Taking Chances → Toby " Tobus...

By R2Pew2

33.3K 814 254

{Book One} ✔ ◐Being Edited?◑ [I made this when I was 14, don't judge cx] 17 year old Cassandra goes to Starbu... More

One - Bacon
Two - Oh My Buscus
Four - A Date?
Five - School
Six - The Date
Seven - Suprise
Eight - Fight and Make Up
Nine - BUTTS
Ten - Why So Serious?
Eleven - The Truth
1,000+ Reads?!
Twelve - Trouble
Thirteen - There's A Solution To Everything
Fourteen - Irresistable
Fifteen - Secret Agents
Sixteen - Skullcrusher Mountain
Seventeen - Girlfriendbuscus
Eighteen - Interruptions
Nineteen - Curiosity Killed the Cat
Twenty - I'm Yours
Twenty-One - Put to the Test
Twenty-Two - Life's Big Storms
Twenty-Three - IT
Twenty-Four - Doritos Dipped in Ketchup
Twenty-Five - Crazy Love
Twenty-Six - Baby Bird
Twenty-Seven - Be Mine, Valentine
Twenty-Eight - Week Before Tradgedies
Twenty-Nine - Broken

Three - I Can't Even

1.3K 34 2
By R2Pew2

I felt like I had been frozen when he said, "Hey, are you okay?" Was he actually talking to me. . ?

Then I realized, he asked me a question. I stopped drooling for a second to actually answer the man "Uhm, yes! It's wonderful."

Oh god. . .

He laughed, throwing his head back and sat down in my booth.

"Can I sit here with you? A pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting alone." He smiled at me. My cheeks started to burn from blushing so hard. Holy hell, was he flirting?

"Of course!" I sounded a little bit too excited.

"I'm Toby Turner." He held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Cassandra Airelle." I shake his hand. His hand was warm, rough, but warm all the same. I couldn't let him know that I was an obsessive fangirl. . . No. I needed to act cool. . . Or you know, my not-so-cool version of cool.

We talked for what seemed like forever. He was absolutely perfect.

"So, what all are you into?" The brunette asked.

"Well, I guess you could call me a quote-unquote gamer, but not like those girls who call themselves a gamer and don't know how to play. Other than that, I love to draw. Stuff like that. . ." I was actually proud of myself. . . I kept an actual conversation with Toby, like I'd known him my whole life.

It was about 4:00 acording to my phone as I saw Toby getting up and walking to the cashier. I watched him and it looked like he's ordering a drink ( probably an Americano, it's his favorite ) and came back with it and a napkin and a pen. He ripped the napkin in half and says, "We should exchange numbers. You seem pretty cool, we could play some games together sometime." Toby wrote his number down and I do the same. We exchanged the pieces of napkins. He got up, winked at me and left.

D-Did that really just happen. . ? Did I really just sit in a Starbucks for almost six hours with Toby Turner?! And now I have his number?! Should I text him. . . Or wait for him to text me. . ? I dunno!

And that's when it hit me. . . I'm only 17. . . I wouldn't be able to date him anyways. . . I mean, I don't want to get him in trouble. I have only four more days until I'm 18. . . and legal. . . I just can't do anything until then. . .This is going to be tough. . . He's so irresitable!

I heard the Imperial March coming from my pocket. It was a text message from Toby! I was still in Starbucks and I had a huge spaz attack. I even squealed a little bit. I realized how big of an ass I was

making of myself when I found everyone staring at me. . .

GOD. . .


I rushed out of there like a bat out of hell! Ah! What the hell did I just do?! I'm such a drama queen sometimes. . . I stopped running away from Starbucks when I remembered, I drove here. . . I walked calmly back as I can like a "normal" person, hopped in my car and left.

I go

t home and I immedietly checked my YouTube. What cqn I say, I havexan obsession. . .

TobyTurner posted a new vlog. It was titled "I LOVE STARBUCKS!". I clicked on it and watched it.

~Toby on the vlog~

He pointed his phone at a Starbucks cup. "AUDIENCE?! WHAA?! What are you doing staring at a cup from Starbucks, Audience?!" He pointed the phone at him. "So, uh, I like Starbucks. . ." He took a sip of his drink then threws his head back and laughed. " Okay! So, I met this HOTHOTHOT at Starbucks today. . ." He made his phone glance at my number on the napkin I gave him. "We exchanged numbers!" he said in his gay voice. "Oh! Intro of Darkness then Redness then Whiteness!" He did the cute thing with covering of the lense on his phone. "She hasn't replied back. . ."


Oh crap! I forgot! I was too busy being a freak! I immedietly got out my phone and read his message, "Hey, it's Toby." I replied back with, "Hey :)". I felt awful. . .


"Bless your face! If you sneezed during this video bless you. The-winner-of-yesterday's-tshirt-is-indocated-in-the-bottom-middle-of-the-video. If you wanna enter to win a tshirt post a comment about HOTHOTHOTs, Starbucks, coffee, biscuits or minotaurs! Badadododododododo SUBSCRIBE! Outro of Darkness then Redness then Whiteness then BOOP!"

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