Exchanging Feelings (Phan)

By nickisbadstories

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Phil is an exchange student and Dan happens to be his host brother. GENRE: Fluff/Angst. there is smut but yo... More

Exchanging Feelings
1. I just got here
2. I don't smoke either
3. Morning?
4. 30th January (PART ONE)
30th January (PART TWO)
5. Brigadeiros
6. Reasons
7. I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim.
8. It's the only way I can escape.
9. Leaving the world far behind us
10. Joy inside my tears
11. Do you believe in fate? (UNLOCKED)
12. So what we smoke weed? We're just having fun
13. Take me somewhere nice
14. This can't happen
15. You're the one I love the most
16. Your forever is all that I need
17. Anything for you, Dan.
18. I was lost, I was scared, but I had him
19. Feeling Good
20. Kiss me hard before you go
21. I'll be thinking about you
24. I should be over all the butterflies
25. Chills still run down my spine as our fingers intwine.
A SEQUEL??????????

23. Enjoy your death

7.6K 267 372
By nickisbadstories

"WALK" the man who was holding my hands ordered.

I walked. The cloth in my mouth tasted awful and even if I tried to scream, it wouldn't work, simply because we were in a big farm, in the middle of nowhere. I walked to the house in silence, and tried not to panic... which was kind of difficult, considering the situation I was in. I thought it would be better if I didn't show any kind of intimidation or fear. I'd called Dan... he would call someone. I knew he would... he was probably freaking out at that point.

The house was old and not so big, but it didn't look dirty or anything like that. It actually looked like a normal farm house, where people lived.

"This is where you're staying" one of them said as he opened a door. It was a bathroom. He pushed me inside it and closed the door, leaving me alone there.

My hands were tied, but my feet weren't, so I stood by the door, trying to listen what they were saying.

"Are you sure the boy doesn't have a phone?" one of them said.

"Yes, I'm sure" the driver answered. It was weird because I had used my new phone in the car, and I couldn't remember telling him that my dad had taken it away.

"You can have it back then" the man said.

"Thank you" the driver said after a moment of silence.

I heard footsteps, which meant they were gone and I couldn't listen to them talking anymore.

This was when I panicked. I struggled to get my hands free, but it was impossible. I tried to get rid of the cloth in my mouth as well, but again, not possible. I stopped and looked around... IF I got free, what would I do? There was a little window, but I couldn't go through it... and I obviously wouldn't win a fight against those men.

So I sat down. I was starving, my head hurt. I was scared; true... what would they do to me? *They just want money* I repeated to myself. They just wanted money and they knew my parents were rich. They're not going to kill you.

But then, I thought... I'm not scared of death. If they were to kill me, it's not like I feared for my life. I was a cutter, I lost track on how many times I cut my own skin and wished I'd bleed until I died. It wasn't my problem. If they had a gun right in front of my head, I wouldn't be scared /of death/. I was scared because if I died... what would happen to Dan? He would be the last person who would have called. He was the one I called when I noticed something was wrong, because he was the only person I really loved. I could've called my dad, or my mom, or the police... but no. I called Dan. His birthday would be in a few days. If I died... what would happen to him? Truth is that, Dan was my main reason to be alive. He kept me alive. I could have jumped off the window after going back to Brazil, but I didn't, because I still had reasons to live. I still had a whole life in front of me, and deep in my heart, I knew that I wanted to live it with Dan. We still had so many things to do, so many memories to create. I didn't know him for that long... I'd met him 5 months before. 5 months... but we knew each other so well, and I felt like I'd known him my entire life. I loved that boy so much, I couldn't just throw away my chances of being happy with him. So I didn't. I didn't jump off the window, I didn't jump off a bridge, I didn't hung myself with a belt, I didn't take a hundred pills, I didn't cut myself until all my blood was gone. I didn't do any of that, and believe me when I tell you... I was close to doing that, before going to London. If I hadn't met Dan there, if I hadn't made all the friends I made... I wouldn't cope. I'd kill myself as soon as I came back to Brazil. I knew it, because I was that close. When my parents told me I'd go to London, I felt that little bit of hope I needed. So I waited, I gave it a shot. My life could change... and it did.

10 minutes later, I was still there, alone, and I hadn't listened to any other voice or noise again. You see... my body was there, but my mind was half world away, with Dan. I tried to send all the positive vibrations I could, even though I didn't actually believe in that.

*I'm fine, Dan, I'm fine, don't panic, don't freak out, I'm fine* I kept repeating to myself, like if he could hear me. He was probably calling my mum already, even though it had passed only 10 minutes... I knew it because I knew Dan. He panicked a lot. He'd call her, just to make sure I was okay. He'd call all our friends and his parents, and if I knew him that well, he'd even try to call the police in Brazil if my mum didn't pick up. And that's why I knew everything would be okay. Even though, deep in my heart I was scared for my life, I tried to put other things in front of it. I tried to pretend and lie to myself, because then, I wouldn't freak out. I think my mind protected itself, somehow.

10 other minutes passed, which meant I was there for 20 minutes. I didn't have a clock, but I presumed. I remembered that, once, my mum called me... I was in England. She said that I should always pray, because if I'm scared, it'll help.

So I tried. I tried to pray. I really did, and I was doing exactly what I was against. I always said that it's wrong to pray just because you don't know what else to do, but there I was. I didn't know any prayer, but I guessed I could just talk to God. People did that, right? I had never done it, but I tried anyway. I thought 'God... I've never talked to You, but I think You sent an angel to look after me. I look after him too, but he saved me. I just want You to, somehow, bring peace to his heart, and don't let him freak out. Just let him know that I'm fine and that he doesn't need to worry... Even if I stay here for days, even if I die... don't let him suffer too much. That's all I'm asking'

I stopped. Should I say 'Amen'? I didn't know, so I didn't.

Those 20 minutes felt like hours. 20 minutes of anxiety, fear and discomfort. I got to a point in which I didn't know what to think or to do... but then the door opened. Thank God. It would be better going through torture than waiting without knowing what would happen.

"Get up" the man said. He was a tanned man and extremely strong. I did what he said and he led me to another room, in silence. "Sit here" he ordered, pointing at a corner in the room. The room was big but empty; there were only a couch and a table in it. I sat down on the floor and noticed that, the other man was there as wall, sitting on the couch.

"Did it work?" the man who had left me there asked the other.

"No... he's not picking up"

"SHIT" he looked at me. "Kid, do you know your father's number?"

I nodded, as I couldn't speak. He came back to me and took the cloth off... it was a big relief, that shit was terrible.

"Is this your father's number?" he asked, showing me his phone.

"Yes, but that's his personal phone. If you want to talk to him now you should try calling his office" I tried to sound fearless... and for my surprise it worked.

"Tell me the number"

I said the number, and whilst we waited the 'beeps', he said to me "Listen, you're gonna repeat everything I say, if you say anything else I'll cut your tongue out"

I nodded, agreeing.

I listened the last 'beeep', and then a lady picked up.

"Hello? This is Philip Lester. Could I speak to my father?" the man whispered. I repeated, sounding casual.

"He's in a meeting at the moment. Can he call you later?"

"No. It is very important. Interrupt it." I repeated after hearing what the guy wanted.

"Mr. Lester said I can't interrupt his meetings, I'm so sorry"

The man waited a bit, as if he was thinking of what to say.

"If you don't get my father in line" he paused, I repeated. "Then my death will be your fault" I said it seriously, so she'd understand that I wasn't joking.

"WAIT A MINUTE" she said in panic. I sighed in relief because she got the message. For a minute, the guy and I waited in silence, and whilst we waited, he made me stand up and sit down on the couch

"You better have a good reason to call me at work" my dad said as he picked up 1 minute later

"If you want to see your son again" the man whispered. "10 million reais."

"In cash" pause. "In a black car-" but then, a hand covered my mouth, with a cloth... a wet cloth. I screamed, which was pointless, because the hand was covering my mouth and my nose, but I guessed this was what they wanted... to show my dad that they really had me and they could kill me, or torture me. The guy who was whispering the things I had to say stood up, and turned around, walking to the other side of the room. I knew that screaming would only make things worse so I shut up... but then I couldn't breathe. He was suffocating me. I had to breathe against the cloth, it was difficult, but I managed to put some air inside my lungs. The man talking to my dad on the phone left the room, and the other one, who was suffocating me, got his hand out of my mouth. I gasped to catch some air and the man sat down next to me on the couch. He grabbed my hands and made me bent over. He untied my hands, and as he did so, I tried to get rid of his hands that were still holding mine. Ridiculous. He was way stronger than I was, so I just relaxed my muscles.

The other man came back in the room, no longer talking to my dad on the phone.

"You gonna do it now?" he asked the man holding my hands.

"Yeah, help me" the other answered.

Each one of them was holding an arm. One of them pushed my sleeve up, exposing my skin.

"What the fuck" he said as he saw my cuts. I smiled at myself, I don't know why, just because his reaction was funny. "What the fuck did you do to yourself dude"

"Didn't I tell you I'm suicidal? Yep. If you want to make me scared saying you'll kill me, then, well..." I shut up when the other one pushed my body, making me bent over the couch. The man pushed my arm, putting me in the most uncomfortable position ever. I felt a needle pinching my arm... that pain was nothing compared to what I'd done to my arms, but I knew that he was drugging me... so I think that's what scared me, for some seconds.

He let go of me, and after a moment, everything started becoming a blur, my blood pressure went low... it was like if I was high. I wanted to speak, to run (because at this point my body was free), but I couldn't. Even if I tried the hardest I could... I couldn't move. I was conscious for just 1 minute or so. The man got his face close to mine and held my jaw

"You're suicidal? Then enjoy your death" he smiled.

I closed my eyes, because it was hard to keep them open.


I woke up. It was dark. For a second, I didn't know what the hell had happened, but then I remembered. "I must be dead" I thought. "No, I'm not, that's stupid" I thought as I felt my hands and feet tied. I realized something was covering my eyes. I moved my body, trying to get my hands and feet free... but it was pointless.

"STOP THIS" The man pushed my head against the wall. Auch. That hurt.

He took the cloth off my eyes, and I looked around. I was still in that room, I just couldn't tell what time it was.

"What time is-"

"DON'T SPEAK" he interrupted me, and I shut my mouth.

The other man came in the room.

"Shouldn't we give him something to eat?" he asked.


"Well because he must be hungry, and if he starves to death we'll lose our money"

"You're right."

The man left, leaving me alone with the other. I watched the man in silence.

"What are you looking?" he asked.

"Nothing" I looked down. Truth is that I was creating a good image of his face for when I had to describe it to the police. I still felt a bit weird, like when you wake up with a hangover.

We were in silence for some minutes, until the other came back with a plate. It had noodles in it, and he placed it on the floor, in front of me.

"Eat" he said.

"How?" My hands were tied.

"I don't care how" he left.

I was really hungry, and I'd eat, somehow. I bent over, and literally just put my mouth in it, like a dog would. It wasn't hard, to be honest, it was quite easy, and the hunger I was feeling... I'd eat no matter how. My nose and my cheeks got all dirty, true, but I didn't care about that. I just wanted to eat. When I was done, the man forced me to face the wall. I felt, again, a needle pinching my wrist... And for a moment I was glad they were doing that, because I'd rather be unconscious. I'd go insane if I had to be awake.


I woke up. I took some seconds to open my eyes, and get completely conscious. I was lying in a bed... and it smelled good. The pillow was white, and very comfortable. I was feeling quite... normal. I looked around. I was in hospital... so I sighed in relief. I waited for a bit, but no one came. I looked for a button to call a nurse.. I knew they had one, I remembered going to visit my grandma when she was... dying.

I pressed the button and waited a bit.

"Philip? You finally woke up!" The nurse smiled as she entered the room.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, your mum is coming and you can talk. Just try to rest a bit. Are you feeling some kind of pain?"

"No. I'm fine. Please just call my mother, and tell her to bring her phone, please"

"Alright. Wait a minute, try to rest" she left. A minute later my mum came in the room, in tears.

"PHIIL" she ran to hug me. I hugged back. "I was so worried, Thank God you're okay" she cried on my shoulder.

"Mum... mum... I'm fine" I pushed her away. "Just need your phone. Now. It's important"

She wiped the tears off her face and gave me her phone. I typed Dan's number in the speed of light.


"DAN, DAN, CALM DOWN" I interrupted.



"Okay I'm calm. No but seriously Phil, even after your mum called me saying you were okay, I... I wouldn't rest until I heard your voice" he sighed.

"It's all fine now, it's all good, I'm feeling totally normal. I love you okay? I couldn't stop thinking about you" I had totally forgotten that my mum was there. I looked at her, she was still crying. "mum can you give me some privacy please?" I asked, covering the microphone.

"Sorry, my mum was here, what did you say?" I spoke once I was alone.

"Oh... I just said I love you too and asked if they hurt you"

"They didn't, they just drugged me... To be honest I don't remember anything"

"Really? That's good to know... You have no idea how worried I was. Everybody was worried... Grace almost fainted. They're all here, GUYS SAY HI TO PHIL"

I heard like 5 different voices saying "HIIII PHIL". I smiled.

"I'm so sorry you guys were worried about me... I... I never thought this would happen"

"It's okay. It's not your fault"

"But tell me, how everything happened? Did you call my mum?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"No... Calling you is the first thing I'm doing"

"Okay, so, I don't know the details of what happened THERE... Like, 20 minutes after you called me, I was in panic, so I called your mum... Sorry I couldn't wait 1 hour.... Then she kind of panicked and said she'd call your dad and the police. I asked her to call me when anything happened... Then some hours later she hadn't called, so I called her again... She said that they'd called your father, asking for money... And that the police were trying to do something. Like 10 hours later she called again, saying they'd found you... and she thanked me because I said you were in that city"

"But do you know if my dad paid the guys? How the hell did they find me?"

"I don't know... She didn't tell me anything... She was crying a lot, and to be honest her English is terrible, I couldn't understand what she was saying... I just needed to know you were fine though"

"Oh... Okay. I'll ask her and then I'll tell you ok?"

"Okay. God, I'm so happy you're fine. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened"

"During the time I was conscious, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I didn't want you to freak out, I was really worried about you as well"

"I just wish I could kiss you now, and hug you, just to make sure you're fine"



"Oh." I sighed in relief. "I didn't know how many days passed"

"Just 1 day and a half... Thank God"

"Your birthday is coming, this couldn't happen on your birthday"

"Yeah it would be a nice birthday if I found out my boyfriend died" he said ironically.

"It didn't happen... so, everything is fine"

"Yeah. I'm getting better now that I'm talking to you. How are you feeling?"

"Same... I just wanted to talk to you... but I have to hang up now so I can talk to my parents"

"Ok, but call me later?"

"Of course. Tell everyone I miss them, and that I'm fine and stuff"

"I will. Don't worry. They miss you as well"

"I'll talk to them later... I love you, okay?"

"I love you so much. Please, be fine... I love you, I love you"

"I love you" I hung up.

I stood up, as I was actually feeling quite good (and happy for talking to Dan). I opened the door and walked a bit until I found my mum. She wasn't crying anymore, but her face was red. She hugged me.

"I was so worried" she said against my shoulder.

"I'm fine, mum, everything is fine now"

"I can't believe they did this to your arm" she pushed me away and grabbed my arm. I hadn't realized I was wearing a normal T-shirt and my arms were exposed. She kissed my arms. "My baby... what did they do to you" she hugged me again.

I wondered if I should tell her that they didn't do that to me. I had done that to myself... but then I thought it would be better if I didn't. It would be worse.

"Sit here" she led me to a chair in the hallway of the hospital.

"Tell me what happened" I said.

"Don't worry, son, I'll get your things and we'll go home. You'll rest and then we can talk."

"No, mum, I've been resting for too long. I need to know what happened. I know that Dan called you."

"Yes... this is another thing we need to talk. Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?"

"Dad didn't let me" I looked down. "Also I knew you wouldn't support it"

"Son... of course I support it. I just want you to be happy." She kissed the top of my head. "Let's go home, I can't stay here anymore"

She left me there, then came back a minute later, with my backpack. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked, leaving the hospital.

"Please, mum, tell me what happened... I'm fine, just tell me. Where's dad?" I asked, once we were in the car.

"Your boyfriend called me. I took some time to understand what he was saying, he was in panic... I wrote down the information he had, that you were in a farm, in Petropolis... I called your dad. He had just received a call. He was in panic, calling the police. He did everything he could to save you, son. He sent the police to check every single farm around Petropolis. Eventually, they found the farm where you were" she started crying.

"Mum, don't cry, it's fine"

"And then they took like 1 hour to get the men to set you free" she sobbed. "I couldn't do anything, I was in Rio, your father didn't let me go"

"Where's dad now?"

"He's with the police... Apparently, he owed money to those men. I don't know why. He just owed a lot of money. Then, when the men were arrested, they told the police about it... They said your father paid them to kill someone, they had proof"

Wow. I knew my dad was involved in a lot of illegal stuff... I never knew he'd /killed/ someone... or told someone to do so.

"Mum, pull over, you're not good, just pull over and wait a bit"

She pulled over and I sighed in relief, she wasn't even looking at the road whilst driving. She began crying uncontrollably again, so I hugged her.

"Mum... calm down. Shhh. It's fine. Calm down and tell me the rest of the story. Is my dad being arrested?"

"Yes" she sobbed. "Probably"

"It's okay, everything will be fine..." I tried to comfort her.

After some minutes she stopped crying and was driving again.

"I always knew your dad was guilty, son. I'm so sorry to tell you this... But everything he's being accused of... He is guilty. I can't believe I'm married to a man like him"

"I already knew it, mum"

"And I'm going to testify against him. I'm getting a divorce. I've been trying to tell you this for some time... I can't be with your father anymore. He's not the man I married. The man I married was a normal man, this man he's become is a monster. I'm just glad he saved you. Thanks to his power he could get the police to find you within some hours. This is the only reason I'm thankful... besides from that...." She cried again.

"I'll support you, mum. You deserve a better man. Well, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gotten kidnapped in the first place."

"You're right. You're right"


"Will you be fine alone for some hours? I need to go see what's happening with your father." My mum said when we got home.

"Are you sure you want to go? You don't need to. Just stay here with me"

"No... Phil... I can't. I need to go." She kissed my forehead. "Lock the doors. You're safe here. Don't go out. I'll be back in a few hours. If anyone calls, don't pick up. I'm sure journalists are coming to try to interview you. You won't. You won't say anything. Don't get involved in this anymore, you're just a kid. Be safe. I love you" she kissed my forehead again. That was the first time I heard my mom saying 'I love you'.

"Could you leave your phone here? I need to call Dan again."

"Yes, here" she handed me her phone, and left.


"... and now I think my dad is being arrested." I finished telling Dan everything.

"Holy crap, Phil... do you really think he killed someone?"

"I don't know... he didn't do it himself, but according to my mum, the men had proof my dad sent them to kill the person... I don't know why he would do that... I'm so confused, but to be honest, I don't really care. I'm just glad he's being arrested. I hope he goes to jail and pays for everything he's done"

"Honestly, I hope that happens too..."

"Oh, and my mum said she supports us. Great, right?" I smiled.

"At least one good thing happened then. Do you think she'll let you come to London?"

"I haven't asked yet. I'll let things get better and I'll ask. If my dad comes back though, I don't know what's going to happen"

"He won't. Let's have positive thoughts."

"Ok. I can't wait to kiss you again"

"Same. I miss you so much... you have no idea, Phil. I just wish I could be with you on my birthday"

"You have no idea how much I want that. Seriously. I miss you so, so much"

I looked outside the window. I lived in a penthouse apartment, so I couldn't see everything, but I knew there were cars from magazines, TV programs, news... At least 50 journalists there, in front of the building. I wasn't picking up the phone so they couldn't talk to me, and also, there were some cops there as well, not counting the building security. I hadn't talked to anyone but my friends from England. Mr. and Mrs. Howell, PJ, Grace, Bertie, Chris... they were all at Dan's house, and I talked to all of them. I was just glad I was home. I was just glad I was talking to my boyfriend again, I was glad everything was fine and that my father was dealing with the police. He deserved it. I was thankful he 'saved me'... because I can't deny he was the one who sent the police to find me. If he wasn't a judge, if he wasn't a known person, he would probably have to pay the 10 million reais the guys were asking.

"Hang on a minute, babe, I'll just turn on the TV and see if they're talking about my dad."

It was around 7pm, news time. I waited a bit as the lady was talking about something else... but then she said it. "Mr. Lester, also known as Judge Lester, has been arrested and it seems like he's spending the night in jail. His son, Philip Lester, was kidnapped by his driver when leaving school, yesterday at 1pm. He was found in a farm around Petropolis, today around 4pm. The kidnappers had evidence against Judge Lester, and that's why he was arrested as well. Our journalists are trying to get more information about that, but we're not allowed to interview anyone. According to his mother, Philip is recovering-" I turned the TV off.


2 days later.

"I'm just so sad I can't be there for your birthday, babe... I hope you have fun though... I'm sure you'll have fun with our friends... have you decided where you're going?" I was talking to Dan on skype. It was June 10th at night, so... that meant his birthday was the day after that.

"Yeah, I wish you were here too... we'll skype for hours though, okay?"


"I've bought you something... but it'll take some time to get there, I'm sorry" I'd bought Dan a leather jacket... I spent almost R$900 (£500), but in reality, my mum had chosen it. I had no idea what to buy, so she went to a shop with me and bought it. I also wrote a giant letter saying how much I loved him. I didn't mind spending so much money, because I knew that that money was my mother's. My dad was richer than she was, true... but she was rich as well. She was a famous surgeon- she didn't need my dad nor his money. My dad was in prison, those kidnappers were in prison, the police were trying to find that driver(who was nowhere to be found) and I couldn't be happier. She kept saying I should go visit him... but I wasn't ready, it had passed only 2 days since everything happened. I didn't want to talk about that, I didn't want to watch the news, I didn't want to KNOW anything. I was so... done. I hadn't gone to school, simply because I knew everyone would keep asking questions, they'd seen everything on the news, and I didn't want to go through that. I spent those days with my mum, and talking to Dan. I was actually surprised, because my mum supported us. I introduced her to Dan (through skype, but whatever) and she really liked him. I'd never been so close to her, and for the first time, I felt loved. That apartment was so much better without my father... he just fucked everything up. I was glad he wasn't there. My mum couldn't stop crying though.

"You didn't need to buy me anything" he said quietly.

"Of course I needed... I hope you like my gift. It has to be the best one"

"I'm sure it'll be..."

"You look tired."

"I am... sorry"

"It's fine. Go to bed... I'll call you tomorrow, I'll wake you up, I want to be the first one saying happy birthday"

"Alright babe. I love you. We'll talk tomorrow."

"I love you"


I waited until 3AM. It would be 7AM in England, so I'd call him and wake him up. I waited the 'beeeps'... but it was taking too long.

'Hey yo, I can't talk right now so leave a message and I'll call you later'.

*FUCK* I thought. Why wasn't he picking it up?

I tried again. He didn't pick up.

I tried like 30 times. Nothing. So I decided I'd call Chris.


"Phil! Why are you calling now? Isn't it like 2am or something there?"

"Yeah... I just... I've been trying to call Dan but he's not picking up. Do you know what happened?"

"Hm, not actually... sorry dude. I'll try calling him ok? I'm going to school now anyways"

"Alright. Tell him to call me"


I waited until 4PM. I left a hundred messages on Dan's phone. He wasn't replying. I was panicking.

"Hey? Mrs. Howell?"

"Phil! Dear!"

"How are you?"

"Fine, you?"

"Fine... is Dan there? I'm trying to talk to him"

"He just left for school, dear... Try calling again!"

"Hm... ok. Bye"

"Bye, dear"

/WHY AREN'T YOU REPLYING?????????=[ WHAT DID I DO??// I texted him for the 10th time.

I gave up. I needed to sleep.


I slept for 2 hours. I thought Dan would have replied at that point, but he didn't. I tried calling again. Nothing. I was losing my patience. It was his birthday and I still hadn't talked to him. I had to go to school though. My mum decided she'd take me there, no more drivers for us.

"Have you talked to Dan yet?" she asked when we were in the car.

"No... he's not picking up. I wonder what the hell is happening"

"I'm sure it's nothing... bad news always come in the speed of light."

"You're right"

She pulled over in front of my school.

"If the kids ask you questions, just say you can't say anything. Okay?" she kissed my head.


"It'll be fine, you'll see.. but if anything happens, just call me"

"Ok, thanks mum"

I left the car. That was actually the first time my mum was doing that... I was so happy.

That morning at school was terrible... people kept asking things. People I didn't know. People who never gave a shit about me. All I said was "I can't say anything. Sorry."

I kept trying to call Dan between my lessons, I sent a hundred messages... he wasn't replying. I was getting angry at him. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT???????????

The bell rang at 1pm. I sighed in relief. I could get the fuck out of the hellhole.

I walked to the front door of the school, looking down at my phone, sending more texts to Dan. When I got outside, I looked around, looking for my mum's car.

And this was when I saw him.

Dan was on the pavement, on the other side of the street. He was wearing a sleeveless white shirt and those tight black jeans he loved. My heart stopped when I saw him. He was standing with his arms crossed, supporting his body on the wall. When he saw me he smiled. I froze for a moment though. I couldn't believe I was actually seeing him.

I ran. I didn't get hit by a car or anything because of the traffic. He took some steps as he saw I was running and I hugged him. I almost made us both fall in the ground, but he supported my weight and span me around a bit. I smelled that perfect perfume on his neck... my heart rate wasn't normal.

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