Star-Crossed Witch: Book 2

By CourtneyWendleton

474 31 2

While attending school and helping her friends, Loretta Saint is soon discovering she has a secret that is so... More

Quick Summer
Romance at the Burrow
Flying a Car to a Feast
Odd Conversations with Pixies
Howlers and Trouble
The Secret of the Chamber
Duel Attacks
Valentine's Day
Kidnapped and Petrified
The Chamber
Summer Hospital Care

Blackouts and Broken Arms

31 3 0
By CourtneyWendleton

“Loretta…Loretta!” I heard someone calling my name but I couldn’t place the voice to anyone. I felt groggy, and weary but I seemed to be laying down so I must be asleep. I try to open my eyes but it takes forever, they feel so heavy.

                “Whass going on?” I said groggy and slurring my words together. I feel horrible but at least my eyes are open and I look up at the ceiling to notice it is not the same one in the girl’s dormitory. I slowly try to sit up to look around but I was surrounded by white curtains on either side.

                “Hey she’s awake!” I heard a voice just as I notice a patch of red hair dart out of sight. Why am I here? Which Weasley was that?

                Soon Madam Pomfrey was at the end of my bed with a stunned look on her face and was quickly followed in by Hermione, Harry and Fred.

                “What’s going on? Why am I here and where is Ron?” I asked looking around at everyone getting a little worried from the looks on their faces.

                “Remain calm Miss Saint. How are you feeling?” Madam Pomfrey asked as she came closer and felt me for a fever. Satisfied I did not have one she started checking my pulse.

                “I feel tired but otherwise fine. What happened? Why am I in here? And where is Ron? Not that I am not happy to see you Fred.”

                “You were found in the library, seemingly petrified after being missing for three days.” Hermione said as she came closer and took my hand. “What is the last thing you remember?”

                “So it happened again? I passed out or zoned out, whatever you want to call it for days at a time, great. Last thing I remember is…the dueling club, I was paired with Cho Chang. I don’t remember anything else.”

                “That was the last time we seen her, Madam Pomfrey.” Harry spoke up still at the foot of my bed, next to Fred.

                “I would like to keep you here over night just as a precaution and then you will be free to go. You three may stay for a few more minutes but then you must leave.” She said as she inched her way out of the room.

                Once she was gone Harry and Fred were able to come closer, Harry sat on the edge of the bed opposite Hermione and Fred took a chair next to me so he could hold my hand, “Are you sure you are ok?”

                “I’m fine Fred, this happened twice last year I just zone out for a little while but then I come back.” I smiled at him and gave his hand a little squeeze before turning to the others, “What has happened since I have been out of it?”

                “What all do you remember about the dueling club? Do you remember why you were in the library?” Hermione asked.

                “I remember Harry talking to a snake, but after that it is black. I was talking with Cho, about something before I noticed the snake. I do not know why I was at the library.” I said taking my hand from hers and rubbing my forehead trying to remember more but couldn’t.

                “Cho said you ran right out right after we did but you didn’t follow us. Madam Pince, said you came to the library asking for books on snakes. She pointed you in the right direction but noticed you never left for three days. When she went to check on you, you mumbled ‘Tell Snape.” And then passed out. Pince called Snape, but they couldn’t rouse you so they brought you here. That was yesterday.” Hermione explained.

                “Well at least it wasn’t a month or so, like last time. Why would I be looking for Snake books? Anyone know what I wanted to tell Snape?” I asked confused.

                “No we don’t. We were hoping you could tell us when you woke up.” Harry answered looking at Hermione and back to me.

                “Has anyone else been petrified? Where is Ron? Is that why he isn’t here?” I asked starting to get frantic.

                As I was getting worked up I had started squeezing Fred’s hand tightly, “Ease up Loretta or Madam Pomfrey is going to be fixing my broken bones.” He said a little tensely.

                I instantly released his hand, “I’m sorry Fred, I didn’t realize I squeezed so tightly. Tell me where Ron is, someone!”

                “Ron is fine, he was here a few moments ago, but when you woke up he went to send an owl to your mum and dad telling them you were ok. They have been so worried, Butterbean is exhausted and we had to send Hedwig in his place a few times. We haven’t had time to tell you, because we wondering about you.” Fred told me, as he patted my hand. “It’s sweet you care about my goofy little brother.”

                “He’s my friend of course I care about him, I care about you, George, Hermione and Harry as well.” I grinned at him, “you never told me if anyone else had been petrified.”

                “There has only been one while you were out of it, someone from Hufflepuff. So far no one from Slytherin has been attacked.” Harry informed me.

                Before I could respond, Madam Pomfrey came back in to shoo out my visitors so I could sleep. I gave everyone a quick hug, Fred a little longer, and told them I would see them in the morning provided I do not have another little episode.

                Upon being released from the infirmary, I skipped down to breakfast feeling great. It was odd that I didn’t encounter many people along the way those I did would look at me and turn the other way. Then just feet from the Great Hall I ran into Malfoy. “Comeback to pick your next victim?”

                “What do you mean Malfoy?” I asked, “Does this have something to do with why people are running away from me?”

                “They think you are the one going around and petrifying people, I want to know how you are doing it. I always knew something was different about you, but couldn’t figure out why you were friends with that Granger.”

                “I do not know what you are talking about, I have been in the library for three days and in the hospital wing last night. I think you are trying to cover up your own mess by blaming me aren’t you?” I asked crossing my arms.

                “Watch who you are talking to, you or Granger might be next.” He said before he walked off in a huff.

                “Weird.” I shook it off and followed the smell of a wonderful breakfast in the great hall. I went to the Gryffindor table, sat down and started to eat. As I was eating I was joined by my friends, “Hey why didn’t you guys tell me everyone thinks I am going around attacking people?”

                Hermione took a sip of orange juice before answering, “They do not think it is just you. They think Harry is telling you who to attack.”

                “Great, I would like to know when we had time to do all of this. Why is everyone dressed for a game?” I asked looking around and noticing that the Gryffindors Quidditch team were in their game robes, everyone was dressed for warmly as if they were going to be outside for a long time.

                “We have a game against Slytherin today.” Ron said between bites of eggs and pancakes.

                “Hermione is it? Beautiful name, I need to talk to you alone sometime today. After the game meet me here in the Great Hall ok?”

                “Thank you Loretta and sure, but why not before the game?”

                “I cannot explain, and I have taken up too much of Loretta’s time recently as it is. I need her to rest before I talk to you more.”

                “What are you talking about Loretta?” Harry asked leaning over Ron to better hear me.

                “I didn’t say anything. Are you guys having a Snape spell? Talking to yourselves but thinking it’s me?” I asked as I grabbed a piece of toast.

                “Are you sure you are feeling ok? You just asked to speak to me after the game, then said something about taking up too much of your time but it was in the third person.” Hermione explained watching me closely.

                “I do not remember any of that conversation Hermione. I feel quite fine, but am thinking you guys should have stayed with Madam Pomfrey, if you are talking to yourselves.” I got up and headed out the door to the field.

                I may not be as big of a fan as some but it is still fun to watch, just like I enjoy muggle baseball but not obsessed with it. I would never turn down a chance to watch a game but at the same time you wouldn’t find me painting my face or wearing costumes to every game. I thought as I walked to the field and observed some of the more eccentric outfits of students arriving early to get good seats.

                While I was sitting, alone even Neville wouldn’t sit next to me, waiting for Hermione and Ron to join me I began pondering why I would have been in the library. I was obviously researching snakes, but why? Not to mention how? I do not remember leaving the Great Hall after seeing Harry talk to the snake. What is happening to me? Why am I blacking out? At least I haven’t tried to do anything stupid like harm myself or someone else. I wonder if I should ask mom if she knows anything, if I ask mom she would probably think I am crazy.

                “Hey are you ok? I am sorry I upset you back there but I think you blacked out again.” Hermione said as she sat next to me shaking me out of my thoughts.

                “It’s ok, I am just getting worried about these blackouts. If I am blacking out as much as it seems, they are becoming more frequent, at the same time not really because I did not black out during the summer. The only link I am seeing is being at school, beforehand I thought it was only Snape but it happened while helping retrieve the Sorcerer’s Stone. Now it is Harry, Snape, and you guys.”

                “Were you ever dropped on your head as a child? A knock to the head would be possible but nothing I can think of would explain how you are still walking and talking during the black outs.”

                “She is possessed! Think about it, she black outs when the demon takes control of her and she doesn’t remember because it makes her forget.” Ron said from the other side of Hermione.

                That stands were now full and the game was about to begin, “I am not possessed Ron! Even if I was I don’t think it would only happen at school.”

                “That is the odd part about this, it only happens at school…We could ask Professor Dumbledore if he knows anything about this type of thing.” Hermione said trying to comfort me.

                “That would be better than asking my parents about it. They would think I am crazy and be sent to the psych ward of the hospital. Let’s worry more about it after the game.”

                As the game started I started feeling a little tired out of nowhere. I tried shaking it off, and focus on the players but soon everything was getting blurry and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I tried to fight it but couldn’t. I soon slumped down into my seat and fell asleep.

                I woke up just in time to see Harry dodging a bludger that seemed intent on him alone, just before diving to catch the Snitch. “What is the score? What did I miss?”

                “We are down by forty points, and someone has tampered with one of the bludgers. All Harry needs to do is catch the snitch.” Ron said as we watched Harry chase the snitch around the field.

                Then Harry extended his arm, just inches away from the little golden ball, but the bludger that was after him knocked his arm out of the way. “I bet it is broken.” I said worried. We watched carefully as Harry continued on, extending his other arm but with no hands on his broom he started wobbling uncontrollably. The inevitable happened, he went head over heels as the end of his broom nosedived and slammed him into the ground.

                “HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! THUS ENDING THE GAME 130-90 GRYFFINDOR WINS!” Lee, the announcer, bellowed from the teacher’s box. We all quickly ran down to the field to assist Harry and congratulate the team.

                As we got within feet of him, the bludger came hurtling back down and almost hit his legs. Hermione wisely blew it to smithereens before it could do any more damage but we could see that Harry’s arm was indeed hurt from the blow he took in the air. “My arm…I think it’s broke.” Harry said as he cradled his arm.

                Soon teachers swooped down and leading the team was Professor Lockhart. “Oh dear a broken arm. I will fix it.”

                Harry and I both yelled, “NO!” But Lockhart chuckled and said that we didn’t know what we were talking about. Lockhart waved his wand, and said an incantation in hopes of fixing the arm. Big surprise, it didn’t work; instead the bones in his arm had been removed and it was now a gelatinous blob.

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