Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

189K 1.2K 172

Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
Dreams or Visions
Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
Angels Wings
Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
New teacher is who?????
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

The truth comes out.

5K 36 4
By ScriptStories13

why hello :) im updating with one hand  yes i got a blood test and my other arms stuffed : /

soooo my days been spent multi tasking with one hand ahha 

ANYWAYYY  read on ahha enjoy hope its okay :) 


When I got into the car 2 things hit me like a wave 1 being the heating its warmth inviting heating up my icey skin as I buckled myself up and the second thing being his scent. He smelt like one of those expensive colognes channel or whatever sweet yet sexy... If that makes any sense!

“Hey” I smiled leaning back into my seat as he reversed he side glanced at me with a closed lip smile “hey. So my brothers you new teacher huh?”

I sighed nodding my head “indeed” looking out the window at the slowly falling snow flakes rebuilding the snow that had melted during the day. “How did you know?”

“I didn’t he called me during lunch break and kept going on about it” he rolled his eyes as he turned a corner. “Sorry for anything stupid he did today”

“believe it or not I like him better then my old professor.”

He looked at me as we waited for the light with raised eyebrows “whys that?”

“Well my old professor wasn’t so social more of an old grumpy lonely man”

he chuckled at me comment “the only thing I that’s annoying bout your brother being the new guy is the girls, I swear all they do is look and drool they completely shut down” I shake my head looking away from Leon to the front.

He laughed “uhhh figures are you jealous?”

I looked at me like he had 3 heads, me jealous never! “WHAT! NOOO! its just you know I have enough of that at work  that was my get away kind of now all I have is home which isn’t as fun” I pursed my lips at the thought  he grinned  at me.

“Uh so it annoys you when the girls drool over me?”

I only just realized how it sounded I mean of course I like him but to admit it out loud would be totally embarrassing. “well yer I mean I cant get my work done when there’s constant giggling and girls asking me  where you are , are you free can I see him” I mocked their questions in a high pitch voice which made him loose it laughing “what?”

“You just really are something” he shook his head his laughter subsiding.

“Well if you were in my position you would feel the same, doesn’t it annoy you?”

He was silent for a moment “well sometimes but you know how us guys are we like the attention, but I agree at times it is very annoying” I rolled my eyes “hey and who says Im not in the same position?”

“What?” I frowned confused

“I see the guys at work constantly checking you out?” he almost frowned

“really?” he nods his smile totally gone “well I never noticed” for some reason he smiled whether it was what I said or  something he thought of  he was smiling.

“You really are oblivious to a lot”

“being” I pressed but he didn’t answer just sighed and kept driving.

We pulled into the usual spot in front of my place he shut off the car and turned to me

“Karla?” I turned to him unbuckling myself. I nod “will you come with me somewhere?”

“Depends, where is this somewhere and are you going to murder me?” I cocked an eyebrow

he smirked “its kind of a surprise! And possibly” he winked

I chuckled “a surprise? For what?”

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now would it!” I pursed my lips he was right, just like always. Darn him.

“I suppose” I sighed he grinned knowing he was right.

“Sooo?” he waited I mockingly tapped my chin

“I guess so” I mocked uninterest sighing as I open the door

“Okay go put on warmer clothes” I frowned

“Oh I thought you meant on another day”

“no today” he blinked “now hurry” nodding I rushed out of the cold into the building climbing the stairs to my apartment where I changed into a pair of  dark washed skinny jeans  black thigh high boots a black tank top with a black knitted sweater over top and over that a black pea coat I wrapped my neck with a black scarf and put my favorite black gloves on I left my wavy almost curly hair out flowing down my back and  put on some lip balm since the cold chapped my lips.

Grabbing my bag once again I took one final glance in the mirror and left locking my door and suck on the way out and getting back in the car. “So how far is this surprise place?” I ask doing my seat belt then getting comfortable in the black leather seats.

“Uh about 30 minuets away!”

“oh!” I frowned

“don’t worry it’ll go quick” I nod he turns on the radio to fill the silence as we drove  a random song on the radio played softly in the back ground Leon tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat.


He parked his car in an empty car park in front of us was a grass  hill not something you’d see in new York that’s for sure the air was somewhat cleaner and the sun had completely gone leaving the sky a dark orange turning to shades of blacky blue with twinkling stars starting appear. “It’s beautiful” I whisper. As we walked over to the top of the hill I gasped there in front of us was millions of lights glittering outstretched as far as the eye could see. The tall buildings from the city the most noticeable poking out.

***Leon P.O.V***

to say I was nervous would be an understatement I was freaking the -pardon the language – fuck out. Id been through this numerous times but something was off this time I mean I usually do freak out but not like this I mean my hands were almost sweating that’s never happened.

But those nervous washed away when I saw her face taking in the view I knew shed like it.

“Its one of my favorite places to come to be alone and just think” she nodded only looking at me for a second before turning back. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning that smile id come to love spread across her flawless face her eyes sparkling not because of the cities reflection in them but because of they them self always sparkled like two stars in her eyes. Another thing id realized and loved.

her heart beat 2 times its usual pace echoing through my mind I closed my eyes momentarily getting lost in its beat a smile spreading on my own face I knew if I opened my eyes now they be shades of vibrant blue and pinky red the truth was I wasn’t lusting for her blood no I wasn’t craving at all but ill admit at first it drove me crazy but over these past months ive learnt to deal with it, I wasn’t lusting for her blood but lusting earning for her.  letting my breathing go back to normal from its hyped stated feeling more composed and sure my eyes were normal I slowly opened them looking over the sleepless city.

“so is this all the surprise” she randomly asks  sticking her hands into her pea coats pockets her hair blowing in the cool wind to her it was freezing to me it was normal.

I nodded looking over at her fully and smiled but it faltered “it’s the better half” I laugh nervously rubbing my neck I noticed her body stiffen and her unsure stare “ I have something I want to tell you” slowly she nods “please don’t freak out”

“umm well its kind of hard to promise not to when you talk like this, im starting to think the worst”

“it probably is” I mumbled under my breath


I clear my throat “Karla the reason why phoenix is more than dangerous to you is because...” I pause rethinking if this was the right time I shook my head at the thought

I had to do it now before he exposes our kind to her through torture.

“what? Because what?” she pressed

“because well hes umm hes a vampire” I waited for it and there it was she burst into laughter bending over slightly

“oh. my gosh!” she laughs I nervously laugh id been through this a million times to know what its going to end like she’s not taking it seriously but when I pop out my fangs she’s going to probably run and scream bloody murder and probably avoid me for the rest of well the year if im lucky but usually they don’t always stick round.

“You had me” she wiped under her eye “seriously that was too good. Now seriously what’s the bad part?” she crossed her arms.

“I just told you” I replied blankly “he’s a vampire!”

“But vampires aren’t real they are just made up. A story a tale not real.”

“yes they are!”

“Oh really and how do you know phoenix is a ‘Vampire’?” she air quoted pursing her lips.

“well uh cause um well im … im one too” I rubbed my neck again

“seriously Leon” she whacked my chest which felt more like a flutter compared to the blows ive taken over the years . “tell me now quit messing around!” she frowned

“im not messing around , there are vampires , dangerous ones like phoenix and there are vampires that are somewhat good like me!”

“oh my god” she turned frustrated “ if your not going to tell me then why bother bringing it up” I step in front of her  she looked past my head so I put my it in her vision she sighed

“Karla, I can prove im a vampire” she sighs

“alright whatever show me” she let her arms fall to her sides I closed my eyes feeling my fangs pushing through smooth and slow when they are fully out I open my eyes to se her eyes wide in shock her hand reaches up and touches on that’s resting on my bottom lip.

“What the hell where the hell did you get those they almost look real!” I sighed shaking my head “what?”

“They are real” I open my mouth and pull on one “see!”

“It’s fake I no give it up” 

“alright then if im faking this making this whole thing up then how did I do this” I use my speed and run to the other side of the grass hill and back “and this” I close my eyes I sniff in her sent.

***Karla P.O.V***

He sniffed and then opened his eyes but they weren’t their usual mesmerizing blue no they were blood red his pupils dilated.  My hand flew to my mouth he was a vampire I tried to think of ways he could have made this up but not even the fastest human runner in the world could run that far and back within 30 seconds or less. Btu they were mythical creatures.

“No we’re not!” he made me jump “I can read your mind too” he gave me a lopsided smile

“this whole time you’ve known what ive been thinking?” he nodded I felt my cheeks blush in embarrassment the times Id check him out and think of him he was able to listen hear my perverted thoughts.

It all rushed into my mind like a wave hit me in the head so many thoughts and questions. But strangely I wasn’t scared I didn’t feel threatened or the need to scream or run for my life I almost felt like I expected him to tell me this even though it still came as a shock and hard to believe, something inside me already knew, it’s possibly why I was taking this so calmly. it was almost like a sense of deja vu id herd it before.

“You’re not screaming? Or running?” he looked confused just like I was I didn’t feel afraid when I should’ve he’s a damn blood sucking vampire, what’s wrong with me? He frowned “you-your not afraid?” he spoke softly it took me a few moment to reply.

“No” I finally spoke the breeze blowing my hair out of my face.


“I don’t know why, but I feel safe, protected when im with you” his eyes widened “all those times something’s happened you always appeared if you were to suck my blood and kill me  you would’ve done by now! But you haven’t”

he nodded “that’s true”

“besides that I don’t know why im not afraid” I shrugged why was I acting so calm while he was shocked it should really be the other way round.

he sighed out of relief “you don’t have to be afraid, I wont hurt you I don’t Intend to hurt you” I nodded watching as he turned running his hand through his hair pacing “this has never happened before” I stood silent “I mean usually they all just run away n I never see them” he said more to himself then in a blink of an eye he was in front of me my hand in his

“now you know why phoenix is dangerous the real reason, us vampires we are 10 -20 times stronger than you humans which makes us that much more dangerous and phoenix as you can see wont miss the chance at killing a human”

“and you?” its not really an answer I wanted to hear , he looked at me in the eye his eyes slightly darkened to a deep blue. 

he shook his head looking down “ no. I think its pretty clear since you’re here” I nodded not that he could see hearing it from him made me feel more safer

“but you have to understand though that I am a vampire, a monster, I drink blood to keep me alive but  I don’t kill my food” is that what he thought of me though he’s never taken my blood.

“Have you ever… you know?” he hesitated frozen but then moments later he slowly nodded “h-how many?”

“I don’t think now’s the time for you to hear the answer.” He looked up his eyes seemed cold and distant “that was my past id rather not talk about at this very moment but what I will tell you is that all those lives I took I would give back in a heart beat.” his eyes looked pained not just his eyes but his face and his voice this obviously was a touchy subject  i could tell he was sincere with is words he really was sorry.

I nodded “im sorry” I felt bad for prying into his life he obviously was a private person when it came to his past and judging by the look in his eyes it wasn’t a pleasant one. I dont know why id been asking these questions its like my mind and mouth were working on their own or more so my mouth didn’t give me time to think  the questionsn over.

“there’s no need for apologies” he smiled warmly his thumb running over my knuckles of the hand he held “but I do want to warn you , though I say I wont hurt you at least I don’t intend to, im still a monster a vampire we sometimes loose control” I shivered at the thought “im not saying im going to hurt you but always be alert. With any vampire”

I nodded “okay” I mumbled taking in everything thinking back now the signs were all there the punch that had phoenix flying , breaking my bathroom door- which was now fixed-, the weird  moods and breaks from work, the looks  it was all there in plain view but what person sits there and judges a person to tell if they are a vampire or not.

“so you don’t care that im you know a vampire” he suddenly asked bringing me back from my train of thoughts. I looked into his eyes instantly knew. I shook my head.

“though you say you’re a vampire , I still see you as my boss , my friend , not a monster”

“friend” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes I wondered why I mean I though that’s what we were  you know friends unless he didn’t want to be since I was human and all.

“You think way too much” he commented chuckling, snap I keep forgetting he can hear me after thinking that he laughed I smiled sheepishly at him. A friend with a vampire, my boss is a vampire and my crush is a vampire, oh boy how my life’s about change.


woop woop totes got my soundwave revolution ticket the other day :) me and my cousin walked out the store and instantly did our happy dance ,,, i wonder if they got it on security camera oh how embarrasing thatll be haha  octoberrr im counting down the days :)

sorry 4 the wait been writting then stopping  then writing some more then stopping. 

anywho umm so ive never been to new york nor live there obviously so i dont know if there really is a place like that that you can look over it so ya no just imagine there is :P this is just a story after all so you can imagine Leon as any other smexy actor or singer or model or person haha its your imaginiation im just writing the plot so ya no imagine away haha < sorry if im not making sense or sound stupid..

but yerrrrrrrr how good is Demi's new song  Skyscrapper :) so proud shes made it through and still going strong shes a perfect example of a rolemodel  for people like me who once suffered i look up to her in that way and her voice is uhhhh mazing :)  getting back to the story ya no what to do i really  aprecciate the votes and comments it makes me smile :) you guys are AMAZING :)  

ps. sorry if this chap sucked hahah .


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