Avengers Imagines Part 2 | Th...

By shining_jewel

404K 10.1K 2.8K

It's a book to cater to the imaginations of all Avengers fans, where your requests end up as stories!! --- No... More

How to sumbit your request :)
Round 1
Tony | Football
Natasha | Coming Home
Bruce | Reactions
Thor | Choose
Steve | Never Let You Go
Bucky | The Mask
Round 2
Tony | Mindless
Loki | Jealousy
Thor | The Welcoming
Steve | If I'd Never Ever
Bruce | The Night You Took Him Home
Natasha | Paintball
Wanda | Fun Times
Round 3
Clint | Forgiveness
Loki | Jealousy Part 2
Tony | Sides
Tony | Sides (Part 2)
Tony | Sides (Part 3)
Tony | Sides (Part 4)
Tony | Sides (Part 5)
Tony | Sides (Part 6)
Thor | Like I'm Gonna Lose You
Steve | Movie Night
Bruce | Choices
Round 4
All | Playbacks
All | Search (Playback Part 2)
Tagged | Q&A
All | Burning (Playback Part 3)
All | Forward (Playback Part 4)
Tony | Glimpses
Loki | Opposites Attract
Thor | Titles

Loki | My Protector

21.5K 609 304
By shining_jewel

Request: He protects Y/N from bullies at school. - AmyPondWilliams



"Hey! Give that back to me!" you cried as dearest Karen took your journal right out of your lap. You glared at her, not daring to move as she stood there, eyes innocent but thoughts beyond wicked.

With hips jut out to the right, right hand just above and journal in the other, she smiled at you, blinking a few times. Her false eyelashes created the effect that most girls wanted when they bat their eyes, but when you saw them, all you wanted to do was rip it off her pretty little face.

"What, this?" she asked, dangling it in front of you.

You reached forward to grab it but she just held it a little higher. "Give it back!" you tried again. She could see the fear in your eyes, and she fed on it.

She pouted a little. "But if I give it to you, then I won't get to have my fun. Don't you want me to have some fun, (Y/N)?" She laughed before switching to a more normal stance and opening the journal up to its first page. You scrambled to take it from her, just managing to wind your fingers around the ribbon bookmark, pulling it toward yourself. She looked at you shocked for a millisecond before screaming at the top of her lungs an tearing up. There was no questioning why she was the top drama student.

You looked past her to see the principal running over. You were a little too shocked and dazed from the ultrasonic screech to let go of the ribbon. The journal dangled from the string, a piece of majorly incriminating evidence. If only the principal would realise just how horrid she was to you. But as he said, 'bullying isn't the same as not liking someone'.






You found yourself seated outside the principal's office next to a still tearing Karen, her petty little fingers covered with tissue, dabbing at make up covered cheeks. You hated that she had the currency to buy the ones that didn't bleed when they touched water. You clutched your journal tight, knuckles going white.

She continued to dab before you both heard the principal's voice nearing the door. She turned up the emotions. She was the reason women got a bad name for crying. This girl knew what it did and kept doing it. You couldn't stop the scowl appearing on your face.

Tears fell into her lap, wetting her skirt as she 'tried' her best to not cry, taking in deep breaths only to sob. She really knew how to put on a show.

You rolled your eyes, earning her scoff. If only that would be all she could do.

The door opened and the voice moved from muffled to clear.

"This is your last warning, Mr Laufeyson," the principal said, his voice strong with threat. But everyone knew that Loki couldn't be expelled. Being the son of the Director of Education got you that free pass.

"Yes, sir," Loki said, chuckling lightly.

You watched him turn back to the principal, do an over the top bow before chuckling some more.

The principal looked at the both of you, Karen still blubbering on. You wanted to slap her, but knew that the odds were that you'd get expelled for it. "I just need to fill in some paper work. I'll be out in a minute for you, Miss (Y/L/N). Karen, I hope you're feeling a bit better. (Y/N), I expected more from you." Then he disappeared back into the confines of his office.

Loki frowned before walking over to the door and stopping. He leaned on the arch, his bag slung over only one shoulder, his and arms crossed. "What'd you do?" he asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you around here."

You huffed. "I didn't do anything - "

"She attacked me!" Karen cried.

Loki's eyes widened but they did in mocking humour and sarcasm. "I'm sure she did," he said before winking at you.

You couldn't help but smile. At least one person believed you.

The principal's door opened again and he gave a stern look to Loki. "Go to class, young man."

He unwound himself before grinning. "Of course, your majesty! Anything you want!" he sang as he walked off, waving like the Queen of England. You struggled to hold back a laugh as you looked back to the principal who was going red in the face.

"Sir, are you alright?" Karen asked, sniffling.

He nodded. "Yes." He looked at you. "Come in."

He walked in first and Karen stood up, smiling despite her tears. "I hope you get expelled," she said before walking in after him. You sighed, standing and walking in after the both of them.






Two weeks of detention after school, and an apology letter.

As you walked out of the school, dragging your feet, you thought about how much better a full year of detention would've been than writing a letter of 'your deepest apologies'. But it was that, or expulsion and you couldn't afford to get expelled from one of the best schools in the state.

You heard whistling coming from behind you and turned around to find Loki loitering in the hallways too, his bag still slung over one shoulder. He raised an eyebrow at you before catching up to you, his legs long enough to make it effortless.

"And apology letter huh?" he asked, chuckling a little.

You were a little fed up at him. "Are you mocking me? Really?"

He held his hands up as a sign of surrender. "Hey! No need to get all aggressive here."

You sighed. "Sorry."

He shrugged. "All good."

You walked in silence for a while until he stopped you by putting his arm in front of you. You looked up at him, questioning. "What is it?" you asked. "I've got to go home - "

"No you don't."

"Excuse me?"

He smirked, slipping into an unlocked food tech room. When you didn't follow, he came back out, grabbed your hand, and pulled you in.

"We're going to get into so much trouble," you said, trying to walk back out. He kept a firm hold on you, giving you a reassuring, yet still sly, smile.

"Give me a second," he said. He let go and began to rummage through cupboards, grinning as found what he'd been looking for. You couldn't quite see what it was, just letting him do his thing as you stood there, checking the hallway occasionally in case a teacher came in. He took some other things too, one of which you knew was butchers string, and the other you recognised as blue tack off a poster? You were confused.

He grinned before making you hold the string and tack. "Come on." He led you to a locker before opening it.

"What are you doing with all of this?" you asked, getting no answer.

He attached one small plastic cup of what smelt like vinegar to the string, then tacked it to the back of the locker wall. Then he took the shallow petri dish that had been filled with a small mountain of white powder. You frowned. That white powder could've been drugs, for all you knew, your only consolation being that he pulled it out of a school food tech room.

He slowly, and carefully, placed the cup on the small ledge that accompanied all locked doors before very, very slowly shutting it. He pretended to dust off his hands before grinning. "And that's how you do it," he said, putting his arm around you and beginning to walk to the exit.

As you turned to follow before you got choked, you read the name on the locker. Oh no. No. No. No.

It was Karen's.






"What the hell did you put in there?!" you demanded as you rushed back, about to pry the door open with sheer force. He held you back, his arms wrapping around your body and encapsulating your arms.

"Stop struggling," he said, his lips close to your ear.

"Tell me what it is!" you demanded, trying to shake him off.

He yanked you back, away from the locker, almost hurling you into the row of lockers on the opposite end of the wall. He caged you in. "Find out tomorrow morning," he said. "Don't be stupid, and don't tell anyone it was you. I did it." You shook yourself off before stand up straight.

"I want to go home," you said, sounding like a spoilt child.

He held his arm out for you in the direction of the exit. "Off you go."

You began to walk.

"Be here tomorrow at eight! I'll meet you in the carpark!"

You didn't reply him. You just walked off.






It was seven. You had about half an hour to decide whether or not you wanted to know what he did. A part of you wanted to, but the sane part of you was holding you back. But as always, when you thought about what she'd done to you, you left your journal on your bed and went to be just a little early to the carpark.






Surprisingly, he was there, leaning back against his - was that a Ferrari? What the actual heck? But of course it was. He was the son of a very, very rich man. Why wouldn't he drive a Ferrari to school?

He smiled at you and you felt a little guilty for trying to physically kill him yesterday, though you knew he didn't care. You smiled back as you did a little skip step to get to him faster. He looked you up and down before returning to your eyes, biting his lip ever so subtly. You pursed yours as you came to halt in front of him.

"Hello," he said. "I'm so very glad you've decided to join me."

You felt a lump in your throat before you swallowed it down. "I wouldn't miss it for uh, for the world."

He chuckled. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"

You rolled your eyes. "No. What makes me uncomfortable is how much trouble we're about to get into."

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes laughing at you. "We? This was a one man job."

"But - "

"Out of the two of us, who's more likely to be expelled?"

Point taken.

You nodded, looking over to your left where Karen's hot pink convertible was driving in, engine purring unlike your crappy bomb of a car. Pretty girls always had it best. She not only got the pity, but she got the boys, instilled truth into her lies, and everything money could buy.

"Show time," he sang before holding his hand out.

You went to high five it, but he clasped it and kept it. You tried to pull your hand from his, only getting a chuckle as he held it tight.

He led you into the hallway to stand by his locker - or maybe it was just another one he broke into. You didn't ask questions, hearing Karen walk in with her little minions. They all laughed, the power emanating from her position in the middle. You remembered being friends with her at some point in primary school. What a mistake that had been.

Her eyes moved to Loki who still had your hand and she frowned. It all felt like it was happening in slow motion. It was like the walking scene from Mean Girls, except there was no one falling into a bin. How you wished that one could just magically appear.

She came to a stand in front of Loki, angling her body just enough so that you were excluded from this conversation. "Hi, Loki," she said, her voice sickly sweet. Everyone knew he'd been on the top of her list for a long time. It had been quite the surprise that he hadn't given in ages ago.

He looked at her before grinning. "Hi, Karen."

"How are you?" she asked, leaning in to trace a finger from his chest down to his abdomen. Oh she was sly.

He didn't seem put off at all. In fact he seemed pretty interested in her. "I'm good, thanks. How are you, (Y/N)?"

She went from flirty to infuriated in less than a second. "Ugh." She flicked her hair before regaining her composure. "Loki, why don't we get rid of her."

He shrugged. "We could." What?

You gave him a look before he chuckled.

"But I quite like my own personal hand warmer." He held your intertwined hands up. "I'm not really looking for a downgrade either."

She scoffed. "Whatever. (Y/N)'s a loser. You'll figure it out one day." She paused before eating him up with her eyes. "Then you can give me a call, babe."

He just kept chuckling before shutting his locker. "Don't hold your breath."

She scoffed again, looking like she'd throw a tantrum. "Just give me a call," she said, keeping it up. Gosh she was unbeatable with a lack of shame like that. She turned around and it was time for the big reveal.

Loki grinned at you, squeezing your hand slightly. For someone who hadn't talked to you ever, he was pretty darn affectionate.

Karen fiddled with the code of her padlock before opening it. Immediately the sound of hissing filled the still rather quiet hallway. She gasped, opening it before you caught a glimpse of an overflowing petri dish, spewing a white foamy liquid. It had been baking soda.

She squealed as it covered the books in her locker before making its way down the doors of the lockers below hers. She squealed some more before turning around and death staring you. You gulped but Loki just laughed.

"Why would you do that, you insolent brat?!" she screeched, hitting the locker behind you, inches away from your head. And just as she did that, Loki's father walked past was the principal.

He walked forward to her. She trembled under his gaze. The principal freaked out. He was supposed to be showing the Director of Education one of the best schools in the state!

The Director stopped in front of her, barely half a metre away. "And what is your name?" he asked, his voice stern, his words harsh.

"K-Karen," she said, jaw hanging open.

Loki grinned at you before looking to his dad. "Hey, Dad. Thanks for coming."






You sat with Loki, against the wall of the principal's office, listening to the principal talk about how ashamed he was of what Karen had done and how she was now officially expelled. You listened to her try to defend herself and fail miserably.

Loki looked at you, smiling. "Ugh. (Y/N), why don't we get rid of her?" he imitated, speaking in a much higher pitch than his usual voice. You giggled, leaning your head back against the wall.

Seconds later, Karen walked out, nose red from fake crying, and fists clenched from anger. She screeched like an angry bird before stomping her foot. "Are you happy now?! Is this what you wanted?!"

You smirked, building courage from your own personal hand warmer that sat next to you. "Don't you want me to be happy?" you retorted, misquoting her on purpose, your lips slightly pouted. She got the message.

She let out another ear piercing screech before storming off and leaving the both of you to simply laugh.



A/N: This is the longest I've ever written for Wattpad! :O Awesome idea AmyPondWilliams! Also, because my HSC is coming up (IN ONE WEEK HELP ME), updates won't be coming fast. So sorry everyone, but I'd like to not fail and get into uni :P

Tell me if you liked it :)

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