By lightsoutalice

85.4K 1.7K 479

"i promise you that as long as I'm here I will never not notice you cassie." sequel to "that treble" donald w... More

⎼⎼⌞chapter one⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter three⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter four⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter five⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter six⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter seven⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter eight⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter nine⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter ten⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter eleven⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter twelve⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter thirteen⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter fourteen⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter fifteen⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter sixteen⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter seventeen⌝⎼⎼
⎼⎼⌞chapter eighteen⌝⎼⎼

⎼⎼⌞chapter two⌝⎼⎼

10.1K 197 26
By lightsoutalice

"I'm going to be there I promise you that, I would rather sleep with a great white shark than miss you guys performing Lollipop." I shouted as I made my way over to the door to head to the Dean's office.

"The show will still go on if you don't make it!" Greg shouted teasingly as I shut the door and began speed walking, catching up with the girls tight as they were making there way inside.

We all quietly filed into the building as we took out seats while we waited to be called in. Staci and I thumb wrestling as Chloe continued pacing up and down the hall.

"Chloe, chill out, it was a mistake, they're not gonna burn us for witchcraft." Beca told her looking a bit fed up.

"No, but the National acappella Association is in there talking to the Dean about us, and who knows what's gonna happen." Chloe said anxiously as she continued pacing.

"We won three championships, whatever happens in there, we're gonna be fine. Maybe it's time to think about other stuff." Beca said glancing over at me, before peeking at Chloe again to see her reaction.

"What other stuff?" Chloe asked pausing in place as if it was the most ridiculous question in the world.

"You know, school, jobs, life." Beca said timidly as Chloe quickly shook her head in disagreement.

"This group is my life." Chloe stated as she returned to pacing up and down.

"I've intentionally failed Russian lit. three times so I could be a Bella. This is the worst thing that's ever happened to us... ever." Chloe said sadly as she took a seat beside Beca and Flo, folding her arms as if she was about to start crying.

"You know, before coming to Barden, I had diarrhea for seven years.... But, yes, this is terrible." Flo says nodding her head as Amy turned towards me with wide eyes.

"The Dean is ready for you tramps." The secretary announced as she popped out from behind the door. My mouth dropped open in shock as we all slowly got up and filed inside the Dean's office. Is this our new norm?

"Oh brother." I mumbled to myself once I caught sight of Gail and John seated beside the Dean.

"Ladies, you have dragged the good name of Barden University into the gutter. And you've really upset these people who... who's names I've already forgotten." The Dean said as we stood there with our heads down silently, as I tried not to grin at the sly comment.

"Your little Southern Exposure in front of our Commander in Chief has irreparably damaged the entire institution of acappella." John said as we all glanced at each other.

"Blew it up." Gail continued, mimicking an explosion.

"Funding drying up. Sponsors are pulling out. Unfortunately, an example must be made." John said as Gail hummed along.

"It is the decision of this governing body that the Bella's are hereby suspended from competing at the collegiate level. The terms of your suspension are laid-out in this document. I'm sorry, but it's over." John said as we all gasped in shock, Chloe quickly grabbing the document out of Gail's hands to read it.

"Okay, can we be reasonable? Fat Amy apologized, this was an accident." Beca said already fed up with the whole situation at hand as we nodded.

"Was it?" Gail asked, tilting her head in a condescending way.

"You're taking us off of our victory tour? Who's gonna sing the National Anthem at the Puppy Bowl?" Chloe gaped, as she looked up from the document.

"You're being replaced by the European champions. A German group of total professionals." Gail said making as Chloe shook her head in disbelief.

"In other words, they're gonna keep their pants on." John said with a snide tone as Chloe's voice began wavering from how upset she was.

"So, we can't defend our title, and we can't tour?" Chloe asked shaking her head in disbelief before the dean cut her off.

"And you can't hold any auditions. We don't need your ranks to grow like a fungus." He said, as even Gail looked surprised by his comment.

"Oh, so that's it then? So, basically, the Bella's are over?" Chloe said, her chest beginning to heave as she tried to contain how upset she was.

"Look ladies, I'm sorry that this disciplinary action has shocked you. Especially since you're all seniors. But the truth is, you're just women...and you'll all be pregnant soon." John said as Gail shook her head at his comment. Beca wrapping her arm over Chloe in an attempt to comfort her.

"Hold on, there's nothing in here that strips us of our national title. And, if we're still reigning champs, then we are automatically invited to represent America at the World Championships this spring." Chloe said hopefully as she started smiling at the possibility.

"Ah, yes, the World Championships of acappella, where every four years groups from around the globe compete for world domination." Gail said nodding her head.

"Look, ladies, we can't stop you from going to the World's Competition. It's not gonna help your case here." John said sternly as he shrugged.

"Not at all." Gail said cutting in as she waved her hands, hoping we would discard the idea completely.

"What if we win it?" Beca suggested with a straight face.

"What if you win it? Like... you... out perform the other groups? How do you fit such big
dreams in such a small body? What if you win it?" John said as Gail and him began bursting into abrupt laughter.

"What if... what if you win it?" John repeated laughing as the dean began looking around confused.

"Yeah, if we win, will you reinstate us?" Beca asked her voice unwavering as we all nodded behind her.

"Sure. No American team has ever won." Gail stated still chuckling at the idea as John nodded along.

"That's because they hate us." John said as their laughter began to start back up again.

"The whole world." Gail chuckled as she waved her hands, astonished that we could even think that winning World's was possible.

"The whole world hates us." John repeated still laughing, we glanced at the Dean as he nodded for us to make our way out..

"Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God." Chloe said as she began pacing the moment we stepped foot out of the office.

"Chloe, do not blame yourself. You're a ginger, that's punishment enough." Amy said as Chloe continued to ignore her as she paced and mumbled to herself.

"This is not all your fault, it's on all of us." Beca said in an attempt to comfort Chloe.

"No it's my fault, if only I tamed more like I say I'm gonna do every New Year's." Amy says as we all glanced at her.

"So, if we don't win the World's, then what are we? Just a bunch of girls who hang out?" Staci asked glancing around before Cynthia Rose quickly answered her.

"What's wrong with that?" Cynthia Rose said innocently as Chloe finally exploded.

"Everything! I won't let us go down in history as the team that served a clam pie to the first family!" She exclaimed as Amy looked as if she did a double take at Chloe's statement.

"If we don't win, the Bellas are over. This is the biggest challenge that any of us have ever faced." Chloe said taking deep breaths, as Beca quickly stepped away from us as she answered her phone.

"When I was nine years old my brother tried to sell me for a chicken, so..." Flo said awkwardly as she nodded off with her statement.

"Well, I will do whoever it takes in order for us to get back to the top." Staci proudly stated as she nodded her head.

"You mean 'whatever' it takes?" Amy asked, despite all of us knowing what she really meant.

"Yeah, I'll do that, too." Staci said shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. Beca discreetly tapping my shoulder and nudging her head as a way to tell me to follow her.

"That's great news. Yes, she's with me right now.. No, we could start Monday." Beca said quietly as she grinned at me with excitement.

"We would be stoked to start on Monday. Sorry, I don't say 'stoked', I don't say stuff like that. I'm like... I'm pretty cool, you're gonna love us. That was bad, too." Beca said awkwardly because of how nercous she was

"Great, I will see you Monday. Beca out." Beca said hanging up as she shook her head, completely humiliated with herself.

"Beca! Cassie!" Chloe yelled, motioning for us to join her again, Beca discreetly high fiving me as we made our way over.

"I want everyone to start brainstorming, come to me or Beca with any good ideas you might have." Chloe says as we nodded our heads before breaking apart for the rest of the day. I began making my way over to the building where the freshman orientation was being held. I walked in old cathedral where the orientation was being held very quietly once I realized it had already started.

"Hello fresh persons! Welcome to Barden University!" The lady said coming on stage as everyone shouted as the mascot began running across the stage.

"You have made a great choice and a cheap one, while our football team did not crack the top hundred, we did climb to number three in the nation for HPV cases." She announced as my eyebrows shot up in shock.

"We have a special performance for you now. Here they are, the pride of Barden University, the Trey blem-akers!" She said as she read off the notecard, before making her way off the stage as Jesse quickly ran up.

"Thank you. Thank you. We are the Treblemakers. I'm Jesse, and this is a cappella." Jesse announced as the freshmen all clapped.

"Ayo, Trebles!" Jesse sang as the guys made their way onto the stage, beginning their set.

"Suckin' too hard on your lollipop, or love's gonna get you down." They sang as they all stood in front of their individual mic stands while snapping their fingers.

"Sucking too hard on your lollipop, or love's gonna get you down." They sang once more as they began moving the mic stand to, before tilting them.

"I went walkin' with my mama one day. When she warned me what people say. Live your life until love is found. 'Cause love's gonna get you down." Jesse sang as they continued tilting their mic stand , before abandoning them and making their way to the left side of the stage.

"Take a look at the girl next door. She's a player and a down right bore." They sang as they kneeled on the stage and pretending to point at someone.

"Jesus loves her, she wants more. Oh bad girls get you down." They sang as they got up and made their way back to center stage.

"Suckin' too hard on your lollipop, or love's gonna get you down." They sang as they pointed back at the audience.

"Sucking too hard on your lollipop, or love's gonna get you down." They sang as they were now on their knees.

"Say love, say love, say love, love's gonna get you down." They sang as Benji began making trumpet noises and pretending his microphone was one.

"Someone drop some bass." Jesse said as the guys quickly began singing the word 'love'.

"Now I need some baritone." Jessa said as half trebles were now singing the word 'love' in bass or baritone.

"Now give me some tenor." Jesse sang in tenor as the guys behind him continued in baritone or bass.

"Lolly, lolly, lolly, suckin', suckin'." All the guys sang at a quick rate as they snapped their fingers.

"I said love's gonna get you down." Jesse sang, as they pretended to fall on to the floor. The audience clapping and cheering as the trebles made their way iff the stage.

"The Treblemakers!" The lady shouted excitedly aa she made her way back on the stage as the freshmen continued clapping.

"Okay! Move in will begin just as soon as animal control clears out Franklin Hall! And remember, painful urination is a sign of something. Have a great year!" She announced as she made her way back off the stage, people beginning to get up from their seats as they made their way out. I stepped outside as I looked for Donald.

"Not the best spot to be standing babe." I said as I approached the Trebles who were handing out fliers. Donald quickly turned around and glanced at the giant tent marked 'HPV VACCINES'.

"Oh wow." He muttered as he blushed and took a few steps to the side as he grabbed my hand.

"You made it?" Donald asked looking surprised as I nodded.

"Got to see every second." I said dreamily as he shook his head grinning. "I've got to say I miss the jackets."

"Don't tell Jessie but I do too." Donald whispered as we made our way over to Jessie, Benji, and Greg.

"Cassie! You made it!" Benji said happily as he gave me a side hug.

"Would you look at that the show did in fact go on, with me, in the audience." I teased Greg who shook his head as he smacked me with his pile a fliers.

"Good job Trebles, you killed it!" A girl said to Jesse, grabbing a flier from him.

"Thanks. You like a cappella?" Jesse asked smiling as she nodded her head.

"Oh yeah. I got my heart set on becoming a Bella. It's at the very top of all my dream boards." She said as I grimaced, remembering how we were just told the Bella's were no longer allowed to hold auditions for any new members.

"Did I hear mention of dreams? Hi. Benjamin Applebaum at your service." Benji said nervously stepping out in front of Jesse as he held her hand out for her to shake.

"May I say, you are so spirited. I just want to put you in a box and saw you in half." Benji continued nervously as the girl's smile quickly faltered.

"For magic! As part of a trick, he does magic. It's only weird if you don't embrace it." Jesse quickly said trying to help Benji as he grabbed his shoulder and began gently pushing him away.

"Cassie's a Bella." He said pointing towards me as he began dragging Benji away.

"You're a Barden Bella?" The girl said quickly turning to me in excitement.

"One of the best." Donald said as he wrapped his arms over my shoulders from behind.

"Well, not for much longer..." I quietly trailed off as the girl and Greg furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. Donald quickly letting me go so he could face me better.

"What?" The girl said confused as I awkwardly hummed.

"Welllllll, the meeting with the Dean didn't go very well, unless we win World's the Bella's are pretty much over." I said as the girl gasped, Donald and Greg's eyes widening in shock.

"What? That can't- I have to be a Bella, I'm a Junk." The girl said in shock, shaking her head at the news.


"I'm a legacy. Junk. My mom was a Bella. Katherine Junk." She said

"Oh, we aren't allowed to have anyone audition for us, but you know what I'm sure Chloe could find some way around that." I said shrugging as the girl eagerly shook her head, I gave her my number as I told her I'd let her know when to come by.

"I can't believe you guys are suspended." Greg says shocked as I nodded my head.

"The dean said we were fungus that needed to stop growing." I said shaking my head in disdain as Greg began to snicker before being smacked by Donald.

"That's horrible, Cassie." Greg coughed trying to sound sincere.

"Oh, shut up." I said snickering.


I sat on my bed as I texted Donald, Staci was shockingly on the phone with my brother on speaker as she giggled like a school girl.

"I really like you." She said as she rolled over on her stomach and dangled her feet in the air.

"I really like you too Staci." I heard Daniel say over the speaker.

"I like you more." Staci said giggling as I shook my head.

"Ew." I mumbled as I returned my attention back to my phone, as a pillow was hurled my way. I tossed the pillow back and sent my final text to Donald before falling asleep soon after.


As I got dressed for the day and made my way downstairs I realized Beca was nowhere in sight, she must of wanted to spend more time with Jesse before heading to work today. I slid past Staci and Flo who were sifting through the huge stack of letters on our table.

"It's been months and we're still getting hate mail." Staci said scoffing as she flipped through each letter.

"That's not all." I said as they turned to me confused. I sighed as I pulled back the curtain of our kitchen window allowing them to now see our freshly toilet papered and egged house.

"Well, good news, we are officially registered. Update your passports, Ladies, because we are going to the very sunny, very beautiful Copenhagen." Chloe squealed excitedly as she looked up from her laptop.

"Yeah! Where is that?" Amy asked a bit confused as she scratched head head awkwardly.

"I don't know, I failed maps." Chloe said shrugging.

"How is that a course?" Amy asked confused only to be completely ignored by Chloe anyways.

"It looks like the Competition has been dominated by that stupid German group that took over our tour." Chloe said as she continued scrolling through her computer.

"You mean stole our tour." Staci said pointedly as we all hummed in agreement.

"We need to scout those douchebags." Amy said, as we all nodded glancing at Chloe for her opinion.

"How good can they be? Germany hasn't produced a good singer since David Hasselhoff." Chloe said as we nodded again.

"We're going to crush them, and when we do we can stick it to these chumps who send us all these hate mail, like... Sonia Sotomayor." Amy said as she held up a letter saying 'Die Bitches, Die' in different magazine clippings.

"Judgy bitch." Amy said throwing down the paper, as my eyes were wide in shock.

"The Bellas are back." Amy continued as we began cheering.

"Did ya'll talk to Beca today?" Chloe asked, as I remembered Donald was probably waiting outside in his car for me.

"I haven't, but I'll be back later tonight, I got stuff to do." I said rushing out the door as they yelled out goodbyes.

"Hello gorgeous." Donald teased as he grinned while he pushed himself off of the side of the car and held the passenger door for me.

"Hello handsome." I teased back as he slid back into the drivers seat.

"So, what's this whole internship-" Donald asked before I quickly shushed him and put my hand over his mouth. Donald quickly coming to a halt as he raised his eyebrows while I slowly removed my hand.

"Chloe will freak if she hears anything about it." I said as he nodded his head.

"Right. Right. Well my question still stands, whats this intern-" He began as I quickly shushed him again as I put my hand over his mouth once more.

"Cassie. We're in a car. They can't hear us." He explained slowly as he took my hand off his mouth.

"You don't know that, Chloe could of easily bugged your car." I said he thought it over before nodding his head in agreement.

"Fair enough, are you nervous?" He asked as he began pulling out of the Bella's driveway.

"No, I'm not even really that interested in it. Beca just wanted some moral support." I said as he nodded.

"You know Lil Wayne recorded here." I said as we pulled up to the place, Donald turning towards me in shock.

"No way, you're messing with me, aren't you?" Donald said grinning as he stared me down.

"Nope I swear, he was arrested like twice here." I said as I got out of the car leaning in on his side of the window.

"Stop bragging." Donald said as I chuckled, pulling him into a quick kiss before I turned around and started making my way towards the entrance.

"See you later!" I called out as I waved to him, watching as he waved back before I walked inside.

"Hey Beca! Excited?" I asked as I saw her sitting down in the lobby waiting for me, her legs anxiously bouncing.

"More like beyond nervous." She said as she stood up, pulling me into a hug before we walked towards the desk. They then led us over to get our pictures taken for our ID badges.

"Are you ready, or..." Beca asked right as the photographer snapped her photo while she was talking. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle, as I then made my way in front of the camera. I made sure to smile for the entirety, he wasn't going to pull that fast one on me.

"Great." Beca signed as she looked at her ID badge after it printed.

"You still look hot." I said, grabbing mine from the guy and clipping it on, Beca doing the same. We were then pretty much reduced to just coffee run for the entire morning. Beca and I must have cranked out at least fifty different coffee orders in the morning alone.

"Okay, everybody, huddle up!" A guy shouted as he walked in through the door and speed walking over to a giant table in the building as he clapped his hands. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

"To the table, please! To the table! Last one at this table has to help Frank watch YouTube videos to find the next Justin Bieber." He yelled as he pointed at Frank, making people rush to the table even faster. Beca and I taking our seats beside each other.

"Hey, so, I'm turning 25 next week, if anybody want to get some drinks... celebrate." Frank announced to everybody as he nodded his head.

"Frank, Buddy, less talk. Thank you so much." Boss guy said as everyone finally took their seats.

"Okay, my people, check it out. That ..." He began before sighing frustratedly as the Tv continued going back and fourth between the home page and the image he wanted to show us.

"Dax, the tech guy, did you call the tech guy?" He asked while pinching the bridge of his nose clearly annoyed.

"Yeah, I talked to him." Dax said leaning back in his chair as he spun his pen in his hand calmly.

"Do you understand, everything else in my life works. So I just need everything here to work too, okay?" Boss guy continued as Dax stared at him.

"He said he was gonna call me back." Dax continued looking confused.

"Oh my God." The boss muttered as he stared at the floor.

"Do you want me to call him back?" Dax quickly asked as he straightened up in his seat and reached for the phone..

"Don't. Don't do it now." The boss said with frustration as he motioned for Dax to place the phone down. Dax awkwardly put it down as the boss began fiddling with remote.

"Okay, there we go. That is the Lion himself, That is the legendary Snoop D-Oh-Double-G singing 'White Christmas' at a tree lighting ceremony in Moscow. He was so moved by the power of music to unite the world, or some shit, that now he wants to drop his own cool Christmas album. And because I sleep on a bed of Grammys, he has decided to hire me to produce it." The boss said as everyone at the table nodded along.

"But Snoop Dogg already dropped the Christmas album." Dax said confused as he began twirling his pen again.

"If you had listened to his album like I did... stranded in the air with T.I. on a golden hang glider, then you would have known that none of the songs were classics. I've had to listen to that album on two separate occasions, Hang glider with T.I., and also a rocket ship that Eminem has built. It doesn't go anywhere, but he's got dreams for it, okay?" He paused looking around the room as everyone stayed silent.

"So, I need you to close your mouth. Here lies the problem, everybody... Last time I checked, there were over a million Christmas albums with the same ten damn songs on them. So, Guys, I'm tellin' you man, I need all hands on deck right now to come up with ideas on how to make this one stand out. Okay? You got it?" He continued loudly.

"Fire when ready, I wanna hear ideas. Anything. Anybody, anybody right now would be great, anybody can talk right now..." He said as he snapped his fingers before beginning to start slamming his hands down on the table, frustrated that nobody was talking.

"What if we got these dogs..." Dax began excitedly before quickly getting shut down.

"Anybody but you." The guy exclaimed pointing at Dax who shrugged it off and continued talking anyways.

"What if we got these dogs that bark 'Jingle Bells' to back him up?" Dax he continued grinning as he finished his sentence.

"L'me, l'me, let me guess, let me guess, you want those dogs to back him up because he's Snoop Dogg?" The boss said as he ripped his sunglasses off his face in frustration.

"Yeah." Dax said smiling innocently at his idea.

"That is a really great example, of a horrible idea!" The boss started off saying it kindly before turning towards the rest of us to reveal his disdain for the awful idea, I couldn't help but let out a small snicker before I covered my mouth. Dax turning his head to face me before giving me a small smile.

"Take a lap." The guy said as he held his hand up and gestured around the building, Dax quickly diverting his eyes back towards him.

"What?" Dax asked in disbelief at the order.

"Take a lap." The boss repeated, refusing to meet Dax's eyes as he once again gestured to run.

"But I'm wearing skinny jeans." Dax said confused, as the boss began shaking his head.

"I don't care. Go, go!" The boss began shouting as he began waving his hands for him to get up and start. Dax quickly getting up and beginning to run around the table. Beca and I turning to stare at each other in disbelief.

"Let's go, I want to see knees up. Knees up!" The boss continued to shout at as he watched Dax run, before turning his attention back to the rest of us.

"Guys, I should give you a little more time, a minute, you got one minute, 60 seconds. My time is like a toddler in a tiara, okay, precious and short. I need really great ideas, Snoop is coming." He shouted as he began making his way out the door, Dax watching as he continued to run but immediately stopping once he heard the door shut.

"Do you need a glass of water?" I asked Dax

"Oh no, you don't have to." He said as he tried regulating his breathing back to normal.

"I don't mind, it's pretty much the only thing I do all day." I said as I held up my ID card, showing him that I was in fact a intern.

"If you insist." He said as I nodded my head and made my way over to the fridge, checking my watch for the time.

"Beca, I'm gonna head out for the day. Are you staying?" I asked her as I spotted her staring off into the distance as she waited for a cup of coffee to finish pouring.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I should be back in a bit. I need to brainstorm so I can get out of this coffee and lunch delivery phase." She said as I nodded, grabbing the bottle of water and making my way to the door.

"Alright, see you later." I told her as she waved goodbye. I then finished my way over to Dax and handed him the bottle of water.

"Thanks, I owe you one." He said smiling as he opened the bottle of water and began taking a drink.

"It's no problem, at least you said thank you. Almost no one else hear does." I told him as I rolled my eyes as I recalled the entirety of my day.

"They got you on lackey duty, huh? You'll probably be on it for awhile." He said raising his eyebrows as I shook my head.

"Definitely not for long, between you and me I'm just staying with this intern stuff until my friend gets comfortable working here by herself." I said as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't like producing music?" He asked as I shook my head.

"That's a first." He said snickering as he shook his head.

"What?" I asked confused as he grinned.

"Meeting someone doing an internship for something they aren't even interested in." He said as I shook my head laughing along with him. My phone began beeping as I pulled it out of my pocket realizing it was a text from Donald telling me he was outside.

"That's my signal to get the hell out of here." I said as he nodded his head.

"I never got your name." He said grabbing my hand before I could turn away and head out.

"Oh, it's Cassie." I said as he nodded and dropped my hand.

"Later, Cassie." He said waving as I waved in return.

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