Captured (A Finchel Story)

By corysmichele

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On an excursion of their school to a prison, Rachel Berry, a 17 years old girl, meets the prisoner Finn Hudso... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Final Chapter

Chapter 21

689 55 3
By corysmichele

(7 weeks till graduation)
"Welcome back fellow students!", Mr Schuester announces as he walks, super motivated, into the class. He throws his bag on the desk and walks through the classroom.
"You've only got a few more weeks in here and i want to tell you: Make those weeks some special ones."
I roll my eyes and focus on my desk. This is what our teachers have been telling us ever since we all came back into school. Its getting annoying how every teacher seems to be more excited about us leaving school than we are.
The letters for the NYADA have been out, at least thats what i heard.
(A/N: Im not gonna include the whole audition thing because i got no time for that :)) )
Im quite sure that im not getting into it, which sucks because then i have no idea what i am going to do. Leaving Lima without a plan? Thats not really smart at all.
I know im supposed to ask my dads about my future, to ask them if they have an idea, but i want to show them that i grew up through the whole years.
You're meeting a prisoner Berry, you definitely didnt grow up.

Meeting Finn last week felt good, because it wasnt as creepy like it was before. Im still thinking about why he pleased me that i shouldnt promise him anything, maybe because he knows that i cant stay since im graduating soon?
Well if thats what hes thinking then he's right. Im not going to stay, not for forever but for this time.
Is he going to care? That i'll stay for a time but not for forever? That im not going to be the one who will stand in the door of the prison waiting for him to come out? Maybe thats what he want. Certainty.
That there will be someone who is going to embrace him when he steps out of the building and tells him that he's welcome.
The thought of that he doesnt have this person right now hurts me more than him probably.
I couldnt imagine my life without my parents even without Kitty. Maybe i couldnt even imagine my life without Finn, at least for now.
Its been a routine, a calming routine that i wake up and think of him, and take the picture of him out of my purse, staring at it for a while. Would he do the same thing if he'd had a picture of me? I couldnt imagine him doing that, but well, some boys are different.
"Rachel?", i hear a voice far far away from me.
I stop thinking about Finn and look up, seeing the whole class staring at me.
Some laugh but i dont really know why they are laughing.
"Yes?", i ask. Mr Schuester sighs.
"When was the Revolution in France?", he asks and i just shake my head.
"I-I dont know", i reply.
He turns around and writes a date on the board but i dont really care about it. I passed my history exam two weeks ago and i've got other things to worry about.
The bell rings and i stand up, ignoring Kitty who asks me if i want to sit with her in the cafeteria later.
I turn my head as i pass Mr Shuester. He looks at me but doesnt seem to want to talk to me about what happened, which i'm really glad about.
I leave the classroom and see a crowd of people running excited to the middle of the hallway.
Confused i turn around and grab somebodys arm who runs past me.
"What the hell is going on?", i scream because of the noise the crowd is making.
The student just shakes his head and keeps running.
Kitty appears next to me and i turn my head to her, looking confused. She looks as confused as me.
"Lets look.", she says and i follow her and the crowd to the middle of the hallway.
People, mostly boys, scream things like "Hit him!" or "Yeah thats how we do it" and i automatically know that this is serious.
The boys who are beating themselves up are Mike and Sam.
Sam hits Mikes head who beats back but only punches into the air. He's so losing.
"Mike!", i scream even though i dont want to. "Mike stop!"
Kitty stares at Sam who looks blind because of anger. He keeps hitting on Mike, his football mates are supporting every punch of him.
Without thinking i jump between the two and push Sam off Mike, protecting Mike in every way i can. He's bleeding, it looks like his whole face does.
Sam laughs. "Oh look a girl has to save you. Cant you protect yourself?" 
Mike sighs and turns away, without saying anything he just walks away just into the boys restroom direction. Sam smirks and turns around to his friends who are high fiving him.
I turn my head to Kitty who still stands like she did before, did she notice now what an ass she dated?
Then i run after Mike.

The boy's restroom looks like the girl ones just that well its for boys.
I open the door and walk in, seeing how Mike sits, his face hiding in his hands, on the ground.
He doesnt look up as i say his name and after a while of standing, i sit down next to him.
We dont talk, we just sit there.
"You didnt have to protect me", he finally whispers.
I turn my head to him and stroke my hair back.
"True.  I didnt have to but i still did."
His nose is still bleeding and that makes me to stand up and get a wet towel which i put onto his bleeding nose.
As i touch his nose Mike automatically grabs my hand and for a second his hand stays there. Our eyes face but his bleeding nose brings me back into the reality.
I take my hand away and lay it into his hair, to stabilize his head.
Just two years ago i dreamed of exactly a moment like this. A boy who loves me and probably would do everything for me and then theres me, the innocent girl who loses her heart to this boy.
It could have been exactly this love story, but theres still Finn,  and sadly did i lose my heart to him.
Even though i wish it would be different sometimes.
"Why did Sam beat you up?", i ask while i keep cleaning his nose.
Mike shrugs his shoulders but doesnt give me a propiate answer.
"Mike", i whisper soft.
He sighs and it looks like he's fighting inside with someone, with himself.
"It was my fault. I started it all."
I sit back and listen to him.
Mike covers his face again. "I made a joke about how Sam can't keep a girl like Kitty for example. I dont think that would have been a good reason for him to beat me up, because thats what a lot of people tell him but then he said that i've got the same problem. He meant you. I think everyone knows that i am crazy about you but well you arent. And then  i turned completely mad and just hit him right into his ugly face. Too bad he's stronger than me."
Oh Mike. Did my non-interest in him seriously made him feel so bad about himself that he actually has to beat Sam up so that he can deal with his anger?
I stroke with my right hand through his hair.
One part of me wants to tell him the truth why i am like i am, that i am in love with his brother and another part of me wants to kiss him and just forget Finn for a second and be a normal girl.
Kitty was always right: in the end i do have feelings for him.
Maybe they arent as strong as for Finn but they are still feelings, feelings for this boy who is more similar to Finn than i could ever think of. Both are afraid of being alone and there will never be someone who will wait for them when they have to get away for a quite long time.
Just then i notice how he leans up to me and how his lips touch mine.
I dont fight against it, i just sit there and let it happen, while i throw the towel which im still holding in my left hand through the room in some corner. My other hand keeps stroking through his hair.
Is it desperation which brang me into this situation?
I cant tell, all i know is that im here in the boys bathroom, kissing Mike and not feeling sorry about it.

Noah Clark faces me with his brown eyes which are scaring the shit outta me.
"You're meeting Mr Hudson often, don't you?", he asks and opens a door which leads to a hallway that i never walked down. Its a new way, not the typically way to the window room, we are way past that room.
Ignoring his previous question i ask him where we are going.
"As i said; you're visiting him often. We think you two can meet outside, not in the glass window room.", Noah Clark says with his deep voice.
Outisde? "But there are going to be guards, right?", i whisper a little bit scared.
He turns to me and chuckles. "No we're going to leave you alone between killer and bank robbers. Of course there are going to be guards, probably more than prisoners itself"
The thought of that calms me a little bit.
At the end of the hallway is a glass door located which shows a view outisde huge building.
I can see a tree and a fence, but it doesnt look as dangerous as i thought it would look.
Noah Clark opens the door and i can smell the fresh air.
It really is quite beautiful here. The garden isnt big, but they did something cool out of it.
There are many trees and picnic benchs. And on one of them sits Finn Hudson.
I expected that i will get calmer by every visit when i see him but after what happened today in the school im just more scared than ever.
He sits there, looking as hot as ever. His eyes are checking me from my feet to my face and this intense look gives me chills.
Noah Clark next to me points at the bench where Finn sits and with slow steps do i walk towards him.
Should i be scared that there is no glass window between us or should it calm me more? I definitely go for the first option.
Finn has chosen a bench next to a tree and he leans against this tree now and with one hand he points at the free spot next to him.
Noah Clark nods and i sit down, staring at Finn while the guard tells us the rules of this visit. I dont listen actually.
"This is a much nicer place than the window room, dont you think?",Finn smiles at me while Noah Clark brings some distance between him and us.
Im not able to talk, i just keep staring at him, which Finn notices.
"Do i look better in free nature or why do you keep looking at me like im a hamburger?"
He's much more smypathic in free nature than he is in this room. The light there must have made him more scarier than he actually is.
"Are you going to talk today or is this going to be a one man show?", Finn laughs and leans over to me.
Our hands are just centimeters away from each other, just like his face is.
 Kiss me, hold me, do whatever you want to do with me!, a voice deep inside me screams. I dont judge it at all.
"You're creeping me out Rachel" , Finn says and puts on a fake scared grimace.
For the first time do i smile as well.
"sorry ...", i whisper, "This is just kinda new."
He looks at me and smiles without saying a word. What is he thinking? God dont make a fool outta yourself here Rachel.
"It really is new. But im happy that i can go out for some time, even if its just for 20 minutes, its still something." He's right. For him it must be an amazing experience to get out of his small room one time.
"Weren't you allowed to go outside before?", i ask and watch how his fingers move closer to mine.
Watch your breathing Berry.
Finn does the same as me and watches our finger moving close to each other.
"No i wasnt.", he whispers without looking at me.
Our fingers stop, just as they almost touched. A flood of desperation flows through me.
His face is still close to mine. Just one move and our lips would touch.
"I want to get you know you more", Finn announces and i smile at the sound of his voice.
"Fine. We can do like a Question and Answer.", i propose and Finn nods in agreement.
"You start with the question.", i tell him.
"Hmm", he leans back and with that he brings distance between our faces and our hands. Fuck.
"Favorite actor?"
"Thats a tough one, probably Leonardo DiCaprio."
"Thats the typical answer if you have no idea about movies."
"Shut up. What about you?"
"Jennifer Lawrence."
"Really or did she just pop into your head and you have no idea about movies as well?"
"Man you got me"
I smirk at him and he does the same. Hes seriously much nicer outside this room.
"Your turn again", i say and lean closer.
He thinks again. "Favorite series?"
"American Horror story"
"Never heard of it"
"Watch it its amazing"
"Okay i will as soon as im out of here"
"Favorite color?", i ask Finn
"Blue. Whats going on between my brother and you?"
I shrug for a second. What the hell is that for a question? But fine.
"Nothing at all", execpt for the kiss yesterday in the bathroom.
"Why do you keep stalking me?", i can ask this kind of questions too.
"Because im interested in you. And i wouldnt call it stalking that sounds so negative."
"How many boyfriends have you had before?", Finn aks.
"I dont believe you."
"Why would i lie to you?"
He stays quiet.
"What did you do to get in here?" , i ask. Im not afraid of going to far, but i needed to ask him that.
Finn stares at me in shock, like he cant believe what i just asked.
In that moment our fingers touch.
Its like a flash, a thunderstorm, like i got killed but rised from the dead again.
My heart beats faster than it ever did and im unable to control my breathing.
Finn seems to feel the same. Our eyes meet and in that moment i know that he really has interest in me. That he really cares about me.
That he maybe really loves me.
And i feel the same about him.
"Come back next week and i'll tell you, okay?"

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