The Desolation (The Maze Runn...

By ErikaIriss

219K 4.5K 2.1K

There is a cure? The cure is in - you. The second girl the Gladers meet in the Scorch, becomes their best cha... More

1. Salsa
2. The taste of the desert dust
3. Train bridge
4. Disco insanity
5. Glow
6. First signs
7. Battle
9. In the woods
10. Call
11. Blood in the forest
12. No borders, just love
13. WICKED's good mornings
14. Goodbye
15. Valley
16. Blossoms
17. Ruins
18. Wave
19. Votes for Newt
20. Meeting in the Crank Place
21. Golden Gate crush
22. Eels
23. Trap
24. Letter
25. In the air
26. Darkness and danger
27. The White Tower
28. Clue seekers
30. Only hope
31. Broken promise
32. Dethronement
33. Hate the cure
34. Newt
35. First tears
Author's note
Short note
Short note 2

8. Berg

6.4K 142 22
By ErikaIriss

The storm ended suddenly and the light of a flying machine appeared between the clouds.

Salsa felt anger exploding in her chest. She knew it would end like this, but she was in too deep now to step back. She couldn't leave him like this.

"Wait for me," she said, moving to the machine that landed in front of them and letting go of Newt's hand.

"I'll go with you," muttered Thomas.

She looked at him and nodded.

They walked to the open ramp where a few people stood at the opening. One was holding a gun.

"You think you can defend yourself with that?" Salsa looked at the man.

"You're not wanted here. We're taking our trials back," he stepped forwards, pointing the gun at her.

"Really?" she sighed.

Before the man could make another move, she took the little silver gun out of the back of her belt and fired.

White light zapped the man and he fell over. His two companions tried to open fire from their guns, but she put them both down before they could even blink.

"That's negotiations?" muttered Thomas in disbelief.

"They're alive," Salsa went up the ramp and he followed. "Where are we going?" she bent over the lying man.

"You know it already," he could barely speak, his face tensed with pain.

"Let's say we took over the ship," she started.

"You know you can't run away with our trials," he said through clenched teeth.

"I know," she felt a painful thing inside of her.

"Do we really have to go back there?" whispered Thomas.

Salsa turned around, the group was slowly approaching the ship. Her glance fell on Newt, his dirt covered face and tired eyes. She remembered last night, his freezing hands. What if he wasn't immune? She couldn't risk it.

"Yes, we must do it," she looked Thomas in the eyes.

They were deep and dark.

"Why?" he asked.

She shivered.

"What if not all of your friends are immune? What if it's not about saving the world but about saving at least one of them, for example, saving Newt? Is it reason enough for you to go back?" she asked.

Thomas studied her face for a second, then nodded.

The rest of the group joined them a moment later.

"Let's move in. Jorge, you can watch their pilots so they won't change their route," Salsa went into the ship.

"What's with them?" asked a rather frightened Frypan when he stepped over the lying guards.

"They'll roll in when the ramp closes, basic law of physics," Salsa looked at the men with disgust and moved further in. "Minho, take care of their guns."

The inner parts of the berg seemed comfortable. They found food and water inside but Salsa didn't touch anything.

The trial subjects laid down on couches or on the floor, eating and talking. They were all glad that they had survived, but were now afraid for the future.

"There will be no more lies," assured one of the pilots when they went in and heard the guards' bodies bumping on the floor when the ramp closed.

"Sure," muttered Minho sarcastically.

Brenda and Minho sat next to Thomas on a couch while Jorge stayed with the pilots. The girl with black hair placed herself opposite Thomas and glanced at him with so much regret that Salsa has to turn around.

But Thomas kept ignoring the girl and talked to Brenda instead. Hours passed and soon the group fell asleep. Newt placed himself next to Salsa on the floor right next to the ramp. She felt his head on her shoulder and checked her gun.

The ship slowed down and the guards started to get up from the floor, walking slowly while wincing in pain. They looked for their guns but couldn't find them as Salsa told Minho to throw them into the desert sand before the ramp closed.

Salsa scanned the room with her eyes; all of the trial subjects were asleep. Jorge was with the pilots and Brenda sat in her spot, her hand deep in Thomas' dark hair. She glanced over to Salsa, and even if Salsa never liked her, she understood that Brenda had a boy she wanted to save too.

The guards moved around the ship, injecting syringes in the arms of the sleeping group.

They came to Thomas, and Brenda told them that she'd do it herself. She took a deep breath and inserted the needle into his arm, then the guards moved to Newt.

"Out of the way or the rest of your head will be on that wall," Salsa pointed her gun at the man's face.

"You agreed to it. We need to open the third phase of the Trials," he said.

"You already have the one you need," Salsa glanced at Thomas.

The man sighed.

"So out of the way," she put her arm around Newt with her gun still focused on the man.

"We need to take him in anyway," the man stepped back.

"I'll bring him. How long will you prepare them for the next phase?" she looked at him.

"I can't tell," he said.

"Three weeks," said Brenda.

"Jorge, change direction or you'll never land!" shouted Salsa.

Jorge looked at her in confusion, then at Brenda.

"None of us will land!" Salsa moved her hand that she had around Newt to her belt and showed them the grenade. "And you don't want that," she glanced at Thomas.

She had a feeling that WICKED would do everything to keep him alive.

"Where are we going?" asked Jorge.

"North. Washington State," she replied.

Jorge explained something to the pilots and the berg turned and sped up.

"That's so against the orders," muttered the guard.

Salsa kept sitting against the wall, Newt's warm body next to hers. She had her gun ready just in case but no one bothered her anymore. The berg landed two hours later and she stood up.

"Brenda, help me get him out," Salsa looked at the girl.

Brenda sighed but got up and helped her lift Newt off the floor. He mumbled something but was still in a deep sleep, caused by the substances that were in the food or water.

The cold air hit them when they left the ramp.

"Just bring him back or they'll come for him," said Brenda when they stopped next to a huge gate.

There was a blue car behind it.

"I will, you know I keep my word," Salsa nodded to her and walked around the gate, dragging Newt to the car.

The berg took off behind them.

Thank you for all the support, all your feedback is very improtant to me, it means everything :) I'll post 2 chapters next week.

If you like this chapter don't forget to vote (the star button underneath is looking at you with Newt's puppy eyes;)) and comment.

The dedication goes to @Ballstar2002

much love :)

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