Bonnie x Lilly part 2

By tomboyfoxgirl

16 0 0

Lilly and Bonnie have been to together for a while and decide to go on a couple crews. Find out what happens... More

Bonnie x lilly

16 0 0
By tomboyfoxgirl

Bonnie's POV
It was finally fall, they say it's the coldest it's ever been me and Mac some how got sick I refused to say I was sick and Max did to but that didn't turn out so well. We both had gotten the flew and the doctor said it was the worst he's ever seen "your burning up, have you took the aspirin." I shook my head yes I was feeling horrible "mommy I don't feel good." Max walked in he had on shorts and a shirt he was burning up to "come here baby." She picked him up and sat him in her lap and put her cheek to his "your burning up to." She rubbed his hair "my poor boys aren't feeling good." She handed me Max and folded out the couch bed "why don't you two sleep here while I go get some medicine for you two." She said as she helped me up to the bed. She wrote down some numbers and sat it on the coffee table next to me "if you need me you can call me or sugar or the others." She said as she go her back and coat and kissed me on the forehead "I don't want you getting sick by kissing me." She laughed a bit "just cause you two are sick doesn't mean I'm not gonna kiss you." She said as she walked over and kissed max who was asleep "I'll be back in a bit." And with that she left.

Lilly's POV
It was freezing out here I didn't have a car yet still so just walked to the pharmacy. Once I got there I went straight to the cold medicine and went to the check out line "Lilly is that you!?" I turned around to see a face I thought I'd nerve see "hey bonbon!" I hugged him and took the change for the medicine "what bring you here." He looked to be getting the same thing as me "well Bonnie and Max got real bad sick and wouldn't admit it when it wasn't bad and when it got real bad is when he did." He laughed a bit "that's Bonnie for ya, mangle got a cold so we decided to take care of it while it's not that bad." We walked out "well I gotta walk back." I said putting the medicine in my bag "nonsense I'll drive you over there." I looked at him "are you sure I don't want to be a bother to anyone." He put a arm on my shoulders "no you won't." We walked it the car and drove to my house. Once we got there bonbon stayed to help take care of Bonnie and Max "thanks for helping me." I said as I unlocked the door "no problem." We walked in and they had blankets covering them and eating soup "hey mommy." Sugar must have came and made soup we walked in all the way bonbon closed the door. Bonnie gave bonbon a death look "hey red nose." Bonbon said teasing Bonnie "okay you two." I said as I walked over to Bonnie and felt his forehead "your burring up still." I got out the medicine and read the back to see how much to give him "here take this." I handed him the grape medicine. He looked at it funny and poured it in his mouth "ack!" He handed me the empty cup "ugh that's disgusting." I kissed him on the fore head "you'll get use to it." I got up and got some for Max he seemed to take it better that Bonnie "wow a kid it able to take it better than you Bon." Bonnie looked at bonbon like he was killing him in his mind "don't call me that.." Bonnie said in a angry tone "okay you guys if you don't get along you or you'll be leaving and you'll be sent to another room." They both kept quiet. A little while later me and sugar had finished making supper "hey Lilly can you put this up there?" I shook my head yes and hoped on top of the stool I didn't like doing this cause I was scared of highs I got it up the and it wobbled. I slipped but someone caught me I opened my eyes to see bonbon "uh thanks." I said as I got down "your welcome." I helped Bonnie to the table and we ate. Later bonbon left to go home sugar took him home as she went home Bonnie couldn't go up the steps so I took Max to his room to sleep and slept down stairs with Bonnie. I snuggled up close to him but enough room to were he wouldn't get l hot "Lilly?" I looked up at him "do you like bonbon better than me?" I gave him a confused look "what makes you say that?" He looked away "I don't know it just seems like you like him better." I hugged him "I love you better your sweet and kind and your not conceded about your looks." I said laughing about the last part "I love you two." He said as he pulled me closer to his chest. The next morning Bonnie seemed to be felling a little better, the others came over "how you feeling dude." Freddy asked he shrugged a bit "better I guess nose is still stuffy." He said nuzzling my neck "so you two going out tonight?" Chica asked we looked at her confused "what do you mean?" Bonnie asked her foxy rolled his eyes "the lass was wondering when ye two were going to have a little one..." Both of our face heated up "why would you ask that!?" Chica skipped over to us "cause I was to be a aunt." Chica said giving us puppy eyes Bonnie looked at me I rolled my eyes "we'll think of it." Chica jumped in joy. Max walked down the stairs he must have just woke up "mommy..." I walked over to him "what's wrong sweetie?" He hugged me "I'm tired..." I picked him up "well that usually happens when you getting rid of a cold." I told him rubbing his back. The phone ran Chica picked it up "hello?" She handed me the phone "for you." She seemed annoyed "hello?" It was bonbon "uh hey um can you come down mangle isn't doing so well." He seemed worried "okay I'll be over in a bit okay." I told him "okay thanks Lilly." He hung up I hung up the called Agwa "yellow!" Agwa said cheerfully "hey Agwa can you come down and take care of Max and Bonnie for me while I go out." She laughed a bit in the background "yeah I'll be over there will all my doctor stuff okay." She said happily "okay Agwa thanks Agwa." I kissed Max and handed him to Bonnie "hey Max how you feeling?" Max just nuzzled his head into his dad's chest I kissed Bonnie and got my coat and bag "Agwa should be here in a bit to take care of you guys while your gone okay I'll be back later." I walked out the door " and of course if was super cold. I finally got to there house and was surprised. This house was huge I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Someone opened the door it was chichi (toy Chica) "hello?- Lilly!" She let me in "bonbon called me." She looked at me and smiled "he's in his room." I looked at her confused but walked up the stairs and to a hall of doors on door had a guitar on it so I guessed it was his room I knocked on the door "come in." I heard I walked in "you said mangle wasn't feeling better?" He rubbed his neck "well...I wanted you to come over so we could get to know each other better without Bonnie puppy guarding you." He looked at the floor "you could've said that, I know Bonnie puppy guards me all the time but he has his reasons." He looked at me "so um do you want to sit down." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him "so what do you want to talk about?" I asked him "I was hoping we could just talk." He seemed so nervous "okay."
I said laughing a bit we talked for a while then there was a knock on the door we both walked down and opened the door it was Bonnie "Bonnie what are you doing here?" Bonbon said Bonnie gave him a death look "where's Lilly?" Bonnie said angry yet annoyed I walked out from behind the door "Bonnie what are you doing here your supposed to be home in bed, why did Agwa let you out." He didn't have a jacket on or anything I brought him in and gave him my jacket and wrapped my arms around him trying to warm him up he was shivering badly "she didn't really let me out I kinda climbed out the window." He said wrapping his arms around he "Bonnie!"

Bonnie's POV
Lilly didn't seem to happy "well you came here." She looked at me frustrated "cause I can hardly talk to him without you arguing with him." I looked away "we're going to have to go sorry bonon." she hugged him he hugged her back "hope you can come back some other time." He said smiling. Lilly walked out I tried taking off the jacket to give it to her but she stopped me "you need a jacket your the sick one." She put the jacket back on me and zipped it up "but I don't want you getting sick." I said looking at her worried "we're not that far from the house okay." She kissed me on the lips and we continued to walk home and we finally got there Lilly walked in and Agwa ran up to Lilly "Lilly Bonnie's gone-" she seen me standing behind he "WHAT HOW DID YOU GET OUT!" She ran up to me "I climbed out the window in the bathroom." Agwa looked like she was about to rip my head off " she face palmed "Bonnie you can't be puppy guarding her all the time like that!..." She seemed aggravated "she loves you and you love her but she needs her space and you need yours." Agwa walked back to the kitchen and finished making cookies with Max. I walked up to the bed room Lilly followed I laid down on the bed I was freezing Lilly sat her stuff down and got some close "I'm gonna take a shower you get some sleep." I grabbed her and rolled her to were she was laying on my chest "and if I don't." She pulled a bit in my bunny ear "ouch." She kissed me on the forehead "you'll be in trouble, okay now your sick and you need sleep." She got up and walked into the bathroom I laid down and covered up....I woke up the shower was off so I guessed Lilly was out I walked down stairs and no one was there "Lilly!...Max!" No one was here I got my coat and Walked out I walked to bonbons house knowing he probably wanted Lilly to come back over but wouldn't she have told me or something? I though I got to his house and knocked on the door Lilly answer "what are you doing here?" She looked at me confused "didn't I tell you I'm staying here now." I felt my heart burst "w-what?" Bonbon walked up to her and put a hand around her waist "yeah she decided she wanted me instead." He smiled and closed the door I turned around and ran home as I was running I fell...I jumped up sweating and painting "it- it was all a dr-dream." I woke up Lilly "you okay?" She looked at me worried I hugged her tight.

Lilly's POV
I felt him crying on my shoulder "it's okay it was just a dream, what was it about?" I asked him "I woke up and you had left me to be with bonbon." He started to cry even more. I hugged him even tighter "I would never do that to you okay." He shook his head okay and I kissed him on the forehead and we both laid back down he snuggled into my chest and we both fell sleep. The next morning I woke up around 7 to 8 I walked down stairs to make breakfast and soon almost everyone woke up.

Bonnie's POV
Lilly woke me up by putting arm to my forehead "are you sure your okay your burning up and you slept almost all day." She seemed worried "yeah I'm fine." She looked really nervous I got up and got dress I almost fell a couple of times but just thought that was cause I slept most of the day the pizzeria was gonna open again soon since they were almost done fixing the place up a bit we walked down stairs and once we got to the end I nearly fell again "Bonnie!" She screamed and ran over to me "I'm okay I'm okay." I said as I got up but had trouble walking I felt dizzy I think Lilly could tell "that's it I'm taking you to the doctor." She said but before we got to the door my vision got dark and passed out.

Maxs POV
I looked over to see that my daddy had passed out I ran over to him and mommy ran over to the phone and was about to call but there was a knock on the door I opened it. It was bonbon he froze mom ran over to him and they started talking I didn't pay attention to them but then bonbon and mommy picked him up and took him to the car I stayed on the floor I was scared that something bad was gonna happen to daddy and that was gonna make Lilly go crazy like my last mom did.

Lilly's POV
I laid him in the back seat and hoped in with him his head was laying on my lap we drove quickly to the hospital and made it some ladies came out and say him on a stretcher and took him to a room me and bonbon had to stay out side. I felt my heart sink I was scared I was gonna lose him or something worse happen to him I felt a tear fall down my face.

Bonbons POV
I was sitting next to Lilly I put a hand on the side of her head and pulled her head to were it was laying on my shoulder "don't worry Lilly it'll be fine okay." She shook her head okay I could still tell she was scared. A couple minutes passed and she had fell sleep the doctors had no idea what was wrong with him and wouldn't let us in until they found out. I liked Having this time to spend with Lilly I really did the doctor walked out and looked at me "*sigh* we can't find anything wrong with him that super serious, you two can go see him if you'd like he's awake now if you need someone to stay then just tell us okay." He walked off I picked Lilly up bridal style and carried her into the room. Bonnie gave me a death look I laid her down on the couch "what did you do?" I looked at him confused "nothing, she fell asleep." He rolled his eyes at me I sat her down on the couch and took off my jacket and laid it over her. And walked and sat in the wooden chair "don't think you helping me will get me to like you." I rolled my eyes and sighed "look I really like her I really do, but you two are together and there's nothing I can do."

Bonnie's POV
I was surprised by what he said but then felt bad "but then why are you always a jerk to me?" He smiled "cause it gets on your nerves." I gave him an annoyed look. Lilly started to wake up she look at me and got up and walked over to me and laid on the bed with me she nuzzled up close to me she seemed cold. "Are you cold?" I asked wrapping my arms around her "just a little..."  I pulled the blankets up to cover her up. I heard a know on the door "hey guys." It was Chica she walked in and Freddy and foxy followed behind "hey guys what are you doing here?" Chica sat on a chair next to me "we just wanted to see how you were doing." Lilly rose her head up and her eyes widen "where's max!?" Foxy smiled "don't worry we got Goldie to watch him." She laid back down with a sigh of relief I could feel her heart slow down from the panic I kissed her on the top of her head. Chica tapped on my arm "so would you two go on a romantic crews of you were able to." I looked at Lilly "mmm... I rather go to a beach or something." She never really did like going on cruises "well we were deciding to get you two a romantic cruise or a romantic beach trip, and since Lilly has decided you two are going to the beach." Freddy said I looked at him confused "what?" Foxy rolled his eyes "the lass wants to get ye two to go off and spend time together." I rolled my eyes and turned around and laid down I could tell Lilly was already sleep "guys were probably not going to have a kid." Bonbon walked in front of me "aww why not." He said in a teasing tone "we're not okay that's that." I said closing my eye a nurse walked in "do you already have someone staying but he's fine so you can take him home if you want." I woke Lilly up "mmmmm..." I knew the poor thing was tired it was getting late "hey honey we can go home now." I stand up luckily they didn't change my close co I was still in my purple button up shirt and my black pants and purple converses I picked Lilly up and got her on my back so I was giving her a piggyback ride. Once we got home I laid her on the couch and Max ran over to me hugging my leg "ARE YOU OKAY DADDY YOUR NOT GOING TO LEAVE ME ARE YOU!?" I hugged him back "Max I'm okay, the doctor couldn't find anything." I wiped his tears away Max looked at Lilly "is mommy okay?" She rose up "yeah baby I'm fine." She said smiling and bending down beside me "and you know what." He wiped his eye and looked at Lilly "what."  She looked at me and smiled and then looked back at max "your dads to stubborn to die." My eyes went wide Max smiled Lilly stood up and began to make somethings for supper luckily it was just us for once. I walked over to Lilly "in not stubborn." I said hugging her from behind with my hands around her waist. "You are to stubborn." She said as she tried to reach for something in the cabinet "your going to have to let go so I can get the Mac and cheese." I shook my head no "see you are stubborn." She said trying to look at me "Max come help me capture your mother!" He came running and he grabbed hold of her legs "okay if you two don't want anything to eat I'm okay with it save me money on food." Me and Max looked at each other and let go she laughed. Supper was finally finished we had something easy and quick so we had Mac and cheese with tatertotts. We talk for a bit but it starts to get really late so we head to bed. I tuck Max in and head to my room and lay down beside Lilly "hey Lilly?" She turned around "mm?" I looked at her "do you think we can go to the beach you know just the two of us." She looked at me for a moment "sure but let's get details about it first okay." I smiled and shook my head okay I kissed Lilly good night and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning Lilly was already up so I walked down to see her and Chica talking Freddy and foxy was playing a video game Max was either still asleep or playing in his room I walked over to Lilly and Chica "so have you talked to her?" I asked Lilly "yeah." I smiled and sat down "the beach trip is private for each couple it doesn't coast that much and me and the guys have the money ready cause we really want you two to go." I looked at Lilly "okay when are we going?" She looked at the thing "well if I call and pay now you two can go this Friday." I shook my head okay I fixed me some coffee Chica got the phone and called the people. Try told Chica that they pick up the couple witch was good cause we don't have a car. We talked the rest of the day.

Time skip Friday 7:20

Lilly's POV
I was super excited to go on the trip but yet really nervous we will be gone for about 6 to 7 weeks I was exited but nervous to I wasn't sure how I felt. I had my bag packed and brought it down stairs "you ready?" I looked at Bonnie "I guess I am?" I said with a smile he looked at me concerned "you sure you want to go cause we don't have to if you don't want to." I smiled and hugged him "I'm fine okay." Max was still asleep but we gave him good by kisses. We walked out side and the car was ready it looked really fancy the man opened the door for us and  we hopped in. It was a comfy car once Bonnie hopped in I laid my head down on his chest "you excited?" I shook my head yes. It felt like it took forever to get there but it was all worth it once we got there it was nice and warm but the water was a little cold so we mainly walked on the beach. We plaid some games that were in to room. Once it got later we put on our best close and went to eat. The rest of the trip we went sight seeing and went and looked at some gift shop. On our last day there we got Max something and went on a tour.

Freddy's POV
Me and foxy had to babysit Max while Chica made welcome home supper. We heard a car pull up it was the toys I guess Chica invited them. Foxy answered the door "hey lass." Foxy hugged kiera, kiera was Lillys sister who helped watched max. I was surprised did anyone know they were dating? "Since when have you two been dating?" Chica asked foxy smiled and looked at her "we've been dating for a while now, just didn't tell he ye." Foxy said sitting on the couch with kiera. me and Max were playing chest and he was winning I didn't know how good he was. Chichi ran over to him and hugged him "hey chichi." He said his face was being smashed against hers "hey chichi can you help me with the cake?" Chica asked from the kitchen chichi walked in there bonbon and Fredrick sat on the couch watching us "hey can I challenge him after you Freddy?" Fredrick asked "yeah but be ready to be beat." I said smiling. After a while we heard another car pull up we turned out all the light and hid "here you go." Bonnie said as he opened the door for Lilly they walked in and sat there bags down near the door. Bonnie turned on the light and we jumped out and yelled surprise they both jumped "hey guys." Bonnie said waving Max ran over to Lilly "hey kiddo." She picked him up but she looked like she was in pain when she did "Lilly you need to be careful." Bonnie said concerned, she looked at him and sat Max down and handed him a pulse dog "thank you mommy!" He hugged it they walked to the table and we all sat down and are they told us all about it they seems to have had fun there.

Chichis POV
Chica was tucking Max in to bed. I was down stairs with Lilly the boys was in the guys room watching tv and talking about something I was talking to Lilly. "Ugh *gasp*" Lilly had her elbow on the counter bent over holding her stomach she looked as if she was in pain "are you okay?" She shook her head yes "yeah I'm fine just ugh..." She dashed as quick as she could to the bath room and threw up I was getting nervous and ran down stairs.

Foxys POV
Chichi ran down the stairs the lass had a panic look  on her face "what's wrong chichi?" Bonnie asked concerned "it's Lilly somethings wrong." We all ran up there to see Lilly was in the bath room throwing up Bonnie ran to her side "are you okay." He moved her hair away "y-yeah..." She was breathing quickly "come on let's get you to the couch." Bonnie helped her up and brought her to the couch "what happen to the lass?" I asked as they sat down on the couch "she probably just ate to much." Bonnie said it kinda nervously. We decided to stay up here and play some video game just in case something happens again. Once it started to get really late we went home.

Lilly's POV
I was really tired Bonnie helped me my room. I got some close and changed in the bathroom and walked out and laid down on my bed laying on my back "is it okay." Bonnie asked concerned I shook my head yes "I think so." He rubbed my belly gently "I hope it's a girl." He said smiling I gave him a kiss "well let's just get some sleep." I told him as we bath went to sleep.

*time skip* may 23

Lilly's POV
I was home by myself with Max. I was putting things away and felt a sharp pain in my stomach I fell to the ground dropping the dishes I screamed in pain it hurt really bad I could feel my water break I tried to get the phone but could get it "Mommy!?" I heard Max run down "over here baby!" He ran over to me "what's wrong!?" I tried not to scream "just get the phone sweetie."

Max's POV
I grabbed the phone I could feel tear mommy started to scream again I grabbed the phone book I dialed the number of daddy's work place "hello?" It was mr.fazbear "please help my mommy is hurt! Please get daddy!" I felt my eyes water up "okay I'll get him to go over there." It was close to closing time I heard running and the door slammed open it didn't take him long to get here mommy was really hurt the ambulance got here right after he did "what's wrong with mommy!?" The hospital guys came in and sat her on a stretcher it seems to hurt her more when they picked her up Chica picked my up and took me to a separate car well it was the company van but daddy got in the ambulance with mommy. Once we got there I had to sit out side the room I could hear my mom screaming and people yelling. After a while everything was quite except for the doctors talking.

Bonnie's POV
The doctors told the others they could come in it was a girl she had purple hair and bunny ears like me but instead of red eyes she had Lilly's eyes and her noise. She was really cute the others came in and Chica ran over "let me see the cutie." She looked at the baby "aww, what's her name?" Chica asked Lilly looked at me "well why not Kate." She smiled "I like that." She looked at the baby "our little Kate."
We got home after a while Kate stayed quiet for a while she slept most of the day I let Bonnie hold her she wouldn't let go of his bow tie so he just let her have it she wouldn't let go of it the whole day. The next day Max wanted to go to Freddy's to see his new friends I took Kate with us so mr. Fazbear could see her. He surprisingly spotted us through the crowed of kids he walked over to us "I was wondering what happen to his bow tie." He said with a chuckle "yeah she don't want to let go of it." I had to make her wear a hat cause of the bunny ears even though she didn't want to wear it but didn't want anyone to see her bunny ears "so did she get his ears?" He asked I looked at him confused "he told me." I shook my head yes "I wanted to cover up her ears so no one would see them. Once the place was closed I took the hat off of Kate "hey baby girl." Bonnie said as he picked her up she giggled she was still holding on to his bow tie "I'm not getting this back anytime soon am I." Kate giggled some more. We headed out we walked to the toys house so they could see Kate. Bonnie wasn't to happy going there but he did anyway once we got there everyone was surprised to see us "hey guys!" Mangle said walking over "hey mangle, this is Kate say hi sweetie." Kate turned her head and hid it in the crook of my neck. "Don't be shy Kate." I said laughing a bit I sat Kate down bonbon walked in "oh hi Lilly!" He said cheerfully and walked over to us ur looked at Kate "hey there." He said chichi brought her and Max some cupcakes. We talked for a little bit and then Headed home. I put Kate up in her bed and tucked Max into bed and went to bed. I laid in the bed "hey Lilly?" I looked at Bonnie "yeah?" Are happy about Kate having my ears?" I looked at him with a warm smile "of course it wouldn't be Kate if she didn't have ears, and I think it's cute cause when I look at her it reminds me that she's going to me a miniature you." He smiled "I love you." He said as he kissed me on the forehead good night "I love you to." We both fell asleep.

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