Finally in love again

By craz4pandas

10.9K 441 21

Love story More

Another normal birthday
Working it off
Problems and a flash from the past
Five guys one me
Author's note
The winner is ...
The king of jerks
The talk
Authors note
The interview
Happy valentines day
First day
Alone together
Getting to know eachother
Waking up to this!!!
Authors note
My life is crazy now!!
Authors note
The trip
Creeppasta fans!!!
Two weeks with them
The perky jerk
A fresh start
Happy memorial day
A new chapter in my life
The parents
Sister in law
Wedding day


181 13 2
By craz4pandas

Rose P.O.V.

I roll off on the bed as I keep thinking of what Momoi's parents thought of me. I end up rolling to far that I fall off of the bed and faceplant. As my face his the cold hard wooden floor I mumble something.

Rose: " Owe..."

I then hear the someone stepping closer to me. As I hear the footsteps get closer I suddenly feel someone's arms around me, picking me up. I look up and see Momoi.

Momoi: " Hey, are you ok?"

Rose: " Mhmm.."

I nod as I look down. I then feel his cold fingers touching slightly ontop of my lip, under my nose.

Rose: " W-What?"

Momoi: " You're bleeding."

Rose: " Wait,what?"
He sets me down slowly on the bed. I quickly place both of my hands over my nose, feeling a bit of blood run down my nose , almost to my mouth.

Momoi: " I'll be right back."

Momoi then leaves the room while I stay there. Then I began to wipe it a bit with the back of my right hand. Suddenly I hear momoi yelling.

Momoi: " Don't do that!"

I look up as my eyes widen.

Rose: " W-What!?"

Momoi: " You're getting blood on your hand!"

Rose: " I know that! Baka!"

Momoi: " Don't call me a Baka!"

Rose: " Why not!?"

Momoi: " Because I'm not a Baka!"

Rose: " Well you're acting like one!"

Momoi: " Saids the one wiping her blood with her hand!"

Rose: " Why are we yelling!??"

Momoi: " How am I supposed to know!?!"

As we kept on telling , we began to get our faces closer and closer to each other.

Rose: " Well you started it!"

Momoi: " Did not!"

We both looked at eachother and began laughing.

Momoi: " Wow we're like little kids."

Rose: " Yea."

He then crouched down and pulled out a small napkin he had in his pocket, crouching down to be at the same eye level as me.

Rose: " You had that the whole time?"

Momoi: " No, I just went to the kitchen and got it."

Rose: " Oh..."

Momoi: " See you're the baka."

He chuckles as he wipes the blood off the back of my hand and my face next. I blush lightly as I notice how close our faces are to eachother.

Momoi: " Hm?"

He raises an eyebrow has he looks at me. I then feel my cheeks burning even more then before.

(I think he noticed me blushing! 0_0)

Rose: "..."

Momoi: " Something the matter?"

Rose: " N-No..."

Momoi: " Ok, im done."

He smiles softly as he kisses my cheek. I feel my heart beating fast when I notice his smile turn into a smirk.

Rose: "..."

Momoi: " I'm gonna go make some waffles."

He gets up and turns around, walking towards the door.

Rose: " Ok."

I hear him chuckling lowly and saying a few words.

Momoi: " You're still blushing."

Hearing that just made my face burn. I then cover my blushing face with my hands.

Rose: "..."

I peak through my fingers a bit and notice him turning his head slightly to my direction.

Momoi: " Cute."

He then walks out of the room and close the door. I then lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling blankly.


Rose: " I love being with you...but your parents don't approve me..."

I roll to my right planting my face on the bed as I sigh.

(Momoi...what will happen to us..?)

After a few minutes I got up and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and threw on the first thing I saw on. I walked down the hall , to the kitchen.

Rose: " Mmm it smells good..."

Momoi: " Of course it does, I made it."

I roll my eyes playfully as I sit on a chair infront of the counter. He then places a plate of waffles infront of me. I look at it and smirk.

Rose: " Pretty simple don't you think?"

Momoi: " That's because I'm not done yet."

Rose: " Oh really?"

Momoi: " Shhhh stop talking."

Rose: " You're so rude!"

I glare at him as he puts whipped cream ontop with hot chocolate fudge on my waffles."

Momoi: " But you like it."

He saids as he winks at me and puts a strawberry on the top of the whipped cream.

Rose: "..."

I blush lightly then roll my eyes as he chuckles.

Momoi: " Eat up."

He sits next to me and starts digging in his food. I slowly start eating mine.

Momoi: " What's wrong?"

Rose: " What do you mean?"

Momoi: " You're eating slowly, it's not like you."

Rose: "hm?"

Momoi: " What's wrong?"

I slowly look at momoi.

Rose: " Momoi..."

Momoi: " Yea?"

Rose: " What's gonna happen now..?"

Momoi: " Huh?"

Rose: " You know... The shop..."

Momoi: " Oh...yea..."

He sets down his fork and knife as he looks down.

Rose: "..."

Momoi: " I'm gonna do what ever it takes to get it back."

My eyes widen while he grinds his teeth and punches the counter top. He then looks up at me and smiles.

Rose: " Momoi..."

Momoi: " I promise."

Rose: " I believe in you..."

Momoi: " I know you do, that's one of the things I love about you."

Rose: " Really..?"

Momoi: " Yea."

He leans over to me and kisses my cheek.

Momoi: " Well I'm heading out."

He gets up and throws his jacket over his shoulder.

Rose: " Where are you going?"

Momoi: " To get the shop back."

Rose: " You really think you can convince them?"

Momoi: " Do you believe in me?"

Rose: " Yes."

Momoi: " Then that's my answer."

I smile at his as he walks towards the door. He waves a bit and opens the door, walking out them closing it. I sigh and play with my food.

Rose: " I have a bad feeling about this..."

Well I finally updated! XD sorry for being late but I'm doing my best to keep on going. I hope you all liked this chapter and there might be a few suprises in the next chapter just wait and see. hehe



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