The Billionaires Revenge. [Ne...

By KoraRae

1M 30.8K 1.1K

RATED PG- For language. Elizabeth Lawson is the heiress of a billion dollar corporation. She cares deeply for... More

Prologue - 1
Chapter One
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Letter To Axel Halbridge.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
AN: Announcement.

Chapter Two

40.8K 1.3K 73
By KoraRae

When I walked into the apartment all I could hear was screaming and crying. Alice ran out to me in fear and panic. It wasn't often my spirited daughter threw a tantrum but when she did only my father or myself could calm her. Athena loved her Pa, my father adored her, but he'd been busy with work lately. Alice was good in the way that she could divert and stall, she could also delay them until I arrived. Hearing Athena vomit and then scream and cry broke my heart.

I gave my things to Alice and walked to the living room. It was a mess, papers had been ripped, shredded and thrown all over the room. The TV looked as if it had seen better days, there was a giant crack in the middle of it. The couch had a rip in it and Athena was sitting on it with her head in a bucket.

I rushed over to her and as I was about to pull her into my arms when she started kicking and screaming with her eyes closed. I felt tiny claws scratch my chin.

"No! Noo-ugh" Her head was in a bucket again and she started to dry heave. I held her hair and when she was done she opened her eyes and looked up at me with a small whimper.

"Mummy. I feel yucky."

I hugged her with a sigh. Kissing her forehead and talking to her, giving her water to drink, making sure she was okay. I stayed by her side until she fell asleep. I placed her exhausted little body on her bed. When the doctor came, he gave her some medication and left.

"Alice," I called, I walked into the living room to see her scrubbing the floor with tears in her eyes. "I-I called to get the things r-replaced..." I walked over to her and took her hand.

"Alice, go take a relaxing bath. The doctor said it should only be a 24 hour bug."

She nodded and climbed to her feet slowly. She'd sorted out a new TV and that was enough for now.

A knock on my apartment door reminded me of how exhausting my day was. I opened the door to see someone I hadn't expected to see.

"Cindy." I murmured.

The girl with perfect blonde hair strolled into my place like she owned it. I groaned internally, she wasn't supposed to be back yet. She flipped her hair with manicured fingers and smacked her lips together.

"Your place looks like shit, hurricane Katrina sweep through here?" Her voice was high pitched and squeaky.

I closed my door and walked to the kitchen opting for an Irish coffee. I needed something strong if I had to deal with more bullshit and-

I poured myself a scotch instead, drinking it in a quick swig. I turned around and plastered a fake smile on my face.

"You're back early." I stated.

Conversation with Cindy was almost like grating your face against the thorns of a rose. She's beautiful but completely fake, from her 6 inch layered make up, her manicured nails and fake breasts. Her tan wasn't even real, it looked gaudy and unnatural. She was good company for shopping but that was as far as her value went in my books.

Cindy followed me and she wrinkled her nose at the smell.

"Where's your brat?"

I needed another drink for this. I thought about the events of the day and it was only midday.

"Sick." I stated, I guess it was a good idea to stay behind, I wouldn't say it out loud but Athena being sick excused me from having to see my father. I would visit eventually but I'd have to work up the courage first.

"Have you gone to see him yet?"

It could be the only reason that she was back. Cindy was almost like a sister after her father was arrested. My dad had decided to take her under his wing as best he could. He'd be the reason for her to come back, my father is an amazing man who never let his wealth get to his head. Even though we had a lot of money we had to earn our niceties. My parents were firm believers in independence, so growing up we cleaned and cooked for income.

I watched as Cindy's facade fell and she slumped into a stool at the breakfast bar. She nodded her head mutely and I didn't like that face she made. I poured her half a glass of scotch and pushed it toward her. She looked at me then the glass, drinking it in one mouthful.

I cringed, "Is it that bad?"

She looked at me and pursed her lips. "He went into cardiac arrest after he read about that vile company and their disgusting CEO-" I wasn't sure she'd think that if she'd seen him. "-Attempted a hostile takeover."

I chewed on my lip. My father was already stressing about letting me take my position as CEO, he was working long hours, longer than usual to ensure that the transition was smooth. Nothing big was supposed to happen for months, I had been training for this since I was 16. Originally dad was going to separate the company so my brother and I could share responsibility but he'd been adamant that he wouldn't be a leader. Lyndon was a go with the flow type of person, he wasn't good at barking orders and making hard decisions. I noticed that the kitchen was silent as another knock on my door sounded.

I gave my cousin a weak smile and walked over to it silently. A few men stood there with items to fix my living room and maids to clean up the mess Athena had made. I walked back in the kitchen to see Cindy hadn't moved, that she was still in the same spot with a haunted look.

"Thena is sick so I can't see him yet..." I trailed off and looked at the scotch. The one thing we seemed to agree on was that my father was an amazing man and him being stressed and sick wasn't helpful. Cindy nodded mutely and left, she was probably going back to the hospital.

I went to my room ready to sleep away the stress when my phone rang.


I answered and grunted as I threw myself on my bed with my other arm slung across my eyes. I was practically CEO anyway. I needed to figure out a way to combat what Axel was doing to the company. I needed to step up and prove to my father that I can handle this situation.

"Ellie, I have arranged for each of the reporters to see you and..."

I zoned out of the conversation as Tara continued relaying my schedule. My mind lingered on things it shouldn't, for example, how attractive Axel was. He had aged nicely, not much had changed although his eyes were hardened slightly, I couldn't tell why, but they gave him a dark and mysterious allure, that I was sure would be hard to resist.

Also I couldn't understand his vendetta against myself and my family, either he was as evil as Olivia or he knew nothing about why I had broken them up. Was there really any reason to point out her infidelity, our family were all over it. Lyndon had moved on, actually after Olivia he never had a serious relationship again. I guessed that even his easy going attitude had taken enough beatings. I looked at the ceiling and sighed, my mystery man whom I've searched for, is the very man hell bent on destroying me. This fact wouldn't be so strange to me if it weren't for the fact that we shared a child. The blood that ran through his body was also a part of Athena. Wanting to give her a father was and is important to me, but now I questioned his character.

I should tell him straight away, right? Would he believe me? Our interaction before the meeting in my office was filled with only moans and carnal pleasures. We didn't talk one word except for the lust filled dirty talk, in which, I took no part in.

I had childish images of what would have happened when I met the guy again. He'd be driven wild, because he couldn't stop thinking about me and he'd been searching everywhere. He'd wrap his arms around me and we would kiss and then I'd introduce him to our daughter. I guess Disney had spoiled my imagination because it wasn't very original.

I was snapped out of my thoughts with an irate Tara on the other side of my call. I grunted in response.

"Tee, can you come over?"

She gave me an annoyed confirmation and told me I'd work from home.

I put the phone down and I heard the creak of my bedroom door. I sat up and saw my little four year old carrying her mink blanket. She had a large pout on her lips and her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

"I sorry I hurt you Mummy."

I subconsciously touched my chin and shook my head. She walked over to me and held my hand. I got up from my bed and walked with her to the living room, it looked as if there was no tantrum whatsoever. I took control and sat us down on the couch. I pulled Athena onto my lap and directed her to face me.

"Athena." I said sternly. "I know when you feel mad you can't always control your angry." I worded it as best as I could so she would understand. "You didn't hurt me much, but it's not right. Remember what we talked about? You need to use your breathing."

Athena looked up at me and put a gentle hand on my chin. I winced at the slight sting and she pulled her hand away like I had burnt her. Her bottom lip trembled and she threw her self into my arms whispering sorry over and over again.

I hugged her until she was calm and she asked to watch Rugrats. After setting it up there was a knock at my door I left Athena and opened without question thinking it was Tara.

"You took your time getting here I was thinking about looking over the files for the Andersen account and then prepping for the interviews with the-"

I blinked blankly when my eyes finally looked into my doorway to see an uncomfortable Tara and an unwelcome guest standing next to her. I raised an eyebrow at him inwardly cursing his imposing height and then looked at Tara.

"I didn't know he was following me I swear, not until he beat me to knocking on the door."

I glared at her, "How inconspicuous can a giant gorilla like him be?!"

"Gorilla?" He questioned. I held a hand up to silence him not ready to acknowledge his presence with our daughter on the other side of the room. I gave her a meaningful look and her eyes widened and she nodded. I opened the door a little for her to slip in and licked my lip.

"Can you talk to Alice about seeing to the mess in the other room."

She nodded and left quickly. I turned the deadbolt on the door and ensured that I didn't lock myself out and closed the door with my arms folded across my chest.

"What are you doing here Axel?"

He looked at me with amusement and lips slightly curved. "Aren't you supposed to welcome guests, it's a social norm isn't it?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. "Invited guests are welcomed in, yes."

He snickered at my response and clicked his tongue at me. "But I had more to discuss with you." He stepped closer to me and I tried to take a step back but the door stopped me. He lifted a piece of my hair and let it fall. He stepped closer to me and I could feel my words catch in my throat. His cologne intoxicated me, it was the same one from our first meeting. His body heat made me shiver in delight as I tried to forget the memories, of well, everything he and I had done. It had been replayed in my mind so many nights, his breath on my neck branded my skin, I could never forget it.

"T-There's nothing to discuss." I cursed myself for stuttering and he smirked. He knew that his proximity was effecting me and what's worse was that my traitorous body responded like a bitch in heat. I wanted to turn the tables and challenge his menacing seduction but I was off my game. The last guy I had any kind of flirtation with was the man standing in front of me five years ago!

You'd think that with the fortune I had there would be guys throwing themselves at my feet. It wasn't a wrong assumption but between working to be CEO, doing a double major at college and raising a child by myself there was simply no time for a romantic escapade. So I was seriously lacking in the flirtation skills, in fact when I had encountered this sex God at the club I was intoxicated and only dancing! To be honest I am surprised that I had lost my virginity before I had met Axel, my life was just so busy. I didn't believe in love until I had my daughter and even then it was family love.

I placed my hands on Axel's chest trying to push him away and create distance but he only closed the space in between us and snaked his arms around my waist gripping them like they were his lifeline. Rational thoughts faded from my mind as his heady scent possessed me violently, without my consent and my breath hitched. I got lost in his eyes feeling my body heat to what felt like an unnatural temperature. Swallowing hard my saliva felt like sand paper grazing at my throat and he leaned into me, his hot breath on my ear as he nipped it,

"I've thought about the mystery woman I took to my bed all those years ago."

His voice husky and deeper, filled with desire, I felt myself fidget with this excessive heat travelling through my body and down to my core. I whimpered into his neck as he placed a chaste kiss onto my collarbone and I lost all control.

I threaded my hands into his hair, giving into the same carnal desire I had for him when we first met, I yanked on his hair as he hissed in pain and forced his lips to mine. I moaned at the same time as him when my mouth met his. The soft skin of his lips moulding into mine and I felt my knees get weak and buckle. He held my body tighter to his nibbling my flesh to open my mouth and like a greedy vixen I let his tongue clash with mine. We fought for dominance with no clear winner, this kiss was filled with pent up lust and possession.

I could hear a voice ringing in my mind, telling me that this wasn't right but I was too far gone. I couldn't resist this temptation and in a tangle of limbs we ended up on a bed. I knew we weren't in my apartment but right now I didn't care. I had an aching need between my legs and he was the only one who could satisfy it. I had been searching for five years for the only person who seemed to satisfy me, not even my own ministrations had been able to please me as he could. Discarded clothing thrown uselessly on the ground in attempt to feel something more than sleazy pickup-lines and empty promises.

I was an empty vessel and he filled me up in more ways than one.


Lying limply on a bed, sweaty and exerted I felt a familiar feeling of disgust rise from my stomach. I had fallen asleep and left my self be vulnerable. I cursed myself for losing control of my body, I know that I wanted it with every fiber of my being but I had forgotten that he was the enemy. He had, not even 24 hours ago, threatened to ruin me. I guess in a way he had. Axel Halbridge had ruined me for any other guy, even if I wouldn't admit it out loud.

I wanted to regret this in the comfort of my own home, I hadn't planned this, God I was so stupid! He lay next to me and lazily sat up. I heard the click of a phone and turned my head to the doorway to see a person I didn't think I'd ever lay eyes on again.

Olivia Helix.

She had her phone out and ready, I don't doubt that she had taken a picture and like a fool I fell into this trap. I glared at the two of them and quickly dressed myself. I felt a hand wrap around my arm and was pulled back onto the bed as Axel looked at me.

"It's too bad that the woman I slept with five years ago is a life ruining whore"

Olivia cackled evilly and I tried my hardest not to be effected by his words but they hurt. I repeated that I was a fool over and over again but it didn't stop the open wound he'd slashed through me. He let go of me and gave me a disgusted look, his eyes cold and emotionless. He pulled up his boxers and then slipped his pants on, he started to walk out as he fixed his buckle and turned his head to me and sent a scalding glare my way.

"I own you now." He growled.

I was stunned to say the least, when we were having sex he was kind and attentive, how could a person act that well? As he slipped on his shirt he turned to me one last time.

"I didn't use protection." He let the silence hang between us. "I don't want a bastard child to you so I'd get that fixed up."

His sister laughed in the living room and I sat stunned in place. How could I have let this happen again. My hand landed on my stomach instinctively.

Bastard child.



Bastard child.

He didn't know about Athena and that had solidified my resolve. He would never have the honour of being called dad by my Athena. She would never know his name, my sadness turned to anger and I stormed out of the room, ready to go head to head with that asshole, but he was gone and I was stunned to see that my apartment was next to the one I was in. I stormed into my apartment and went straight to my closet. I started pulling all my clothes out and dropping them on my bed. Tara had followed me taking in my appearance and fought with me to be still and once she had managed to stop me from packing my things I collapsed in tears with her arms wrapped around me. Bewildered and scared she held me close and cooed softly like she had done the day I had found out I was pregnant. His words swimming in my mind.

Bastard Child.

Bastard Child.


AN: So this chapter did not go how I planned it to go, but stubborn Axel has to break the rules and do his own thing.

Poor misguided Axel has no idea what he's done or walked into.

Stay tuned!

P.S I'm not sure if you want R-rated chapters or not, let me know.

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