The Alphas' Little Luna

By JaneEdwinstowe

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He pushed me up against the locker, holding me close so i could not get away. He pressed his face into the c... More

The Alphas' Little Luna
Chapter 1 Mate
chapter 2 My Mate Doesn't Know?!?!
chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)
Chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 2)
Chapter 4 And the Clock Struck Twelve
Chapter 6 Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genius.
Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidity
Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing
Chapter 9 Red Eyes and the Barrier Affects
Chapter 10 Accepting The Bond
Chapter 11 Family
Chapter 12 Attractions
Chapter 13 A Twist in School Life
Chapter 14 Die Subway {Part I}
Chapter 15 Die Subway {Part II}
Chapter 16 No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk
Hello All

Chapter 5 Fate Just Hates Me

32.6K 814 79
By JaneEdwinstowe


SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER. HALLELUJA HALLELUJA  HALLE- ACK!!!!!! * cough cough cough* *almost dies of excitement*.

 Sorry about that. Just I-I- I CANT WAIT I think my face it caught in a permanent smiley face and nothing will be able to take it off. > insert creepy smile face here<  


smile fades....... I HATE MY LIFE   (v~v)   boohoo cry cry. Oh why do teachers do it. why they know that the students are ready for a fun time. I know. The secret creepy hillbilly obviously optimistic locoheads (SCHOOL) made the devious plan to make us so full of summer that we forget everything we learned and fail our exams. THOSE EVIL GENUISES......grrrrr


Chapter 5 - Fate Just Hates Me

{Cole POV}

I can't believe that for the second time today my mate fled me. I watched as she expertly wove through the tables and made a swift exit. For a moment. I could only watch as she once again slipped away from me. For a moment I felt anger, then I felt pain. My wolf whimpered and I was left to cope with these feelings.

The rest of the day I did not see my mate and was left in a bad mood. Jase, Mike, and Lewis found it wise to avoid me, or I just might have bitten off their heads. Even the girls seemed to fawn over me from afar. It was as if they could sense my bad aura as it spread. School ended, and the boys and I left. I tried to pick up my mates scent but I could already feel that she had left the school. her scent had become less strong. I growled and smashed in a near by locker, scaring a small group of freshmen as they past by.

Jase came up apologized to the freshmen as he came my way. " Dude I know your upset, but please, your scaring the school population.", he said jokingly in his English accent. " Well how would you feel if Christine fled from you twice, TWICE the day you found her.", I growled menacingly at Jase,

"Well I would be a little freaked out, considering the type of girl she is.", Jase said cheekily. I grinned thinking the same thing. Oh I forgot to inform you. Jase and Christine are mates.

They have mated and are all lovey- dovey and all that crap. The weird thing about it is that they are complete opposites. Jason is a laid back, easy-going, and shy person. Christine, on the other hand, is a loud, rambunctious, and sporty girl: in other words a tomboy. She is not shy and she is not afraid to speak her mind. Jason has a way of embarrassing her, and he finds it funny when he has the chance to make Christine flustered. Christine hates that and always seeks revenge on her poor mate, finding ways to embarrass him back. Unfortunately for her, Jason is  not easily embarrassed because of his laid back personality and thinks it is very cute when she fails miserably. Plus, it is just about impossible to make him angry. An odd couple but they make it work.

We walked out of the school building me feeling in a slightly better mood, and decided to go home. On our way their I got a text from my dad. #DAD: stop by Miss Colestone's  house and say hello on your way back home. Be nice to her daughter. She is about your age

Well shit. Don't get me wrong. I like Miss Colestone a lot, actually. I have only met her a few times, but I could tell she was a fun and out going person, and I easily got along with her. On the other hand I did not like the idea of meeting a hormonal teenage daughter of a rich woman who owned a company who supported my father for a long time. I just hoped the woman did not push her daughter and I into some kind of relationship.

The boys decide to head back to the pack house, because people would start arriving from 4:00- 10:00 each night for the next 2 to 5 months.

I sighed as I reached the front of the beautiful house. > Lazy will tell house details in a later chapter<

I walked out of the car and gasped as my mates scent hit my nose harshly. It was very strong here. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. Why would my mates' scent be here in a humans house Then it clicked. There last names. Emily Colestone. Riley Colestone. Emily was Riley's adopted mother. the news excited me as I swiftly exited the car and bounded up the few steps to the porch before ringing the doorbell. A small Hispanic lady answered and stared curiously at me. " May I help you", she said her accent making it sound slightly funny.

"Yes, I am Cole Kingston, Mr. Kingston's son, is Miss Colestone home, I would like to say hi.", I said all while smiling like an idiot. My mate is here, my wolf can smell her. At this the small lady's eyes widened before they turned gregarious and she opened the door widely allowing me access. "Ah little hambre canina." she said with a smile.

My eyes widened.  I remember when I was younger I had come here with my father on business. Miss Colestone had brought along one of her house keepers at the hotel we were meting at and the kind Hispanic woman always called me hambre canina. When I finally asked what it meant. She laughed and said "It means hungry wolf. I call you that because you eat as much as a wolf.

"Bellina?",I asked. She smiled and shook her head. " My, my you have grown into big, handsome boya. No wonder, you ate all that food at such a small age." she said leading us to what I assumed the family room. She brought out a couple of sandwiches for me, after sitting me on a very comfortable couch. " I will go get Miss. Colestone. She just came home a few minutes ago to finish up some paperwork she left here.", the small lady said before she left the room and went down a hallway.

I could barely contain myself. My mate was here in this house, and I was just sitting snacking on sandwiches. I should be ripping up the house looking for her. I was just standing to go look for her when a beautiful dirty-blonde lady rushed into my arms. "Oh my goodness. It has been to long my little puppy." She yelled into my ear. I flinched back, but she just grinned creepily.

She released me from her death grip on my neck and that is when I noticed her attire. She wore a kimono that was black, neon blue and purple, with a dark purple waist band thing or whatever they call it that goes around the waist of a kimono. It was odd but she seemed comfortable in it.

She realized I was staring at her outfit and laughed. "Have you never seen a woman in your life", she said grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I-I wasn't looking a-at.", I blushed. Damn her. This made her laugh even more. "I know, I was only joking. I was wearing this because I have a conference in Tokyo in a few hours, and the dress code is traditional. I think it's rather cute", she said giving us a quick spin.

"Anyway. I am so glad you came to visit. I was wondering when you would.", she said while walking into the kitchen only to return with a batch of cookies. You could visibly see the drool on my face. They were chocolate chip cookies. Cookies. Mate. Riley. Mmhmm. I could eat her up. I mean the cookies, not riley. Though, I would not mind.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a cookie being shoved in my mouth, by Emily. I pouted like a little boy but ate it anyway. "AWW!! You have not changed a bit.", she said while patting my head like a little dog. "I am not a little boy anymore, you know."I said crossing my arms.

"Could have fooled me. You act just like Riley sometimes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!", she screamed suddenly like she was in a horror movie and the bunny was revealed to be the mass destructive murderer.

She then crossed her hand over her heart, and slumped into my arms. "Forgive me, I haven't told you about the love of my life. ", she faked sobbed into my arm."  the flower in my desert, my warmth on a cold night, my-", she was cut off by a stumbling on the stairs, followed by the cutest little "oww".

"Not again", she grumbled before walking toward what I could only assume was the staircase. "Riley, we have company", Emily said looking at my dis-leveled mate at the bottom of the stairs, with her feet in the air and her beautiful hair covering her face. "I know I could smell him", she mumbled low, so that she would not hear.  She untangled herself and tried to retreat up the stairs. "Riley", Emily said in an overly sugar-coated voice. Riley flinched in her tracks and slowly turned around "Y-y-yes mom", she said. "Where are you going", Miss Colestone said in that fake tone again. "Upstairs to do homework???" my poor mate said more like a question as her voice rose an octave.

Miss Colestone laughed for a moment. "Get your ass down here and say hello. This is Mr. Kingston's older son that I had mention " Miss Colestone said. "We've met.", Riley said grumpily but once again descended the stairs. This time without falling.

That is when I noticed her limping. It took everything within me to stop myself from growling. How could my mate be so careless? had she hurt herself in the fall? Or was it something else?

Miss Colestone also noticed and frowned but clenched her jaw. "Cole this is Riley. Riley this is Cole. Oh, I have paperwork to finish. Riley please keep Cole company. Cole make sure she doesn't break a hip." Emily laughed before speeding away in the direction of some random hallway.

It was awkward for a few seconds as we just starred at each other. My mate finally decided to break the silence. "Fate just hates me." she said before limping passed me. Acting on reflex. I grabbed her arm, pulled her to me and lifted her bridal style, earning an 'eep' from her. "I can walk on my own, you know." she said pouting and looking the other way. Aww she is so cute and adorable. " I know", I said , before placing her on the couch and propping her leg.

She was wearing a tank top and flannel plaid bottoms, so when I propped her leg the pants slid down to reveal a huge black bruise. She gasped and tried to cover it up. I growled loudly, making her freeze. I pulled the flannel pants all the way up to her thigh, making her whimper, but I did not care. The bruise was half way up her leg, and from what I could see  it was caused by a burn. I rolled my head back and rubbed my canines with my tongue. I did not need my wolf to come out right now. After a moment, I pushed him back.

I opened my eyes and looked at Riley. "What. happened?"i growled out. " N-n-n-nothing", she chocked out.  I growled again and picked Riley up. I marched into a random guest room and closed and locked the door. I turned and lightly tossed her onto the bed. " WHAT, HAPPENED?!!", I roared and she flinched. She began to sob lightly, and I softened.  I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. " Riley, I want you to tell me what happened. I don't like seeing you in pain, and I would do anything to prevent it, but sweetheart you have to tell me what's wrong", I said while softly rubbing her back with my hands. She stopped sobbing and had relaxed into my touch.

" I-I was...", she said. "Mmmm",I responded to hypnotized by how soft her back felt from above the top of this shirt. "w-was burnedwitharulerbyChelseaBriggs", she said hoping I would not hear her.

"WHAT????????!!!!!!!", I yelled becoming angered again. She shied away from me, but that only angered me more. My wolf was again coming to the surface. " I'm sorry", she whispered, and I wish she hadn't.

Those words were like submission. It made my wolf want to dominate Riley. I pinned Riley to the bed as I hovered over her. I wanted her and my wolf was ready to mate. This was bad. I needed her to leave now. "R-riley. You need to leave.", I said as I became aroused. She looked confused for a second before smelling my scent become stronger.

"Why do you smell stronger, and more..." her  innocent purple eyes widened in realization and a deep blush rushed over her sweet cheeks. I started to pant, and hovered closer, trapping Riley under me completely.  She would not be able to escape. "Dammit, I-I am so sorry Riley". I said struggling for control. She just lay there unsure what to do. My wolf started pushing once again fighting for dominance. No, I will not allow this. I don't want her to fear me. I refuse to do it like this. I fought with my wolf until finally I forced him into submission.

I removed myself from Riley and quickly left the room while saying a quick sorry. "W-w-wait", Riley said before grabbing my sleeve. I looked back at her before smiling at her red face. "Ummm??", she said before whimpering. I caught her up and placed her back on the couch. I asked Bellina to fetch an ice pack. When I got the ice pack. I gently wrapped her leg with some bandages provided.

"Well, aren't you quite the doctor" said Miss Colestone, appearing from her office with a briefcase. She went over to Riley and gently kissed her forehead with motherly affection. I approved. I am glad that Emily act like an actual mother to Riley and treats her like a human considering that others don't. Riley smiled genuinely and returned the favor, but instead kissing her cheek. Emily then put on that sickening fake smile that oozed with sugar coating. "Of course, we will discuss this lovely little incident later, my sweet little cupcake" Miss Colestone said before laughing like a mad man and leaving the house. Riley paled at her mother reaction.

I smiled "You'll be fine, but of course, you will be guarded from now on by the boys and I" I said before leaving the house and hoping into my car.


WOW. I started this a week ago and now school I out.  I did not have to take my last to exams, because my testing results were so amazing.  Praise the Lord. Umm. Oh I also won a scholarship from the South Atlantic conference, and the money is in my name so I can spend it on what ever school I wish. I graduated and was an honor student. I would say I did well.

________________________ Back stage

Riley: I think you can let me up now


> Cole has strapped Riley to the couch and has been taking care of her<

Riley: but I wanna go home

Cole: you are home

Riley: Oh..........yeah, I forgot

> cast face palms<

Riley: desperate times call for desperate measures here comes THE FACE

Cole: What

Riley:  (*~*)

Cole: damn you puppy face

___________Emily: WAIT!!!!!!!!!! 

Emily: join us next time for another backstage

Emily: Will Cole give into riley puppy dogface

Emily: Will the author update earlier than this

Author: watch it


That's it for now bye




and all that shiz 

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