My Husbands Boyfriend -Zouiam...

By Ziams_Snapback

54.6K 2.7K 1.8K

See inside for details. :) More

My Husbands Boyfriend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven (Part 2)
Chapter 8
Not an Update
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eleven

1.7K 115 69
By Ziams_Snapback

Here's the daily update for today darlings!!!


3 months later

The last three months have been absolute hell for Liam. Louis has been constantly terrorizing him, even going as far as kicking him out of his own room, because he needed to be closer to Zayn. So now he was sleeping in the guest room, six months pregnant and he can't even sleep in his own bed. And now, since Louis living here, Zayn is even more mean , always pushing Liam around , slapping him, and telling him what to do.

He keeps telling himself that it'll get better, once the baby is born, but he's not so sure. Liam, would never leave Zayn, he hasn't even thought about it. However, he just wants his husband to treat him decently, like he does Louis.

Liam was in the kitchen cooking dinner for the two men, who were currently sitting in the living room, parenting magazines spread out across the table for twin nursery ideas. He sighed heavily, his ankles hurting from standing so long. Liam placed his hand under his swelled stomach and groaned, the baby was kicking hard, which was a good thing, but it was giving Liam really bad gas, and abdominal pain.

Wincing he poured the vegetable soup into three bowls and carried them carefully into the dining room. He just wished he would've saw Louis shoes in the middle of the floor, then maybe he wouldn't have tripped causing all three bowls to fly out of his hands, and crash into the floor, breaking, soup splattering on the walls and carpet. Luckily, though, Liam caught his balance and didn't harm the baby growing inside of him.

His brown eyes widened as he stared at the mess he had made on the floor, bottom lip trembling . Liam's head snapped up when he heard Zayn and Louis footprints coming towards him, making him panic. He didn't want Zayn to be mad or yell at him, or hit him, like he usually did now.

Liam squatted down trying to pick up the broken glass, but failing as his stomach was too large. He flinched when he felt a hand grasp he shoulder, tugging him up roughly, Liam squeaked in surprise and stumbled back, his side hiring the corner of the table.

Zayn snickered and covered his mouth, Louis mirroring him. Zayn walked over to the man that was gripping his side in pain and pulled his hair roughly, "What the hell Liam?! Look at what you fucking did! Not only did you ruin our meal, but our carpet as well." He said through gritted teeth , twisting the strands of Liam's hair he had in his hand.

A whimper escaped Liam's lips as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to just disappear. He said quietly, his voice wavering just above a whisper, "I-I ..its..-"

"Can you speak English ?!" Zayn spat in his face, earning a loud laugh from Louis.

Liam turned a dark shade of red, embarrassment washing over him, "Yes.." He said quietly, a tear slipping out his eye. Liam's legs were shaking, he was scared, and the overwhelming amount of pressure on his bladder wasn't helping.

"Act like it then," Zayn demanded, releasing his grip on his husbands hair. He looked at the floor and the walls shaking his head, "You can clean this up while me and Louis go out and eat."

Liam frowned, holding onto his stomach , "O-Okay Zayn..just please be back soon..I want to spend time with you," he smiled reaching out to touch his abusive husband. He jumped when his hand was slapped away, making his eyes well up with more tears.

"All the more reason to stay out later.." Mumbled Zayn as he laced his fingers with Louis , pulling the younger boy close. He stared at Liam, who's hands were shaking even worse than they usually were. Zayn swallowed back the lump in his throat and turned on his heel, exiting the dining room Louis being dragged along with him.

Once Liam was sure Zayn and Louis were gone he collapsed into the chair beside the table and let out gut wrenching cries. He covered his face, letting the hot tears roll down his cheeks, feeling as pathetic as ever. Depression and guilt weighed heavy on him, if he could've carried the last babies Zayn would still love him. He would still want to touch him, he would still want to make love to him and fuck him, he would want to hold his hand on go on dates. But , now..he wanted Louis. He was just stringing Liam along, and he knew it, God how Liam knew it. But he couldn't just let go of the love of his life.

Liam wasn't giving up hope that the old Zayn would come back. He knew it would just take time.

After his crying fit was over, Liam decided to call over Niall. He was lonely and knew Zayn wouldn't be back for a while, plus he hadn't seen his Irish friend since the kissing accident. Luckily, he answered on the first ring and told Liam he would be over right away.


It only took fifteen minutes for Niall to arrive at Liam's house. He showed up to Liam's door with a bunch of ice cream, movies , pizza, and a vase of roses for Liam. Niall was still very much in love with Liam, and was making it very well -known, "Hey Lima," he chirped happily, handing the flowers to the pregnant man.

Liam's eyes lit up as he held the case of flowers in his hands, a smile making its way to his face, "Roses are my favorite Ni..thank you," he spoke happily , sniffing the red flowers.

Niall grinned wide, staring at Liam fondly, he put the food on the coffee table and hopped back over to Liam, placing his hands on his swollen stomach. His blue eyes sparkled as he stared at the bump, wishing that he could be the father or Liam's child, "Please let me come to the next doctors visit..I gotta see this little guy on the ultra sound machine!"

Liam giggled and placed his hands on top of Niall's , moving them to where the baby was kicking, "Of corse Ni, anytime you want..Zayn doesn't like to go so.."

Niall grimaced at hearing Zayn's name , shaking his head he sighed, "I'm sorry Liam, but that's just not normal. You deserve so much better," he said softly, looking lovingly into Liam's brown eyes, "I can..I can give you the life you and this baby deserve, and want."

Liam looked away sheepishly and dropped his arms to his sides, "Niall.." He warned, "I think of you as a friend..and I just can't lie to you and say that I .."

"'s okay Liam you don't have to explain your self," he smiled sadly, shrugging. "I didn't say we had to date in order for me to take care of you, my door is always open."


I'm going to leave y'all hanging on the niam for now... ;) until tomorrow my dears.


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