My Best Friend

By PrettyLittleTroian_

860 23 7

Sam and Grace have been best friends for all of their years of high school, and have been there for each othe... More

(1) Last Year
(2) Current Life
(4) Theatre Troubles
(5) What She'd Done
(6) What Now...
(7) Heartbreaking Hell
(8) What you've all waited so patiently for...

(3) The Girl

79 4 0
By PrettyLittleTroian_

Chapter 3

I knew that I would make it on time to my date if I got ready within in 20 minutes, so that I could walk down to the café to meet with Kate. We did live near the river front after all, it wouldn't be too hard to get there in time... right?

Wrong. It took me just over half an hour to get ready, as I was too busy focusing on not wearing the 'liar bra' and searching for another black one that would go with what I had picked to wear. My outfit consisted of a loose black crop top and a floral skirt, with pink flats and I put my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. But for me, a messy bun took around 50 hair slides and 2 hair ties to get right, which meant it would probably be quicker to do a ballerina bun.

"Bye Sam, I'm not sure what time I'll be home but leave me some of whatever you make for dinner," I tell him as I walk towards the door of our apartment.

"Bye Gracie, don't get drunk have sex then have babies." He tells me, not looking up from his place on the sofa where he is watching some rubbish on TV.

"I don't plan on that, thanks. And you know I can't have babies..." I tell him then giggle, opening the door.

"Oh yeah your gay... sorry about that." He says, the sarcasm in his voice being elevated.

"I'm not sorry..." I say, grinning. I take a step out the door and look back at my best friend, "See you later!"

And with that, I close the door.

I end up speed walking down to the café, which by the way isn't even a café, it's a restaurant. I got there in time, with around 30 seconds to spare, and took a seat at an outdoor table, waiting patiently for Kate to arrive.

I'd met Kate a while back, a night when I was completely lost in San Francisco when me and Sam had only just moved in. We had just gone out for dinner and we couldn't find our way back home, Kate happened to be out in the same place with her friend Brit, so she gave us a ride home since we had decided to walk there in the first place using google maps, and both of our phones had died whilst being there... oops.

So once I started talking to Kate more, she happened to mention a past girlfriend, which was the indication that she was most definitely into girls, which I was happy about, obviously.

I don't sit for very long before I see the pretty girl heading around the corner, wearing a white batwing shirt and some fancy black trousers, she smiles as she spots me, and makes her way over and sits opposite me. Her dirty blonde hair is pulled into a loose bun at the bottom of her neck, and her hazel eyes bright in the sunlight.

"Grace! So nice to see you for our first time out together." She says and grins at me, and I grin back.

"I know! It's amazing, I never thought this would happen to be honest." I tell her and instantly blush, I'm not much of a flirter and I'm nervous as hell.

"Yeah me neither! But it's so awesome to finally come out with you." She says and smiles, and I pick up my menu.

"What looks good?" I ask, trying to read the French but I don't remember much from highschool.

"I have no clue, I was hoping you'd be able to tell me, I've never learnt French." Kate admits, giggling a little.

"Maybe we picked the wrong place to eat..." I tell her, and she smiles.

"Maybe so..." She grins then giggles again, and I do too.

I glance at the menu again, trying to make out what any of it means. "Well, the only thing I can read is red something or other with mushrooms."

"No thank you. I hate mushrooms." She tells me, "What is poom da terry?"

"What? Where?" I ask, then laugh a little as she has most likely pronounced the entire thing wrong.

"There!" She says, and leans over the table to show me where she is pointing to, "This! Poom da terry."

"Oh! You mean Pomme De Terre?" I say, trying to pronounce it as correctly as possible. "That means potato, or in literally translation, apple of the earth."

"Oh! That's cool! I need to take some French classes some time, I'm awful." She explains, and I grin.

"For now however, I think we should leave this one up to google translate." I tell her, grabbing my bag and pulling out my phone, holding it in my left hand proudly.

"Great idea!" She says and giggles as I type each item on the menu into google.

Eventually, when we know what everything is, we decide to share some sort of pizza that they apparently do in a French restaurant, even though pizza is Italian. When it comes, it's just an ordinary looking pizza, but is covered in some sort of weird looking meat. We eat it anyway, and it turns out to be okay, until we both learn that we just ate squid. Suddenly I didn't feel so hot, so we left that restaurant and just went for a walk along the beach.

"Well that was an experience," Kate says, moving from the path and sitting on the wall, overlooking the water.

"Yeah it was. Ew." I say, shaking my head at the thought and sitting next to Kate.

"Whatever, It was still a good date, and we can at least laugh about it." Kate tells me, and I nod in agreement.

"Definitely. It was really fun, and we should totally do this again." I smile and look at her.

"Yeah, we should." Kate says, staring straight at me too.

We're both quiet for a moment before we let the inevitable take over, and before I know it my lips are on hers. I pull away after a second, as it's only the first date and I don't want to seem too desperate, but I smile anyway.

Kate continues to look at me and I to her, she smiles again then quickly pecks my lips, then stands up and holds out a hand for me to take. I stand up, taking her hand and interlock her fingers into mine. I look at our hands as we begin to walk along the road in silence, before normal conversation erupts once again.

It's 4pm when I rush home from walking Kate to her place, and I begin jumping and dancing around the living room when I get home. Sam isn't in the living room when I come home, so I continue to twirl and spin on one foot, which is probably making my skirt fly up to my waist but I didn't care.

"What are you doing Grace?" I hear eventually, and I stop suddenly, feeling very dizzy.

"Nothing." I say, trying to look at Sam but there are about 4 of him all fuzzy.

I hear him laugh and all four of him go over to the couch. "Did you have a good date?"

"Yes!! It was amazing!" I say as my vision goes back to normal, and there is only 1 Sam again.

"What did you do?" He asks, "Apart from going to a stupid French restaurant."

"We walked along the front together talking and then at one point Kate sat on the wall so I sat next to her and then; bam! We kissed, and I giggled and it was just the most amazing thing ever!" I tell him, collapsing onto the sofa next to him.

"Ooh!" He teases, "Gracie has a girlfriend, Gracie has a girlfriend." He proceeds to poke my side and stomach which he knows I find ticklish.

I am forced to laugh, but then I move away from him slightly and sit up straight.

"I don't have a girlfriend you douche, she's just my good friend that is a good kisser..." I tell him and he grins.

"Did you make out with her?" He asks, leaning towards me again.

"No! I'm not you I don't make out with girls on the first date." I explain, looking at him as he leans back with disappointment.

"I don't make out with girls on the first date... only on the second!" He explains unconvincingly and I giggle a little.

"Oh right... yeah totally." I tease and poke his side, and he jumps.

"Don't! I'm ticklish..." He says, then pouts his lip.

"Aww... I'm sorry, did I find your soft spot...?" I grin, then poke it again and I can tell how hard he is trying to not laugh.

"No, you didn't find it. I don't have one..." He lies, and I grin and tickle him really hard.

He wriggles about and shouts 'stop' over and over, but I continue to tickle him until he suddenly falls off the couch with a massive thump.

"Oops," I say, and stop tickling him.

"Ow." He says simply, but we both burst out laughing anyway.

Then, surprisingly he grabs me and tickles me to the floor with him, until I am wriggling next to him in the small gap between the coffee table and the couch.

"Stop! Please stop!" I yell and laugh at the same time, but he doesn't stop.

"Fine!" He gives in, and I catch my breath. I lay there and stare at my high ceilings, then turn my face and look him straight in his eyes, which are only inches from mine.

"You are truly evil." I tell him, and he smiles.

"That's my life's goal." He says, and I giggle at him before attempting to get up, probably standing half on him whilst holding onto the couch at the same time.

When I'm up on my feet I look down at the confined space. "We really need to move that coffee table further from the couch," I say, and do so, moving it so that Sam is free to get up with ease.

"Problem solved!" He says, and puts out a hand for me to help him up anyway, I take it, and regret it, as he pulls me back down and starts to tickle me again.

I wriggle around like crazy, shaking my legs and arms around wildly, giggling and laughing as I do.

My best friend truly is evil.

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