Illuminate [In The Dark -Sequ...

By chrisybabez

15.7K 408 94

*COMPLETED* When Nathan rediscovers Heather in someone else's body, he doesn't have to do much to rekindle t... More



1.2K 38 11
By chrisybabez

Nathan's POV

It was morning. Everyone managed to catch a few Zs last night. We were all refreshed without much tension between us all, but I was still upset at Julia, and Phoebe simply can't stand to be around anyone.

She's been silent. She ate some eggs that Siva prepared, and that's about all she's done. The only person she pays any mind to is Siva, and that's probably because he's the only one she can trust at this time.

"I'm going to check on Heather and see if she's awake.

Phoebe, the girl who's body she's in had brown eyes, but now they're emerald like the ones on Heather's actual body. Does that mean something?" She didn't reply to me. "Okay then. Well, I just thought you should know," I said trying to rid the awkwardness. It didn't exactly work.

I went into Julia's bedroom and found Heather sat up on the bed and staring at the sheets. She looked up at me. "Hey," I said with a smile. "Who are you?" she replied almost immediately. I frowned in contemplation as I tried to figure out the best way to respond to her question. I sat down at the end of the bed, my head facing hers.

"Because, I feel like I know you," she continued, her eyes looking away as her faced scrunched up in thought.

I studied her face again, paying close attention to every detail this time. She had long glorious eyelashes, stunning cheekbones, and thin lips that seemed to have lost a bit of their color. Her hair appeared to be a dark caramel color now since the sunlight coming in from the bedroom's windows illuminated the room. Her nose was cute and perky, and her skin was a bit pale. I'm sure some nutrition would give her back her color.

Seeing her in slightly better health and in daylight made her much more attractive, and it's not just the soul mate bond talking.

"I'm Nathan, and you're Heather," I finally said.

She gave me a perplexed look,"No, my name is Alice."

"No, your name's Heather," Phoebe replied walking into the room. "Your mind may tell you you're Alice, but your body contains Heather's soul."

"What are you talking about? And, who are you?" Heather asked, her new face even more perplexed.

"Jay, come in here please," Phoebe ordered.

Jay came in the room within a flash, his face displaying a questioning look. "Go hold Heather's hand and show her everything that's happened to her before she entered Alice's body."

His brows knitted together."I don't have the ability to do that."

"You do; you just never knew. Jay, you've got very amazing and strong abilities, you just were never aware of them. Any witch can easily read you and see what marvelous powers you possess, but they would never bother to tell you about them, seeing as you are a vampire. Now, go ahead and put your abilities to good use."

"Oook. So apparently witches know me more than I know myself," he said sarcasticall. "How could I possibly be unaware of my abilities?"

"Tons of people aren't aware of their abilities, whether they're human or not. It's because your body chooses when to exude your abilities."

"Where's a hand guide for how to use special vampiric abilities when you need it? Anyway, I wouldn't even be able to show her everything that's happened because I wasn't there for it all."

"You never had to be."

Jay furrowed his brows once again as he thought upon the new information given to him. Finally deciding to give his newfound ability a try, he walked over to Heather and sat beside her. He took her hand, but she yanked it away. "It's okay. You can trust me," he said sincerely.

"I don't even know who you are, and you expect me to trust you? You guys are talking about witches, vampires, and vampiric abilities!"

"I understand that you see us as a bunch of loonies, but just give me a chance to show you differently."

She looked at the three of us one after the other and then gave Jay a glare as she slowly placed her hand in his. He placed his other hand on top of hers and closed his eyes. She stared at him a bit more and then by instinct, I suppose, she closed hers as well.

Alice's POV

I flung my eyes open in shock. "Oh my gosh!" I pulled my hand away from Jay's. I looked at him and he seemed just as surprised as I was.

"I remember it all," I said breathily. I drifted off into my thoughts, thinking over all that happened. "Oh gosh! What have I done? Do you know what happen to the girl, t-to Alice?" I stuttered.

"She didn't budge. When you stole her body she just kept looking down at it, or you."

"I don't understand why Heath- I would do that."

"I don't know either, but don't spend a second not regretting it," Jay quipped.

I was caught off guard with what he said, and began feeling as guilty as ever.

He got up and walked out the room. Nathan's eyes followed him out in surprise, and then they fell back onto me.

"How do you feel?" Phoebe asked.

"How do I feel?" I repeated falling back into my thoughts. What am I supposed to feel? "I know I'm Heather, but I feel like Alice."

"What?" asked Nathan.

"When I think of all the things Alice likes and all her feelings and what not, it all reflects on me. I don't feel like Heather, the girl who watched The Vampire Diaries all day and rocked out to Paramore or Muse all the time. I don't desire any of that. I think it's safe to say that-that-"

"You're not Heather anymore," Nathan said disappointingly. I dropped my head feeling bad about having heard Nathan respond the way he did. It made me feel so unwanted, which wasn't a new feeling to me. "Is there a way to fix this, to make me Heather again?" I asked Phoebe. "Is there a way to undo what I've done and get back in my body?"

"I'm not sure. If I were to repair your own body, you wouldn't be able to return to it because this body is holding on to your soul rather tightly, probably because of the soul mate bond. But, they're may be a way to fix this mess."

"Can't you just kill her and put her back in her own body?" asked Nathan.

"Yes, but I'd have noway of returning Alice back into this body since I don't know who she is."

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes, because Heather stole her body, and if Alice has to suffer from that, so will Heather and everyone else. Even if I do kill Alice's body, if Heather's body were repaired a ghost could easily take over it."

"Then, how can you fix this?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just know it's possible. Until I find out, we'll preserve your actual body. And Nathan, control yourself with her."

I saw Julia appear behind the frame of the door. I focused my attention on her. Our eyes met and remained locked. She placed herself inside of the room. "I know a warlock who can do it," she said. "But, I won't lead you to him unless Nath forgives me and treats me nicely like before."

"Are you seriously bribing me to forgive you?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's seems like the only way I can get you to."

"A sincere apology would've done just fine. I can't believe you'd stoop so low. Actually, I can. This is what you do. It's who you are!" His face was flushed with anger.

"Nathan," I said softly.

"What?" he yelled turning back to me.

"Stop. Please."

"She caused all of this madness. Why should I give her any mercy?"

"Because you care about her, and because you know what you're saying about her isn't entirely true."

"And how would you know?"

"After all she's done for you and Heather... I mean us, how could I not know? She may do things in the worst way, but she has good intentions."

Julia scoffed. "When did Heather become such a sweetie? I wouldn't think for one moment that she'd appreciate all I've done. She tried killing me for God's sake! And when I saved her from being killed by Adalina, she just walked away and killed herself. Oh, but your Alice, that's why.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather leave her this way."

"Julia, just shut up. I'm not in the mood for your crap," said Nathan.

"Fine. Good luck trying to find out how to put her back in her actual body." She rolled her eyes and walked out.

Phoebe sighed. "Whenever you two are ready, we'll go hunting for a spell to fix this. There's got be one, hopefully. Until then Nathan, you and the boys should get your... nutrition." She left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving me and Nathan alone in the bedroom.

I couldn't help but stare at him as he looked blankly at the wall facing him. I studied his face, his small nose poking out, his green eyes basking in the sunlight, his lips perfectly pink, and his skin beautifully clear of any flaws. It looked so soft. Heather always loved the way his skin felt. If she could, she'd remain cheek to cheek with him while being wrapped in his arms forever.

His eyes glided to the side and took a glimpse of me. Once he spotted me looking back, he rushed their attention back onto the wall. I tried not to, but I giggled because it was adorable; he was adorable. I saw the corner of his lips pull up into a slight smile, and it made me feel better; it made me feel happy. For the first time in a while, I was genuinely happy. And if I could, I'd sit here in this room till the day I die and stare at what I wish was an everlasting smile.

It's odd for me to feel this way. I barely know him. All I know of him are from Heather's memories.

"How long are you gonna keep looking at me?" he asked with a chuckle, now looking shyly down at his lap.

"For as long as I can," I said involuntarily. I was quite surprised by my response. It was true, but I never meant to say it.

He looked up at me, so I gave him a smile. He looked into my eyes, and then his eyes worked their way down to my lips slowly. "Studying my face too?" He nodded, his eyes still locked on my lips.

Someone knocked on the door, pulling his attention away from me. "Yeah," said Nathan. "Tom and I are going to a hospital to get blood bags. Care to join?" That smooth Irish accent only meant one thing, it was Siva from what my memory could recall.

"Yeah. I'll be there in a jiffy."

"Alright. We'll be in the car waiting for you."


Nathan turned back to me, his eyes now filled with curiosity. "I'm still confused about the whole, you not really being you thing."

"I know that I'm Heather, but my mind says otherwise. So, I'm Alice.

All my thoughts and the things that I say belong to Alice, because I'm in her body, so her persona reflects onto me, making me, her. Or in other words, making Heather, Alice.

When Jay showed me all that happened in the past, it was like watching a movie based on Heather, not me who happens to be Heather. It wasn't like a memory given access back into my brain, because it's not Alice's memory, so it is no longer mine. And that's why I'm so detached from Heather. She no longer exists. She was just a girl I saw in a movie. But, I'm Alice and I exist. And I know what my life was like and what it's like now.

I can't even remember half of the things Jay showed me. All this brain really held onto was Heather's romantic moments with you."

He was silent for a moment and then responded. "Still a tad confusing, but I guess I understand. This is just going to take a little getting use to. I'm not sure I can view you as Alice. With those eyes of yours that've turned emerald, all I can see is Heather."

"Then continue looking at my lips rather then my eyes. You seem to enjoy the way they look," I said laughing a bit; again, never meaning for those words to come out."

He blushed and giggled.

"Don't worry. I won't be Alice for long. But for now, please understand that I'm Alice no matter what my new pair of eyes tell you."

"I'll uh, I'll try.

Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you in a few."


After he left the room I decided to wash up. I found an unused toothbrush in the bathroom and used it.

It was weird looking in the mirror. I (Alice) was a bit pale, and my eyes weren't the golden brown ones I used to know. Instead, they were a beautiful emerald that I quickly took a liking to. My dark eyebrows intensified them.

After I finished getting ready I walked into the living room. Nathan, Siva, and Tom were back. Everyone, excluding Julia and Phoebe were drinking from blood bags, and it disgusted me.

"Would you like some eggs? I can make some for you," Siva offered me.

"No, thank you. I'm not really hungry."

"You're skin and bones and you're not hungry?" Phoebe exclaimed. "Are you trying to commit suicide agian?"

I laughed at her concerned motherly tone. "No, I'm just not hungry. And, don't worry, I'm not suicidal Heather. I'm just Alice. "

"I don't care who you are. Either you eat up or we stay here."

Her words frightened me a bit, but I knew I could find a way to unwrap her hands from my neck. "I'll get hungry on the road. When I do, we'll stop by a fastfood restaurant," I lied.

Phoebe looked me up and down with suspicion. "Okay, but you will certainly eat."

I nodded in agreement and then turned my head away from everyone. I could no longer withstand the sight of the boys drinking blood. It was disgusting and flat out weird. "I can't believe you all stole bloodbags from a hospital. You do realize people need that blood to live, right?"

"And, so do we," Tom replied.

"Sorry if it bothers you," said Nathan. "We didn't take much, if that makes you feel any better. There wasn't much to take anyway, so we really didn't have a choice."

"That certainly does not make me feel any better, but I'll live.

When will we be heading out for that spell?"

"Now, since we're done with our breakfast."

"Great! But before we go searching for that spell, I was hoping you could drop me home so I can change into cleaner clothes and talk to my brother so he won't worry about me. I've seemed to have lost my phone after the car accident and I don't know his mobile number by heart."

"You have a brother?"

"She's Alice now, Nathan," said Phoebe.

"Oh, right."

"I know it's confusing, but do understand that I won't be... like Heather until I'm back in her... my body. Let's just say I'm not her. I'm a completely different person named Alice."

"I get it. Like I said, it's just going to be hard to get use to. "

"It won't. Soon you'll be in love with Alice, and Heather would be in the past; almost like Julia if she wasn't so obsessed with you," said Phoebe.

"Oh shut up," Julia shot back.

"Let's not start back up again with the arguments, Julia. We've had enough of it for today.

So Alice, I'm sensing that your home is back in London?" Nathan inquired.

"Nottingham, actually. It's in Newark."

"Newark... that's where I'm from," said Jay. "I haven't gone there in years, not since I met Nath there." Jay was just mad at me not too long ago for stealing the body I'm in, and now he's talking to me?

"Why not?"

"When I turned, I couldn't work up the courage to present my new body to my family, so I fled, never having any reason to return. I was too ashamed. Years later my visions led me back to Newark only so that I could meet Nath. After that, I never returned."

"That's sad."

"Not as sad as you stealing someone's body, along with their life." Okay, he's bipolar.

"I understand that what Heather did was wrong-"

"Heather? You're Heather!"

"Jay, calm yourself," Phoebe ordered. "This body has Heather's soul, but she's Alice for the time being, and you're going to have to accept that."

"Well I won't."

"You can't stay mad at her forever, you know," said Nathan.

"I'll stay as mad as I want for as long as I want. And the same applies for my feelings toward Julia."

"Oh come on, Jay. We've been friends for years. Are you honsetly going to continue to act this way? You should be happy and thankful that you're alive again," Julia replied.

"I was never actually your friend. I couldn't even stand you. I just pretended to like you for Nath's sake. I always felt in my gut that there was something off about you, and I was right. The whole time you were with him, you were dating Barron."

"Alright that's enough," Siva chimed in. "We don't have forever to fix this whole mess, so get over yourselves. You know how dangerous this situation is. I certainly wasn't the only one listening to Phoebe while she was in the room talking to Nathan and... Alice. "

"Well, since you all are aware of how to fix this mess, get out of my house and do so. I'm done trying to help out a bunch of ungrateful and moody vampires," said Julia.

Nathan sighed in annoyance. "Look, I'm sorry for being mad at you," he said to Julia. "It's just that you knew the consequences for bringing back Max and Jay were far more dangerous than Phoebe explained. I understand you were trying to help me out, but holding back majorly important information isn't the way to do it."

"I only did it because I knew that we could work through the consequences somehow."

"It would've been better if you actually new how we could."

"Guys," Max called, catching everyone's attention. "The witches from the other side were communicating with me earlier. They said that we can fix all of this, and Julia knows how."

"The warlock," Nathan answered.

"Yeah, but they also said it wouldn't exactly be easy. There's a great chance that this whole mission to put the girls back in their rightful bodies could fail. And if it does, they'll wreak havoc on us."

"But, if we get the warlock to fix all of this, what could be of danger? I don't see how any of this can be a challenge for us."

"I do," Julia replied. "The warlock is in New York... City."

"What's up with dramatic pause?" asked Tom.

"Nathan and I aren't exactly welcomed there anymore."

"What could you guys have possibly done that would cause you to lose your ability to go there?"

"There isn't a vampire council there, as you all know."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because, New York City is a place for everyone to frolic and be semi free, so the same applies to vampires. They can do whatever they like and take a bite out of whomever they want as long as they clean up their mess an don't leave any suspicions hanging around. Nathan and I kind of ignored the clean up your mess rule and left dead bodies for other vampires to pick up. Ever since then, we've been highly disliked over there and haven't stepped foot there again."

"You guys actually killed people?"

"Yeah. We're allowed to do that there."

"How could you do that?" I asked with rage. "Those were innocent people."

"We're vampires! How could we not?"

"Out of all people, why would you do that Nathan? I thought you were supposed to be one of the good vampires! At least, that's what I saw in Heather's memories."

"I'm good now!" he replied.

"Should I really believe you when you obviously weren't in the past?"

"So, that's what you meant when you said you weren't a good vampire?" Jay inquired.

"Well, I meant I wasn't entirely because of my past, but I'm good now. You can take my word for it. Tell them Julia."

Julia looked at Nathan uneasily, and then went back to looking at everyone. "It's true, he is good now. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me. I was the one who got him to kill people."

"That doesn't surprise me," Tom said. "Just forget this talk about New York. We'll just go looking for a spell with Phoebe. I don't feel like putting myself in harms way because you two," he pointed to Nathan and Julia, "couldn't follow simple instructions.

"There is no spell to fix this," Julia replied. "Trust me, I know. Do you think I'd even suggest going to New York if there were? The warlock's the only person I know that can put the girls back into their bodies."

Everyone stared at Julia, wondering if they should actually trust her.

"I guess it's settled then. We're going to New York City," Siva announced. No one made any objections to his decision, not even I could.

There was something about him that only made you want to obey his every command. It's probably because he's got really great leadership skills. He's helped everyone out immensely, so there's no doubt that he is indeed a great leader.

"We'll go after I've gotten some of my necessities from home and have given my brother some lie," I said.

"I'll get some friends of mine to handle your brother. For your necessities, I'm rich, so I can buy you whatever you like," Julia responded. "There's a boutique around here; I'll go and buy you an outfit right now. Then we'll get you some more stuff in New York."

I can't believe I'm actually going to go to NYC with them, when there's a possible chance I could die. We could all die because of Julia and Nathan's stupid mistakes, but I'll just have to follow through with this whether I trust the two or not.

I'd say I don't trust Nathan because of the lives he's taken away in the past, but I can't. Oddly, I trust him, simply because of the soul mate bond of course.

Although Heather has had a relationship with Nathan, I haven't, so I'm just going to go through the whole budding love phase just as they did. And unlike Heather, I'm actually going to try and take this slow with Nathan. The thought of dating a vampire kind of sickens me, but I'm getting this undeniable pull towards him, which basically makes our potential relationship inevitable. Well, it isn't something with potential; it's meant to be.

And, there I go thinking ahead as expected! I'm gonna go back to being Heather, so why waste my time falling for him as Alice? I won't allow it.

This soul mate bond can try as hard as it wants to get Nathan and me together, but it won't succeed. I'm not just going to fall in love in the situation I'm in. My main focus shall be staying alive and getting back into Heather's body.


Sorry if this is super confusing, but just think of it this way; Heather no longer exists in this story at the moment. She's converted into another person called Alice, so she's going to go through the whole falling in love cycle with Nathan again due to the soulmate bond. Have I made that clear enough, or failed horribly at attempting to do so?

Please don't forget to share, vote, and comment:)

This may not be of any interest to you, but I'll be making some edits to IDT. Nothing major, I'll just be improving the crappy writing.

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