Broken Wings

By Harmless

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~ When fairies want something, they get it. It doesn't matter what it is, they get it. But what happens when... More

Chapter One~ "You're acting weird today"
Chapter Two~ "Stay Safe"
Chapter Three~ "Trouble in paradise?"
Chapter Four~ "Why do you always need saving?"
Chapter Five~ "She's not ready!"
Chapter Six~ "They said that you were dangerous."
Chapter Seven~ "Welcome home, Vi."
Chapter Eight ~ "Goodbye, Anna."
Chapter Nine~ "You don't have wings."
Chapter ten~ "The petals can show you the future,"
Chapter eleven~ "You do take after your mother."
Chapter Twelve ~ "You were born to be a queen."
Chapter thirteen~ "I can't let them hurt him!"
Chapter fourteen~ "Leo knew you'd come."
Chapter fifteen~ "You made me do this."
Chapter Sixteen~ "I loved you!"
Chapter Seventeen~ "This isn't Anna anymore."
Chapter Eighteen~ "Are humans always in love?"
Chapter nineteen~ "He couldn't help himself."
Chapter twenty~ "Is this what caring feels like?"
Chapter twentyone~ "You're not perfect."
Chapter twentytwo~ "You, Miranda and Me."
Chapter twentythree~ "You need to think things over."
Chapter Twentyfour~ "You'll be a wonderful queen."
Chapter Twentyfive~ "Let's go be a queen."
Chapter twentysix~ "Silly Vi."
Chapter twentyseven~ "No, you don't."
Chapter twentyeight~ "I'll see you in two months, Juliet."
Chapter twentynine~ "It's Aily."
Chapter thirty~ "Eelii,"
Chapter thirtyone~ "You'll come out different or dead."
Chapter thirtytwo~ "Everything's wrong."
Chapter thirtythree~ "Are we a kingdom?"
Chapter thirtyfour~ "We were trying to protect you!"
Chapter thirtyfive~ "It's a bit late for that."
Chapter thirtysix~ "YOU MAY NOW BEGIN."
Chapter thirtyseven~ "I love you."
Chapter thirtyeight~ "I would never have hurt you."
Chapter thirtynine~ "I won't let you hurt her anymore."
Chapter forty~ "This is how you kill her."
Chapter fortytwo~ "I know that."
Chapter fortythree~ "Forever."
Chapter fortyfour~ "You guys are the best."
Chapter fortyfive~ *The end.*

Chapter fortyone~ "Guess who's back?"

433 18 2
By Harmless

Chapter fortyone~ “Guess who’s back?”

“I don’t care what happens, I don’t care if I’m human, and I don’t care if he kills me. I will not let him hurt you or our precious.” The boy sat opposite me on the royal seats smiled with kind eyes. He stroked my hands in an attempt to re-assure me. I smiled back, knowing his words were true.

“I love you so, Phillip.” I smiled warmly back at him. The sun shined through the windows and I felt the baby kick inside of me. It was like he had felt it too, because he looked down at my small bump. She was small, but she was beautiful, I knew it. She would grow up in both of our worlds, we would make it work.

He smiled down at our baby, at our Vi. He had persisted we call her Anna, but I wanted a fairy name. He gave up after a while, knowing that he’d never win. But I guess seeing me happy made him happy, so nothing really mattered.

My mother walked through the doors in all her glory, sweeping the room with her brightness. “You too lovebirds have caused me quite the havoc.” She laughed walking up to the seat we had laid ourselves upon. We both laughed lightly with her, looking to the window as one. The distant dark castle that the naïve young Thif was currently living in stuck out like a star in an empty sky.

He was so dark, I have no idea why he insisted that we’d live perfectly in unison. “I’m very sorry for the trouble,” My father walked upon the room followed by the smiling rulers of Trys. They greeted us warmly and me and Phillip stood and walked over to the meeting. “I’m sure your son will get over this.”

“I’m sure he will.” The king of Trys smiled at me, nodding in warmth at me and the love of my life. His arm was around my shoulders and I loved it.

“He’s just being a little stubborn. Love struck, I suppose.” The queen of Trys welcomed my mother into the circle of conversation.

“LOVE STRUCK?!” Shouted a high pitched voice from behind the doors. They flung open and all the candles that kept the room alight flickered away. We were plunged into a grey light from the windows and a coldness that chilled me to my bones. Phillip stood in front of me protectively.

Thif’s parents laughed a little, walking over to their son. They weren’t scared of him like they should have been. My parents also went to greet him, while I and Phillip stood glued to the floor.

Thif’s arms opened and a gust of wind knocked all the adults to the floor. My mother was flung further than the others, into a light on the wall. She fell to the floor limply and I stepped towards her and let out a cry. My father clambered from the opposite side of the room, also crying her name, running to his wife.

But Thif was on a roll, there was no way that was it. He threw fire at my father, making him collapse to the floor and I hid myself behind Phillip to shield my eyes. I cried my father’s name now, shivering with all I had. This had to be a nightmare. A few seconds ago, all had been well.

“Thif, darling! Calm down, sweetheart!” Thif’s mom’s voice drifted through the room, easing the tension a little. I closed my eyes as he stayed silent. Maybe he’d stopped his angry thrash and rage. Maybe it was over now. That’s when her scream filled the room and a sword hit the floor, in unison with a heavy object… body sized. I whimpered behind Phillip as he turned to hold me.

Thif’s father was next to stand up, but this time he went to the body of his wife, he ignored his own son. “What have you done?” He asked, fear in his own voice. The king of Trys was scared, he was never scared.

“I told you, if I didn’t have her, you would pay.” His son laughed before light flooded the room. He was sucking the life from his own dad’s body. His own blood, he was killing his own blood.

That’s when Phillip took my hand and we started to dart for the windows. I spread my wings, holding Phillip closely, trying to get away before Thif took his anger to us.

But it was too late and the hands were dragged from my waist.

I screamed, turning around to see Phillip in Thif’s hands.

“Run! Eliyn, go!” He cried at me but I stood completely frozen to the spot. Not Phillip. Not him, oh please not him.

“You can have me! I’ll go to Trys with you!” I cried, stomping my foot and putting my hands in my hair in despair. “Don’t hurt him!”

“It’s too late.” His hand tightened around Phillip’s neck and the eyes I’d looked into a million times rolled back simply. My heart whimpered, and then failed to give me emotion entirely.

 “NO!” I screamed, falling to my knees, letting the first tear of many roll down my cheek. I let out another screech and ran to the limp body, I didn’t care what happened to me now. I held the cold hands in my own and uttered comforting words to his already dead body.

“And you, my love,” said the dark figure behind me. I didn’t turn around. “Will have a punishment much worse than the rest.”

“What could you possibly do,” I whimpered, bending over Phillip’s body and weeping, “that’s worse than this?”

“I declare war, your highness, on Myllic.” He said firmly before fleeing the room through the same window I wanted to escape through. I let out a cry for Myllic then.

Thif had killed the king and queen of Trys. He was the only heir. He had killed the king and queen of Myllic. I am the heir, and my sister is too young to rule.

I looked around the room at the four bodies lying limply and then down at my Phillip. I let out a wince before deciding Myllic can never know about this. If they knew, they would blame me. They can’t know. From my hands I let a flicker of fire dance onto the curtains, letting the flames spread faster than you can say despair.

I ran to the door, looking back only at my Phillip. I gave him one last smile before leading myself downstairs, crying fire to the servants in a strained voice.

                                                                        Even though Thif didn’t kill me that night, something inside of me died. I didn’t keep the baby, I sent her to earth, to a family I’d paid a wealthy amount of human money. I’d told them her name was Anna and I told them never to try and contact me again. I told Phillip’s parents that he had died in a fire and then left earth for good. I would never return there. Thif found a woman who shared his deep hatred, and they fight in unison for the darkness in their hearts. My sister and her husband grew up war, and eventually they died in it. They left behind a daughter that I vowed to care for. Her name is Miranda; she will be the queen one day. I cannot help Myllic, I cannot do anything. So I will let the war rage on and wait for Thif to grow tired.

That is all I can do.

                                                                        Eliyn closed her eyes next to me, taking a deep breath before letting my hands go. I looked at her with a frown; finally knowing why the war started made me feel empty. I had judged Eliyn as a cold woman, despite her beauty. I had disregarded this as nothing but the result of a war, but I hadn’t expected this.  I thought she was strong, when in fact she was just as weak as me.

And her parents… why had I not even thought about them? Had I just thought they had never existed and Eliyn was self-created?

I couldn’t help but shiver thinking about her past. She hadn’t told anyone what had happened, to keep herself and Thif safe from blame. Thif had loved Eliyn…

But his love wasn’t love. It was anger. And it was directed at the wrong people. Thif had killed his own parents. He was cold-hearted.

Trys and Myllic had once been friendly. They had once known each other as allies. If I only I could’ve helped it get back to that.

“Vi, I did everything I could to protect you from the truth, because I thought you wouldn’t be able to handle it. I thought it was better if you didn’t know.” She told me, smiling. Her smile though, was slightly transparent. I looked down at our hands and it was the same case.

Oops. I nearly forgot we were both dead.

“I know, mom.” I smiled upwards, flinging my arms around her, knowing she needed it. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She whispered but then her arms were pushing me away. “But you need to return.”

“Return?” I questioned her.

“The war isn’t going to end by itself.” She smiled, brushing a piece of hair from my face.

“But I’m dead…” I pointed to the frozen image below she looked upon it and smiled.

“Just watch, Vi, you’ll see.” She whispered. So I did. I watched.

Thif smiled and brushed off his hands, walking away from my dead body like he had just finished an amazing peace of art. The two boys that conjured up so many emotions I couldn’t feel anymore stumbled over each other to get to my body. They stood on both sides of the limp body.

They both had exactly the same expression. Nothing. They looked down at me with emptiness.

Then the one with blue hair snapped, he looked at the other in anger. Leo looked up and soon mirrored the blue one’s expression. They attacked each other, throwing swords like I’d never seen swords thrown before. Leo began to tear up.

Eelii did the same a second after. They moved away from the body, shouting insults and blame at each other. Thif was still walking away when the cage around the arena caved in.

The crowds flocked in their hundreds into the arena. The golden side, the side with the light clothing were all crying, all of them. Even Aily. The dark side, the side that were all laughing, ran with joy. Another girl from the dark side was smiling wider than the rest, Hope. We were the only two there without wings. Some of the lighter side attacked Thif, throwing him to the floor as a team, but the darker side countered them. The arena suddenly became a war zone, with fights filling every inch of its rounded ground.

My dead body was surrounded by people all holding hands. Suddenly it was being raised upwards, towards the sun. It was like a platform was being raised. It was perfectly circular. No one interrupted the people around the rising stone and if any of the Trys did try, some other Myllic’s would come and fend them off.

                                                                        “Nothing good will come of this, if you don’t go and stop that madness.” She smiled bringing me back to the clouds. I frowned at the scene and then stared at her as if it were obvious.

“But I’m dead.” I said bluntly, pointing harshly again to the platform my shell of a body was suspended from. She laughed and ruffled my hair.

“You do take after Phillip.” The mention of my dad made me suddenly stop and look at her with sorrow. “Just remember that I love you.” She took my hands and I stared up at her in confusion.


“Remember I am always watching over you. Even if everything becomes too much, know that I am so proud of you. You are everything to me, darling. Just do what you have to do, I trust you with Myllic.” Her hands squeezed mine before her body began to fade even more than it already had.

“Wait?! Where are you going?!” I cried suddenly at her, but she just smiled. “Don’t leave me alone again!”

With that she slipped away from the skies. And then I disappeared also, but I didn’t fade. I went into the same darkness that I had been in before I’d gotten to the stars.

Then I started to feel the pain, the love, the anger, and the pressure all over again. My eyes opened and I jumped up from the platform. I had to steady myself not to fall. That would be pretty much the biggest failure ever if I fell now, only to die once again.

Then I realised the whole arena were all staring wide-eyed at me. I smiled awkwardly at them all and sent a wave their way. They all almost fainted.

“Guess who’s back?”

(A/N: DUN DUN DURRHH! Aha, you probably wasn't expecting that >:3, and if you were... you're just extremely talented in telling the future. I mean the past. heh. THANKS FOR READING

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