Meeting You

By Chocolat13angel

409K 7.5K 825

"I'm happy, I was happy, "I love you", I was loved, Nothing can hurt me, I've been abused, live, I wish to di... More

Meeting You
Chapter 1 "Once Upon a MIDNIGHT"
Chapter 2 "My Life LEAVES Me In Trouble"
Chapter 3 "Me AND a Friend? IT Was Something"
Chapter 4 "The Cylce GOES ON AND ON"
Chapter 5 "LEAVING Suspicions"
Chapter 6 "ME And The Devil Go Toe To Toe"
Chapter 7 "Once Again ALONE"
Chapter 8 "AND We're Friends Once Again"
Chapter 9 "COLD Days To Come" Part 1
Chapter 10 "BUT Nobody Will Understand"
Chapter 11 "I'LL Meet You Again" Part 1
Ch.11 Part 2
Chapter 12 "MAKE It Stop!"
Chapter 13 "IT Matters And It's The Truth"
Chapter 14 "It's Not Over, BUT It's STILL Tuesday"
Chapter 15 "DREAMING Nightmares"
Chapter 16 "It DOESN'T Ease The Pain"
Chapter 17 "GET Help, Have Hope"
Chapter 18 "ME and You"
Chapter 19 "ANYWHERE You Go, I Go"
Chapter 20 "RECEIVING a Gift"
Chapter 21 "PAIN"
Chapter 22 "IS This It?"

Ch. 9 Part 2

13.7K 366 76
By Chocolat13angel


~All rights reserved Copyright in this story belong to and only ©Chocolat13angel. Do not copy, paste, or claim rights for the chapters in this book without given permission from the owner.

Thank You


 I left and went straight to my Calculus class and as usual sat down saying hi to Kat. Even while Mr. Hudson was explaining the lesson, I couldn't help but wonder what Mrs Carry had said to me. "Werewolves". What's werewolves got to do with it?









    So far today has surprisingly been a good day only because I've been avoiding all of Luca's tricks all day. Vin warned me about the on my seat in the library, the twins told me someone put a bucket of bugs on my locker, and Matt warned me that someone would try to put worms in my hoodie in 2nd period. So as long as I avoid all this shit, I'm good. The bell rang for lunch and I needed to go to the bathroom really bad. I took off my hoodie and set it over the stall and put my stuff next to me. Suddenly I heard someone come in and they rushed taking my hoodie rushing the fuck out! Oh my god what the fuck!!!!!!

    I finished as fast as I could, washed my hands (yes I really had to), and ran after the little fucktard that took my jacket. The person who actually a guy ran into the cafeteria, so I ran in too. I busted through and it looked as though everybody was waiting for me, laughing at me. Then I searched and found the guy and some other guy who had my jacket and they were standing next to Luca and they were already pulling it apart. Oh fuck! I ran towards them, but it was too late and I watched my hoodie fall to the floor ripped straight down the middle. I could only stare at not even paying attention to the laughing in the background.

"You see?! This is what happens when you defy me", Luca laughed.

    Anger, stress, and ass whoopin were building, boiling inside of me. That jacket was one of the few things I had left of my mother and now it's destroyed.

"Awwwww is the loser gonna cry???", a girl screamed.

"Now do us all a favor and leave", Luca cooed.

    I looked up at Kat and the others looking in disbelief of what had happened, but I couldn't blame them. I glared back at Luca with his winning grin. I grabbed an unopened carton of milk and drank a lot of it rinsing it in my mouth.

"What are you doing? Drinking down your sorrows", he chuckled.

    I stopped in front of him and spit a mouthful of milk into his face and then slapped him really hard. Everybody looked at me like I just shot a puppy, but to me I just humiliated a mutt.

"What are you doing Luca? Drinking down you sorrows? I mocked.

    I guess he in too much of shock to say anything, but I didn't care. I continued drinking the milk....

"One more thing Luca. I'm not fucking leaving", I sneered walking away.

    Everybody was quiet watching my every movement as I left the cafeteria. Now all I have left is my guitar, pic, pictures (very few), and my necklace around my neck. I grabbed my stuff from the bathroom where I left it and the bell rang. I didn't even waste time getting to the music room in fear of everyone. Once I got to my music locker I began to cry. Remembering when I got that hoodie for my birthday because I wanted it so bad. I feel so cold without it. For the rest of studyhall I sat there crying hoping nobody heard me, but before I knew it, the bell for my period came and I was back to acting like everything was fine once again








    I stayed in the corner bouncing the basketball in my hands close to the ground. Today just gets worse and worse. People keep glaring and I know Luca's raging since my ears keeping picking up him saying he's gonna rip me to shreds and how I'm a human, which is pissing me off.

"Look up werewolves, you'll find that interesting".

    I know! I ran up to Coach Lang asking If I could go to the library real quick. He said yes and I took all of my stuff not wanting to come back and I'm sure he knew that. I locked the door to the computer room and the first thing I looked up on google was "werewolves". And so many things popped up, it was like "Where the fuck do I start?!" So I just clicked on the first one. It was long so I just skimmed for important things even though I didn't really know what was important.

"Werewolves are known to be extremely strong and fast in their environments, and just like wolves stay together in packs...."

    Ok so they are like superman, but in wolf form? I kept reading.

"Really big packs are known to move around to claim bigger and better territory. Packs follow and obey the Alpha, Beta, and their Trackers. The myth that they only shift on a full moon is not true. In fact they can shift at will".

    Ok? What the fuck does this have to do with anything?! Ok how about I go back and look up strange disappearances and werewolves. I did that and clicked on the first link.

"The Mourn Town Disappearance"?

"Whole town moves due to many incidents of missing people from the town. Soon either half the too moved away because of fear or random business offers handed out..."

    Business offers?! I started to look up similar situations.

"A whole town disappears and a whole new move of people come in".

"Some people have said to have seen large wolves in the area".

"Martha Woods, 22 white female was found dead 12 in the morning by local neighbors in the woods..... Seems her body was slashed and mauled by incredible large animal".

"Wolf attacks have been occurring lately in the Palms Area".

"Large wolves have been spotted in the Massachusetts area".

"New neighbors fill up in south of Florida after the increase of wolves in the area....."

"Werewolves most likely exist!"

    And the list goes on and on and on and on and... ON. Holy crap! There are people in my situation, but still... what the fuck do wolves have to do with anything?!!! These are probably just crazy assumptions because I have not seen an increase of wolves in this area soooooo, no. I still don't know why Mrs. Carry even told me to look up werewolves in the first place. I would need proof of that. Oh! I could ask that black wolf from last night! Although he looks dangerous he could maybe tell me if he knows werewolves exist or seen one, hah OR IS ONE! I don't know. But that would be cool if that huge black wolf was a werewolf! But if that was so then he would be half human half wolf, and if that's also the case... Then what would he be doing in my backyard?!!! Look at me thinking about werewolves, now I know Mrs. Carry is just trying to mess with me, that is just to unrealistic. This isn't Twighlight lol, next thing you know she's gonna tell me vampires exist too, hahaha oh god.


    Yes the bell! I ran out all the way to Mr. V's bus and was completely jumpy in my seat. Ohhh should I tell Dan of my somewhat discovery? Jannette? Oh and Velvet? What if they think I'm crazy? What if everybody thinks I'm crazy?! Oh well, just adds another problem I have I guess. The bus came to a stop and I waved Mr. V as I ran inside the shop.

"Hello", I cheered.

"Oh hello", Dan groaned picking up a box. "Had a good day at school?"

"Yeah actually and Dan?"

"Yup kiddo", he huffed putting down the heavy box.

"D-Do you believe in werewolves?"

"Umm no, that's random. Why? You believe in creatures like that?", he laughed.

"Um n-no I was j-just wondering".

"Oh well get's to work then", he urged.

    I followed him to the back telling him about my day and of course he laughed when I told him I spit milk in Luca's face. About 5 hours later we locked up. Dan and Jannette drove me home with my dad still not being there of course. I set my stuff inside my room and ran straight back outside only to be horded by a bunch of happy animals excited to see me. I started to talk about my findings and discoveries about "potential" werewolves, but still wasn't sure. We played having a fun time and---

"Raven! Raven! That wolf! He's here!", Velvet screeched.

    The animals and I looked across the river and sure enough, that wolf was there baring its teeth. Everyone fled except Raven and I who were just glaring at it eye to eye. I will ignore he's there and sing.

 "What?! Remember what you told me about today?! That could be a werewolf! I'm almost positive!"

Since when did you believe in the supernatural?

"Since the first time you spoke to me with your mind!!!!"

I'm still singing

"You stubborn little---"


"Do you see the moonlight showing through

As I can see through you~...

Give me strength to sleep

Through the night~

I give you the night

You bring me the stars

Yet it is still not enough

What we have is still not enough~

Will you brig me closer to you!

Or push me away forever~

Bring me to life~

Or bring me death~

Do you see the moonlight tonight~

As it shows through me it shows through you

Let's be together forever~

Bring me the stars and I'll give you the night

And we'll forever dance in our happiness

Until the sun rises again~...

And you realize I'm gone~~~~~~~

... I'm gone again"

    I opened my eyes. Did it work?

"Raven, look".

    The black wolf walked up to me and boy was he big. I'm like 5'3 and he was over 3 feet taller than me. Taller than the guys at my school or maybe I'm exaggerating since I'm short. He got closer looking down at me and I grew a little nervous.

"C-Can I touch you?"

    He leaned down his head and pushed it against my hand. I stroked his soft fur and started to love it.

"Y-You're really soft", I giggled.

    It layed down resting its head on my lap.

"You're so cute", I cooed.

    It made him wag his tail a little and that made me happy. I kept feeling his fur and started to sing for him. I don't know why, but the moment just felt so right. He was so warm and he purred as I sang, so adorable. I lifted his head looking into his orange yet bluish eyes, so soft and soothing and weird.

"Um are you a werewolf?"

    He didn't nod or anything, just stared. I tried connecting to him with my mind but it was like I was blocked.

"So I guess you're not a werewolf?"

    Still no movement.

"I guess not", I sighed. "I'm so weird sometimes... of course werewolves don't exist".

    He reached up licking my face and I giggled at him trying to cheer me up.

"Hmph thanks, you're cute you know. And warm... like my hoodie was", I started to cry."But it's gone now *sniff*"

    Then the wolf nuzzled his head onto my chest.

"You're like a huge puppy. You need so much affection", I giggled. "Sometimes I wish I was a wolf or some other kind of animal, like a bird. Roam free, have no worries. I don't know how the life of a wolf is, but it seems awesome", I laughed. "Maybe I'll write a song about you and sing it to you every night".

    My ears caught the sound of an engine coming up into the driveway and I started to cry again.

"No, no. I don't want to go. This is the best time I've had in years. W-Will I see you again?"

    The wolf got up and licked my face again.

"Lucas! Lucas is what I'll call you", I sniffled.

    He licked me again and sprinted straight back into the darkness of the woods where he had come from. Velvet perched herself on my shoulder and I ran around the back through my open window. I told Velvet to hide as usual and a huge banging came upon my door. I had no time to lock it so he came right through and he smelled drunk as fuck.

"Have you been drinking?", I whispered.

"Bell?", he said kinda slurrish.

"Mom's not here".

"O-O-h. She-She at um work?"


"Then where's she?!!"

"She's... dead remember?"

"What?............ Oh yeah and you killed her, you fucking killed her!!! You killed my bell!", he cried. "And you should pay for it!", he yelled grabbing my shirt.

"W-What are you doing?!"


    He ripped my clothes, shredding them to nearly nothing.


    He slapped me 3 times across the face and all I could do was try to struggle. He was going to rape me and there was nothing I could nothing about it. I saw my lamp at the corner of my eye and I barely reached it. I pulled it and slammed it right on his head shattering the glass. It barely affected him and he slashed my arm with something sharp. I screamed in pain punching him and kicking until he finally fell off and I again hit him with the lamp. I got up letting Velvet out of the closet. I ran out of the house not knowing where to run and just kept running. Eventually I reached the head of the river which was actually connected to the waterfall and knew I had ran extremely far. I collapsed to the ground feeling weak and that's when I realized my arm was completely gashed open and I was loosing a lot of blood

"Oh god Raven! You've lost too much blood! You'll die!", Velvet cried.

No, I have to... My vision blurred and I became extremely light headed.

"My Raven, hold on! I'll go get help!"

    She flew away and I really didn't care. My body grew cold and I still felt the trickle of my blood down my arm. I heard the rustle of branches and sure enough my Lucas was there across the waterfall pool. He ran to me whimpering like crazy.

"I-I'm s-sorry... my Lucas... I w-wanted to sing t-to you... again", I weakly smiled.

    I had no strength to pet him one last time and he reached down licking my wound which stung like hell,but felt fine after.

"Hehe thank you Lucas", I whispered.

    He nuzzled into me, I guess trying to warm me up and then I blacked out.


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