Faith in his Faults

By perfectlove456x

748K 1.8K 194

A motherless girl in a not so ordinary world. When Faiths mother dies in a horrible car accident, she is forc... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

22.5K 229 38
By perfectlove456x

I hid in the bathroom for the remainder of my Biology class. No one came looking for me and I figured Mrs. Laverty was sparing me the embarrassment of having to walk back into class. I felt so embarrassed for falling and so angry for how my class treated me. Everyone person in this school was a serious asshole.

When I felt as though I could handle myself better, and the anxiety began to subside, I decided to leave the bathroom stall I was hiding in. I went to Haley's locker, writing her a note and sticking it through the slot.

It read,

"Haley, this school sucks. I'm leaving early, I'll call you later.

- Faith"

After depositing the note, I walked right out the school doors. No one stopped me, and I don't think I would have cared if they had tried. After finding my car in the parking lot, a blue Toyota Corolla, I climbed in and began to drive home.

I wished more than anything I could talk to my mom at that moment. I wanted for her to be there so badly, for me to cry on her shoulder and tell her everything that was going on. I always told my mom everything and she always knew how to make me feel better, always giving the best advice. I knew I could talk to my dad about what was going on, but I also knew I would never. It was harder to talk to my dad about these things than it had been with my mom, especially about a boy and even more so about a boy who was basically harassing me at school. My dad would not allow that, ever.

When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my dad was home from work. Since my mom passed he had returned to work but had adjusted his hours so that he was back by the time I got home from school. He never told me that he did this, but I assumed since he would never be home before five o'clock before the accident happened.

I leaned my head against the steering wheel and took a deep breath. I knew I needed to make sure I didn't wear any of today's events on my face when I walked into the house. My dad was too good at reading my face and the last thing I wanted to do was tell him or lie about what had happened. Once I was sure I could hold myself together, I grabbed my backpack and made my way into the house.

Dad was in the kitchen, making snack when I walked in. I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey dad."

"Hey honey, how was school? You hungry?" he asked. He was making Tostitos chips with cheese and salsa on them. They smelled amazing in the oven and I was starving since I opted to skip lunch earlier.

"School was the same as always. I'm starving, lunch was gross today."

"I always hated that cafeteria food." He said as he took the Tostitos out of the oven and put a few on two plates for us.

I sat at the breakfast bar, letting the food cool off before digging in. Dad used to make this snack when we would have family Yatzee nights. I wondered if he thought of those nights as often as I did.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I was mid bite in my delicious snack. I took it out to see that Haley had texted me. When I opened the message she wrote,

"Way to ditch early. Heard more rumors, but cant wait to hear your side. Don't forget about the movies tonight!"

I tried not to sigh at her text, not wanting to give my dad a reason to question me. Of course there had already been more rumors going around about me, but this time, they were probably true. I was sure everyone was already talking about my wipe out in class and how Ash had tried to help me before called me a "klutz" in front of everyone. With this following the rumor about me denying Ash's kiss, I couldn't say I would be shocked if people were saying that I had rejected him twice and that was his way of revenge. I wouldn't put it passed some people to even say he tripped me himself even though he was nowhere near me and he had tried to help me up.

I turned my attention back to my dad and the snack he made us. Dad was reading the newspaper on the counter, while blindly eating.

"Hey dad, would it be ok if I go see a movie with Haley tonight?" I asked.

I felt bad asking my dad, given I had left him alone on Friday night to go to the party. I always felt guilt when I left him alone, especially when he was by himself in this house surrounded by constant memories of my mom.

"As long as you finish your homework first I don't see why that would be a problem. What movie are you planning on seeing?" he asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I don't even know what is out right now." I replied. I knew it didn't matter which movie we actually chose, but that he was only trying to make conversation. "I'm going to go start my homework now so I can get it all done." I said as I jumped off my seat and brought my plate to the sink before grabbing my backpack off of the floor by my chair.

"Alright honey, let me know if you need any help." He said, still reading the newspaper on the counter. I hadn't needed his help since I was in third grade.

As I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, I pulled out my phone and wrote Haley a text.

"Dad said yes, going to work on homework now. Want to pick me up at 7? I will explain everything then."

Within seconds I had a reply from Haley saying, "7 is good. I can't wait to hear all about it!"

I rolled my eyes, walking into my bedroom and tossing my phone and backpack on the bed. I took out the books I needed for my homework, went over to my desk and settled in. I put my headphones in my ears and started one of my playlists over. Mom always thought it was weird that I listened to music while I did things that required concentration, like homework or reading. It was something I had always done. I found it calming somehow.

I had four assignments to complete and not much time to do it. I tried to concentrate on the history assignment in front of me, but couldn't help but replay biology class over again in my head. It was so embarrassing and I was mortified. I knew that the rumors about me were only going to continue to grow and the stares would get worse. I wondered if they would ever stop.

I thought about Ash's reaction after I fell. He was by my side in a second, even though he had been sitting one row from the back. It was as though he had ran to help me, and I had basically shoved him away. Why had he tried to help me when all he had done since the party, is be a sarcastic asshole. He couldn't deny that he didn't deserve the venom in my voice when I told him I was fine. A part of me was happy that there was one less person laughing in the room, but then he called me a klutz in front of the whole class and completely ruined that idea.

I looked over at the clock, which read 5:00pm. I was waisting time replaying a memory I would love to forget. I sighed, rolled my shoulders and put my head in the books. Figuratively.

An hour and a half later, I had finally finished my assignments. Closing my books, I stood up and put them back into my backpack. It was now six-thirty and I had about half an hour before Haley was going to pick me up for the movies.

I went over to my closet to pick an outfit. I briefly thought about wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but ultimately denied that idea. The movies were a common place for kids from our school to hangout and I didn't need even more of a reason for them to open their mouths and talk shit about me.

I eventually picked out jeans, a blue t-shirt and a sweatshirt in case it got cold. As I finished getting dressed, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Haley saying she was out front in my driveway. I looked over at the clock, realizing she was fifteen minutes early. I can into the bathroom, fixing my hair and makeup before quickly rushing down the stairs.

"Bye dad, I wont be out late." I said as I walked into the living room where my dad was sitting on the couch, watching his shows.

"Alright honey, have fun and tell Haley I said hi."

"I will," I said as I kissed my dad on the cheek.

I headed out the door and climbed into the passenger side seat of Haley's Silver Honda Accord.

"Hey," I said to her as I got into the car.

"Start explaining girl." She said, turning completely in her seat so she could look at me straight on.

I looked at her shocked before saying, "Can you at least start driving?"

Haley sighed, turning back around in her seat and putting the car in reverse. "Fine, I did, no go."

I told Haley everything that had happened in class. From the annoying way Ash continued to stare at me, to the fall and how I ran out of the classroom basically in tears, hyperventilating from being on the brink of a panic attack. When I told her about how Ash tried to help me up, she grabbed her chest as though she was reaching for her heart. Completely dramatic.

"Faith." She said simply. Looking over at me every two seconds and then back at the road.

"Haley don't even start." I replied.

"But seriously Faith, come on. This kid so likes you! Why else would he run up to help you?"

"He called me a Klutz in front of the whole class." I argued.

"Because you were a jerk to him!" she exclaimed, looking at me as though I was clearly oblivious.

"Whatever Haley, I don't even want to talk about it anymore. The whole thing was horrible. Can we talk about something else?" I asked.

"Fine." She said. "What movie are we seeing tonight?"

" I don't know," I shrugged. "What's out?"

"I'm in the mood for something funny. How about 'Game Night'? I heard that was pretty good."

I agreed to see the movie as we pulled into the parking lot. The theater was pretty dead, and I felt relieved. I didn't think my anxiety could handle a whole theater full of people at that moment. It had been too long of a day.

After getting snacks and drinks at the concession stand, Haley and I headed into the theater. The coming soon movie trailers had already started, so me and Haley snuck our way up to one of the middle rows, trying to avoid being disruptive to others around us. I settled in next to Haley, began eating my popcorn we shared and relaxed as the movie started.

I thought the movie was really funny, and it was nice to actually laugh. I couldn't even remember the last time I had a laugh that felt this genuine. I was able to concentrate on the movie that played out in front of me, instead of everything I had been stressing about recently.

About half way through the movie, I began to hear an excessive amount of giggling coming from the row behind us. I looked over at Haley, who just shrugged and continued to eat the popcorn. I tried to ignore it for some time, but the giggling only increased in volume and whoever it was, was not laughing at the movie. I could tell Haley was starting to get really annoyed too. She all but slammed her drink back down into its cup holder before turning around to give whoever it was a piece of her mind.

"Will you shut up? We, along with everyone else in the theater, are trying to watch a movie." Haley said, to the people sitting behind us.

I turned around to see who was the creator of the annoying giggle. I first saw the girl, a pretty brunette who I thought I recognized as a freshman at our school. She was sitting with her legs across her dates lap, her hands around his neck. My eyes then crossed over to her date. As I saw his straight, but messy black hair, defined cheekbones and bright blue eyes, all I could think was, "Are you kidding me?"

I hadn't realized I had said my thoughts out loud until I saw the smile cross Ash's face, and felt Haley look over at me.

"Oh hey beautiful!" Ash said, smirking while still having his arms around his date. She was not giggling anymore, instead looking at Ash as though he had just slapped her. Ash clearly didn't care that he had just offended her, keeping his gaze on me, continuing to smirk. "Jealous?"

"Yeah, right." I said, as I turned back around in my seat, attempting to forget the image I had just seen. Of course Ash would be at the movie theater when I was there, in the same movie and sitting directly behind me. It wasn't like I had seen him everywhere since the party or had to deal with his asshole remarks multiple times since. I couldn't help but feel the annoyance raging inside my chest.

"Hey Faith," I heard Ash call from behind me. Wow, I was surprised he even knew my real name.

When I ignored his call, Haley looked at me and then back at him.

"Well," she said. "Are you going to see what he wants?" She whispered to me, leaning over the armrest so I could hear her.

" No." I whispered back, turning my attention back to the movie.

Not even a minute later, I felt Ash kick the back of my seat. When I continued to ignore him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my attention, he kicked my chair again. I whipped around in my seat, glaring at him.

"What?" I asked, rage in my voice.

Ash smiled, and began to gesture something to me. He pointed at me, then pointed at the theater door and mouthed the question, "What to make out?" At this point, I was fuming and Ash's date appeared to have lost all interest in him. She was sitting forward in her seat now, paying more attention to the movie than she was to the fact that Ash was trying so hard to get my attention.

I stood up, and grabbed Haley's hand. "Let's go Haley, I'm out of here."

Before I could walk out of the row I was sitting in, Ash stood up, leaning over my seat and grabbed my wrist.

"Come on beautiful I was only kidding with you."

"You're a pig Ash." I said, ripping my arm out of his grasp and pulling Haley behind me down the row. Haley quickly grabbed our drink and popcorn, as she smiled apologetically at Ash and followed me down the steps.

Before we got to the theater door, Ash was right behind us. I didn't know why he was insisting on following us, but it was only causing me to become increasingly angry. Ash walked around Haley, grabbing my arm again, trying to stop me from leaving.

"Faith wait," he protested.

As though instinctively and definitely not the best choices I have ever made, I grabbed the drink out of Haley's hand and threw it in Ash's face. I instantly regretted it, knowing I had gone too far, but I didn't let that show. Ash looked at me, completely shocked and outraged.

Before he could say a word or yell at me for what I had just done, I said, "Stay the hell away from me Ash," and ran out the door with Haley in tow. 

*Please vote and share! Feel free to comment any feedback! I always love constructive criticism.*

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