Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus...

By BeckySmolder

513K 9.9K 4K

Allison Lockwood, the older sister of Tyler Lockwood, returns to Mystic Falls after spending four years in Ca... More

Brotherhood of The Five
Obtaining the Sword
Dinner Date with Klaus
A Day in New Orleans
The Winter Wonderland
Kol's Death
Making Things Official
Klaus is Free
Saving Hayley
Expression Triangles
Back in New Orleans
Rebekah Visits
Meeting Marcel
Plan B is War
Carol and Tyler Visit
Bayou Bar Distraction
Unlinking Spell
Klaus in Combat
To New Orleans
The Bar Attack
Casket Girls Parade
Four Elements, Four Stages
Mystic Falls Reunion
Saving Rebekah
Werewolf House Party
Magic Dreams
The Opera House
Rebekah's Trial
A Party for Peace
Feast of Blessings
The Bayou Attack
Dreaming of Mikael
Moonlight Rings
Esther's Decree
Home Town Comfort
Fighting for Family
Mystic Falls Return
The Wedding
10 Years Later
More Stories By Me

The Baby's Blood

9.8K 221 50
By BeckySmolder

Chapter Eighteen

I woke up in a confined area. It was dark and I was very uncomfortable. I began spazzing out a bit, noticing my hands were tied together. What in the hell? Why me? I realized I was in a trunk of a car, it felt like I was we were moving.

I began panicking and kicked at the back windshield. I kept doing it until it cracked a bit. The car swerved before it came to a sudden stop. Before I knew it the whole windshield was broken and glass went everywhere. The door was open and I began kicking at the person. I heard a groan before the words, "Seriously?" came out.

I gasped and looked at the familiar face, "Tyler?"

"I'm sorry. I can't let you be with Klaus or have his baby. Klaus doesn't get to win," he said, tugging me out the car.

"Let me go! Are you crazy?" I shouted. "I thought you were happy for me."

"I tried to be, but I can't stop hating him. I love you and everything but this baby will only cause havoc in the world," he said, tossing me over his shoulder. I bit my lip, trying to pound on his back with my hands together.

"I fucking hate you! Klaus is going to kill you," I grumbled. I don't care if he's my brother. I was pregnant and my baby meant the world to me and Klaus...he meant so much to me.

"Shut up!" Tyler roared. I bit my tongue and tried to think of ways to get myself out of this situation as he carried me somewhere. I didn't have my phone on me. Last night after 'fun time' with Klaus we took a shower and I slipped on leggings and one of Klaus' long sleeve shirts. That's all I had on and socks too, but no shoes. Anyways, I had no pockets, therefore no phone on me. God, all I wanted was Klaus. I need him to come save me. And I mean now.


"What is this place?" I asked my brother when he sat me down infront of some little cottage home.

"The armpit of Louisiana," Tyler said and the pulled out a knife.

"What are you gonna do with that?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Nothing, yet," he shrugged.

"I'm your sister, Tyler!" I yelled.

"I know. And your with the enemy. He's a psycho--"

"He hasn't kidnapped me or planned to use a knife on me," I retorted and he clenched his jaw. "Now what do you want? You're not going to be able to kill Klaus."

"Yeah, but this baby, it's a mistake. You can have kids with someone else, but I cannot let this hybrid baby be born."

"What? Tyler, no. Not my baby. No!" I shouted as he called for some guy.

"Get her inside," Tyler instructed and some guy, named Dwayne apparently dragged me inside the cottage. I groaned in annoyance and found myself being tied to some sort of table or dresser thing, where I waited for awhile.


Dwayne had left so I sat alone, struggling to get loose. I wanted to go home. I tugged with one hand from the dresser thing that I was tied to. My other hand, rubbed my stomach. It wasn't that flat but there still wasn't a bump yet.

The door creaked and I looked to see Tyler. I gulped and bit my lip. I didn't want to be here. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Tyler, let me go," I pleaded as he rummaged through a bag.


"Tyler, Klaus and his siblings care about me and this baby. They're going to protect us. If you hurt me, they will kill you," I warned.

"What makes you think I'm afraid to die?" He asked. I scoffed, ready to call him an idiot when again the door creaked open, Dwayne stepping inside. "You ready for this?" Tyler asked him.

"Let's do it," Dwayne answered, he walked towards me just as I caught the glimpse of something in Tyler's hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, panicked. Dwayne held me back by my free hand. I had just been thankful both hands weren't together anymore since one kept me rooted to this spot. But now I was still at a disadvantage with him holding me back.

I looked at my younger brother to see him holding a needle. "Tyler, please, no. Tyler!" I shouted as he stalked over to me.

"Klaus destroyed everything good in my life. So I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most," Tyler growled.

"No, please, Tyler, please," I begged. And then I was stabbed in the stomach. "Aah! Ow!" I cried. I looked down, fighting back tears as he held it there, taking out my blood. Seconds went by and then he pulled it out and stood up. Dwayne walked over to him while I was hyperventilating at this point.

Tyler then shoved the needle into his neck before snapping it, killing him. I gasped and hugged my knees to my chest, sobbing softly. I want to go home, right now. I wanted to be in bed with Klaus, in his arms, talking baby names.

"Don't get all judgey. Dwayne knew what he was getting into. He volunteered," Tyler said, dragging Dwayne to a corner of the room by the door.

"For you to kill him?" I choked out.

"Dwayne is a werewolf who died with your blood in his system, same blood you share with your hybrid baby."

"You're trying to turn him," I figured out, gaping at him in disbelief. Tyler has lost his mind. Like seriously. "That's impossible."

"Been running with wolf packs all over the country. One of them was tight with a witch. She had nightmare visions about your baby and how Klaus could use it's blood to make an army of hybrid slaves," Tyler explained, putting things back into his duffel bag.

"I am sick of these witches and their premonitions about my baby," I said through clenched teeth. I was beyond aggravated. Couldn't people just leave me alone?! "It's just a baby."

"Maybe. Maybe not," Tyler said and I frowned, shaking my head. I didn't want to cry but I could feel the tears coming on. I just wanted to go home. "That's where Dwayne comes in. You see, he was happy to be the test case. Him and the rest of the exiled werewolves of New Orleans would love to become the superior species. Trouble is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus. They follow his every move. No way I'd let that happen."

He then took a knife out of the bag. No. Fuck no! He sat the knife down on a chair and I gulped, looking away from it. "How can you be so sure Klaus knows what the baby's blood will do?" I questioned.

"What do you think? Klaus Mikaelson, killer of men, women, and puppies, all of a sudden wants to be a daddy, and in a relationship with my sister or he's got an ulterior motive," he said and I gaped at him. "Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week, and you know what's gonna stop Klaus then? Nothing."

I shook my head at him. No. I trusted Klaus. He didn't know, how could he? Klaus cared about me, I knew that for sure. He shows it every day. Klaus wasn't sticking around for the baby because it could make hybrids supposedly. He chose to be by my side no matter what, and I happened to get pregnant with his baby. That's all.

My eyes darted over to the guy sitting up, since he was a panting mess. Dwayne was awake, how fortunate. "You're gonna have to feed on her," Tyler stated.

"What? No!" I protested. Tyler made quick moves and grabbed a knife, cutting me on the neck. "Aah!" I shouted, crying in pain.

"Do it," Tyler ordered, stepping back. Dwayne crawled over and I whimpered in fear. No! Please, God, no. And then he bit me. "Aah! No! Get off," I pleaded, shoving at his chest.

He eventually pulled back and began freaking out. Tyler got him out the cottage and I noticed the knife on the floor. I ignored the boys talking outside and reached for the knife with my free hand but it was just barely out of my reach. I grunted and looked to find the end of a wooden chair I believe. I hid it behind me and waited, taking deep breaths. I brought my hand to my sore neck, I could feel something wet. It was blood but the wound healed, thank you my miracle baby.

"It worked didn't it? He's a hybrid," I said as Tyler came back in minutes later.

"If Klaus gets a hold of you, if he gets that kid, he wins," Tyler said.

"Then he doesn't need to know, I won't tell him, " I suggested. I wasn't losing my baby. No way in hell.

"Klaus will use that kid and make slaves who do everything he says," Tyler muttered, grabbing the knife on the floor and stalking towards me.

"Tyler, whatever you're thinking of doing, there has to be another way. You're not like this," I said, reaching for the piece of wood. He stepped closer and quickly I stabbed him in the stomach. He grunted and then pulled it out, "That was stupid!"

"Get away from her," Dwayne said, coming inside the cottage now.

"What do you care?" Tyler asked, turning to face him.

"I said, get away."

"You got what you wanted. Now get lost," Tyler demanded, walking over to him and away from me, thankfully. I bit my lip, nervous, but I had an idea. Dwayne wanted to protect me all of a sudden. Klaus could sire hybrids, why can't our baby? Maybe Dwayne is sired to me.

"Dwayne, he's gonna kill me," I blurted out, hoping he'd continue defending me. I just needed to test this out. "And he's gonna kill you too. He said hyrbids are too dangerous to live. You need to stop him," I added, giving him more incentive to attack Tyler, to keep my crazy brother from killing my baby.

"Shut up!" Tyler screamed at me, turning to face me and Dwayne attacked him from behind, throwing himm across the room. I listened to their struggle as I moved and grabbed the knife again on the floor, but this time way closer. I quickly grabbed it and cut myself loose. I got up and ran just as Tyler was getting the upperhand.

I sneaked out of the place and ran as far as I could. I wasn't fast by all means but I had a head start. Plus he'd take a moment to realize I was gone before coming after me. I ran for awhile until I got a bit tired. I pressed my bcak to a tree, trying to calm my racing heart. I panted again and again and held my breath as I heard a twig snap. Or something of the sort.

I clenched the knife tightly in my hand for a second, closing my eyes to brace myself. I then moved around it quickly, ready to hurt someone with it when all of a sudden they caught my hand. I breathed a sigh of relief seeing Elijah. "Forgive me. I thought you were in danger, I guess I was mistaken," he said and I hugged him, dropping the knife.

I was safe. I held himm tightly, calming down slightly. I pulled away and looked at him, frowning in confusion. "Where's Klaus?" I asked him.

"He was with me. We got into a small arguement and he went a different way."

"Ugh, can you call him?" I asked. He nodded, handing me his phone. I called Klaus and he answered thankfully.

"What, Elijah?" Klaus growled.

"Babe?" I gasped.

"Allie. Where are you? Where's and Elijah?"

"I'm with Elijah. Please come get me," I begged.

"Thank God you're safe now, love. I need to go handle some things with your brother. I'm at this little hut thing. Meet me here."

"Klaus," I whispered.

"I'll try my best to fight the urge to kill him," Klaus said and I sighed.

"I'm coming now," I replied.

"Okay, love," he said. I hung up and gave the phone back to Elijah. On the walk to meet Klaus, I told him what I found out. The baby could make Klaus more hybrids. And then I told him how Dwayne seemed to be sired to me. Elijah asked if I believed Klaus knew that the baby could make hybrids. I told him that I knew for a fact Klaus didn't know.

"Allie," Klaus sighed in relief, rushing to me and hugging me. I smiled and held him tightly, loving his arms around me. I was safe. "I mean it this time, I'm never leaving you alone," he said and I giggled.

"Never leave my side," I begged, kissing his lips. His hands darted to my stomach, feeling the soon to be bump.

"I'll try not to," he said and I smiled, pecking his lips again. "Baby, I need you to explain something to me." I frowned as he pulled away. He walked over to where Dwayne's body sat, dead, leaning against a pole. "This would appear to be the body of a hybrid," he stated, kicking Dwayne's body to the floor.

"Yeah, about that. Um, his name was Dwayne."

"Well, whoever he was, I didn't sire him," Klaus frowned, crossing his arms. "Any idea how that's possible?"

"Stop being all business like. Come hold me," I pouted and he dropped his arms, sighing. I ran over to him, jumping in his arms. He luckily caught me and I wrapped my legs and arms around him tightly.

"Our baby sired him," I whispered to him and he raised his eyebrows. "Tyler was here to test a theory that our baby could sire hybrids. He swore you knew and wanted to make an army. I know you didn't though," I told him, kissing him on the forehead.

"And do you, Elijah, think I knew this?" Klaus asked, looking over my shoulder. I looked back to see him and he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Klaus, stop," I warned him and he put me down.

"You believe Tyler Lockwood?" Klaus scoffed at his brother. "I mean, why else would I have any interest in my own flesh and blood," then there was sarcasm. "How quickly you assume the worse."

"Oh, stop it. You do things for your own selfish pursuit. And what was it you once said, 'every king needs an heir'," Elijah retorted and I frowned.

"My big brother, so you doubt my intentions. Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Standing beside the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother--a liar, a manipulator, a bastard?" Klaus said, walking over so he was face to face with his brother. "That's all I am to you, isn't it, and to Rebekah. But unfortunate for you, Allison doesn't believe so. She's on my side and she's mine. Mine."

"Klaus, stop it. Elijah and I are just friends. He got back two days ago! And prior to that you were always there when me and him were in the same place," I interrupted.

"You may think that," Klaus told me and I scoffed, folding my arms.

"Brother if I-" Elijah began.

"We've said all that needs to be said," Klaus cut him off, pointing in his face and grabbing his shoulder. "Brother."

"Let him go," I ordered. Klaus smirked, putting both hands up in surrender taking two steps away from his brother. "I'll play the role I've been given," Klaus told Elijah. In less than a second Klaus flashed to his side and bit him in the neck.

"Klaus!" I shreiked. Elijah fell to the floor and I ran over. I helped him up and Klaus grabbed me rather roughtly. "Consider that bite my parting gift to you," Klaus said, pulling me away.

"What? No!" I shouted. He picked me up bridal style and silenced me. I groaned and kept my mouth shut as he carried me home.


I sat on the couch in the living room while Klaus stared out the window, having a drink. I had my arms folded and a blanket covering my legs. I was giving Klaus the silence treatment. He shut me up everytime I brought up going back for Elijah. Now, when he wants to spoil me I was refusing. I was angry with him. I didn't want his kisses or to talk about random crap. I wanted him to go save his brother who is alone without anyone to help him.

"I thought you were leaving us," Klaus said, putting his drink down. I furrowed my brows and saw Rebekah enter the room. She was going to leave, while I was kidnapped. I wasn't getting a goodbye.

"We both know this family could barely function without me. Where's Elijah?" She asked, walking over to stand a few feet behind him.

"I left him in the bayou."


"Elijah and I had a bit of a row. Ha, ha! So one thing led to another, and I bit him. And I left him in the swamp."

"Daggering, biting, deserting. Does your wickedness ever end?" Rebekah asked, now sitting down. I looked at my boyfriend with raised eyebrows.

"My wickedness is self-preservation, and I wouldn't have to go to such lengths were I not beset on all sides by incompetence and treachery. Now that Elijah has abandoned me, I'll be needing you in my plot against Marcel," Klaus said. "Don't expect to be leaving town any time soon."

"Why should I help you after what you did to Elijah?" She asked. Klaus had turned around to put his glass with the drinks, refilling it, and when she said that he turned around abruptly.

"Besides, who better to spy on Marcel than the girl he so clearly loves? You can tell me all his secrets, like how did he find us here? Any idea about that, little sister?" Klaus asked, sitting on the coffee table infront of her and proceeding with taking a sip of his whiskey.

"How should I know why Marcel does what he does?"

"You think I don't know about your engineered run-ins all over the quarter. I know you've had private chats with him so just tell me what secrets he's confided to you. Is he plotting against me?" He asked and I bit my lip. I was worried about Klaus right now. He seemed to be on edge and that wasn't healthy.

"My poor brother, so paranoid. Marcel knows nothing. He is not plotting against you. He simply believes you are in a quarrel in need of making up," she answered.

"Perhaps we will. After all, you know I'm capable of forgiving those who disappoint me as soon as they've seen the errors of their ways and suffered from them. You'd do well to remember that," he warned, putting his glass away.

"You never let me forget," Rebekah muttered.

"Join me, Allie. Unless you want to betray me like everyone else. I mean, Elijah is stuck in the bayou you can join him. Or join Rebekah in her hate for me and her suspicious behavior with Marcel," Klaus said, leaving the room.

I sighed, looking at Rebekah. I got up and headed after my paranoid boyfriend. I ran up to our bedroom and pushed him onto our bed, climbing on top of him afterwards. "Would you stop being a baby. I don't like Elijah. I will never betray you. I am yours, forever, and ever. I'm on your side, I promise you that. And I will always forgive you," I said, kissing him passionately.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Now for crying out loud, stop doubting me. And how much you are worth. Stop being so damn paranoid."

"I have to be," he said and I sighed.

"Well, for right now. I want you and only you. And I want you to want me, no thinking about stressful situations. Just us, right now," I stated and he nodded.

"Okay. What do you want to do?" He asked and I smirked.

"I had a rough night. A crappy day. And I just want my boyfriend to rock my world," I whispered seductively in his ear. He groaned and brought his lips to mine. I ran my hands down his chest, fumbling with the button on his jeans. I tugged them off him and then went his shirt.

My lips kissed down his chest, loving the sounds that came out of his mouth. I moved my lips back up to kiss him while my hands worked to pleasure his hardened member that was constricted in his boxers. "Fuck," he hissed and I smirked.

"Shh...Rebekah is here," I told him and he scoffed, flipping me onto my back and pleasuring me. And I was not at all quiet or even remotely close. I'd never get tired of sex with Klaus. It was so damn good.

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