Just A Borrowed Spouse

By augustinedev

140K 3.7K 406

Lee Taemin and Son Naeun have unexpectedly ended their Virtual Marriage on the We Got Married. They may have... More

We Just Ended?
Virtually Heartbroken
Comfort in Chicken
A Cinderella Moment
The Reason
No no no
An Unexpected Night
The Love Guru
Sisterly Love
Fairy God-Couple?
Long Distance
Officially Missing You?
Home Sweet Home
Puppy Love
Operation: Day Out Disaster
The Unwanted Truth
The Search
Minnie's Owner
Roman-tic Christian
A Walk Around the Block
Family Get Together
No Ordinary Love
A Piece from Our Past
The Letter
Going Solo
Left Behind
Guests' Preppy Time
The Wedding
The Great Pretenders
A Birthday Treat
Love on Doubt?
A Leap Of Courage
From A Far
Courtesy of Emergency
Just Realized
The Fault in Me
Forget You
His Twin
Walk Away
Just Waiting
Some Night
Diaries and Memories
The Meet-Up
The Stolen Page
First Day Worries
Out and About
Un-Wanted Attention
Big Thanks.
Go On
The Un-scripted Us

Single Or Divorced?

1.9K 52 5
By augustinedev

Naeun's POV:
It's been a week since Key got married.The girls shared stories right after they got back. Their stories got me, Namjoo and Hayoung really jealous.

Much more, Taemin was there.
Okay. Now I wish that I should have went there too.

Anyways, clearly there is nothing I can do. It happend already. For now, I just had to finish cleaning really quick.The wedding episode will be aired by 5 pm in the afternoon and by now it's already 4:15. Why did they have to schedule a general cleaning on a day like this?

"I think the room's really clean already. Can we stop now? My back aches already?"- Namjoo said as she sat on the sofa.

"Namjoo, could you stop complaining? All of us are tired too."- Bomi said.

"If you're tired too then rest. Isn't it a given? And besides it's going to be We Got Married soon, I can't miss it when I didn't know what happend in the ceremony."- Namjoo said.

"Okay that's enough!"- Chorong said as she snapped at Bomi and Namjoo."I think we did well on cleaning. Let's call this off."

"Yey!"- Namjoo said as she made faces at Bomi. Bomi's face was also relieved.

The two acted like they were some kids fighting and picking quarrels at each other. I guess that was because they were too tired.

The day seemed quick as well, maybe it was because we were preoccuppied with cleaning. I sat down and looked around.The dorm looked pretty cleaned now that we've cleaned it. I feel a little proud and a whole lot of tiredness.

Namjoo now turned on the television set and sat right next to me.She sat there switching channels as every second passed. Honestly, she could break the television with that but I suppose she was looking for We Got Married's channel.

"Namjoo, would you hand me the remote? I could find WGM than you can."- I said.

"Fine,fine."- She said as she tossed the remote to me.

As I began changing channels, Chorong appeared out of nowhere.

"What do think you're doing?"- She snapped at us.

"We're going to watch tv. Isn't it obvious?"- Namjoo said

Chorong sighed.

"You guys, should wash up before watching tv. You'll both be lazy when the show starts."

Namjoo and I groaned. Watching tv or shower? Of course,watch tv but Chorong Unnie would nag all night long if one of us don't go take a bath.

"Yah! It's starting!"- Namjoo shouted to signal the others.

Hayoung and Eunji came running towards us and sat. As I looked all the members were here except for Bomi. Where could she be?

"Eunji, where's Bomi?"- I asked.

Eunji looked around us and noticed it too.

"She might be at the bathroom, showering."

"Oh."- I replied. So someone's using the bathroom meaning...

I can watch while Bomi's still there. I hope she comes out when the show ends.

"When Bomi's done, one of you has to go shower up."- Chorong said.

Ugh. Shower.

The scene played along. I really was excited to watch this episode. I was excited for Key's wife. Her expression actually and how Eunji would bring chaos to the wedding.

I watched carefully as Amber of f(x) and a girl group which was Spica came. My jealousy burst up when they came walking the red carpet. It would be nice to meet some idols at some celebration.

The next idols came. And it was SHINee.The girls began poking me as Taemin's face appeared on the screen. They all squealed.

"Unnie, you should have went and ditched your schedule. It was a chance to see your husband!" -Hayoung said.

"Oh yes. Now that I think of it I wonder what his reaction would be if you went."- Eunji said.

Honestly, I'm also wondering.I can't help but blush. My heart flutters at the sight of him. I guess it was the side effects of being on WGM.

"Unnie,have you forgot? It's not about us anymore. Its about you, Key and Arisa."- I teased.

"Whatever."- Eunji said.

I looked back and focused on watching. I can't help but have my eyes on him. It's been a while since we talked, since I last saw him.He was on his usual smile, and he was dressed up for the occassion. He was definitely handsome.

Bomi came suddenly. She had her hair wrapped in her towel and she was dressed to sleep already.

"Yah, it's WGM already!"- She screamed.

"Shhhh!"- Namjoo, Eunji ans Hayoung hushed at her.

She bit her lip as she realized that everyone else was focused on watching. She just sat quietly in one corner.

"One of you has to go take a shower."- Chorong said.

"Unnie, could we do it later. On commercial breaks?"-Namjoo pleaded.

"Fine. On commercial breaks."- She said.

Great. She finally gave in.

I focused back on watching. Jonghyun and Taemin were practically joking around. They were actually funny. I can't help but notice him being quiet as he met Key's wife. Jonghyun did the talking.

"Ah, what to do? Two of our members are already married."- Jonghyun said.

I knew by that he meant that Taemin got married to me. The girls nudged at me, somehow teasing me too.

"What do you mean?"- Taemin said.

"Why? Have you forgot?"- Key asked.

"I am a divorce."- Taemin said.

The moment he said that. His members laughed histerically.

Wow.That totally hit me. I lost myself for a second.At one time I was blushinh because Jonghyun hyung seemed to tease us but then when he said he was divorced got me all blank. As if a large rock was throwed at me. I darted my eyes away from watching. How could he say that? I mean yes, we are over in WGM but did he have to say "divorce".

"Naeun? Are you okay?"- The girls all looked at me. I guess I didn't control my facial expressions.

"Ye... Yes, I'm okay. Why?"- I asked as if i had no idea.

"Your expression doesn't show. You look..."

"I'm okay guys. Let's just continue to watch okay?" - I said.

The girls started to watch again but I feel them stealing glances at me every once in a while.

The scene now changed to the members who were arriving. Eunji,Chorong and Bomi now came walking over the red carpet. They all looked pretty as always.

The moment they entered. Key went running away. We can't help but laugh at his expression.

"Yah, look at Key running away from you Eunji!"- Namjoo said

"And look at Jonghyun sunbae, welcoming you as if you were some close friend of his."- Hayoung said as she teased Eunji.

"And look at Taemin,there. Stealing glances to where we came from,as if he was waiting for Naeun to appear."- Chorong said.

I looked at Taemin's expression as the Apink members,Jonghyun,Key and Arisa were talking. He was still and quiet. Was it possible that he looked like that because I wasn't there? That he wanted to see me. Or maybe because he was surprised that the members suddenly came that maybe they heard what he just said about him being divorced?

What do I do? I don't know what to think.

I got up from where I sat. I guess I needed the shower now.

"Unnie, where are you going?"- Namjoo asked. Everyone's eyes darted towards my direction.

"I'm going to shower."- I replied.

"But it's still WGM. Don't you want to finish it?"- Hayoung said.

"I'll just watch when i'm done."- I said.

"But you'll mis-"

I walked away even before she finished her sentence. I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and stood there. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I just stood there and listened.

"Eunji,what are you doing?"- Chorong asked.

"I'm going to Naeun, I'm going to check on her."- Eunji replied.

"Don't."- Chorong said. " it's best to let her be."

I expected Eunji to knock and talk to me but surprisingly, she didn't. The footsteps now walked away from where I am. I sighed. I felt relieved now that I want to be alone.

I took off what I wore and let the waters run through me. I can't help but think of what just happend. About the divorce thing? Was it all just a joke? Thinking about this is nonsense right?

I want to avoid this stuff. But do I even have the right to get mad or even upset of what he just said?

But is getting mad or upset makes the least sense of them of all when I know that I had no rights on him?

Ugh. What to do? I don't know what to feel. This ride with him is so new. A rollercoaster ride of emotions. Everything is, everything will be...

Taemin's POV:

The hyungs and I gathered around the television set. Minho and Onew wanted to watch it together since they weren't able to go. Somehow it was a time to bond.

Our schedules were different now, Minho had filming for a drama, Onew was on his musical, Key was married,I was busy on my solo and Jonghyun...

Jonghyun wasn't busy.

That's just it. He wasn't busy. He was there when you needed him. That's the good thing about him and the bad thing as well. Having him around always is good but that makes you sick of him at times.

We all sat there and watched.

"Yah, you're wife's pretty!"- Minho said as he teased Key.

"Of course she is. What do you expect?"

"I should get married too. All your wives are pretty." - Onew said. I suppose he addressed that to me and Key.

Of course, Naeun is pretty.

"Hyung, you'd probably marry a pretty chicken."- Minho teased.

All of us bursted laughing. Minho hyung is so mean when it comes to teasing but somehow all his teasing gave us good laughs.

"Okay, we're on."- Jonghyun said as our faces appeared at the screen. Seeing my face onscreen before was pretty awkward but now, I think I got use to it.

A familiar scene came up.

"Ah. What to do? Two of our members are already married."- Jonghyun said.

"What do you mean?"- I asked.

"Why? Have you forgot?"- Key teased at me.

"I am divorced."- I replied.

The room suddenly bursted laughing. Onew and Minho's reaction were like Key's and Jonghyun's. They were laughing histerically.

"Yah! How could you say that? If Naeun sees this, you're dead meat."- Minho teased.

"I guess she would call you ex-husband from this day on."- Onew said.

I just smiled at them, somehow burying my worries in the back of my mind. This scene was aired. How could that be...

The scene soon changed to Apink.

"Woah. Eunji came!"- Onew said.

Eunji came entering and the other members of Apink came too which was Bomi and Chorong. As Eunji ran, Key's expression was perfectly captured on camera.

"Would you look at Key's reaction!?"- Onew said!

"Look at Jonghyun!"- Key said darting the attention off him.

Jonghyun was acting like a fanboy of Eunji's or something. That was really funny.

"Look at our Taeminnie, saying he was divorce but look at him. Stealing glimpses at the door waiting for Naeun to come."- Minho teased at me.

Ugh. Why did Minho have to be so meticulous? The members threw me malicious looks. I can't help but grin. They knew me so well,my secrets were their teases and blockmails. Ugh, I'm an open book to them, I just can't lie from them.

"What kind of an ex-husband is waiting for his ex-wife? Are they even considered an ex- to each other?"- Jonghyun said.

"We don't know. We never got married. Maybe Key will know the answers in the end."- Onew said.

Eunji was teased to Key all throughout the show. Arisa wasn't much close to us but Eunji was. I preferred Eunji over Arisa. They suit each other well. Eunji who was cool and boyish Key who was not so cool and girly. She would fill in Key's absent traits.Arisa was pretty as expected, she was a model after all.

The show soon ended. Looking through the show, it was a fun event. Though it would have been more fun on my part if Naeun came.

"Yah, you're wedding was pretty luxurious compared to Taemin's."- Minho said.

"Of course it was, but since my wife wanted a traditional wedding we didn't consider luxury."- I said.

"Ohhh. Look at him being defensive about his wedding. Have you forgot Taeminnie? I thought you were divorced?"- Key teased.

Ugh. Can everybody just stop at the divorce thing?

"I remembered something."- Jonghyun said.
"When we were out on the waiting area and Key was waiting for his guests, Taemin and I were practicing for the ceremony. Suddenly Apink members came and sat with us."

I know where this is heading.

"I went out for a second to answer your call."- He said to Minho and went back to the story.

" when I came back, Taemin was discussing something over with Apink. I figured it was about Naeun and when i said "about him being divorced to Naeun" he eyed and nudged me to change back the topic. I guess it was because he didn't want Apink to know but now that it aired. Him saying he himself was divorce then I guess there is no way that Apink wouldn't know if they saw the broadcast."- He said.

"Ohhhhhh"- The hyungs said

Okay. Everything Jonghyun said was true. I am now uneasy over everything. The broadcast, about what i just said, also about Naeun now.

"What would you do now Taeminnie if Naeun saw the broadcast?"- Minho asked.

"I don't know. I never thought of what to do."- I replied.

"Now to think of it. You should think of what to do."

I began thinking now. I only meant that I was single. I don't know where divorce came from. So now, I'm single or a divorce?

Only, I know the answer to that.What do I do?

Hey guys. Thanks for reading! Rate me up a bit! If you could, send me messages,comments or any suggestions that would be of help to me.

Sorry if it's not that good...

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