Jenny Smith-Holmes

By Jessica_Pond

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What if the Doctor and River had a child, but after the Time War she took a break from traveling and turned h... More

Chapter 1: How It all Started
Chapter 2: Understandings
Chapter 3: Mummy, Daddy, and the Voices
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Uncle Visits
Chapter 5: Drumbeats
Chapter 6: The Time Vortex
Chapter 7: Clothes Shopping
Chapter 8: Angels
Chapter 9: Blue Box?
Chapter 10: Joe
Chapter 11: Lies
Chapter 12: The Pool
Chapter 13: Jessica, Rose, and Mr. Smith
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Fish Fingers and Custard
Chapter 16: Flubble
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 19: Deffry Vale High School and Pirates
Chapter 20: We're Back!
Chapter 21: Jessica!
Chapter 22: Sneaking out
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: Doctor's Visit
Chapter 27: Some Answers

Chapter 18: AMERICANS!

82 8 7
By Jessica_Pond

I could hear dad playing sad music on his violin as I walked up the stairs from Mrs. Hudson's flat. I walked into the kitchen to hand Mrs. Hudson the dishcloth that she had asked for. Dad's back was towards me as John walked into the living room, and he quietly sigh. Mrs. Hudson walked into the room to the table to pick up dad's untouched breakfast. She turned around and gave John a pointed look as she walked into the kitchen. I walked past her into the living room to dad's chair where I had left my book when I went to help Mrs. Hudson.
John walked to his chair and grabbed his jacket to put it on. Dad stopped playing, most likely to change the music that he was composing.
"Lovely tune, Sherlock, haven't heard that one before."Mrs. Hudson said.
"You composing?" John asked
"Helps me to think." Dad started to play again.
"What are you thinking about?" Dad suddenly stopped playing his violin. I looked up to see that he was pointing at John's laptop.
"The counter on your blog is still at one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five." Dad said.
"Yeah, it's faulty, can't seem to fix it." John said.
Dad pulled out a phone that was not his, "Faulty, or you've been hacked and it's a message."
"What are you talking about?" I turned my body more towards him. Instead of answering me, he typed into the phone only for it to buzz.
"Just faulty." He turned to play his violin but suddenly walked to his room. I looked down the hall after him as did John and Mrs. Hudson.
"Jenny, come here." He yelled. I slowly got up and ran down the hall.
"Yes dad?" I peeked into his room to see him sitting on his bed with something behind him.
"You fell asleep before I could make it home and give you your Christmas gift." He pulled black violin case from behind him on the bed. It was a lot smaller than his, but it was just a little too big for me. He put it next to him on the bed and opened it for me to see. It looked a lot like dad's but a lot smaller, just like the case did.
"Its amazing dad, thank you." I jumped up and gave him a hug which I could tell that it took him by surprise but I didn't care. I released him and looked back at the violin.
"I'll start giving you some lesson tomorrow, alright?" he looked down at me while I was jumping up and down. I couldn't really form words because of how excited I was so I just nodded my head. Dad closed the case and walked out of the room. I looked back at the case one more time before I walked out of the room.
"Right, see ya." John walked out of the door and down the stairs. I looked down and started read. It was about a few seconds to me when I looked up to see Mrs. Hudson standing in front of me. I noticed that dad wasn't playing anymore so I looked over to where he was standing to find that he was gone.
"Where did dad go?" I looked up to Mrs. Hudson.
"He left a few minutes ago dearie, he asked me to get you some food." I nodded my head and she took my hand and led me downstairs.
"I thought that it would be nice to go out so I called Jessica and she called her friend Molly and they both want to go, does that sound good?"
"Yeah, that would be fun."

Jenny's P.O.V. –After Lunch-
"That was a lot of fun Mrs. Hudson, thank you for taking me." I said to Mrs. Hudson as we got out of the cab.
"Of course, why don't we go get some cookies for dessert?" She said as she unlocked the door.
"Yeah." I smiled up at her as I took off my coat and put it on the coat hook. We went in and we each had some good cookies and a few glasses of milk. Afterwards I was helping her clean the hallway. I could hear the door open. It was very quiet and I didn't think that Mrs. Hudson heard it. I assumed that it was dad and John. I turned around only to be grabbed, so I started to scream. It was too late for Mrs. Hudson; two men had grabbed her and started to drag her up the stairs. She was kicking and screaming, she was dragging her hand along the wall in an attempt to stop the men that were dragging her. I was trying to do the same but the man was a lot stronger than me. He clutch my stomach so tight that I was having a hard time breathing
They pulled us into dad's flat and put us onto the kitchen chairs.
"Where's the phone?" The man who carried me, an American, pulled a gun out. One of the men that had dragged Mrs. Hudson up the stairs was standing neat the window, the other one was standing behind me with a gun. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I assumed that he was looking for the 'phone' that the first man had asked for. The first one seemed like the one in charge.
"I'm going to ask you one more time, where is the phone?" He pointed the gun at Mrs. Hudson. She started crying and saying I don't know over and over again. He obviously wasn't pleased with her answer, so he hit her across the face with the back of his hand.
The man that was standing near the window came up to the man that hit Mrs. Hudson.
I pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged them tight. He leaned and whispered into the other man's ear. The first man nodded and pointed back towards the window. The first man moved behind Mrs. Hudson again and pointed the gun back at her. I looked at her as I felt the cold barrel of the gun push up against my head. I slowly turn my head to look straight in front of me at the yellow smiley face that was painted on the wall. I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes. Mrs. Hudson was quietly sobbing while holding her cheek As the second man stood by the window the door opened and dad walked away and into the room.
Dad slowly walked into the room with his hands clasped behind his back. Mrs. Hudson's sobs became a bit louder.
"Oh, Sherlock, Sherlock!"
"Don't snivel, Mrs. Hudson. It'll do nothing to impede the flight of a bullet." Dad looked up at the man behind her. "What a tender world that would be."
Mrs. Hudson replied still sniffling, "Oh, please, sorry, Sherlock."
"I believe you have something that we want, Mr. Holmes." The man interrupted her.
"Then why don't you ask for it?" Dad walked closer to us. He looked towards Mrs. Hudson first. She started whimpering as he held his right hand. He gently pulled back her sleeve to see the bruises that had already started to form on her right wrist that she got when they drugged us up the stairs. I could feel that there were some on my stomach.
"Sher..." She couldn't even get his name out. I couldn't blame her.
"I've been asking this one. She doesn't seem to know anything." Dad's gaze raised a little. I started to turn my head to see what he was looking at when I felt the pressure of the gun and stopped.
"But you know what I'm asking for, don't you, Mr. Holmes?" Dad moved closer to me and looked at the bruise on my face when the guy hit me while dragging me up the stairs. He softly ran his hand along it. He looked up to the man behind Mrs. Hudson.
"I believe I do." Mrs. Hudson whimpered as dad stood up straight to look the man in the eyes.
"Oh, please, Sherlock." Mrs. Hudson sobbed quietly.
"First, get rid of your boys." Dad said to the man.
"I dislike being outnumbered. It makes for too much stupid in the room." I could tell that the men was hesitant in doing so but he did.
"You two, go to the car."
"Then get into the car and drive away." Dad looked at the man, "Don't try to trick me. You know who I am. It doesn't work." I felt the gun move away from my head and the other two men left.
"Next, you can stop pointing that gun at me." I looked over at the other man to see that he wasn't pointing it at Mrs. Hudson anymore, but at dad.
"So you can point a gun at me?" The man continued.
"I'm unarmed." Dad stepped back and spread his arms out.
"Mind if I check?"
"Oh, I insist." The man went towards dad from behind Mrs. Hudson.
"Don't do anything." Mrs. Hudson whimpered. He walked over to dad and started checking him for any weapons. As he checked for weapons on dad's back, dad rolled his eyes at us. He had started to move his right arm closer to himself and suddenly he had a spray can in his hand that he sprayed into the man's face. Dad quickly head butted him and he fell back onto the floor. Dad flipped the can into the air. "Moron." He slammed the can onto the table and hurried over to us.
"Oh, thank you." Mrs. Hudson said.
"You're all right now, you're all right." Dad said softly touching her face. I slowly got up out of my chair and ran over to dad. I hugged him tightly.
"Yes." Dad looked over towards the man; he looked like he could kill him on the spot.
A little while later dad had the man tied up on the chair. He had me run and out a note on the door for John a few minutes before. Now I was sitting on the couch with Mrs. Hudson while dad was sitting in his chair pointing the gun at the man. Dad pulled out his phone as I heard the door downstairs open.
Not even a minute later John came through the door into the living room
"What's going on?"John stopped immediately when he saw the man tied up with blood dripping down his face. "Jeez. What the hell is happening?"
"Jenny and Mrs. Hudson's been attacked by an American. I'm restoring balance to the universe." John hurried over and sat down next to me and Mrs. Hudson.
"Oh, Mrs. Hudson, Jenny, my God. Are you alright?" John glared at the man as he put his arm around me. "Jesus, what have they done to you?" He looked from me to Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Hudson started crying again
"Oh, I'm just being so silly." I hugged her while John said something
"No, no." Dad stood up still pointing the gun at the man and with the phone to his ear
"Downstairs. Take them downstairs and look after them." Dad said to John. John and I helped Mrs. Hudson to her feet.
"Alright, it's alright. I'll have a look at that. Come on Jenny."
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I helped Mrs. Hudson out of the room while John asked dad something
I was sitting on Mrs. Hudson's counter with some ice against the bruise on my stomach while John was washing the cut on Mrs. Hudson's face.
"Oh, it stings." She said, flinching. John nodded as he continued to clean it. Seconds later something fell outside of the window and crashed. My head shot up towards the window
"Oh. That was right on my bins." Then we all heard a painful Brian coming from outside.

The police had arrived now and dad was stand outside with Lestrade and Jessica. I was inside with John and Mrs. Hudson in her flat.
"She'll have to sleep upstairs in our flat tonight. We need to look after her." John said as dad walked in.
"No." Mrs. Hudson said meekly.
"Of course, but she's fine." Dad said.
"No, she's not. Look at her." John said. Dad opened the fridge and picked something up.
"She's got to take some time away from Baker Street. She can go and stay with her sister. Doctor's orders." Dad kicked the fridge door shut and frowned at John as he buy into the thing that he picked up.
"Don't be absurd."
"She's in shock, for God's sake, and all over some bloody stupid camera phone. Where is it, anyway?"
"Safest place I know." Dad looked down at Mrs. Hudson.
"You left it in the pocket of your second-best dressing gown, you clot." She laughed as she pulled it out, "I managed to sneak it out when they thought I was having a cry."
Dad tossed it into the air before he put it onto his pocket, "Thank you." Dad looked at John. "Shame on you, John Watson."
"Shame on me?!"
"Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street?" dad put his arm around Mrs. Hudson, "England would fall. Mrs. Hudson laughed and we smiled.

I walked through the halls looking for Rullana. We had just gotten back from our school break and it was a new year. I was so excited to see Rullana and tell him all I did over the break.
I turned around the corner with my robes flowing behind me and saw Rullana's brown hair.
"Rullana!" I ran over to him.
"Hey, Senlor." He turned around and so did the girl next to him. It was Raecceb, our friend that started going to the academy last year.
"Oh, hey Raecceb, how are you?"
"I'm great, how are you?" Raecceb was very energetic and last year we were really good friend until the end of the year were we just sort of stopped. She was in the Arcalian Chapter like Rullana.
"Um, yeah, I'm good. Hey, Rullana, what classes have you got?" He handed me his class schedule. "Oh, we only have class together; Earthly Studies." I handed him his paper back.
"Oh, at least we have one." He smiled at me which made my heart melt.
"Yeah..." I smiled back at him before Raecceb interrupted me.
"Rullana, what classes do we have?" She handed her paper to him. He smiled as he looked up at her.
"We have them all except for Earthly Studies."
"Yay!" She jumped up and hugged him as they both laughed. I sat there kind of awkwardly as they just kept laughing.
"But wait, that means we don't have any classes together, Senlor." Raecceb looked at me.
"Oh, you're right, that's too bad. So, um, I need to go unpack. So I'll see you guys later." I politely smiled as I started to walk away.
"Do you need some help, Senlor?" Rullana put his hand on my arm to stop me. It felt wonderful but something wasn't quite right.
"Uh, no, no I'm fine. I don't have that much anyway." I quickly turned around and almost ran down the hall, but not before I heard him say, "Let me walk you to your class, Raecceb."
'I'm jealous, that's it. I just don't like my best friend... being with other... people. Yeah that's it. Rassilon, I'm so selfish' I thought to myself. I quickly made it back to my dorm room and slammed the door shut.
I flopped down on my bed. I didn't know what to; I couldn't tell him not to be friends with her, I just didn't know what to do. Sometimes I wished that dad never sent me here, or sent me back in time to himself.
I focused all of my energy not to scream, so I put that energy somewhere else. I looked at the necklace that was across the room and thought about it being in my hands. I put my hands out in front of me and closed my eyes to focus. Surprisingly I felt the weight in my hands and the cool metal in almost an instant. I quietly laughed to myself as I turn the pendant over in my hands.
My brief moment of joy ended when a knock came from my door. I looked in the mirror to make sure I didn't look a need before I opened it. My friend Azile was there waiting for me, she's in the Prydonian Chapter. We met up earlier this morning to see what classes we had together. We had most of the same, but a few were different.
"Come on, we should get going if we don't want to be late." I sighed dramatically.
"What's the point; I mean we're Time Ladies, it doesn't make sense how we can be late. FOR RASSILON'S SAKE, WE ARE THE LADIES OF TIME, SHOULDN'T IT BE LOGICAL THAT WE AREN'T LATE FOR THINGS, THAT WE HAVE MASTERED THE LAWS OF TIME!" I flopped back onto my bed without looking at her.
"What's the matter, Senlor?"
"It was just... something that happened over the break. I'm just on edge because of it, I'm sure after a day of classes I'll be fine." She looked like she didn't by it, but went along with it anyways.
"Ok, come on. And technically, we're not fully fledged Time Ladies until we graduate."
"Oh, whatever, stop critiquing my rants." We laughed as we walked down the hall.

So hey, I'm not dead! School is so much work. So I don't know if any of you guys knows this, but Rullana is based off of my real life best friend, and some of the stuff that Senlor and Rullana go through, is based off of what we do. This chapter broke my heart, because ever since school started, my friend and I have grown further apart and he has this new friend that he hangs out with almost everyday, hence the character 'Raecceb'.I hoped you guys liked the new chapter :)-JP

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