Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

753K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 37

14.4K 449 74
By SkylarJapera

Sorry for the wait but i had ap Exams BLAH then finals exams BLAH! So i have been really busy but luckily i had some time to type this. So i hope it was worth the wait. :)

Chapter 37

Kimberly groans and tries to roll over but is surprised when she see’s midnight haired over her torso. She grins and then blush when she thinks of last night. It was perfect. Riley was passionate and kept Kimberly begging for more. Also, Kimberly was surprised at how Riley opened up and let Kimberly touch her after so long. Kimberly felt special.

Riley turns her head the other way while her hands trails up and down Kimberly bare thighs. Kimberly bites her lip and then begins to run her hand through Riley dark hair. She had to find a way to wake her beautiful tiger.

Riley hums as soft fingers runs through her hair. She smirks knowing this was Kimberly way of waking her up nicely. She lifts her head and then smirks looking at the red human. “Why are you blushing?”

Kimberly blushes harder at the comment. Riley chuckles running her hand through her own hair. “You’re thinking of last night.”

The strawberry blonde nods her head while biting on her bottom lip. Riley pulls up so she is hovering over Kimberly naked body. “I was just having an interesting dream also.”

Kimberly heart begins to speed up as Riley continues to whisper in her ear.

Riley takes Kimberly hands and guides them down over her stomach and between her moist thighs. Kimberly whimpers at the hot wetness. “This is what you do to me.” Riley says huskily in Kimberly ear.

Kimberly grabs a fistful of Riley hair and brings her lip towards her. They begin to kiss hungrily, devouring each other in a fierce battle; Kimberly moans and pulls Riley body down on hers. She wanted to feel Riley on her.

Riley kisses Kimberly neck and across her jaw as she begins to grind into her. She pins Kimberly hands over her head and smirks while she roll her hips. She watches as Kimberly throws her head back and bites her lip to keep from screaming.

It was a beautiful sight.


Violet sits in the kitchen reading her newspaper as Chloe prepares Rue breakfast.

“I don’t want milk.” Rue pouts.

Chloe rolls her eyes at her daughter and sits the milk in front of her. She decided to ignore her. She then sits next to Violet rubbing her thigh underneath the table. Violet begins to bite her lip. She knows when Chloe needs a little attention.

Rue begins to eat her eggs and then blurts, “I want a sister.”

During this time Violet was drinking her milk but now it was all over the table. “What!” She says while wiping her mouth.

Rue shrugs her shoulders and continues to eat her sausage. “I want a sister. A brother would be fine but I get lonely.”

Chloe nods her head understanding. She knew what it was like being the only child. “I could take good care of her…or him.”

Violet smiles but then says, “She or he is not a dog Rue.”

“I know.” Rue whines.

“Well the good news is we have been thinking about another child.” Chloe says. “But right now is not a good time.”

“Okay.” Rue says. “I will wait.”

Violet smiles and then grins when Kimberly and Riley walk through the kitchen door. She could smell sex on the both of them.

Riley orders pancakes and Kimberly orders omelet keeping her eyes down.

“Good Morning.”

“Good Morning.” Both Kimberly and Riley replies.

Violet laughs. The look on their face confirmed they had a long night. Chloe glares at Violet but the alpha can’t help but says, “So Riley.”


“Are you having sex with my sister?”

Riley almost chokes on her food. She quickly turns red as she coughs. Chloe glares at her wife and Kimberly begins to beat Riley back.

Riley recovers and then answers, “Umm could you repeat that.” Violet smirks. She knew the human hunter heard what she said. She just wants to know will Riley answer her question honestly.

“I said…”

“Violet.” Kimberly cuts her off. “Yes we have.”

Violet grins towards her sister but glares at Riley. Riley gulps and averts her eyes towards Rue who is still eating her breakfast.


“Is protected by a spell. She cannot hear anything.” Chloe replies rolling her eyes. “I knew what my wife was about to ask.”

Violet smirks and then leans back in her chair. “Whatever. I’m in my study. Riley when you finish come by.”

Riley gulps again. She was so dead.


Kimberly and Riley sit on the couch and watches TV. Kimberly stares at the screen but her thoughts drift off to earlier. She begins to giggle which catches Riley attention.

“What’s funny?”

“How scared you were earlier.” Kimberly replies. “You know Violet only does that to get to you.”

Riley shrugs her shoulders as she takes a sip of her coke. “I wasn’t scared.”

Kimberly rolls her eyes leaning more into her girlfriend. She begins to drift off until they hear a big bang from the kitchen. Riley instantly jumps in defense but calms down when she notice it’s just some of the pack members playing around.

“It’s okay Riley.” Kimberly whispers. “Calm down baby.”

Riley looks around one more time and whispers, “Just a little jumpy.”

“It’s okay.”

In her office Violet goes over the plan of defense over and over. After four hours of torture she finally looks up to see her wife leaning in the doorway. “Chloe.” Violet says eyes still on the documents.

“You need to let yourself breathe honey.” Chloe begins to walk into the office. However, Violet eyes stay on the papers on her desk. Chloe walks around Violet and pulls Violet back into her front. She begins to bite on her ear. “Come on sweetie. Rue wants to watch the Avengers.” Before Violet could even protest. “With us this time.”

Violet frowns and then turns into her wife arms.

“Rue didn’t come all the way here for you to be busy the entire time.”

“This is the reason why it was bad for her to come during this time in the first place.”

Chloe frowns and instantly Violet feels like a jerk. “Honey I can’t sleep because when I close my eyes I have nightmares.”

Chloe pulls Violet into her.

“Every time I close my eyes I see you dying.” Violet eyes begin to water. She blinks them away quickly. She hated feeling weak. “I can’t let that happen.”

Chloe begins to bite her bottom lip. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to worry.”

“Violet.” Chloe grabs her wife chin making her look up at her. “We’re a team. We talk okay.” Chloe kisses Violet softly on the lips. “I love you.”

“I know.” Violet smiles weakly. “I can’t let anything happen to you or Rue.”


“Mom!” Rue burst into the office.

Violet quickly looks away. Her daughter was very intelligent and always knew when something was wrong.

“Rue.” Chloe stresses running her hand through her hair. “What did I say about knocking?”


“No excuses Rue.” Chloe snaps.

“I’m sorry.” Rue says looking apologetic. “It’s just the movie is about to start. The beginning is the most important part.”

Chloe kisses the top of Rue head and whispers, “Me and your mother will be in their shortly okay.”

“Okay.” Rue smiles and runs towards the main room where the biggest TV is located.

Chloe smiles towards her wife. “We will talk about this later.”

Violet and Chloe walks into the main room to see Catherine relaxed on Olivia lap with a bag of chips. Jessica and Cassandra cuddle at the arm of the couch. Riley sitting on the floor leaned back on the couch with Kimberly head in her lap while she plays in her hair. Some of the pack members sprawl out on the floor throwing popcorn around. Violet chuckles and rolls her eyes when some popcorn hit Chloe in the face.

Violet settles on the couch with her wife and Rue grabs the remote and the bag of chips out of Riley hands running towards her mom.

“You little brat!” Riley snaps about to chase after the young girl until Kimberly grabs a bag from one of the pack member putting it in Riley arms. “Here honey.” Kimberly settles back in a comfortable position and Rue grins while asking, “Everyone ready.”


Violet arches her eyebrow and asks, “You invited everyone.”

“Yep.” Rue smiles. “Everyone should experience Avengers.”

Violet shakes her head and settles when the movie begins to play.

Throughout the movie Catherine and Olivia touches each other in the dark. Violet glances at Rue thanking God that her daughter was oblivious to the situation. Cassandra and Jessica actually stayed up and pay attention from beginning to end. Riley sneaks kisses here and there but to afraid she would get caught by Rue or worst Violet. Chloe tries her best to stay up but she ends up falling asleep. However, Violet stays up through the entire movie with her daughter. When the movie is over she can’t help but grin at the expression on her daughter face.

“So did you like it!” Rue asks.

“I did.”

“Who you like the best.”

“Black Widow.”

Rue bites her lip and shrugs her shoulders, “Why? She’s okay.”

“She’s Ho-

Violet stops and Chloe arches her eyebrow asking, “Yeah Violet why you like her so much.”

“Nothing really.” Violet recovers. “Hulk better.”

Rue grins and Chloe rolls her eyes. She knew when Violet thought someone was hot and during the movie Violet was having fantasies about Black Widow.

“Time for bed Rue.” Violet says when she catches the youngster yawning.

“Okay.” Rue doesn’t argue. She was tired.

Violet picks the girl up and takes her up to her room. When she lays the young girl in the bed Rue asks, “Are you and mommy going to be okay.”

“Yes sweetie why you ask.”

“I just was wondering. I love you mom.”

Violet kisses the top of Rue forehead and smiles, “I love you too honey.”

Failure wasn’t an option.


Several miles away a little girl was sleeping in her bed. She was awaken by ruckus downstairs.

“Who are you…You need to leave before I call the cops.”

The young girl with long dark hair jumps out of bed opening her door slightly. She then jumps when she hears gun shots. She covers her mouth and then runs into her auntie room and gets into her closet when she hears footsteps pounding up the hard wood floor. She gulps and silently closes the door cursing herself for not jumping out the window that’s in her auntie’s bathroom. She then rolls her eyes at her theory. She would have broken her leg. It was too far up.

She is jump out her thoughts when her aunt bedroom door is slammed open. She covers her mouth and feels her heart pounding in her chest. She closes her eyes trying to calm down. She peeks through the cracks in the closet door and sees a tall man with brown hair and a girl with long blonde hair. The man looks under the bed and the blonde girl searches the bathroom. The young girl hears the shower curtains being pulled back.

“She is not in here.” The tall man says.

“Did you check the closet!” The blonde snaps.

The young girl eyes widen and she backs up behind the clothes until her back hit the wall. She gulps when the door is open and light is shine into her eyes. A huge body blocks the light and begins to move the clothes that are hanging around. The young girl with long black hair ducks and scoots herself back into the corner making her aunt pea coats cover her small body.

“She is not in here.” The tall man shouts.

“She is here.” The blonde snaps. “She has to be.”

“Maybe she is at a friend house.” The tall man concludes.

“Whatever lets go.”

They both walk out and after several minutes when the young girl hears the door being slam is when she rushes down stairs. She sees her aunt lying on the cold kitchen floor. The young girl rushes to her body and her aunt chokes. “Call fo..for…help.”

The young girl nods tears running down her cheeks. She dials 911 and screams in the phone that she needed help that her aunt had been shot.

“Calm down what is-

Before she could reply the young girl was snatch up. “No!” She begins to kick and scream. “Let me go! Let me go!” She cries.

“Stop.” Tom grunts and slams the young girl down. Eliza kneels down and whispers, “I will help your aunt if you listen and be a good little girl. Amber.”

Amber green eyes shots up and she asks, “How you know my name.”

“I know a lot of things sweetie.”

Amber glances up at the kitchen counter and sees the knife sitting there. Eliza tsks her tongue and says, “Now if you want to see your aunt alive then you better not do what you’re thinking.”

Amber looks at Eliza straight in the eye and blurts. “Help her then! She’s dying and us sitting here talking is not going to help anything.”

Eliza grins as the little girl snaps at her. “Tom.”


“Heal her.”

Tom grunt and begins to heal the older woman lying on the floor. Amber eyes widen as she watches the scar on her aunt belly disappear just from some slimy green stuff.


“No time for questions.” Eliza snatches Amber up when she hears sirens.

“No!” Amber begins to pull away but the blonde had a good grip on her.

“You said if I helped your aunt you would do as I say.”

“She needs me.” Amber screams.

Eliza rolls her eyes and snaps when she hears the sirens getting closer. “You asked for it Amber.” Eliza pulls her fist back and punches the young girl in the face knocking her out cold. Amber falls to the ground unconscious.

Tom grabs the girl and him and Eliza quickly runs out the back and luckily gets away. “You punched a ten year old.”

Eliza rolls her eyes looking out the window.

“I don’t know you anymore Eliza.” Tom stresses. “You’ve changed ever since-

“Don’t say it!” Eliza snaps. “I didn’t do too much damage to the young girl.”

“She has a black eye Eliza.”

“Don’t sound so innocent Tom!” Eliza snaps. “Two years ago you were the one who shot a poor little vampire girl in the face and wasn’t it you who made me kill the four year old little wolf boy. So don’t give me any bullshit on what’s right and wrong.”

“They were creatures Eliza.” Tom says. “They were already dead. I just help them get there quicker but she.” Tom glances into the rearview mirror. “She is an innocent little girl. She is a human.”

“And she will become one of us in a few years.” Eliza turns her head looking back out the window. “Drive. I don’t want to talk anymore.”

And Tom does that. Heading back to Divide not noticing the purple necklace on Amber neck glowing.


Riley shoots out of the bed and begins to put on her clothes quickly. Kimberly turns over and asks, “Honey what’s wrong.”

“It’s my little sister.”

“What?” Kimberly asks. “How-

“Something is wrong. Very wrong.”

“How do you know?” Kimberly asks.

“I feel it.” Riley says. “I need to call Heather.”

Kimberly follows Riley downstairs towards the kitchen.

Violet was currently staring up at the ceiling with Chloe in her arms when suddenly someone was banging on her door. “What!” She growls hopping out of bed.

“Umm Violet.” The boy panics. “We have trouble outside.”

Chloe was already up and had heard everything. “Wake up everyone.” Violet orders slamming her door.

“Heather!” Riley shouts through the phone.

“Riley.” Heather chokes through the phone. “I thought you were dead. You died.”

“Where is Amber?” Riley shouts through the phone ignoring the questions.

Heather begins to break down through the phone. “Someone came and snatch her up. Some girl with blonde hair…

Riley drops the phone and drop to her knees burying her face into her hands. “No….

“Riley? Riley are you still there?” The voice echoes through the kitchen but Riley heart begins to beat rapidly and she feels as if she can’t breathe.

“Breathe.” Kimberly whispers into her ear. “Stay with me.”

Riley doesn’t hear the banging and shooting outside the mansion. All she hear is her beating heart and Kimberly voice in her ear. All she feels are her wet tears on her cheek and Kimberly fingers running through her hair. “Riley.”

“They have her.”


Riley looks up and Kimberly almost cries at what she sees. Riley blue-green eyes were wet and red. She was crying and she seemed so broken. “Eliza has my little sister.”

After Riley says that she fully breaks down. Kimberly pulls her into her and feels Riley begin to shake in her arms. She feels the tears running down her neck. They stay there on the floor Riley crying in her girlfriend arms.

Outside the mansion Chloe had a smirking Eliza pinned up to a tree. Chloe eyes were glowing and Violet was behind her.

“I thought I warned you.” Violet snaps.

“Oh shut-up.” Eliza rolls her eyes. “Even though you wish for everything to be about you it’s not Violet. I’m here for Riley.”

“Well you want get near her!” Chloe snaps.

Eliza begins to chuckle. She then holds up a silver necklace with a purple amulet. She presses the middle and the chain begins to glow. Then after several seconds it begins to blink rapidly. Violet steps in front of Chloe protectively and asks, “What is that?”

“Oh Riley will know.”

And before their eyes Eliza disappears in thin air and the necklace falls to the ground.


Eliza smirks and then walks out the room she was currently using. She runs her hand through her hair and walks upstairs to Amber room. When she walks in she sees the girl in the corner of the bed with her knees to her chest with a small black circle underneath her eye.

“Can I get you anything water? Food?” Eliza asks and then says. “I’m sorry about your eye.”

“I want to go home.” Amber says. “Just let me go.”

Eliza sits at the end of the bed and answers, “I can’t honey.”


“Because you are too important. Now will you be strong for me.”

Amber nods her head and Eliza smiles down at the little girl who look exactly like Riley. “Be strong for a couple days then I will let you go. I need your help.”

“What.” Amber asks innocently.

“I need help getting your sister back from the bad guys.”

Amber eyes widen. “Riley?”


“How the hell did she do that!”Violet snaps.

Chloe and the rest of the crew sit in the front room and shake their head. They had no clue how Eliza disappeared in thin air like that.

“It’s an illusion.”

Everyone looks up to see Riley standing in the doorway. “She never once touched you guys but ran around dodging bullets. She wasn’t really there. She was sending a message.”

“Oh.” Violet says and then pulls the silver necklace out her pocket and holds it up. “I don’t know what it means.”

Riley grabs the necklace and whispers, “It’s my little sisters. She never takes it off. Before I left I told her to press it if she ever was in trouble. It’s a spell it alerts me when something is wrong. Eliza knew this. I told her.” Riley looks down and then clenches her fist turning around.

“Where are you going?” Chloe runs after the stress young girl.

Riley snatches away from Chloe. “I’m going after my sister and there nothing you or Violet can do about it.”

“It’s a trap.”

“I don’t care!” Riley screams. “I want leave her again.”

Chloe pulls Riley again. “At least let us help.”


The rest of the day was very busy. They stayed in the main room and studied the map wondering what the best way to attack is. Violet runs her hand through her hair and says, “How do you know they are there.”

“Because if this is a trap she would want me to find her.” Riley says. “So she’s at my house.”

Chloe bites her fingernails and blurts, “There is no other way to your house. Only one way in and one way out.”

“That’s how I wanted it.” Riley replies.

“We have no time for talking.” Catherine stresses. “Let’s just go get the little girl.”

Riley smiles towards Catherine and the red head rolls her eyes saying, “It’s seems we will be knocking the front door down.”

Olivia nods her head and Cassandra then asks, “How do you know if she is performing an illusion or not?”

“I will know.” Riley says. She then turns towards everyone and says, “You don’t have to do this.”

Violet rolls her eyes walking passed Riley, “It isn’t up for discussion. Be ready in 30.”

Riley eyebrow arches as she watches Violet walk out the office. Chloe smiles towards her and says, “Welcome to the family Riley.”

Cassandra leans on the wall and smirks, “I remember she did the same thing for me. You’re not the only one who used to be the outsider.”


Eliza stands in the window looking out into the field. Tom walks behind her and stresses, “She is here.”

Eliza grins and then orders, “Bring the little girl down.”

Tom leaves and then Eliza grins widen when she sees Riley walking up towards the house.

Outside Riley stands outside and looks around. She knew Eliza was watching and waiting from the inside but she had to wait on the blonde signal.

“Where are we going?” Amber asks rubbing her eyes. “I’m going home.”

Eliza bends down towards her level and explains, “Your sister is outside.”

“I told you Riley is dead.” Amber snaps.

Eliza smirks and then says, “Come with me.”

It had been almost five minutes. Riley was about to shout Eliza name until she saw the front door creeping open. Eliza steps out and Riley frowns ready to attack until she see her little sister getting pulled in front of the taller blonde. Riley growls and this makes Eliza smirk, “Hello Riley. You should come in.”

Amber squint her little green eyes and whispers, “Riley.”

Riley having no other choice walks closer towards them and when she steps in front of her little sister she almost breaks down at the confusion on Amber face. Amber frowns and then backs back into Eliza not wanting Riley to touch her.

Riley gets the hint and steps back. She didn’t want to scare her little sister away.

“You died.” Amber snaps.

“Amber listen…”

“No!” Amber pushing Riley hand away. “You died! You’re dead! You’re not really here. When I wake up you’re going to be dust. You’re going to be gone.”

Riley bites her lip to keep from crying. This never supposed to have happen. She was dead. The Riley Amber knew wasn’t there anymore. Riley was now an entirely different person who had done a lot of bad things.

“Let’s go inside Amber.” Eliza softly whispers. “We have a lot to talk about.”

Riley frowns at the softness in Eliza voice. Riley hated she couldn’t pull the witch hair and beat the shit out of her. Riley follows the both of them into the dark house. Tom shuts the door behind them and Riley bawls her fist up. She was ready for anything.

Eliza turns around and orders, “Tom take Amber to the front table.”

Riley steps forward but Eliza blocks her way and whispers in the dark haired hunter ear. “Don’t do anything stupid. One wrong move and she is dead.”

Riley growls and nods her head. Eliza smiles and then orders, “Strip.”

“We have no time for games.” Riley snaps.

“No games.” Eliza smirks. “At least not now.”

Riley rolls her eyes and begins to pull her shirt over her head revealing her black lace bra. She then pulls her jeans down revealing the matching lace boy-shirts. Eliza bites her lip at the sight but then frowns when she sees a mark on Riley hip bone. Eliza snatches Riley black hair throwing her into the wall. “You fucked her.” Eliza hisses.

Riley grunts from the pain and then smirks when she sees the anger in Eliza eyes. “Yes.” She calmly answers. “Before I came here.”

“What a great sister you are huh.” Eliza shoots back. “Fucking when your sister is in danger. I shouldn’t be surprise though your loyal is pathetic.”

Riley frowns and then pushes Eliza back. “Don’t you dare talk about loyalties Eliza.” Riley sneers. “No one knew about Amber except you. I trusted you and you go do this.” Riley steps towards Eliza and for an instant Eliza thought she was dead until she quickly blurted. “Remember Amber now.”

Riley stops in her tracks and says, “What do you want from me.”

Eliza tosses her some clothes after she sees Riley has any weapons on her and says, “I want you back. I want my Riley back.”

“That Riley is gone.”

“Well we’re going to bring her back together.” Eliza smiles and then Riley notice that Eliza wouldn’t hurt her sister because Eliza was still in love with her. “You’re still in love with me.”

Eliza eyes widen and then she quickly says, “I’m helping you. You’re hanging with creatures.”

Riley steps forward and pins Eliza between her and then wall. “You love me.”

Eliza stares back into Riley blue-green eyes. She reveals her answer with her glistening blue eyes. Then Riley sees the girl she fell in love with. “If you love me you will let her go.”

“I can’t.” Eliza breathes.

Riley buries her face into Eliza neck her tongue darting out at the right time. Eliza squeezes Riley naked hip and Riley pulls her face back and whispers, “This isn’t you. You see this is wrong. I forgive you Eliza. I forgive you for leaving me. It was a hard decision. I get it.”

Eliza looks up and whispers, “I didn’t know what to do.”

“Help me.” Riley stares into Eliza eyes. “Come with me.”

Eliza looks away angrily, “You expect me to go back with you. Back to those creatures.” Eliza face softens and she whispers, “We can be a family you know. We can run away from all this and even bring Amber with us. We could be happy.”


“Don’t tell me you can’t Riley!” Eliza sneers. “No matter how much you fuck that other girl you know deep down you’re still in love with me.”

Riley eyes widens at the thought. “I love her.”

“Yeah maybe you do.” Eliza says. This wasn’t surprising. Eliza knew the human hunter had fell in love with someone else. “But that doesn’t prove anything. You still love me!”

Before Riley could even say anything else Eliza lips were on hers. Riley tries to push Eliza back but the blonde grabs the back of her neck pulling her closer. Eliza tongue enters Riley mouth and the kiss becomes passionate. Riley pushes Eliza back into the wall and kisses her back. She remembers the happy times. The times they both were so in love and happy. The time when Eliza was always there. When she said I love you all the time. The times when they cuddle into each other at night. The marks they left each other after long passionate love making.

Eliza nips at Riley lower lip and suck gently. She then pulls back looking into the confused blue-green eyes, “You still love me.” The blonde concludes.

Before Riley could say anything someone was bursting through the doors. Chloe magic throws the blonde into the nearest wall. Violet comes rushing in and says, “We have Amber.”

Eliza looks up in shock. “You set me up!”

Riley steps back. She feels like shit. “I…”

Eliza stands and screams. “No! Don’t you dare.”

“You left me no choice Eliza.” Riley says. “You took my little sister.”

“Fuck you!” Eliza screams. She looks around the room noticing she has no way out. She looks towards the kitchen to see Tom buried in a puddle of blood. Eliza takes the knife from behind her back and stabs herself. Riley shouts, “No!” and rushes to her side. Eliza falls and blinks rapidly. “I love you.” She says staring into Riley green-blue eyes. “I wasn’t going to hurt her Riley. I just wanted you back.”


Amber beats on the door. She didn’t know who these people who took her were. She finally had her sister back and now the bad guys come and take her. She continues to bang on the door. “Let me out!” She screams. She tried the windows but they were shut lock and the door wouldn’t open at all. She knew someone had been in here because when she woke up there were orange juice and a sandwich that said eat and rest. She didn’t want to eat or rest she wanted to get back to where she was.  “Let me out!” she screams again.

The door twist open and Amber steps back. She pulls her hair up into a pony-tail and takes a stance. She only knew so much when she came to fighting. Her sister taught her a few things before she left. Amber thinking the mean people were going to walk in was surprised to see a little girl with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She looked younger then Amber but she only a little shorter. The girl shuts the door and says glancing at the food. “You should eat.”

Amber frowns and snaps walking towards the other young girl. “Let me out!”

“I cannot.” The brown hair girl says. “I do not even have permission to be in here.”

“Then why are you in here.” Amber snaps again.

Rue rolls her eyes at the girl attitude. “I could not ignore your shouting.”

Amber bites her lip and then says, “Everyone else is ignoring me but you can help me escape so I can go back to my sister and Eliza.”

Rue furrows her eyebrow in confusion and then it clicks. “You think my moms are the bad guys.”


“They saved you Amber. Riley is downstairs.” Rue goes to sit by the bed. “You really should eat.”

“I don’t want to eat!” Amber snaps. “I-

“-You really should work on your attitude. I’m trying to help.” Rue says calmly.

“And you’re doing nothing.” Amber barks.

Rue frowns and then stands walking towards the door. “You are so inconsiderate I’m trying to help.”

Amber instantly feels bad when she sees the hurt look on the other girl face. Why the hell was she so nice anyways? Amber thought. “I’m sorry.” Where the hell did that come from? “Shit just comes out my mouth when I’m mad.”

Rue eyes widens, “You really shouldn’t use bad words.”

“Or what.” Amber challenges.

Rue eyes furrow and she then smiles, “You just shouldn’t.”

Amber smiles and then notice how the other girl talked and walked. She was more elegant. She walked like a princess and her words came out smoothly but she didn’t seem like the spoil brats on TV because she had on an Iron Man t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

“Why are you examining me?” Rue questions seeing how Amber eyes looked her up and down. She instantly felt expose.

Amber shrugs her shoulders, “You’re different.”

“So.” Rue felt a little offended. She was use to that at her school.

Amber smirks. “It’s not a problem princess.”

Rue cocks her head to the side. Amber act just liked Riley. She remembers times when Riley would call Kimberly princess but they were dating. Rue over heard someone saying it was just pet names. Her mom’s had pet names for each other also. Why did Amber just give her a pet name? They weren’t dating. Rue instantly blushes and Amber smirk widens. She doesn’t know what she did but making the perfect princess squirm was fun.

Seeing that Amber was enjoying this Rue quickly recovered and says her head high. “You should eat.”

“Fine Jeez.” Amber says grabbing the plate sitting on the bed. She grabs one part of the sandwich and hands it towards Rue. “Here.”

“No thank-you.” Rue smiles.

“I’m not eating if you don’t.”

Rue furrows her eyebrow and then huffs in annoyance. She sits next to Amber and grabs half of the sandwich and bites into eat. Amber follows her moments and they eat in silence. When they are done Amber asks, “You like Iron Man.”

“Yes.” Rue smiles towards her.


“What does that supposed to mean.” Rue frowns.

“I mean you seem like the more Barbie type.”

Rue smiles again and explains, “Well at my school back in Arlandria all the other girls think I’m weird because I don’t like Barbie’s and playing dress up but rather play with the boys.”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Amber concludes.

Rue smiles and then nods her head.

“So what’s your name princess?” Amber asks. “Unless you want me to continue to call you princess.”

Rue blushes again looking into Amber green eyes. She glances away for a second and then answers, “My name is Rue. Rue Elizabeth Randers.”

“Damn you even have a princess name.” Amber says. She then smiles at this other girl; she was so different from the other girls at her school. “You’re so elegant. Where did you say you went to school again?”

“Arlandria.” Rue answers giggling. “Your language is horrible do you often use profanity.”

Amber shrugs her shoulders ignoring the question about her profanity, “Never heard of that school. I bet its some private high mighty school.” Amber concludes.

Rue smiles because it was actually a castle and she was really a princess in line to the throne but Amber didn’t have to know that.

Rue stands and then makes her way to the door. “Wait!” Rue pauses and turns around to see Amber with the most vulnerable face expression. “Stay please.” Amber whispers.

“Sure.” Rue smiles and sits back on the bed next to Amber. “It’s okay to be afraid but I guarantee you Amber that you are not alone and no one is going to hurt you here.”

Amber is shock to see that some of her fear is gone from Rue smile. Maybe she will be dead in the next hour or so but right now she felt a little safe.

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