It All Started With Amnesia

By thebookiee

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Want a recipe for chaos? Take an average teen girl who is sarcastic and hot-headed (at times). Add a sprinkli... More

|| Everything That You Will Ever Need ||
Chapter One || The Beginning Of The End ||
Chapter Two || It's That Time Again ||
Chapter Three || Can Someone Say Awkward?||
Chapter Four || They Both Suffer From Full-Name Phobia ||
Chapter Five || Awkwardness seems like the Theme of The Day ||
Chapter Six || Operation Amnesia and Middle Names ||
Chapter Seven || I have Amnesia not Short Term Memory Loss ||
Chapter Eight || Insanity is contagious -You get it from your friends' ||
Chapter Ten || Their fights are hilarious, but only if you're not included ||
Chapter Eleven || He went to hit Keith, but the cake caught Alyssa instead ||
Chapter Twelve || I might have the hots for Keith ||
Chapter Thirteen || Johnson Certainly Had Class ||

Chapter Nine || It's kinda freaky that she knows my timetable ||

118 9 10
By thebookiee

Chapter Nine

|| It’s kinda freaky that she knows my timetable ||


Monday Morning

She’s dating him. She’s dating that fucking idiot.

The fucking idiot is your best friend, said a voice in my head but I dumped it down.

Everyone has a limit to their patience. Sadly, my quota of that particular virtue is limited. That’s why when Arjun comes up to Ben, Elita and me in college, and tells us that Kiara has agreed to be his girlfriend, I lose it. I walk off in anger.

I know, I know. I’m a horrible friend.

In a blind rage, I walk towards the library.  It’s one of the few places Arjun and Ben won’t follow me to. I don’t understand why I am so pissed about Arjun dating Kiara. I rest my head on my hands that are resting on the table and shut my eyes.

“James,” a voice I could recognize anywhere calls out. I’ve been better with remembering things. Ben had given me a couple of photo albums which had greatly speeded up the process.

“Hey Elita,” I answer her jadedly, lifting my head up.

“Hey, what happened to you back there? You okay?” She asks me gently.

“Nothing, I don’t really know. When Arjun said he’s dating Kiara it was like I saw red. He must feel terrible now, because I sure as hell do.” I answer, realizing my actions were incredibly selfish.

“He’s your friend. He understands you’re going through a tough time these days. But that’s not what I came here for.” She replies.

“What did you come here for then?”

“I understand your life is a mess right now, you can’t remember half of the things-”

“-I can’t remember anything!” I answer indignantly.

“Yeah, well, we’re helping you with that. What I want to tell you is that, I understand Kiara’s the only thing close to your past life right now. But you aren’t a kid any more. And neither is she. You guys have different lives. If you have any feelings for her, I suggest you try and keep them to yourself-”

“What? What are you talking about?! What feelings?” I splutter while she grins at me.

“James, I’ve known you since five years. Ben and I have been your closest friends since you changed schools in seventh grade. And, although Ben might be an idiot, I’m not. I know you have a soft spot for Kiara. And, I also know why. And, that’s why I advise you to stuff it out of sight or else her boyfriend or her extremely perceptive sister might come to know and then all hell will break lose.”

I sigh. Elita knows me better than myself right now. I nod, and she smiles at me, satisfied, pats my arm and leaves for her lecture.

I resume my previous position with my head on the table and shut my eyes again. And, this time, instead of Elita’s voice, a flashback of a memory interrupts my contemplation.


We were in the garden, the one in our building, where there was a slide, a couple of swings and a see – saw.

Kiara and I were on that see – saw, we looked around eight or nine years old. And, then I started realizing I could remember my feelings on that particular day.

As we played on it, going up and down, I sat down, making Kiara go high up in the air. As, I watched the smile light up her face I knew that I was in love with her. Even though it meant I wouldn’t have any fun, I let Kiara stay up because I knew she was happy.

Suddenly, her elder sister walked towards us after jumping off the swing she was sitting on, and she went straight to Kiara. I sat up so she could come down and we both could get off. But, Alyssa motioned for me to stay put, and I did thinking that she had to tell Kiara something and then we could return to playing.

My expression turned into confusion and then to horror as Kiara ran away, half sobbing and then, Alyssa turning to me, said “I’m sorry James, Kiara had a bit of a problem. She had to go home. Why don’t I play with you instead?” She asked me, acting all innocent.

She was a pretty girl, no doubt. But my eyes only followed Kiara as she ran into the lobby and then probably home.

“Sorry, I have some work.” I muttered rudely and got off the see-saw to follow her.

She caught my hand, “James!”



“JAMES FERNANDES! Wake up!!” Someone ss yelling into my ear.

I wearily lift my head up and see that it is Alyssa this time. Damn. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked her, not out of concern or curiosity, but out of common courtesy.

She’s nice, but it’s her sister I’m drawn to for some reason. I still don’t know why I acted so friendly and charming towards her yesterday.

Well, that’s another thing to add to James’ list of things he doesn’t know.

“I came in here to pick up a book for my class when I noticed you sleeping. You were drooling by the way” She smirks.

At that I sat up, shaking out all thoughts of Kiara and stopped wondering if that little scene was a dream or a real memory. I was a guy, god dammit! I couldn’t turn into a softie thinking about girls. Especially, since they are sisters. That would be nothing but a bloody mess.

I need to figure this shit out.

And, fast.

So, I turn on my full charm once again, after discretely wiping the bit drool from the corner of my mouth, of course, only to see that she was still smirking. “So, what time is it?” I ask her, needing to know which lectures I’ve missed sleeping here.

“It’s eleven thirty. Your next lecture starts in ten minutes. It’s book keeping and accounts.” She told me, smiling gently.

It’s kinda freaky that she knows my timetable.

“Ah, thanks.” I say and then picking up my bag walk off, turning back to wave at her at the door, giving her my best grin.

I miss my phone. It had all my alarms and notes and everything. It’s probably shish kebab on that road now. I really need to talk to mom about getting me a new one.

I walk to the Book Keeping lecture room 3012, it’s mentioned in the timetable I’d taken earlier from the college office since I didn’t share all of my classes with Ben and the others.


The day passes fairly quickly, or maybe that’s just because I’m ignoring everyone except Elita. Alyssa seemed pretty annoyed when she didn’t get a wave back when she saw me in the corridor after break but I didn’t give a damn. All day long I’ve been feeling weary. Like I just wanted to go home and collapse onto my bed.  That’s what Mondays do to you. They suck out your life and make you a living shell.

I’m exaggerating. But still.

As I walked towards the gate, I notice Arjun standing there along with Kiara.

Oh, bloody hell.

“Hey man,” I said, as I walked up to him. I nodded to Kiara, the more the distance I keep from her, the better for me.

And, for Arjun, that little voice adds.

“Listen, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for acting like a douche this morning. I was a bit pissed about something else, and well, I think the news that you’re dating my childhood friend was kinda the last straw after receiving pity looks from pretty much everyone, once they saw the bandage on my forehead. I guess I’m still a bit protective of her.”

Bullshit. All bloody crap I was spouting and he was buying it.

“Maybe you’re still protective of her because you think of her as your sister. After all, you guys have been friends for almost a decade now.” Arjun tries to reason.

I nod as though the thought of Kiara being my sister is not disturbing at all.

Sister, my ass.

“Yeah. Sure. I guess that’s it. So, anyway, she’s waiting for you, you shouldn’t keep her waiting.” I tell him and grin.

As he walks away, I call out to him and say, “Take care of her, she’s different from the others.”

He nods at me and smiles back. I noticed Kiara turning red by his side.

“James!” I hear her voice say.

I’m too afraid to look.

But as I turn, I breathe out a sigh of relief as it wasn’t the person I was dreading but Elita instead. But, judging by the look on her face, it seemed that she had heard every word of the conversation between Arjun and me.

And, she didn’t look very pleased.

Oh, fuck.



Author’s Note:

A small sneak peek into James’ mind. The chapter get longer, I promise. There’s loads of action in the next chapter.

Dedicated to my best friend and partner in everything – Lynn. Love you, you clumsy nuthead.

Banner for the book by Leah Anne, @Leedbookie. Thank you so much, appreciate it.

Anyone else have anything cool? Send it over to me at

Thank you for reading. Please Vote, Fan and Comment if you’ve liked this chapter.

Any mistakes please let me know.


Liz xoxo

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