I Keep Falling In Love With H...

By TheGoldenOnes

425 15 8

Chapin who is to easy to give up and give in, finally stands her ground and realizes that there's more than l... More

I Keep Falling In Love With Him
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 16

11 0 0
By TheGoldenOnes

The docter was right because he let us go after 2 hours of waiting for him to get back with the last test he came in and smiled at are patinece when truth is i was tired of waiting and about to blow up any second damien was eager to go though he didnt seem stressed out as i was but i guess thats a good thing though less stress is better and that makes me happy to no he is thinking positive at least i think......

Ready to go i finally said.

YES he said with excitment.

okay lets go

chappin wait,


Im really truely sorry for every thing everything you went thruogh for me and not letting me feel like im a no one because it feels amazing to no your here and hopefully for good cause i wouldnt want you to leave.....

I was speechless a tear almost ran down my face but i didnt let it.

agian. I heard him whisper sounded as if filled with anger.

And this made me want to confess and get everything off my conscience becuase i hate feeling guilty it eats me up inside, ill do it when the time feels right but it will be soon but i have to get ride of peter once and for all because hes a jerk.

we were on are way home when i had to make a stop at someones house



we stopped at someones house that looked familar but i coulndt really remember

she went inside and she didnt take that long about 15 mins but i didnt mind.


i walked in there without even knocking and i heard something up stairs and went to were the sound was coming from

i busted open the door and i saw peter and that same trick fucking in his bed

wtf he spatt.

why the fuck are you gunna call me a mothafuckin slut when you sleep with anyone whos got legs to spread and a vagina to stick your dick in

and you you thursty tramp you can have this low life piece of shit cause ill always be glad to give you my left overs that dont mean shit

and thats when i walked out. and took a deep breath becuase that was the day being mis treated was over with

i walked out side to be a waited by damien he had a smile on his face but then realized it was not the time to tell him yet but I will though I'm not gunna hide it from him at all im just gunna be myself and tell him that i remember everything and how sorry i really am becuase he deserves that atleast and maybe he will accept my apoligy and we could start over from the begining and hope all goes well............

we arrived at his house.

and thats when he asked me.

chappin whos house was that and i knew not to cover it up


should i would be worrried he asked

no i dont think so i set things strraight.

is he your boyfriend agian?



i knew right then why that house looked familar was becuase every day after school when i used to walked home him and his friends would be so cruel and tease me all the time for know reason because i never did anything and i think thats what made him do it more i dont know but thats when i asked my mom to get me a car and no questions asked she got me one i dont no if she new or not

but i got out of the car and went inside and headed up stairs and went straight to my room as i walked in i noticed something off something has been moved i looked in my floor and found my note book i heard her come up stairs

you found it?

uhhh as a loss for words poured out.

yes im so sorry i didnt read all just a little.

its okay its fine and well i guess you know everything nothing to hide now its cool though im glad i have someone to share it with :)

sorry kinds short but it will have to do love all yall trying to get done with school and stuff so ill have free time on my hand sto updated but my book is far from being finished like 30 + chapter keep up the reads tell your friends ill give you shout outs comment a shout out and a note attached love my readers fan whatever i till love you all

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