The Billionaires Revenge. [Ne...

By KoraRae

1M 30.8K 1.1K

RATED PG- For language. Elizabeth Lawson is the heiress of a billion dollar corporation. She cares deeply for... More

Prologue - 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Letter To Axel Halbridge.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
AN: Announcement.

Chapter One

48K 1.4K 45
By KoraRae

A high pitch squeal jolted me from my sleep. I sat up quickly and whipped my head around my room searching for the source of the sound. Heartbeat thrumming in my chest violently, my head snapped toward a giggling child. I groaned and threw my head into my pillow massaging my neck miserably. It was strained, the pitter patter of little feet came to my side of the bed and I felt tiny hands climb into the covers. She was ice cold and I pulled her to my body.

"Ennie, you're freezing." I mumbled into her dark hair. The only feature of mine that she had. She giggled maniacally when I realized she was wet and sticky as well. I sat up again and pulled her up and examined her. I groaned when I realised that she had egg spread through her hair and milk on her body.

"Athena," I said sternly, "What have you done?" I whined. She crawled out of the bed and ran out of the room, I looked down at my Egyptian cotton sheets that were surely ruined now. I sighed and pulled myself out of bed when my daughter came walking back into the room awkwardly holding a tray of food.

"No mama! Bed! I mades your breakfast bed!"

She had a twinkle in her golden eyes and she smiled from ear to ear. I smiled shaking my head and sitting back in my bed. She shuffled over and on the tray I saw a coffee with too much milk, raw eggs on a plate next to two pieces of bread and a bowel of cheerios that was also overflowing with milk. I smiled at her happiness and wondered what had brought this on but held my tongue. As she neared the bed she managed to trip on her own feet flinging the food and everything over herself, my bed and me.

I looked at the time that said we only had half an hour before we had to be out of our apartment. Athena looked at me and then the mess, I knew what was coming and swiftly moved towards her. I scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me. The tiny child clung to me desperately as she cried into my shoulder trying to talk to me. I walked to the shower, leaving the mess of milk and raw egg in my room, turning it on I stripped off our clothes and began washing off my daughters attempt of breakfast in bed.

Once dry and dressed I take Athena's hand and walk her to the kitchen to see another giant mess. I look at the small child and shake me head. I bend down to her level and wipe away the tears rolling silently down her face.

"Ennie, that's enough baby." I whisper brushing her side fringe from her eyes. She looked up at me with a sad expression and a pout.

"B-but... I wanted to gives you bed breakfast-" She used the back of her hand to wipe tears away from her face. "-Ms. Meany says it's daddy's day and I don't have one... And and and, Sofia said that mama's can be daddy's too and Matty said that I was bastert cause I have no daddy!" I saw more tears forming in her eyes and I wiped them away. "Mummy, why don't I have a daddy? You have a daddy and unkle Ly has a daddy. I want a daddy."

I closed my eyes and forced a small smile on my face. I never wanted to raise a child like this, I never wanted her to miss out on anything in life and I refused to give her a substitute for a father. My life and world was this small child in front of me. If I had to choose between work and her, I would choose Athena, everytime.

I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly. "Athena," I said stern, but softly. "I have told you, you have a daddy. He just isn't able to be here with us. You know how mummy works? Daddy has lots of work too. It's okay though baby, I am here and I'm not going anywhere."

" When will daddy come see me?"

I felt pained, I didn't want to lie to her. "I've told you this Ennie,"

She chewed her bottom lip and frowned, "Compromise?" She questioned. I sighed and shook my head.

"He'll come when he's ready. And-" I said looking at her,

"When you say he's ready." I nod.

Athena looked up at me, her tears finally coming to an end," Pwomise?" I nodded again and offered her my pinky finger. We made the promise and I kissed her little nose gaining a little giggle from her. I picked her hand up and we walked toward the elevator. It was time to take her to daycare and me to go to work. I was fuming with the daycare though. How dare they let a child call another a bastard! I understood that children can be nasty, but I wouldn't stand for it. I would ask nicely that they address it before I take matters into my own hands.

I went to our limousine and met the nanny, Alice, who looked after Athena during daycare and while I was at work. I kissed her forehead and put her in her car seat. The door was closed and I ensured the tinted windows were properly.

I turned to Alice and my secretary, Tara, and placed a hand on my hip. "Athena made a mess in the apartment, I need you to call someone to clean it up and charge it to my room." I took the files that Tara held out for me. Looking over them I nodded and walked toward my limo. "Alice." I said looking up from the files as she walked around the cat to sit next to Athena. "Tell the daycare that the word bastard should not be used to describe my daughter or there will be a lawsuit." Her eyes widened at this information and nodded vigorously, I trusted that girl. She loved and gave love to Athena like she was her little sister. I was glad to know she didn't know about this.

I got into the limo with Tara as she made calls and answered them. I read over the newest numbers for our business and closed the file and looked out the window.

I travelled like this everyday. I hated being separated from my daughter and I hated that I used a better car than her. It was all for her protection, Alice took her to parks and places in public and the only time we spent time together outside of the apartment was when we were at my father's residence or a private vacation.

Even though my face and picture had not been printed in a while it was too risky to let the world know that I had a daughter. I was proud of her, don't get me wrong, but such a tiny little person was vulnerable to the cruel world. I took the limo so I would divert attention from an obsolete looking town car. A child in the world of money and fame wasn't safe, I had grown up under the flash of cameras and constant threat of kidnappings, I refused to have Athena a part of this world yet. I didn't care about my one night stand, lapse of judgement scandal, I didn't regret it. While it took me three years to stop looking for the golden eyed sex God I had slept with, I finally gave up my search. I had a child to care for and she was my world.

It felt wrong to keep the father in the dark and I hated Athena growing up without one, I simply couldn't find him. The resources I had only went so far for a person I had no name to. It didn't feel right for him to not know, but there was simply nothing I could do.

Arriving at the sky rise building my father was soon passing down to me, I walked into a battlefield, chaos ensued and an ambulance sat out the front. Flashes of a few cameras as paramedics rolled a faceless person into the van and the doors slammed shut. Snapping into action I approached the guards, asking them to bring the photographers into a conference room. I watched as they guided the men into the building and I turned to my father's PA, who looked flustered.

We walked in the building with Tara following behind and in the elevator to the top floor. He updated me on the situation, another corporation had attempted a hostile takeover and over the course of a night we had lost control of just under half of the company to Halbridge Corporation. I would have to research them, they'd been on our radar for two years now, their management always in the shadows. I didn't understand what they wanted with our company.

The next thing on my list was the ambulance. A staff member was injured or hurt, that was also important.

"Peter, who was it that was in the ambulance?"

I had an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach, his expression didn't bode well and as he opened his mouth a frantic looking Lyndon pulled me and Peter into an empty office.

"Dad's in hospital."

Everything in my world stopped. I could feel the blood pounding in my head as my mind tried to process what was happening. Conclusions, my mind jumped to conclusions and the thing I pictured in my head wasn't pleasant. I took a deep breath pushing my emotions away and snapping my spine straighter.

I looked at my brother, "Lyndon, go pick up mum and take her to the hospital."

I turned as my secretary stood at the closed door and looked at Pete." Ensure that no one knows about this at all! Call the best doctors and get them to my father to help."

I turned to my secretary who tried to speak and looked her up and down. "Inform Alice of my father's situation and ensure she takes care of things. Oh and Tara, find me all the information about Halbridge corporation. And print out 8 NDA contracts for our reporter guests and copies for ourselves."

My brother looked at me with concern and placed a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't feel it though.

"Ellie, what about you? Are you coming to the hospital."

I frowned at him and shook my head. There was no way I could see him like that. I didn't even know what was wrong with him, but my whole life he has been a pillar of strength. "N-no, no." I cursed how weak my voice sounded, I hadn't felt this powerless in a long time and it brought up memories I tried to fight away- No! Stop thinking about it.

Strengthening my resolve I squared my shoulders and looked at my brother placing a hand on his shoulder, "I have work to do here."

I turned to Peter and told him to call a meeting with the board of directors and then left the room with Tara following behind me, she sat at her desk and got to work with her tasks. I went to the conference rooms with the journalists sitting anxiously.

I walked to the front of the room silently and folded one leg over the other. Tara walked into the room with a cup of coffee and I looked at the time, 9:30am and so much has happened already. Silence stretched between us as I sipped my coffee and the men shifted awkwardly in their seats.

"Gentlemen," I formally addressed with an intimidating smile my eyes went around the room and I spotted a lean but petite figure, "Huh, and lady."

She looked up at me in surprise, I smirked at her bewildered expression, she'd dressed as a man to get her story. Interesting, I'd heard of this woman but had never seen her before.

I smiled at the crowd, all familiar faces.

"I'm sure you've guessed who I am," I state blandly, "Elizabeth Lawson."

There were a few hitched breaths, they knew what this meant. That there was something to be buried. The girl stood up outraged and slammed her hands on the table.

"You seriously think I'm going to stay quite about this Lawson! I saw the CEO in that ambulance and it's going to be a huge pay day."

My nice demeanour vanished quickly and I stood up with eyes narrowed at her. I stalked toward her slowly and placed my lips by her ears, whispering her little secret in her ear. Her face paled and she visibly started to shake. I moved from her and walked back to my place at the head of the table and pressed a button on the intercom.

"Tara. Bring them in."

I turned my attention to the reporters. "I understand that you came seeking a highly sought after story. The events this morning will not be reported for very obvious reasons." I stated daring anyone to challenge me. At the silence I continued. "However, I will also disclose information that has not yet been released by this company."

Tara came into the room handing each reporter two non-disclosure agreements. She left the room after handing them out.

"You will sign these, and I will disclose when I am to take the CEO position and even allow you to take a photograph and a personal interview."

The men signed it quickly and I signed their copy and dismissed them, telling them to book an interview time with my secretary in the next three days. The woman was left and she had her arms folded across her chest, eyes narrowed as I signed the agreements readied to be filed away. Aware of her stare I ignored her in favour of doing paperwork.

"Miss Johnson, I have work to do." I said standing and walking to the door as she followed me. I walked into my office and sat behind my desk, going through more paperwork. I hadn't noticed the other presence at the moment. I looked up at the journalist and raised an eyebrow.

"Miss Johnson, you either sign the agreement or you leave. Your silence in this matter is valued but I will not hesitate to follow through with what we spoke of earlier."

Her eyes widened as she nodded, Her shoulders dropping in resignation and she signed the contract, watching as I signed mine and I handed it to her. She left swiftly and I called for Tara to come retrieve the papers. She quickly came in and gave me a copy of the recent Forbes magazine and I froze at the cover.

"Ms. Lawson." Tara said cautiously. My eyes snapped up to her, she only called me that in front of outsiders. I looked around my office and noticed a man's back to me. "Mr. Halbridge insisted on waiting in your office."

He didn't look as old as I had expected from behind. He had broad shoulders and even in his tailored suit I could see the muscles bulging. I ripped my eyes away from his back and nodded at Tara. She gave him a dreamy glance as she left the office and I looked down at the magazine. It was him, Athena's father. I read the caption and froze.

CEO Axel Halbridge most eligible bachelor celebrates fortune 500 company.

I felt my throat dry and palms sweat. The man I had slept with all those years ago was the very man who was attempting to take her families company. He was the man in my office now. I swallowed hard and lifted my eyes slowly to meet the golden ones that had haunted my dreams almost every night since I had met him.



He had waited years for this moment. He had smirked when he walked into the building chaos was around him. He avoided the reception and went straight to the elevator, at the top floor he walked to the first desk he'd seen. It happened to be the very person he'd been looking for. He spoke to a rather attractive PA and turned his charm on to the max. She easily swooned and allowed him to wait in the object of his revenges office. He waited with a coffee the lovely PA had brought him. He observed the animated looking office, it was very cluttered with books overflowing from their shelves and a colourful looking child's book caught his attention, he wondered how
something so misplaced ended up here. He turned his attention to a few pictures with no family, just landscape. Despite how cluttered it was, it seemed cold and unfeeling, it was just the way he'd imagined the woman to be.

He hadn't waited long and a flurry of dark hair stormed into the office disregarding his presence and sat in her desk. He stayed where he was, sure she hadn't recognised he was there. She spoke candidly to the Johnson woman who gave both him and she nervous looks.

His interest was piqued, silence about what? He had no doubt that she was talking about signing a non-disclosure agreement, he was disappointed when she had signed. He considered paying her grandly for such private information and even offering her immunity from the Lawson wrath.

When he was finally introduced to the woman he stood and straightened his suit then turned to look at her. To say he was shocked was an understatement. He seemed to hide it better than her though. He could see all the emotions running through her face, shock, anger and fear. He couldn't place why she would be fearful, but he'd take it.

This was the woman he'd left in a hotel room after he'd heard about his sister's heartbreak. The same damn woman who had caused it! He felt disgusted with himself for the unknown betrayal to his sister. She couldn't have known his identity or relation to Olivia but he still felt deceived. The woman he had met that night was laid back and easy going, she was fun and had an amazing smile. They weren't the same person and he'd hoped she had a doppelganger but her recognition of him told him that the two varying personalities came from the same person.

"Shit." She whispered.

Axel smirked at her use of language, the look on his face seemed to snap her out of her daze and she schooled her expression. He was surprised at the mask that hid any sign of emotion, he wanted this person to act this way. It would be easier to destroy her this way.

He walked toward her and offered her hand, "Axel Halbridge."

Axel watched her carefully and when her hand was in his, he felt the same desire from all those years ago build in him. The straining feeling in his groin frustrated him immensely and he clenched his teeth together with disgust.


His satisfied smirk snapped me out of my daze. This wasn't a time to be hung up on the past. I had wondered if I should tell him that he had fathered a child? They were complete strangers though, could he be trusted with Athena? He seemed shocked to see me as well, so this wasn't planned, right? He was trying to take over the company. I schooled my expression and attempted to hide how he was effecting me.

When he walked toward me I  could smell his familiar masculine musk, resisting the urge to sigh in satisfaction I had to press my thighs together trying to forget our one night of passion. I stood abruptly at his outstretched hand and tentatively offered my own shaking it. I watched as his large hand swallowed my own and looked up to meet his eyes.

"Elizabeth Lawson."

I  pulled my hand away quickly and sat back in my chair trying to regain control of my emotions. I really wasn't ready for this stressful day. I  looked up at him, not intimidated by his wide legged posture and folded arms.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" I questioned.

"Olivia Helix." He stated.

I looked up at him with a frown, unable to make a connection to the name. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shrugged my shoulders.

"Is that name supposed to be familiar?"

He glared at me and I could see his jaw tighten. Silence stretched between us and I sighed.

"Mr. Halbridge, I have a lot of work to do and no time for games, I acknowledge that you own 42% of this company's shares but it does not mean I have any less work. State your business or leave."

"My sister." He growled out. I looked up at him and waited for the explanation. I searched my mind and realisation dawned on me. The distasteful child who cheated on Lyn. I narrowed my eyes at him and leaned back in my chair, folding my arms across my chest. I noticed his eyes flicker down to my breasts and I glared.

"I remember her," I said slowly. Realisation dawned on me again. "The hostile takeover..." I stared at him in disbelief, speechless.

His hands came down on desk and his voice was dangerous and dripping with venom,

"I vowed to destroy you and your family the way you destroyed my sister. This is just the beginning Elizabeth, I will ruin you."

I tried not to flinch. This grudge was petty. I opened my mouth to retort but my cell went off. I frowned and looked down at it, I would have ignored it but it was Alice. I looked at Axel with slight panic and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Excuse me, I need to take this." I said to him.

I answered the call quickly and listened to Alice's panicked voice. She spoke million words in less than 20 seconds and frowned.

"Stop, calm down what is it."

"Athena is sick."

I felt my world stop for the second time today. I was positive that the color drained from my face and I felt a panic attack coming on.

"Where are you. What happened." I demanded sternly.

"She was playing and started to vomit, we're heading back to the apartment and I already called her doctor but she's crying for you."

I felt my heart clench at the last part and I nodded my head.

"I'm leaving now. I'll see you soon."

I hung up and frantically started to gather my things. I looked at Axel in the corner of my eye.

"As delightful as this meeting has been, I have to cut it short." I wanted to offer for him to meet his daughter but he'd just revealed that he'd had a 5 year grudge, he threatened me and in no way was I ready to reveal such a secret to him now.

I started walking to the door leaving him where he stood I stopped at Tara's desk and she looked up at me concerned.

"See that Mr. Halbridge leaves, willingly or forced. I have to return home for-" I  noticed him standing at the door of my office and flicked my eyes to Tara with a meaningful nod, "Am emergency. Call me in half an hour and we'll discuss the rest of the day."

Her eyes widened slightly and I rushed out of the building catching a taxi to my apartment building offering an extra $200 if they made it quick. Chewing on my nails nervously, wanting nothing more than to hold my daughter close to me.

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