished just in time for a knock at the door.

Alyssa ran to open it, calling, “Who is it?”

“It’s Nana.  Can I come in?”

Alyssa opened the bedroom door and hurried Jane in, closing it quickly behind her.  “We can’t let Brody see how pretty Mommy is before the wedding.”

Jane grinned.  “I promise he’s nowhere near us.  I won’t spoil the surprise.” She assured Alyssa. Then she turned to Erin.  “The photographer has finished with the boys and wanted to know if you were ready.”

Erin looked around at her girls and then took a deep breath, nodding.  “I think we’re good.  What do you say ladies?”

They made the trek through the house and out onto the deck that surrounded the pool.  The photographer paused to take some photos on the boardwalk before leading them down to the beach.  The midday sun was bright and warm but thankfully a steady breeze was blowing in off the water, keeping it from being sweltering.

The chairs for the ceremony were all set up in front of a small trellis, ready and waiting for the guests.  It would be another hour before Erin would walk down the “aisle”.  Despite already being married to Brody she felt a nervous flutter as she took in the scene.  She knew it was more anticipation than anything, excitement at finally getting the chance to celebrate each other in a big way and share it with friends and family.

The photographer took the time to get a good collection of shots of the girls before swapping the bridesmaids for the groomsmen.  Then the fun photos began, some reminiscent of the stuff they had done for Kelly’s wedding.  She was then shooed back inside so Brody and the girls could take their turn.

Erin sat with her parents and Stan in one of the small alcoves that overlooked the pool and the beach beyond.  The house was huge and held many different living and seating areas for any whim one might have.  This one seemed a good spot for reading as it was private and away from the larger living areas.

“How are you feeling Erin?  You look a little nervous over there.” Stan asked, watching her as she fidgeted in her chair.

She sat on the edge, her knees jiggling as she turned an envelope around and around between her fingers.  It held a letter to Brody that he would read before the ceremony began.  He had one somewhere for her as well.  It was an idea the photographer had said was popular with married couples.  Though they weren’t supposed to see each other before the ceremony, the photographer would find a spot that they could be close and exchange letters while she took photos.  Brody had liked the idea and had even added his own little twist to the pre-wedding ritual.  It gave him a chance to pray with Erin even though they couldn’t actually see each other.

“It’s silly, but I’m actually a little nervous.  I don’t know why.  Just excitement and anticipation I guess.  This is so much more low key than my first wedding; you’d think I’d be more relaxed.”

Jane reached out to squeeze Erin’s hand.  “It’s not silly.  You’ll be standing up in front of other people, publicly declaring your love to someone else and reaffirming God’s marriage covenant.  That’s plenty reason to be nervous.”

Erin looked at her Mom with a grin.  “That made me feel so much better.”

Tom laughed at Erin’s sarcasm, lightening the mood.  “Once you get up there with Brody, you’ll be fine.  The anticipation is always the worst part.”

“What time is it?  How much longer do we have?”

Tom glanced at his watch just as her bridal party crested the dune and started walking back to the house.

Tom pointed to the group with a smile.  “I’d say not too much longer. Looks like you and Brody are up for those final photos while the rest of this crazy household gets seated for the ceremony.”

Some of Erin’s and Brody’s extended family had made the trip down in addition to their close family and friends, easily filling up the plethora of rooms in the home.

Stan stood then, offering his arm to her mother.  “Guess it’s time for us to gather everyone up."

Jane nodded in agreement.  “We’ll get everyone down to the beach.  See you in just a bit.” She told them.  Then she leaned down to give Erin a kiss.  “You look beautiful sweetie.”

Erin smiled.  “Thanks Mom.”

And then they were gone, leaving her alone with her father.  Tom had never been one for conversation, not the way her mother was.  Instead, he just reached over and held Erin’s hand as they watched the guests make their way across the deck and down the private board walk to the beach.

Erin soon heard the photographer’s footsteps coming down the hall and she turned to look at her as she stepped into the alcove.

“Time for some final pictures Erin.  You ready?” she asked.

Erin nodded.  “More than ready.” 

She and her father followed Mandy back downstairs, past the bridal party which was gathered at the tables in the kitchen.  Tom stopped to wait with them, but Erin continued on into the hallway that led to the game rooms and home theater.

“I’ve got Brody waiting right around the corner down here and it’s the perfect place for me to get some good shots of both you.” Mandy explained.  She stopped Erin at the end of the hall, peeking around the corner to make sure Brody was still there.

“No cheating you two.” She teased.  “You both have your letters, right?”

Erin held hers up and heard Brody’s warm voice give affirmation as well.  She smiled at the familiar sound.

“Okay, I’m going to position myself right over here in the corner.  You go ahead and read, forget I’m even here.”

Erin watched Mandy slip across the hall and take up position in the corner and then turned her attention back to Brody.  She leaned against the wall and held out her letter so Brody could see it.

“You ready for this?” she asked.

Brody chuckled.  “I’ve been waiting to see what you have to say ever since she came up with this idea.”

“I promise, it’s all good.” She assured him.

He gently took the letter from her hand and slipped his own into it.

Erin took the envelope and looked at her name, written in Brody’s familiar penmanship.  She smiled and then carefully opened it, wondering what he’d have to say.  He had never been shy about telling her how he felt, but she could never remember him being much of a writer.


Erin Janice Morgan,

               I would say that I’ve waited forever for this day to arrive, but technically it already has.  When I
               proposed I had been envisioning months of wedding planning with you immersed in magazines and
               websites full of dresses and flowers and other things a man can’t even imagine.  But instead, all you
               wanted was me.
               In retrospect, I really shouldn’t have been surprised.  I fell in love with you because of everything you
               weren’t – which is like any girl I’ve ever known.
               From day one I always knew where I stood with you, even if I didn’t necessarily like where I was
               standing.  But once you made the decision to love me, I never had any doubts about what I meant to
               you or the level of your commitment.  Our relationship was about us and not about what everyone else
               thought we should be. 
               So even though I’m glad you agreed to throw this party at the beach and let our friends and family
               participate, I’m even happier that I didn’t have to wait five long months to be your husband.
               I love you and Alyssa with a depth I never knew existed and I have no doubts that God placed you
               in my life to complete me.  To complete us.  And ultimately, to complete Him.
               Just as I promised five months ago when we took these vows, I will promise again today to honor
               you the way God instructs.  I promise to put God first in my life and in our marriage, to uphold the
               covenant we’re making with Him and each other.  I promise to be a leader, a provider and a protector;
               always putting you and the needs of our family before my own desires.  I promise to forsake all others
               and love only you, for you are the one God chose for me and led me to choose. 
               I promise to grow old with you and no matter who takes their last breath first, we will do it together.
               I love you Mrs. Morgan.
               Eternally Yours,

Erin’s hands were trembling as she finished the letter and she reached up to dab at her tears, trying her best not to smudge the makeup she’d applied that morning.

Brody had always had a way with words, gently and eloquently expressing exactly what she needed to hear.  She had learned that those first few nights at the beach when the mess of her marriage had tumbled from her to land at his feet.

“Are you crying?” he asked softly, his warm voice carrying around the corner.

She laughed through her sniffles.  “Of course.” 

Brody’s hand appeared around the corner again, this time holding out a handkerchief.  She smiled and took it from him, trying to soak up her tears without wiping away the makeup.

Mandy was watching them from the corner with a smile, happily snapping photos of the moment.  She paused and looked up at them, saying, “We’ve only got a few minutes left before the ceremony starts.  Do you want me to photograph the prayer as well?”

Erin shrugged.  “It’s okay with me if it’s okay with Brody.”

Brody must have nodded because Mandy motioned for them to continue.

Erin shifted the handkerchief to her other hand and reached around the corner, smiling when Brody’s fingers slipped through hers.  She bowed her head and listened as he prayed, thankful for their marriage and the host of people who had come to support and affirm their life together.

Erin was reluctant to let him go, but when it was over Mandy ushered him out the door at the end of the hall, back onto the deck where the groomsmen must have been waiting.  Then she led Erin back into the kitchen to meet up with her bridesmaids.

Jamie turned to Erin with a smile, holding out the colorful bouquet of irises and calla lilies that Erin had chosen. 

“You need your makeup retouched at all?” She asked, taking in Erin’s red-rimmed eyes.

Erin laughed.  “I don’t know. I can’t see myself.  Do I still look okay?”

Kelly gave her a once over and then flashed a thumbs up.

“Shall we get this show on the road?” she asked.

Erin nodded, reaching for Alyssa’s hand as she followed the girls outside.

They crossed the deck and Erin couldn’t help but smile, remembering the antics of the night before. Then they headed out the boardwalk, pausing before they reached the crest of the sand dune.  Bates peeked over to make sure everyone was ready before they descended the stairs to the beach.

Thanks to some strategically placed banners, Brody wouldn’t be able to see her until she reached the aisle between the chairs.  There was no music, so the girls just began their walk, counting out even paces between themselves. 

The guests rose once Kelly reached the trellis and Erin knew that was her signal.  She looked at her Dad with a smile and let him lead her through the sand.  Her stomach felt like it was in knots as she glanced at the guests, meeting their smiles with a shaky one of her own.  But when she looked up and her eyes met Brody’s, the nerves finally melted away.

He watched her, his chin quivering against emotions of his own.  She was relieved to know that she wasn’t the only one.

Once they reached the trellis and her father turned her over to Brody, she reached up to lay a hand against his face, her thumb caressing his cheek.  She smiled at Brody and watched him take a deep breath, as if her presence was enough to calm whatever he’d been feeling.  They then turned their attention to the pastor.

The ceremony was very similar to the one they’d shared back home, yet when Erin recited her vows she felt like she was saying them for the first time.  It really was a different experience standing in front of so many witnesses, pledging yourself to someone else in the presence of God.

And it was degrees beyond anything she’d experienced when she’d married Tyler.

When the officiant finally pronounced them husband and wife, Brody turned to Erin with a grin and a wink.  She smiled back, thinking how silly it sounded to announce them husband and wife when they technically already were.

“Brody, you can now kiss your bride.”

Brody wiggled his eyebrows and drew Erin close, whispering, “Hold on tight.”  Then he proceeded to dip her as he kissed her.

The guests clapped and hollered and she heard Tobey whistle.  She came up grinning and breathless.

“Wow!  Can’t say we did that the first time around.”

Brody laughed.  “Had to throw something new in there.”

Then they turned to their guests and made their way through the sand, ending the ceremony. 

The guests slowly followed them back from the beach, eventually reconvening at the tables set up around the dance floor on the deck.

As the caterer served the food, they listened to both Tobey and Kelly give speeches.  As expected, Tobey’s was a bit more sentimental than Kelly’s, but Erin still found herself crying when Kelly bent to give her a hug.

After the meal they shared the traditional bridal dance and father-daughter dance.  Bates made a short speech about why their mother wasn’t present and that she was stepping in to dance with her brother instead.  Once again, Erin found herself tearing up.

But once the formalities were out of the way and the reception turned into the relaxed party that it was supposed to be, the tears stopped and the fun began.

Alyssa wore herself out dancing, mostly with Lizzie, but she took turns hamming it up with Brody, Derek and Tobey too.  The photographer got some great candid shots of Alyssa and Brody together and Erin couldn’t wait to see the finished product.

Brody had truly become a second father to her without blinking an eye and Erin was thankful they shared such a good relationship. 

Eventually the guests started drifting to the house or back to their hotels and the grandparents soon followed with the kids.  As the crowd dwindled and the night got later, Brody came to find Erin where she sat on a stool at the bar, talking with Bates.

She looked up when she saw him coming, grinning at his disheveled appearance.  He had lost the jacket a long time ago and now his shirt was untucked and his tie loosened.  Formality was definitely a goner.

“Hey there, gorgeous.  I came to see if you want to share one more dance with me before I whisk you away for the night.”

“I don’t know.  Bates and I were having a pretty in depth conversation here.”

Brody threw his sister a doubtful expression.  “In depth about what?  Shoes?”

“Well, it certainly wasn’t about boys.” Bates retorted.

Erin shook her head at them, sliding off her stool and taking Brody’s hand.  “Doesn’t matter.  Boys or shoes, I suppose I can postpone it to go dance with you.”

“Thanks for penciling me in.”

Erin grinned and gave him a small shove in the direction of the stairs.  “We’ll see you later.” She told Bates.

Bates waved as they walked away.

Erin followed Brody up to the top deck and when they stepped onto the dance floor the DJ segued into a slow song as if he’d been waiting for them.

“So, how does it feel to be both ceremoniously and officially my wife?” Brody asked, putting a hand around her waist and pulling her close.

“Not a whole lot different than it did yesterday.” Erin concluded.

“Here’s my question.  Is today number 154 or number 1?  We never really discussed it, but people have asked.”

“So now we’re counting in days, not months?” Erin teased.

Brody just gave her a look.

“How about both?  It’d be nice to have an excuse to celebrate twice a year, don’t you think?”

“Works for me.” Brody easily agreed.

Erin thought about it for a moment before continuing.  “I assumed we’d celebrate the original day.  But I have a feeling most people are going to remember today because it’s the day we had the big sha-bang.  I say let them celebrate it whenever they want to.  We’ll do our own thing.”

Brody grinned.  “Well, right now my own thing would be just to hug you and kiss you and twirl you around the dance floor.”

“I can agree to that.” Erin told him, laughing as Brody lifted her arm to twirl her around.

Then he pulled her close again, their bodies touching, and she could feel his heart beating against her hand where it lay on his chest.  He moved her arms around his waist and then took her face between his hands.

“I love you Erin Morgan.” He told her quietly.

She smiled, liking the way it sounded to share his last name.

Then he leaned down to kiss her, slowly and softly, until she took his lip between her teeth and tugged.  Brody groaned and opened his eyes to look at her.

She grinned.  “Guess what?”

He cocked an eyebrow in question.

“Tonight you can do something about it.”

Brody grinned back.  “You ready to leave this party?” he asked.

Erin nodded and happily followed him as he pulled her away from the dance floor and back towards the house.

* * * * * * * * * *

Erin stood at the railing on the balcony, letting the cool night breeze play with her hair.  The reception was long over and most of the guests had turned in for the night.  A few hardy folks could still be heard enjoying the pool and hot tub below them, but for the most part the night was peaceful.

The moon was bright without any clouds to obscure it and Erin could see the white caps of the waves where they crested on the beach.

She heard Brody’s bare feet pad across the tiled balcony and pause behind her.  Then his fingers caressed her neck, pushing away the gauzy material of her robe to expose her shoulder.  She closed her eyes and smiled when his lips kissed her bare skin.  Then his arms snaked around her, pulling her close, and he nestled his chin against her shoulder.

“There are moments, like this one, that I feel the need to pinch myself and make sure this is all real.”

His voice was throaty and low in her ear and it sent chills down her spine.

“Really?  I’d think by now you’d be used to me.” She teased.

Brody released her and moved to stand beside her so he could see her face.

“Erin, for so long you were this entity that I wanted to know and yet couldn’t touch.  And even after that night you showed up in my room and let me make love to you I couldn’t begin to imagine us ending up here.  Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

Erin smiled at him, butterflies dancing in her stomach.  “Yeah, I do.  Especially after reading that letter you wrote.  I have no doubts about how much you love me.”

“Me ending up with you had to be a God thing, because I just can’t imagine it had much to do with me alone.  I watched you walk down the aisle today and you looked like this gorgeous Greek goddess and I couldn’t believe how lucky I was that you were mine.”

“That’s funny, I’ve thought the same thing about you.”

“You think I’m a gorgeous Greek goddess?”

Erin laughed.  “Yes, that’s it exactly.” She retorted, rolling her eyes.  “I think I’m lucky, wise guy.  Lucky every single day that God took someone as broken as me and gave me you.”

“You don’t look broken to me.”

Erin shook her head.  “Not anymore.” She shifted closer to Brody, reaching up to frame his face with her hands.  “Not when I’m with you.”  Then she leaned in to kiss him, soft and slow.

He responded by reaching for her waist and pulling her against him.  His hands were warm through the thin material of her robe and as their kisses deepened she realized his hands were actually inside her robe, caressing her skin.

She was glad this part of their relationship was no longer off limits.  She had missed his touch.  But she pulled back, pushing him away, not ready to get carried away again.  Not yet.

“What’s the matter?” Brody asked, his gaze and voice thick with desire.

“I have something to tell you.”

“Can’t you tell me later?” he asked, leaning in to nuzzle her neck.

Erin pushed him away again, smiling.  “I think you’ll want to hear this.”

Brody gave a resigned sigh and pulled back, leaning against the balcony rail to listen.

“Consider it one last wedding day surprise.” She offered, pulling her robe tight again.

“Okay, what’s the surprise?”

Erin held his gaze, pausing, hoping he’d be as excited as she thought he would be.

“I’m pregnant.”

Brody blinked and then his eyes grew wide.  He stood up straight, the desirous thoughts of just a moment ago superseded by her news.

“You’re pregnant?” he whispered, as if he couldn’t quite believe his ears.

Erin nodded.

“When?  I mean, how long have you known?”

“Since this morning.  I had my suspicions but I couldn’t get my hands on a test until this morning.  I had to have Kel sneak it to me while we were getting ready.”

Brody laughed.  “So you’ve known all day and you’re just telling me now?  Did Kelly know before I did?”

Erin shook her head.  “No, she doesn’t know yet either.  I wanted to tell you first but I wanted to wait until we were alone.”

Brody ran a hand through his hair, a stunned smile on his face.  “When are you due?  Do you have any idea?”

Erin shrugged.  “Not officially, but my best guess is early February.  We’ll know more once we get home and I can call the doctor.”

Brody was quiet for a moment, studying her, and then he reached out to cup her cheek with his hand.  “Are you okay with this?” he asked softly.

“I was a bit, oh, caught off guard?  But yes, I’m definitely okay with this.”

“You sure?” Brody asked again, obviously not convinced.

Erin laughed.  “Yes, Brody, I’m sure.  Not like I have a choice even if I wasn’t.  But I want this.  I want this with you.”

Finally, Brody smiled again, obviously as happy as she was expecting him to be.  “This is awesome! Beyond awesome!  If I knew they wouldn’t all throw shoes at me, I’d wake everyone up to tell them!”

Erin smiled too, her heart happy to see his excitement.  He looked at her, absolutely giddy, whispering, “I’m  going to be a Dad!”

Then he reached out to pull her close and kiss her again.

This time, when his hands untied her robe and found her skin she didn’t resist.

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