The Alpha's Babies


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*BOOK 1 of the WEREWOLF SERIES* "You're pregnant" Chace stated. My eyes widened. Oh shit. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Book 2 Announcement!
Second Book Is Up & Running!

Chapter 42

14.4K 510 43

Sorry guys, have no idea why you couldn't see it before but here you go!

Just a heads up there are swear words in this chapter, so if you can't handle it don't read. Sorry.



Also this chapter was written on my phone so sorry if there are mistakes!



Lottie POV

Or at least I tried to.

For some odd and idiotic reason I couldn't shift.

I let out an animalistic growl, I was getting beyond frustrated with this.

Honestly, I can't believe I'm your wolf. You're being stupid.

My wolf snaps at me and I growl at her.

Oh yeah? Why is that?

I question her, wanting to know why.

First off, you can't shift because you waited too long... We're physically and mentally in no shape to shift. I hate to admit it but were weak at the moment. Secondly, the moment we do shift, we won't be able to shift back in time. We need to rest a bit more. Gain more strength and to do that you need to stop moving. Stop trying to escape it's wasting time and energy.

I let out a growl hating that idea. I can't just sit and wait while Rose is off doing god knows what.

For gods sake just listen!

My wolf growls getting impatient with me making me roll my eyes muttering for her to continue.

Listen. I know we don't have much time. But stop moving so much. I'm trying my best to heal you as fast as I can but I can't do that when you keep moving around making the chains tighten around us.

I let out a sigh nodding in agreement letting my head hang low. As much as I hate this right now it's the only option I have so we can survive longer.

Is there anything else I can do to help?

I ask her.

Yeah there is.

She replies and I wait for her to answer.

And? I ask getting impatient with her.

It's too shut up and let me concentrate.

She sneers and I growl at her lowly before doing what she says.

Closing my eyes, I wait.

Unknown POV

"Everything's going perfect" Rose grins making herself comfortable on my couch and I nod.

"Good" I reply.

"Mason is on his way. He'll be here in a few hours" She states.

"Perfect" I grin.

Rose gets up, walking over to me, sauntering towards me, she takes a seat on my lap wrapping her arms around my neck, I settle a hand on her leg before wrapping my other around her waist pulling her into me.

"You know something I don't. Don't you?" I question as she smirks at me a mischievous glint in her eyes showing me she knew something big.

"I may do" She answers her smirk widening.

"Spit it out. I don't have time for games" I say wanting to know what it was.

She rolls her eyes at me pouting a little "No fair" she says before her eyes light up.

"She's pregnant" She blurts out and I raise my eyebrow.

"Who?" I question making her roll my eyes.

"Who else? Lottie" She says in a 'duh' voice like I was stupid making me growl at her in warning before my eyes widen at the information.

"Wait what?" I question with disbelief.

"Mason and Lottie had sex, there's this thing called the sperm that make babies. It went inside of Lottie and now she's pregnant" She says slowly mocking me like I was stupid making my hand tighten around her leg making her wince.

"Don't mock me dear" I growl warning her.

"Jeez you're no fun" She pouts making me roll my eyes at her childish behaviour.

"I want you to remove the chains from her and up the guards. Make sure there's 4 inside and 2 outside. Don't let anyone inside other than you or me. Understood?" I say and she growls getting off my lap immediately.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" She growls and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Just do as I damn say!" I shout at her.

"Fuck no. I'm not going to do that let her rot in hell. Show Mason what happens when he crosses my path" She spits out. I growl standing up and marching over to her. I slam her against the wall gripping my hands around her throat.

"I told you to do something and I damn well expect you to do what I say when I say or consequences are dealt with. Got that." I growl menacingly into her ear my hand tightening a little more to make my point.

She nods her head and I grin releasing my grip on her making her drop to the floor her hand around her throat as she took in much needed oxygen.

Raising my hand I shooed her away, making her stand up quickly running out of the room.

Walking back over to my chair I sit down, relaxing I smirk to myself.

Let's get this show on the road.

Mason POV

We make it to the pack in no time, running over to the trees, I grab me some clothes quickly changing into them.

Running to the door I bang my fists against the door.

"Open up!" I shout banging even more loudly.

Muttering curse words, I step back kicking the door getting impatient.

The door opens after a few kicks. Stepping in, I begin to realise how quiet it is making me stop in my tracks.

Looking around, I realise the place is too quiet and I begin using my senses to hear anyone.

I let out a small growl.

I want you to search the whole grounds call out if you find anything.

I order the guards and they all nod as we disperse.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breathe trying to pin point Roses scent. It's useless to try Lottie's scent because something is blocking me from trying to get in contact with her.

Opening my eyes, I begin walking towards were I think Rose might be. Walking deeper into the pack house, I begin to notice the eery silence.

Taking quiet steps, I look around making sure there aren't any surprise attacks.

I stop in front of a door where the scent is most strong.

Listening I can't hear anything making me suspicious.

I go to open the door before it opens up before I could get the chance.

My eyebrows shoot up as I stare at his grinning face.

"Well hello Mason"

Lottie POV

My ears perk up as I hear heels clacking on the floor making its way to where I was.

The door opens, and in saunters Rose.

She glares at me before I see 4 guards walk in.

She closes the door before making her way over to me.

"Don't look at me that way you stupid bitch. You should be glad that I'm doing this" She spits raising her hand, her hand soon making contact with my cheek making me bite down on my lip to stop myself from shouting profanities at her.

She goes behind me for a moment and my eyebrows knot in confusion as I feel the chains come undone.

Immediately I bring my hands up to my stomach protectively as she walks back in front of me making her grin.

"Aww you're trying to protect your child. How cute. It's going to be so sad when you have to explain to Mason why you killed the baby" she pouts mockingly making me growl.

Without thinking, I tackle her to the ground. I watch as she squirms underneath me as I punch her in the face, blow after blow my fist connects with her face.

I pin her wrists down. Baring my teeth at her, before I get the chance to rip her ugly guts out with my mouth.

Hands grab my arms pulling me off of her.

I let out a loud growl.

"Get off of me! Let me the fuck at her!" I shout trying to free myself from the guys grip.

"Let me how you what happens when you try to kill my children! I'm going to kill you. Fuck you!" I shout growling as I'm unable to get out of their grips.

Bringing my claws out, I claw at the two men who have me held down.

They let out a pained noise. Ignoring them I advance on the stupid bitch I used to call best friend.

Growling, I crouch down, bring my shoulders in tight I advance at her tackling her once again as she tries to get up.

She lets out a cry of pain as I claw at her, hissing in pain, she mutters something under her mouth.

I let out a whimper as pain erupts all over my body causing me to loosen my grip on her, falling back I shrivel up, cowering away as the pain becomes almost unbearable.

"Next time I won't hesitate to kill you. You stupid bitch" Rose sneers muttering something again and the pain instantly stops.

Clutching onto my stomach I make myself into a ball trying to protect myself.

I hear her laugh at my feeble attempt of protecting myself. Flinching as I see her shoes right by my face.

"You're lucky someone wants you alive right now. But don't worry your time will come" She spits out.

Grabbing a fist full of my hair she pulls me up causing me to whimper.

"Nighty night my dear friend" She grins before slamming my head against the floor, the last thing I remember before I black out is her red shoe connecting with my face.

Hey Guys!

So here's the update! Hope you enjoyed!! Sadly Lottie couldn't escape but don't fret my children, all good things come to those who deserve it *grins at you all*

So what did you think? Glad Rose got what was coming at her? Sadden by the fact that she wasn't killed off?? Don't worry I'm sure you aren't alone.

Who do you think the unknown POV? Who do you think Mason saw?? Comment down below what you think!

Thank you for being patient with me and sticking with the book even though I can't exactly update like I used to! Know that I love you all for reading my book, voting for it and commenting on my book! Even though I may not reply to some know that I read ALL of your comments and love them! Even the bad.

My story is even though is great is under major construction. I've left a lot of things out that I've realised was stupid of me and as a writer completely idiotic. Don't worry I won't be putting this on hold. Nothing like that. I'll just be re editing the story which when this book is finished and the edited version done I'll post it so if you want feel free to read. There will be different things about it that will make the story better and I hope you'll read it!

Now, I want to ask you guys something. Do you think I should change the description? I just feel like it doesn't tell you guys the whole point of the story as it's gone off the topic. I feel like I should change it. But if you guys think it's good as it is then I won't. Also do you think I need to change the title? Because I feel like It isn't really about the alphas babies. I was thinking maybe changing it to 'It Began with a Break-Up' or 'Aftermath' something different. If you guys do think I should change the title but don't like the ones I've stated feel free to comment down a title down below.

Sorry I'm rambling, I should stop.


Until Next Time


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