Birthday Wish//discountinued

By TheLostCandy

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In the span of 7 years of losing your loved ones, everything it does is depression and pain and even a little... More

Chapter One: I made a wish that can never happen
Chapter Two: The new guy's mentor is Shakespeare's descendant
Chapter Four: I didn't know that boys still show their cheesy side
Chapter Five: I think I'm jealous
Chapter Six: Are there suppose to be arrows or clues for his signs?
Chapter Seven: I'm engaged without even knowing
Chapter Eight: Expectation the root of all heartbreaks
Chapter Nine: There's this guy who is...always cocky on Wednesday
Author's Note
Chapter Ten: Those good old days I've been missing...
Chapter 11 : A damn good kisser
Chapter 12: Oh! You look like a blonde Mr. Darcy
Chapter 13: I am your King and you are my Queen
Chapter 14: I don't want to talk.
Chapter 15: The lights went out
Good News!!!
Getting to know me
Chapter 16: I need you
Domino Effect

Chapter Three: All hail the so-called Jesus

99 12 2
By TheLostCandy

Chapter Three: All hail the so-called Jesus

By the time I got to the parking lot, it was already 5:30 and dark. There were only two cars left in the drive way.

Walking all alone is really scary, especially if it's dark. Now I understand why directors always shoot the killing scenes on parking lots. 'Cause they're scary at night.

With trembling feet and cold hands, I walked to my car, silently praying to God to forbid me from dying tonight.

Okay. Breathe.... I breathed furiously before running to my car, only to be knocked down. I sat there for a while before lifting my head.

I don't know of it's a guy or a girl because he/she a wore black hoody. It's not long before I started screaming like a whale but that's clearly irrelevant especially because whales do not scream.

" Hey! It's okay. Just me. " Alex held up a cautious hand to assure me that he means no harm.

" Jesus!! I- " I was rudely cut off by Alex. " Nope. No Jesus here, just me. " he held up his hands in defense. So much for being the mysterious new guy. " I thought you were a serial killer or something. "

" Maybe I am. " A devious smirk appeared on his face but my expression was priceless. It was pale like a spirit had taken the soul out of me. As his face softened and a soft laugh came out of his lips, a new expression had formed on my face. My death glare never left his face, or eyes in particular.

Soon enough, we were standing in the middle of the parking lot, looking like idiots with me, glaring and him, yawning and rubbing. Something clicked in my memory, " Uhh.. Alex? " His face suddenly softened at my voice.

" What are you doing at school this late hour? "

" Ehem.. " he fake coughed but didn't go according to what he planed because it turned to a real one as he squeezed with his eyes bulging out. I would have laughed at the sight but I had respect for the poor guy. " Well, your friend, Savannah, was literally chasing me at school after classes and lucky old me got stuck in the janitors closet. " I never really expected him to answer me truthfully which shocked me.

" I just hope you didn't bring a girl with you. " i wiggled my eyebrows at him followed by a wink. My laugh probably sounded like goose cackling with my eyes bulging out but he didn't mind, instead, he joined my laugh.

" Well, I better be off then. " I bid a small goodbye and hurried to the side of my car.

He tsked and turned towards me, " Goodbyes are just hellos, blowing across the wind until our paths intersect once again. "

Another mischievous smirk appeared on his face as a wide grin met mine. His eyes glistening with amusement when I laughed, again. I never really saw him talk to anybody at school today so I'd conclude that he is a reserved person.

" Stop quoting cartoons, Mister Sanders. That is, unless, if you have an interest with Jake. "

We both laughed before Alex muttered something about bird gay shit. Hey! don't ask me, I'm just telling what happened here.

I finally remembered going home so I unlocked the door halfway before speaking, " Look, Alex. Savannah's my friend but I have concerns too. Just don't let her drag you into something you don't want. ". " Oh, and the thing that she wanted to tell you that she had to chase you off was that she was having a party tomorrow at her house. That's just a few blocks away from the Grill Resto-bar. "

His forehead have creased like he was concentrating on controlling his anger towards my poor friend. " Well, that's just stupid. I don't even go to parties. What about you? Are you going? "

" Definitely not. I never go to parties. " At least, not anymore. I didn't even hesitate upon answering him.

" I am going now. And this time, it's for real. " I stared at his mesmerizing blue eyes. " Do not quote cartoons, Alex. "

I turned my back against his face and finally sat on the warm feeling of my leather seat. There was a crooked sound so, I had to look up and see it for myself. " Where's the good in goodbye? where's the nice in nice try? "

My face lit up at his wonderful singing. " I didn't know that you liked music and my favorite band, The Script. " He cracked a wide grin on his face.

" Oh, Ms. Green. I am lot of things that you don't know. "

" Okay. I'm never gonna get home. Not like this. " I am seriously never going to get home if he keeps attracting me with his little tricks. " No more quoting movies or cartoons, no more quoting songs. Goodbye. " with that, I shut the door close and drove to my Uncle Elevato's resto-bar, The Grill.

You must be asking why that's his name. When his mother's water broke, they immediately put her to the hospital but unfortunately, she didn't make it to the delivery room. I'm guessing you already know what happened to her. He hates the name, that's why he told us to call him John. He thinks his parents made it like a joke, just to have something funny yet, precious.

" Hey, Sonny! The usual please. "

" Coming right up, Buttocks. " You must be wondering, again, why he calls me that. He hates it when I call him his whole name, which happens all the time.

Sonny Ericsson, the bartender/waiter/cashier in the grill, is named after the cellphone brand, Sony Ericsson. He'd try to deny it all the time and says, quote, " It has another s in my name while the damn phone doesn't. " and I quote me correcting him, " Actually, it's a brand. " which would only provoke him more.

After my 'unhealthy' dinner, as Jenna would say, fatigue traveled fast through my muscles and I felt exhausted so I went straight to bed.

For days now, I've been seeing Alex in school all alone. It's like he doesn't want company. Savannah is always begging me to help her but what could I do? I don't even know him.

We haven't seen each other face to face or even talk or uttered a single word ever since the night at the parking lot. I was unconsciously eating my fries that I hadn't noticed Savannah
calling my name.

" Stella! " The students in the cafeteria gave us side way glances that makes my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

I inhaled a sharp breath and looked up to her face with a fake smile plastered on my face. No one could ever tell when I'm faking it or not. It's one of the advantages that I have mastered for a long time of being a parentless, only child.

" Did you not here about what I said? " Actually, I had no idea. Instead of saying that, I hummed in acknowledgement.

" I was thinking of getting him and I to a date at the fancy restaurant just somewhere near and I'll make them think that he took me to a date. "

" That sounds like a plan. " I managed a fake smile and ignored a new emotion that wavers over me in an uncomfortable sensation.

I really just wanted to tell her that there is no significance in her words. That they don't matter because a person like Alex wouldn't do that, especially, if that person is a grueling bitch, no pun intended, like Savannah, in particular.

I may seem like the person who looks naive but after a mere observation, I could already tell the person's characteristic. Like Savannah, remember when I told you that I'm not the person who wears the latest and most expensive clothes just to make people bow down to her, well, she is. We are like the two sides of a battery or a magnet, that opposites attract. She believes in those things but I don't.

Shrugging, I excused myself from Savannah when she'd told me about her going to Alex's table. Bell rings in 20 minutes and everyone's still eating their food. Before I entered the intersect in the hallway, leading to the only place no one ever goes, a voice called me.

" Stella! " I whipped my head to the direction from where the voice called me, simultaneously flipping my hair in a model-like style, which made me gag in my head.

My voice got caught up in the middle of my throat, " Uhm.. A- Alex. " Still surprised that he was in front of me. " I didn't expect you here. "

" Well, I was missing you. " I gave him a dull look.

" Sorry, I kid. " the look suddenly wore off from my face, " Plus, I'd like to enjoy your company than look at your monotonous and bubbly friend back there. " He smiled at me, a genuine one. I am fully awed with what he said, leaving him disoriented. I managed to pull myself together and told him in a monotone voice with a shrug, " I don't think, I'm much of a fun. "

" Nah, that's okay. I'm here to save the day. " He strike a pose of superman, except the cape. " Come on! " He took my hand, which sent chills through my body, causing me to flinch because of the warm heat radiating through him.

" Where are we going? " I didn't try to steal my hand from his grasp because if I do, he'll only grip tighter.

" Somewhere fun. " His voice tinted something in me. Something I never had for the past eight years. Fun.


" What the hell?! We skipped classes for this? "

You're probably wondering why I'm irritated. He just brought me to a place that I tragically hate. The woods.

" Trust me, this will be good. " I put on a pouty face and got out of his car and followed him outside.

I have been ranting things in his car for about half an hour, talking about how I'm gonna get to detention or something, but managed to coax me by luckily buying me my favorite food, gummy worms. I know that it's not much but I'd rather eat gummy worms than the mystery food at the cafeteria.

On the contrary, I did make him a little bit uneasy earlier, Savannah.

" Alex? " He hummed in response.

" What did Savannah tell you? " He stirred in his seat and clenched his jaw in frustration.

" Not much. " I eyed him curiously until he finally sighed and shook his head in surrender. Still hesitating, I reached my hand out to his shoulders and flinch tensely under my touch. He leveled his eyes to mine and said, " You know, I may not know who you are or not fully but, I feel like you and me have this connection. "

Sighing, he opened his mouth again, " I don't particularly hate Savannah but I don't particularly like her. "

" She asked me to accompany her to this restaurant called Jasmine's heart. Even the name sucks, I don't like her. People might get the wrong idea about us. "

I really felt for him. I've been under Savannah's wrath for years, just sticking up to her and finding excuses just to stay with her. But I will never spill her plan to Alex, even if he doesn't deserve her and she doesn't deserve him. She's still my best friend, the girl who wanted me to have a life, the girl who wanted the best for me. I can't help but think that this is all my responsibility. I shouldn't.

A/N: Uhm.. Thanks for reading and to Litterator, thanks for the wonderful message. Lol, so I'm dedicating this chapter to you and sorry IamMIGGYeda, I'll dedicate the next one to you.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

Lots of love,

Teaser: Alec gives Stella a surprise.

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