It All Leads To You

By DeliriouslyLost

539K 21.7K 5K

It's been Four years since Skai Mitchell ran away from home, leaving the girl she loved and the nightmarish c... More

The Ending


14.8K 567 53
By DeliriouslyLost

Eat your partially-Hetero hearts out.

I'm like 99.9 percent gay af but I would marry Evan Peters in a heartbeat, am I not alone?!

Amy's POV
Two days later
(sorry for these time hops)

The water really is blue. I didn't think it would be this dark. I can't help but think about what might be at the bottom I the seemingly endless pool.

The Blue Hole of Indiana is not really a tourist spot, but people do come to swim here from time to time. It is also, and I will never tell Skai this, a spot where people come to die.

It happens often here, and then because the pit is so deep it takes forever to find the bodies. Sometimes they are never found.

I heard a story once about this kid who went to a school around here. He was real popular. Star quarterback of the football team and everything. His friends would say that he had the best life, but apparently he thought different. One day, he threw a party here. Like, a real party with booze and everything. Well, about halfway through the party, he swallowed a whole container of Tylenol and chased it down with vodka. Then right after, he Told everyone that there was going to be a diving contest. And whoever could go the farthest without coming up for air first would win. Of course, everybody thought that was a hilarious idea. There were seventeen guys who wanted to compete and once the contest started they all came back up, one by one, until the only one left in the water was the quarterback. They found his body twelve days later, all puffy and gross. The doctors didn't know it was a suicide plan until they found the 57 pills still in his stomach.

I didn't plan on swimming, I just wanted to see the hole for myself.

Skai POV

I don't know why she's so quiet.

The Blue Hole is beautiful, and eerie in a way. It took a while to find the place, because it's technically in the middle of the woods, and also technically private property, so we really are not allowed here. Wolfe is wading in the pool with Pluto at his side. Both jumping and running around like kids. I think it is funny, but For some reason I don't feel like joining in. The water doesn't look inviting. It's too dark, and the way Amy is staring at it makes me feel uneasy.

I walk along the bank and slide my hand along a tree trunk. I pull my fingers away though, because I realize something that I didn't realize before. Engraved in bark, somebody wrote "Caden Smith 1990-2006"

I frown. The engraving reminded me of a gravestone.

As I continue walking, I feel a shiver run over my body. Caden Smith is not the only name written. There are names on almost all the trees. "Timothy Parker 1957-1970"
"Tyrell  Credins 2001 - 2014"
"Alexa Sandra 1977-1990"

My pulse quickens as I start walking faster. By the time I walk all the way around the hole I've counted twenty three names.

"What is this place?"

Amy turns around to face me, and it's obvious that she knows.

"Why are there names everywhere?"

"On the trees?"

"Yes. What the hell is this place, Amy."

"It's just a swimming hole Skai. Calm down."

"Have people died here?"

Amy looks down.

"Amy. All those names on the trees, none of them lived past forty..."

She stands up and wipes her hands on her pants. "I guess we should go."

"No. Tell me, did those people kill themselves here?"

Amy frowns at me and sighs. " I just wanted to see it for myself."

Her words send a flashback through my brain. I suddenly remember our first kiss. I remember pulling Amy down onto that grave and her reluctance to even think about the dead
People buried six feet deep around us.

Everything about her has changed.

I watch as Amy looks away from me. I can tell that she feels vulnerable and embarrassed.

"Do you remember the day I first kissed you?"

Amy looks up at me quizzically, and I sit down on the bank.

"We were on a grave. Remember?"

She nods, and avoids looking at me by watching Wolfe and Pluto play in the water.

"I think that kiss was what made me realize I love you."

I smile, and Amy finally looks at me. I guess she wasn't expecting me to go in that direction.

"And I never really told you this, but after I took you back home, I went strait to Wolfe and broke down because I knew that I was in love with you and that scared me. It scared the shit out of me."


Amy's voice is soft and curious, and her fingers slowly rest against my wrist, where she starts to trace lines up and down my forearm.

"Because of my family, I had learned to be afraid of love. My dad would always tell me and my brothers that he loved us, and I believed him, but I just thought his love for me was broken, and that why he did those things to me."

"You were scared of love because of your father?"

I pause, and choose my words carefully.

"No. I was scared of myself. I thought that if I were anything like my dad, then eventually I would start loving you in a broken way too."

Amy frowns deeply, and looks Hard at me. "You are nothing like your father."

I bite my lip and nod.

I know I am not my father.

"You have this heart that takes things in and swallows them whole. Everyone is in love with you because you have this beautiful personality that can light up a room... Skai. You could never be your father."

I smile.

And then Amy leans forward and kisses the tip of my nose in the way that I know will only ever be ours.

I let my head fall against her shoulder and she pulls me into her arms.

"I love you too." I say.

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