Trusting Him~ RogueXReader

By Nightfall__

41.9K 1K 714

How can you trust him when you can trust no one. More

A Dream Come True
Back Home
Endless possibilities
A better day
The New Dragon Slayer of Sabortooth
Gray Fullbuster
Ice Dragon
Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back
Continue forwards
Who are you?
Can I?
Back to School
To much
I knew it
It will never be the same
Gym Class
Tick Tock
I'm sorry
Trusting Him


1.7K 51 69
By Nightfall__

BLEEP! BLEEP! BLEEP! BLEEP! My eyes shoot open to a dark room. I let out a defeated sigh. Oh great another day of school. Yay. I grumpily get out of bed hoping that I could skip school today or at least a class maybe take a really long time to get ready. I slowly roll my feet down the stair the ends of my pajama bottoms covering my feet to protect them from the cold floor below.

"Good morning dear!" I turn my head tp see my mom flipping pancakes in front of the oven. " Oh why do you seem upset?" she asked truly perplexed. I give her a questioning glance she knows I doesn't like school and she never seemed to care. "Aren't you going to be seeing those two boys again today?" My eyes instantly brightened. I completely forgot about Rouge and Sting, forget about being late I want to see Rouge.

As soon as the food was ready I ate it as fast as I could taking no more time then 5 minutes at the very most. I quickly ran upstairs trying to figure out the cutest outfit I could wear so I looked good for Rouge.

30 minutes later I'm out the door and hoping on to the bus. I quickly without missing a beat sit in the middle of the bus in a seat to the right. I don't know what it was about the right side but it always felt safer than the left side. After 5 minutes I quickly got bored and laid my head down on my bag hoping I'd be able to fall asleep for another hour and I quickly do.


"GO Y/N GO GO GO!!!!!!!" I hear Sting yell to my right as I start shouting out my magic. It was a combination of Shadow Dragon slayer magic and Light Dragon Slayer Magic. I turned to a tree and I instantly hit it with my roar of magic and it dissolved like paper. I stop taking in a deep breath and I look at Sting and Rouge hoping I impressed them. Sting just smiles but Rouge rushes over to me and gives me a giant hug. After a little bit he let me go but not before he gave me a kiss on my forehead. it shocked me but I was happy I couldn't believe that just happened, does Rouge love me? I look up at him and into his big dark eyes and all I could see was happiness.

"Sorry Y/N. I just couldn't help myself I love you too much." Rouge said looking at me his blush getting deeper. My cheeks instantly felt like they were on fire and it started spreading to the rest of my face as well.

" I... I love you too-


I woke up with a start to find the bus pulling into the school parking lot. Dang it! I thought, It was only a dream.  I sigh and with that the bus finishes parking and all the kids start to get off the bus. Well at least I'll be able to see him in real life. I thought making myself happier. I get off the bus ad head of to the band hall for my morning practice maybe Rouge would be there but I don't it I know everyone in the band and he isn't one of the people but it doesn't matter I don't need him distracting me in band now cause that would only mess up my playing.

After two minutes of walking down the long curvy hallways of the school I reached the band hall, the best place in the school. Some people may disagree with me on that one and say that band sucks and that it's stupid, but let's face it those guys are idiots. I open the door and instantly hear the sounds of instuments clahing together beause no one was practicing the same thing and so it mad everything sound absolutely terrible.

I walked to the back of the room to where I usually practiced next to my two friends Calli and Jade. Calli was there but Jade wasn't whisch was strange because she was usually the first one of us in the band hall.

Calli picks up her clarinet and quickly warms up with a little squeak at the very end. I just smile at her as she takes a look at her clarinet to make sure everything was in place so that wouldn't happen again.

Quickly she pulled a part of the clarinet a little and did the same thing again but this time with out the sqeak. I really don't get clarients since I'm a flute player but I still do understand it better than most people.

As I started to put my flute together the door to the band hall burst open and Jade broke in and heavily stomped over to her oboe case and she came back to us it a huff.

"Why are you so upset?" was all I could muster without laughing so I stopped thereand tried to hide a growing smile.

"I'm upset because my stupid bus was late and since my stupid bus was late I was let getting to the band hall which means that I don't get as much practice!" She said still huffing about what happened.

Before we knew it the bell for first period rang and we all had to rush off to our first class, which mine happened to be history, not my favorite but i get to sit next to Rouge in that class some maybe history won't be as bad as it usually was every year. I walked in to class witha minute to spare and I see Rouge sitting in the same seat as yesturday.

I walked over to the same seat that I sat in yesturday. "Hey Y/N have you decided on what magic you might want to learn yet?" He asked me his beautiful dark eyes staring into my bright E/C eyes.

"Well I got a dream while I was sleeping on the bus and in that dream I learned Shaow Dragon Slayer maic and Light Dragon Slayer maic, so I was thinking maybe i could learn that.?" I half said and half asked Rouge. I didn't want it to seem like I was demanding him to teach me that magic so I tried to sound as casually as possible.

"Yeah that sounds like a great idea!" Rouge said sounding happy that we found a magic that I could learn.

The first 5 classes seemed to speed on by and before I knew it i was sitting in gym class waiting for Shyla to come out of the dressing room. A few minutes later Rouge walks ito the gym followed by Sting and I walk over to them not sure if Rouge told Sting about the magic yet or not.

"Hey Y/N!' Rouge called out to you just as Shyla walked out of the girls' dressing room. You hope off of the bench you were waiting on and jogged over to Sting and Rouge. "We ere just talking about the type of magic that you choose to do." Rouge said looking over at Sting with a small grin.

"Yeah and we decided that we could train you right after school if that was okay?"Sting asked me giving me a hopeful look. I can't believe I ever believed that these guys seemed like jerks to me when i first meet them, they seem nothing like that.

"Okay sure that sounds good I would just have to tell my mom." I say smiling. I can't believe I'm going to learn magic this is going to be so exciting.

"Hey Y/N!" I hear Shyla calling me and I turn around to see her gesturing for me to go over there, I look back at Sting and Rouge, "I have to go." I then started to walk towards Shyla who had a giant grin/smirk on her face.

"OHHHHHHH. You were talking to the hot guys.!" she said excitedly.

"Well they are my friends an it's kind of weird if you don't talk to your friends though so...." I started trailing off at the very end.

"OHHHHHH. You're blushing you like one of them!!!!! Which one! Which one! Which one!?"

I roll my eyes at her fangirling. "I like Rouge." I said  and then looked back at her and tried to act as if it wasn't a big deal but she knew me better than that.

"Okay good because I like Sting better. I think he's hotter than Rouge but Rouge would come in at a closeish second."

"Okay well you ca have fun with Sting because I don't want him."

"Okay everyone time for class!!!!" The coach yells and we all gather in the middle of the gym and i only had one thought on my mind. My magic that i was going to learn after school.

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