Abandoned [h.s.]

By StylisticMoods

98.3K 4.3K 813

"Please take care of her, she's yours I just can't take care of her right now. I'm so sorry." More



4.1K 238 7
By StylisticMoods

Despite the fact that she had just poured her heart out and drowned him in apologies he couldn't force himself to be okay with it.

"I need you to leave."

"Harry I-"

He held his hand up to stop her, "I don't want to hear it. I need some time to think and to calm down. Please leave Skylar."


Harry cut her off much more sternly this time, "Go."

He didn't give her the chance to try to explain or apologize again and shut the door in her face. He was livid and very upset.

This woman had tugged his heart around for years, finally let him have her, and then just suddenly told him that she'd been lying to him this entire time, that she was Lilly's mother.

All along she had known and not once had she tried to tell him. Poor Lilly had been right all along and Skylar had just pretended it wasn't true.

He couldn't just rip that away from his little girl. Lilly loved her so much and she didn't even know for certain. But he couldn't just forgive her so easily.

She could have just told him that she was pregnant from the start. Sure, it wasn't the greatest timing but he would still be with her and take care of her and the baby. He loved children and it was his, he always wanted a baby and to be involved with that process.

Now he had his child but missed the process and her mother has suddenly decided to show up and drop everything on him like it was a simple thing.

He didn't know how to react or how to breathe. Everything was closing in on him suddenly and he had no idea what to do. His heart didn't feel like it should have and he couldn't make himself forgive her just like that.

She left his precious little girl on his doorstep with no warning and never even tried to see her again. What had happened was totally an accident and even then she had pretended like she was just his old friend with no connections to Lilly at all.

Harry was angry with himself for not noticing the resemblance sooner and for letting her back into his heart so easily. She had left him without explanation and ignored him when he tried to stay and just talk to her about what had happened.

Ten minutes had passed before he noticed the tears wetting his cheeks. Another five passed where he angrily threw soft things around and pulled at his hair so he didn't wake Lilly.

She'd woken up anyway and stood in his open doorway rubbing her sleep filled eyes, "Daddy?"

Harry quickly wiped his eyes and cleared his nose before turning to face his sweet little girl.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing up so late?"

Lilly continued to rub her eyes and yawned, her stuffed bunny in her right hand, "I heard you Daddy. Is you okay?"

Harry sighed and dropped down so that he was at her level, "I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to wake you up. Daddy's okay, he's just a little upset."

Lilly stared at him for a moment before walking forward and wrapping her arms around him, "I love you Daddy."

Harry hugged her back a little tighter than he had intended to, "I love you too Lilly. So very, very much."

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