Back In Time

By LittleMikaelson8

29K 751 104

Abigail lives in La Push with her brother Paul and his pack, but when she phases and becomes the packs second... More

Saving His Humanity
The Shooting
Finally Home
The Volturi

Being Courted

5.5K 147 27
By LittleMikaelson8

From the first moment we touched
Your arms felt like home

When I woke up again I had a killer headache and it was pitch black, I was in the middle of the woods, laying in a patch of grass and just as I sat up I heard loud screaming. I jumped up, sprinting in that direction and came to see a man and a younger boy being circled by a wolf. As soon as I saw this man I felt as if gravity had suddenly ceased to exist. I was torn between helping them and just continuing to stare at the man but as another wolf showed up and my imprint jumped at it, to kill it with his sword I realized the boy was unprotected and the wolf knew that. I did the only thing that I could think of at that moment...I jumped on it. I scared the living shit out of it and it jumped around trying to throw me off. The other wolf was now dead and the man I knew as Klaus, thanks to Quill, turned around and looked stunned. He pulled the child behind him just as the wolf rolled onto the ground and dropped me off his back, slashing my shoulder with his claws as he did so. I cried out in pain before kicking him, making him fly off of me and into a tree. He whined before looking back at me as my eyes changed color, they went completely black and he knew I could kill him. He took off back into the trees before I turned around.

"You saved us! You saved my life!" The boy yelled, hugging me around the waist, making me groan in pain.

"Henrik, let go, she's hurt. Let me take you to our mother, she can help you." He said coming over to me.

"I'll be fine, really, I'm okay. Don't worry about me, takes a lot more than that puppy to hurt me." He looked at me as if I was insane before lifting me into the air.

"I will take you so she can look at it. You saved our lives, it is the least we can do. Henrik, stay close." He walked for about 5 minutes before Henrik ran and opened the door to a small house. "Mother!" Klaus called and a women ran in quickly, along with a man.

"What have you done boy!?" He shouted and I flinched back in his arms.

"She saved us from the wolves father. I went to see them change, and Niklaus came after me trying to get me to come home, I wouldn't listen, it's my fault, please don't blame him!" Henrik begged but the man just glared at Klaus as I was sat on a chair.

"Oh my, darling, what are these clothes you wear. Boys, get out of here." She insisted before helping me take off my jacket and shirt before staring at my bra.

"Ma'am, I feel that I can trust you when I say, I'm not from here, I'm from the future." She looked shocked for a second but nodded.

"It explains the clothes, and shoes...and hair." I smiled slightly before she jumped back gasping. "Oh My God!" As she said that her husband and the boys ran back in, along with 3 other boys and a girl about my age. "You healed...just like that, only scars left."

"Yes, I heal quickly, it's just something my people can do." I said pulling on my shirt and jacket as one of the boys was staring at my boobs.

"My sons explained what you did back there. You jumped onto the back of a wolf and then after you scared it off, you called it a puppy. What are you?"

"Well first of all, I'm Abigail. Nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand to the women.

"I am Esther, this is Mikael, you've met Niklaus and Henrik, this is Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Rebekah." She introduced and they all waved. "This young girl is from the future dear." Everyone looked at me stunned. "Why have you come back here?"

"To save your son. Henrik was supposed to die tonight, and in my time, because of that, there are horrible repercussions."

"How so?" Mikael questioned.

"I um, I can't tell you, it would change too much." I had heard the stories of the originals myself, and I knew Mikael wasn't a good man, I'm definitely not telling him anything.

"These wolves have troubled us for the last time. I want you to make us better, stronger, in every way, and I want you to start right now!" He demanded to his wife.

"The spirits won't like us upsetting--"

"I Don't Care! Do As I Say Women! And you, come with me boy!" He insisted, grabbing Klaus and dragging him outside.

"Off to bed children. Rebekah, Abigail will bunk with you, okay dear?" She nodded, pulling me off to her bed area. We talked for a few moments, mostly about my hair and clothes before I started to worry about Klaus.

"Where is your bathroom?" She looked confused. "I have to pee."

"The outhouse is in the back of the house." She said and I nodded getting up. "Do you want me to show you?"

"No, you got to sleep, I'll find it." She nodded, yawning and laying down to sleep as I walked outside and listened carefully. I heard Mikael yelling off in the woods to the side of the house and I quickly took off in that direction. I saw Klaus on the ground as his father raised his hand to strike him and I jumped in front of him, taking the hit, feeling my nose start to bleed.

"Move child!" He insisted and I shook my head.

"Don't make him more angry." Klaus begged in a small voice and I felt my heart break.

"I won't let you hurt him." I spoke and Mikael looked stunned.

"You would protect him?!"

"Until the day I die!"

"I am your elder! Show me some respect girl!" He shouted, pissed off even more now than he was before.

"I learned a long time ago, that someone who needs to hurt someone else, especially his own child to feel like a man, doesn't deserve my respect. Now either let me receive his punishment, or go to bed. Your choice." He growled before stomping back to his house and I turned to see Klaus, with a black eye and a bloody nose, as well as a busted lip. I could hear a stream not too far from us and decided to help him clean up. I stood, holding out my hand and he took it slowly before I helped him up and held his hand as we walked. "Come sit here." I instructed, sitting him on a rock and tearing part of my shirt from the bottom, wetting it, and gently cleaning his face. I wiped the blood and dirt away before cleaning off his bloody hands and then my own face.

"Why did you help me?" He asked suddenly and my head snapped up to look at him.

I walked over and sat beside him taking his hand in my own. "Because I know what it's like to be abused by the one person in the world who's supposed to love you more than anything. My father was a horrible, cruel man to me and my brother. My mother died when I was very young and I remember watching from the stairs as my father beat my brother senseless before passing out, drunk on the couch. I remember learning to stitch him up because we couldn't go to a doctor to help him. And I remember my brother never coming home after school, just to avoid those beatings. He thought if he wasn't there then nothing would happen, but I was the one who started getting beaten after that. No one should have to look up at one of their parents, and see hate in their eyes. It's something you will never forget, no matter how hard you try. And I'm not going to let you feel that anymore." Before I knew it I was scooped up into a tight hug.

"Thank you. You have a pure heart, and you don't deserve what your father did to you."

"Neither do you. You are a good man, I know you are. And sometimes, life is just going to suck, you will feel alone, and like no one cares about you. But I want you to know something." I said placing my hand on his face gently.

"What is that?"

"I want you to know, that no matter what, even if I'm not right there with you, a year from now, 10 years from now, 1000 years from now, no matter how lonely and unloved you may feel. I will always care for you. You won't understand right now, but soon you will. Just know that you are very important to me. And you will never be alone as long as you keep me in your heart. Alright?" He nodded taking my hand and kissing it.

"Thank you Abigail, you barely know me but you care for me this much, it's amazing to me. I care for you as well, and I'll always be here if you need me." I nodded slightly pulling him to me and hugging him tightly. "We should go home. It is time to sleep." He said helping me up. We walked back to the house and said goodnight before I passed out next to Rebekah.

Over the coarse of the next month I spent a lot of time with Klaus, as well as his siblings. Rebekah and I got along very well, she had never really had a female friend before. Henrik was a sweet heart, who I think had a small crush on me. He followed me around everywhere, carrying things for me, helping me with the chores I volunteered to do for Esther letting me stay in the house, he was a very nice boy and I was glad I could save him. I definitely think his death had a huge impact on Klaus in my time, they are so very close here I don't understand how it couldn't. I also got along pretty well with Elijah. He was a gentle, respectable man but he also had a fun side, which I got to see whenever he teased Klaus by flirting with me. Everyone knew Klaus liked me, and I was VERY happy about that, especially when he asked to court me. It was very outdated where I came from, but in my 18 years of life it was the sweetest thing a guy had ever done for me.


I woke up early in the morning, quickly having breakfast with everyone like normal, talking, before I was dragged outside by Rebekah to do our chores. It was about noon when Esther called us in for lunch and we all walked toward the house. I noticed Klaus walking toward me and before I knew it I was turned around and we were walking to the woods. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" He questioned shyly and I nodded. We stopped beside the creek, right where we were the night we met and sat down, having chicken and fruit. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, I love it. You've been nervous this whole time, what's wrong? I'm not going to bite you." I chuckled at my own private joke.

"I guess I was afraid you wouldn't like it is all..."

"Klaus, in my time it's a lot different than it is here, I've been on quiet a few dates, but never once in my life has a guy set up a picnic like this just so we could have lunch together. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I love this." He blushed slightly and I knew I was going to miss that blush when he became a vampire. "That's not all that's bothering you though. What is it, you can tell me."

He breathed deeply, as if trying to get up enough courage before moving closer to me and taking my hand. "I know eventually you will have to go back to your time. Even though you won't tell me when that is or when you're leaving. But the way you talk, you make it seem like I will be there with you."

"You will. I just can't tell you how."

"And I can live with that for now. But over the last 2 weeks you've been here, I've really started to like you. And I hope you like me too?" I nodded smiling and squeezing his hand. "I um...I would like...for you to, I would love it if you would..." I squeezed his hand again and he looked up into my eyes smiling. "I was wondering if you would allow me to court you Abby?"

I felt my jaw drop the moment I fully understood what he had said to me. I never in a million years thought I would hear a man ask me that! Wow! I should probably say something to him... I couldn't make English come from my mouth so I just nodded my head grinning and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. "Did you really think I would say no?"

"Well, I didn't know if anyone was courting you wherever you came from." I couldn't help a little chuckle.

"Where I come from it's not called courting, it's called dating. I honestly thought that's what we were already doing when we were hanging out together all the time. Some guys still ask you to be their girlfriend, but after like 5 dates it's just kind of expected that that's what's going on. But the way you asked me was so sweet and I will never forget it in a million years." I pulled him a little closer before placing my lips against his lightly and pulling back.

"Wow. That was-" I didn't let him finish before I kissed him again, we moved closer so we now sat on our knees, chest to chest. I put my arms around his neck, placing my hands in his hair as his hands went to my waist. We stayed like that for about 10 minutes until we heard giggling from the trees behind us and I pulled away trying not to smile. "Henrik!" Klaus yelled and we heard a squeak before he ran away and I couldn't hold the laugh anymore. "You know he's in love with you right?"

"Yes, but I'm in love with you, so you don't have to worry. Besides, he's young, he'll get over it quickly."

"You're in love with me?" I blushed before nodding and he kissed me again.

"Okay." I said pulling away. "If we don't stop now, then we never will, and we still have stuff to the way, you can keep calling me Abby...I like it when you say it." He chuckled helping me clean up before walking back to the house, hand in hand.

I was currently laying in bed beside Rebekah trying to sleep when her father burst into the room pulling her up. "Come out here girl." He insisted and I jumped up following. As I walked out I saw Klaus and Rebekah drinking some foul smelling potion just before Mikael reached out and snapped Rebekah's neck. Klaus reached out, catching her, screaming just as Mikael pulled out a sword and slit his throat. He fell to the ground and I dropped down beside him, seeing him choke on his blood.

"It's going to be okay, I promise, it's okay. I'm so sorry." I sobbed, grabbing his head and snapping his neck as well so he was no longer in pain. I waited for a while, holding him, covered in his blood before he finally sat up, gasping for air. I ignored Mikael doing the same to everyone but Esther, in favor of holding Klaus until he could think straight again. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be in pain, I thought it would be easier to just-"

"It's okay love, I understand. You knew I would wake up again didn't you?" I nodded. "Then it's okay." As he looked up and met my eyes his whole body froze. "Your chest feels tight...what's happening to me?" I grinned.

"I'm your mate, you know as soon as you look into my eyes. And now you understand how I feel about you."

"NIKLAUS! Come Here Boy!" Mikael yelled and he got up walking over quickly before a girls wrist was shoved into his mouth and he grabbed it, digging his fangs into her. "Enough!" He insisted pushing him back.

"Come with me." I whispered taking his hand and walking outside with him.

"I don't want to hurt you." He insisted, trying to pull away.

"You won't...I know you felt like you couldn't control yourself with that girl, but it will get easier. And I probably smell pretty bad to you, at least I do to other vampires." He shook his head.

"You smell like a flower garden...and the air just after it rains. You don't smell like she did."

"You will never hurt me, and even if you did, I heal remember. Klaus...I'm leaving. I can feel it's about to happen." His eyes widened. "You will live, you will see me again. I wasn't sent back here to save Henrik, I did that because I knew you loved him, and I wanted you happy, I always want you happy. I came back because in my future, something happened, around now that broke you. You are the sweetest man I've ever met in my entire life, and no matter what happens over the next few months, I need you to remember what I said to you the first night we met, do you remember?" He nodded. "I will always love you Niklaus. You're my best friend, my one true love, and though you are going to have to go a long time without seeing me, just remember that someone loves you."

"Can't you stay, just a little longer? I'm scared Abby..." He admitted.

"I would if I had control of this but I don't. Promise me, you'll remember who you are. You're a good, decent man, and no matter what happens, stay like that. Promise me?" He nodded. "And by that I don't mean, don't kill anyone, I mean don't go on killing sprees, or kill peoples families to get revenge."

"Do I do that?" I nodded. "I promise. I won't disappoint you again."

I smiled at him. "You've never disappointed me Niklaus, never, I just don't want you to become the monster you're afraid of. I know what you are. You will learn things about yourself soon, things I wish I could tell you. I don't know everything, But I know someone will betray you and it will hurt you, badly enough to push everyone away. I will never judge you Niklaus, no matter what. But I want you to keep your humanity is all I'm saying. I never want you to be able to kill someone and not care." An overwhelming sense of dizziness came over me suddenly and my legs gave out. I fell into Klaus' arms and kissed him gently.

"I will make you proud. I promise." He whispered against my lips.

"Stay safe." Darkness then engulfed me.

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