New Life [EXO Fan Fiction] |...

By enjixx

9.3K 309 41

Gu Se Na is a normal scholar in junior high school She came from a decent family ,well I wouldn't consider ve... More

New Life
Anyeong Seoul
Make over and Shopping!
Reversed opinion
First Day of School
EXO alias
I Want School!!
Just a Bad Mood
A Break
Complicated feelings
Let him go
New Me
An act
Interview part 1
interview part 2
Locked up
Author's note


175 9 0
By enjixx

Yay thanks guys for supporting me ^-^
I am so happy I already reach 1.8 k!!
Sorry for the late update I have been out of ideas lately and school trip isnt helping
Enjoy the update ^_^


This is it. This is the day I have been nervous through out my days.
"Can you tell me now?" I asked Jay who is currently driving beside me
"Still a no" Sigh.

I have been bugging him to tell me but he still wouldn't tell me a single clue about it. I straighten my back and tried to be comfortable at my seat. Arriving at school I saw many students with their parents

"I can't wait to humiliate someone" I heard Minji said. I just looked at her hoping she would not win about this. I just went inside the classroom expecting the worst from her. I put my head at the table and try to forget everything.

"Yahh where is Se Na" I heard someone say

"yah Jinja your parents are the owner of the Gu cooperation?"

"Mwo?" I said in shock. Gu cooperation is the largest recorder company in China and it is also one of the biggest stockholders of Yg entertainment.

I ran outside only finding students muttering. How is it even possible. Why did the hide it from me?
I ran to one of the television the school provides for recent headnews. I pushed myself towards the crowd only finding the SM director announcing that I am the daughter of the Gu coorperation.

Then after the announcement there is a reporter saying that SM stocks has rise sky high knowing I am their trainee. What is SM using me just for this? Then lots of bodyguard invade the building and also my manager. Lots of reporters are following them .

"Se Na just stay quiet Sm will handle this"I was too overwhelmed to answer her

Then a luxurious car came with and every reporter rushed to the car

"Omo its Gu Jong ki the owner of Gu cooperation" I heard a female student say. I looked towards her direction and near I saw Minji standing speechless. I secretly smirked at her

"Se Na" I looked towards the other direction when someone called me and there I saw a man with a black hair , sharp eyes and thin lips looking at me.

He is not very old but not young either, the perfect age of what my father would be. Wait is he my father?


"Se Na ah" He tried to come closer but I took a step backwards.

"Se Na please"He said with a pleading voice

"Why did.. Why did you leave me" I said while tears fell from my eyes

"Se Na I think your mother back have explained to you" He answered softly

"But wae? Why put me in this hardship" I raged while asking to that

"Se Na ahhh please" Before he could finish I ran as far as I could raged with everything. All the lies and also Sm entertainment for using me.Why do? I cried while I put my hands on my knees. Then I feel someone hugging me.

" Se Na" I heard a shaky voice behind me. The voice that I longed for quite sometime. The voice that hurt me. I looked back and saw Exo standing behind me and Baekhyun hugging me. I pushed him and looked at them with a stern face

"Se Na please listen" Chanyeol pleaded

"No" Its enough

"Se Na"
"I said no. Are you deft" I answered him not flinching a single blink.

"I trusted you and all you do is ruin it. Now you know I am the daughter of the Gu cooperation you came back? Just get out of my life" Now everything makes sense.

Everybody just wanted to use me for fame and now I am guessing that the Gu cooperation is becoming more famous due to this news. Great.

I saw Baekhyun trying to take a step but I kept on seeing them straight and they gave up walking back to the school's direction one by one and I just fell to my knees not knowing what to do.

Everything came so fast. I never expected this. I am shocked with everything right now. Knowing everything is just a lie from the start. From the day I was even born it is as if I am not meant to be in this world that they have to send me to Indonesia.

Then EXO being my best buddies but then all they want is fame and not SM is taking advantage of me. They knew form the start who I am... That's why they accepted me. Not of my talent but the fame I could give to them.

I never felt this broken in my entire life but right after crying so hard except if feeling sad I felt enraged. Enraged with everyone that has given me nothing but a lie. All I need right now is revenge. To SM to my family and to EXO.Goodbye old Se Na Welcome the new Se Na

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