The One Demon Night Parade

By ArtsandHearts

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A Yokai wakes, finding his surroundings different. He immediately sees other Yokai - wait, no, those aren't Y... More

Chapter One - Yokai
Chapter Two - Ren
Chapter Three - Rain
Chapter Four - Darkness
Chapter Five - Weakness
Chapter Six - Trust
Chapter Eight - Promise
Chapter Nine - Fool
Chapter Ten - Look
Chapter Eleven - Greed

Chapter Seven - Evolution

182 13 1
By ArtsandHearts

I returned to the Land of Water, intent on finding out whether or not I won against Kanta. The area where we battled became poisonous land; grass was burned out, the water bubbled and sickly gas coated the area. The humans who guided me there could not proceed, but let me go forward alone. My bare feet crunched the dead grass, and I could see I had at least injured Kanta. His blood stained some places, an odd purple leaving a trail.

I followed it.

"Aito," he whispered hoarsely when I found him curled in a tree. I felt pity for my friend. He wasn't far from the battle. It appeared my attack had heavily injured him, and he didn't have the luck of a contractor to pull him to safety.

"Kanta, you should rest now," I told him flatly. I held back my emotion. He chose this, I told myself. I gave him a chance. "You lived long. You can rest now, Kanta. Everyone's waiting for you in heaven," I smiled tightly. His eyelids fluttered.

"Yeah," his voice cracked. "Everyone." My heart sunk. "Live, Aito. Spread the fear of Yokai once more. Break the Sage's curse. Return the natural order," he pleaded.

"Perhaps Yokai are meant to stay extinct," I mused. "All we do is sow chaos. Humans have changed now, evolved. New Yokai would have no companions. A new world order would be established. What place would I have there?"

"Emperor," he grinned widely. "Emperor Aito, or whatever name you go by now."

"Ren," I told him. "I'm Ren now."

"Do you still act all cutesy?" He asked, and I could see him trying to hang on. My friend was dying. He had returned to me, but now he was leaving. Tears burned my eyes.

"Ren doesn't understand what you mean by cutesy!" I joked, trying to keep my voice even. "Ren will be okay, Kanta. Ren can be alone. Ren will miss you very very much, but Ren will live on. Maybe Ren will become emperor!" I kept talking, hoping I wouldn't have to hear him say goodbye.

Kanta laughed. It was hoarse and pained, and I felt guilt. Did I have to throw all of my strength at him? Did I have to kill him like this? He's back now! He's not tainted anymore! I don't want him to leave, I don't want to be alone...

"Ren," he tested the name. "Ren, I hope when you come to heaven, you will tell me all about your adventurers as emperor. Gather a hundred demons and lead a night parade, and cause fear!" He cheered.

"... Ren will, Kanta," I promised. I didn't know if I would keep the promise. But I made the promise. Even if I didn't fulfill it, he would have to yell at me about it in heaven, not now. He smiled one last time before he closed his eyes.

I watched as his body was there for a moment before fading into light. He hovered for a moment before shooting upwards into the sky.

I returned to Tsunade to report what had happened, and she accepted the result. The danger was gone, and my mission was a success.

After I returned, Tsunade gave me easy chores that she called "D ranks." I liked helping humans, it turned out. Occasionally I would prank them, but I always fulfilled my missions. I would go along with Genin teams, too, if there seemed to be too much work for just three children.

My first C rank was given without hesitation. I was to assist a Genin team with hunting down bandits. It was dangerous, but not that dangerous, since there wouldn't be any enemy ninjas. I was to be backup and allow the children to learn.

So that lead to me standing next to a child known as Aburame Shino. Well, more like hiding behind. His teammate, Inuzuka Kiba, was overzealous, and quite furious that I would be joining them. Technically, I wasn't even a ninja. I had no rank officially. Tsunade was thinking of giving me some kind of official title soon, but only after I had fully adjusted to the times.

Technology these days were quite impressive! Barbecue restaurants had things called 'grills,' where humans in older days wouldn't even have restaurants for meat. These 'grills' had knobs you could turn to increase the heat. It was truly fascinating! And there were glass screens - like mirrors, almost - that could show pictures or names. There were many more things, but it was difficult to get used to. I understood Tsunade's decision to have me do lower ranked activities before having me do dangerous things. I would've requested the same had she not done this.

"Man, why's this kid gonna join us, huh?!" Kiba fumed. "Does Grandma think we can't handle this on our own?!" The third teammate, a timid girl, poked her fingers together.

"I-I think it's just i-in case," she whispered.

"Hinata, you really need to speak up," Kiba frowned. "But even if it is just in case, we got Kurenai-sensei! Why do we need this kid? He looks younger than us!" He looked me over and I shrunk further behind Shino. "He's not even wearing shoes! All he's wearing is a hat and a white kimono!" My toes curled in the dirt and I pouted.

"Kiba, we do not know anything about him. It is best we do not underestimate him. If the Hokage demands we take him with us, we have no choice," Shino spoke. Kiba scowled before seeming to drop the topic. Apparently, Shino's word was final. I tugged on Shino's sleeve.

"Thank you, Shino-nii-san," I said cutely. "Kiba-nii-san was scary to Ren!" Shino simply patted my head. I was tiny when I changed into human form. I doubted I'd ever be able to successfully hold an adult transformation for long. A woman's appearance was easy as I used to do that all the time, but I never could do it indefinitely. This child's form was practically indefinite.

Eventually, Kurenai arrived and we were on our way. Akamaru kept shrinking from me, knowing there was something wrong. I tried to keep a wide berth around the pup. If we were attacked, this team would need his help. Kiba kept shooting me strange looks because of Akamaru, but he couldn't seem to figure it out.

They cleared out the bandit's camp easily. However, I felt a presence. It was cold, but not angry. It wasn't a dark presence. It was a Yokai's presence, through and through. I left my hiding spot and approached the team, who seemed surprised at my serious expression.

"Ren thinks everyone should back up because Ren thinks something dangerous is coming this way," I said, smiling at them. The kids exchanged glances with their teacher who nodded. "Kurenai-nee-san should back up, too." For a split second, she looked annoyed. "Because Kurenai-nee-san will need to be able to protect the children." She understood immediately.

And then the Yokai emerged from the trees. She was singing a haunting song, one of mourning. She saw me and her singing stopped.

"One of my kind," she extended her hand to me. I stood still, evaluating her. Yuki-onna. "River otter," she said aloud.

"Nee-san, Ren thinks you should just leave," I smiled sunnily at her. She shook her head, her white hair floating around her. Her eyes were a light blue and her skin was so very pale, as if she was a frozen corpse. I could tell the humans were unnerved at her appearance.

"Ren, was it? These humans have taken my toys. I will have their hearts for this," she said flatly. No compromise.

"Ren will defend these humans," I told her. She pouted. "Ren thinks we shouldn't hurt humans anymore."

She laughed at me. "I'll give you my name before I kill you, Ren. Satsuki."

"Satsuki," I said with a smile, "I will destroy you if you take another step." She paused at the danger in my voice and my sudden change in speaking. She still stepped forward.

We both unleashed our magic almost simultaneously. Despite it being centuries since Yokai have battled like this, we began without hesitation.

I launched myself out her, propelled by my fire. She lifted her arms and ice rose around her before it being covered in a blizzard. I pulled back a few steps away from her, seeing the ice layer itself upon her skin. I ignored the humans behind me. I calmed myself. If I made a mistake here, I would be utterly destroyed.

She tested me by throwing ice, while I simply blocked with my barrier. It shattered upon impact, and the snow fell faster. I expelled some fire and she hissed from the annoyance before she vanished. I opened all of my senses, searching for her.

Her claws were at my neck and I leaned into her torso to avoid them. I turned and bit her shoulder with all my strength.

Her blood was cold and threatened to freeze as it poured in my mouth. She writhed in my grip and managed to pull away, but I had a chunk of her flesh in my teeth. Blood dripped down my neck and I tilted my head with a grin. My heart was pumping faster. The taste of blood exhilarated me. She fell to one knee.

I stepped forward and the blizzard ended. "I concede," she spat. I wiped my mouth before offering a hand to stand up.

"I will allow you to live on one condition," I tell her. She glares at me, upset at having a condition to her life. "You become my subordinate. I am going to build a night parade, and I would like you as one of my comrades." Her face went blank before she burst into laughter.

"Very well, Ren. I swear myself to your service, and your contractor. I, Fuyu, am yours."

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